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Must I Do To Be Saved
Volume 4 shipping NOW
of Revelation Events Are About To Begin!!

4 : "Final Trumpet Judgments:
Time Is Running Out"
all God's judgments through the 5th Trumpet Judgment,
the peoples of the world are in a panic mode unprecedented
in world history. BUT, God's Wrath from this point
onward is still greater, more terrifying and more
deadly than anything which has come before.
When God completes His 6th and 7th Judgments, all
the world will know HE IS GOD!
'Saying to the
sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four
angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.
And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared
for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for
to slay the third part of men.' (Rev 9:14)
" By these
three was the third part (one-third) of men killed,
by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone,
which issued out of their mouths."
God then pronounces
that HE has won the struggle with wicked man, the
Antichrist and the False Prophet: 'And the seventh
angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven,
saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the
kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall
reign for ever and ever." (Rev 11:15)
Runtime 2 hours
- Shipping Now
Volume 3 covers
the Tribulation Timeline from the 6th Seal to the
5th Trumpet. Our study will give us an understanding
of the science and theology behind the outpouring
of the wrath of God. Along the way, we will make some
astounding discoveries and experience some completely
unexpected surprises.
"And when
he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar
the souls of them that were slain for the word of
God, and for the testimony which they held: And they
cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord,
holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our
blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes
were given unto every one of them; and it was said
unto them, that they should rest yet for a little
season, until their fellowservants also and their
brethren, that should be killed as they were, should
be fulfilled." (Revelation 6:9-11)
Volume 3 Trailer ---Watch
Volume 2 Trailer
Unusual Volume 1 Trailer
News Analysis
The 2007 Pentagon
Middle East Map seems to be taking shape, right
before our eyes!

1. ISIS is being
defeated in two key cities, one in in Syria and the
other in Iraq.
NEWS BRIEF: "Islamic
Messianic Dreams Shattered as ISIS Defeated in Dabiq,
Syria ", Breaking Israel
News, October 18, 2016
"As ISIS-held Dabiq
in Northern Syria fell to rebel forces on Sunday,
the Islamic prophesy of Messiah in which all the infidels
either convert to Islam or die, what they call Mahdi,
seems to have slipped away."
" 'The Daesh [ISIS]
myth of their great battle in Dabiq is finished',
Ahmed Osman, the head of the Sultan Murad group, told
Reuters. A small desert town, Dabiq holds little strategic
importance, but it has enormous spiritual significance
for the Islamic State (ISIS), and has become a battle-cry
for radical Islam."
When ISIS originally
announced their plans to conquer the entire Middle
East for their coming Messiah (Mahdi), the Mass Media
of the Western world trembled and shook, because the
thought of such a bloody-thirsty army on the prowl
was too much for some minds to comprehend. Those were
the days when ISIS routinely and publicly chopped
off the heads of their enemies, especially the Christians.
Now, ISIS is defeated.
these defeats spell the final doom of this most bloody
force? No, and we will tell you why.
Please examine the 2007
Middle East Map, shown above, to find the place where
ISIS was planned to be permanently located in the
first place. Notice that the nation of Iraq is split
into two regions:
1) Sunni Iraq -- ISIS
2) Arab Shia Iraq --
this new tiny nation is the Shi'ite Iraq currently
in place throughout this war-torn country, whose capital
is now in Baghdad.
The 2007 Middle East
Map envisioned a radical diplomatic change, including
the Kurds and a state named "Free Baluchistan".
Saudi Arabia was the biggest loser, having the authority
to control Islam's Holy Places stripped, and losing
virtually all oil facilities and sea ports. As we
demonstrate in our DVD shown above, "Bringing
Saudi Arabia Down", the only way to bring
about these changes is to overthrow the Saudi Monarchy.
That is the Illuminati Plan.
However, the Sunni and
the Shi'ite people of Iraq are going to be given their
own nations, as we have listed above. The guiding
concept is that Sunni and Shi'ite will not have to
battle in Iraq any more, since each will be given
their own state.
But, first, the Pentagon
needed a "national wrecking ball" which
would knock down the old existing order in the Middle
East, nations like Iraq, Syria, and Saudi Arabia.
ISIS leaders announced this Shi'ite terrorist group
in June, 2014, and declared that it fundamental goal
was to re-create an Islamic Caliphate throughout the
entire region.
Western Powers could
have squashed this nascent republic instantly, but
chose to supply existing governments only enough military
supplies and leadership to keep ISIS from winning.
Now, over 4 years later, the West is finally providing
enough manpower and equipment to win the war. In the
past four years, ISIS has wreaked enormous destruction,
including the decimation of much of the region's sacred
religious sites.
Syria is finally winning,
but her victory will be hollow and self-destructive.
Her armed forces are so decimated that President Assad
will not be able to resist when the Global Elite hold
their International Middle East Conference to "restore
peace in the region", and demand that Syria surrender
part of her country to establish the Kurdish Nation
-- "Free Kurdistan" -- as the map shows.
ISIS will have knocked
down the existing order of nations in this region.
Now, her leaders will be given western half of Iraq
as their own nation.
2. President
Bush began the American inexplicable diplomatic bend
toward Iran and now President Obama is close to finishing
the creation of Iran as the most powerful regional
power in the Middle East.
last country to speak up for Iraq", Daily
Sabah Editorial Columns, 10/14/2016
"The U.S. invaded
Iraq, dismantled its state system and then left the
country in ruins thus handing it over to Iran on a
golden plate."
Why would we
build up one of the most dangerous Islamic militant
nations in the world?
Starting in 2004, we
began to post articles and to speak out in our Newsletters
and News Alerts, that, for some reason, President
Bush was tilting his foreign policy toward our so-called
enemy, Iran!
During the latter part
of 2004, Coalition Forces were getting increasingly
bogged down in Iraq, fighting Iranian-supported forces.
For the next several years, White House policy began
to initiate actions which favored Shi'ite Iran over
our so-called ally, Shi'ite Iraq. We posted a couple
of really important articles on this subject, which
we encourage you to read.
entitled, "Council On Foreign Relations (CFR)
Pronounces The Winner of The Iraq War To Be -- IRAN!"
- Posted 2010
--"Iran Is Conquering Middle East: Last Target
Israel" - Posted 2014
When President Obama
arrived at the Oval Office, he continued to placate
Iran, seemingly at every turn. In fact, he used the
Iranian Nuclear Talks as a means by which he could
protect Iran from hostile Western forces. We posted
an article on this most important subject.
entitled, "President Obama Is Using The
Iranian Nuclear Talks As A Shield Behind Which He
Is Seen Protecting Iran's Nuclear Facilities From
Israeli Attack!" - Posted 2014
entitled, "IF The Iranian Nuclear Deal
Just Concluded Allows Iran To Possess Her Own Nuclear
Warheads, Does That Mean She Will Use Them Against
Her Neighbors?" - Posted 2015
Therefore, under the
leadership of Republican George W. Bush and Democrat
Barack Obama, the United States has shown a preference
for Shi'ite Iran. Finally, this Turkish journalist,
writing in the Daily Sabah Editorial Columns, in October
2016,. is finally asking the question, why are we
giving "Iraq over to Iran on a golden plate".
Shi'ite Iran has worked
mightily against Sunni forces, in cooperation with
Western Coalition Forces, in anticipation that, when
the struggle is over, and the new Middle East Map
in place, she will be the "Power Behind The Throne"
in the region.
Now that events are
grinding methodically toward the desired goal of destroying
the old order that existed in March, 2003, so that
a new map could be forced upon the region, all the
Elite needs is for someone to call for an International
Right on cue,
France is calling for a Global Conference to "stabilize"
"Live: France calls for global meeting on Mosul",
The Hindu, October 18, 2016
"U.S. President
Barack Obama says the military operation to reclaim
the Iraqi city of Mosul from Islamic State militants
will be a 'difficult fight'. Speaking at the White
House on Tuesday alongside Italian Prime Minister
Matteo Renzi, Obama says a top priority for both of
their governments is the safety and humanitarian aid
for the approximately 1 million people who still live
in Mosul and could suffer during the fighting."
foreign minister is pulling together an urgent international
meeting for a stabilisation plan for Mosul as the
push to free the city from the Islamic State group
advances. Minister Jean-Marc
Ayrault said on Tuesday that he and his Iraqi counterpart,
Ibrahim a-Jaafari, would gather more than 20 countries
and international organisations to come up with a
plan to protect civilians, distribute aid and address
questions about governing areas newly liberated by
the Islamic State group."
Once a global conference
is called together to discuss Mosul, they can discuss
anything throughout the entire Middle East. It is
at just such a conference that the Illuminati will
redraw the national line-up of the entire region.
Watch Saudi Arabia,
as this new Middle East Map is very, very harsh on
her, essentially overthrowing her present government.
3. The Kurds
have been very active fighting in Iraq and Syria.
NEWS BRIEF: "Iranian
Kurds Bolster Anti-IS Forces in Iraq, Syria",
Voice of America, 9/28/2016
"Hundreds of Iranian
Kurds are bolstering Kurdish forces in Syria and Iraq
as volunteers in the fight against the Islamic State
... Thousands of volunteers from many nations –
among them, Americans and Europeans — have been
supplementing Kurdish forces over the past two years.
Kurds train them, provide weapons and house and feed
these volunteers. Several of them, including an American
from Maryland, have died in battle."
"The Iranian Kurds
are choosing to volunteer, working outside Iran's
official military involvement in the region."
Is the time
of their nationhood at hand? Is "Free Kurdistan"
about to appear on the new Middle East Map?
Bohemian Grove rejects Donald Trump!
NEWS BRIEF: "9/26/16:
Bohemian Grove Elites Reject Trump",
Sky Watch TV, September 26, 2016
"Leaked email from
former Secretary of State Colin Powell shows that
the elites who gather every year at the pagan Bohemian
Grove outing think Donald Trump would be a “disaster”
for the US. That may actually be an endorsement as
far as the rest of us are concerned."
Since Trump is running
as a political outsider, the last thing he would need
was an endorsement from Bohemian Grove. By the way,
Trump is effectively calling for an end to the policies
which are so near and dear to the heart of Establishment
Republicans who have been cooperating with Establishment
Democrats for the past 100 years in achieving the
New World Order. It is no wonder that these type of
politicians consider Trump to be a "disaster
for the US"!
This vote could
be a ruse, but it is more comforting than if they
had endorsed him, as they did with Arnold Schwarzenegger
for Governor!
5. A Jewish
Journalist effectively explains to his brethren why
he is voting for Trump.
am still voting for Trump",
by Ted Belman, 18/10/16, Breaking Israel News
"Last week, a number
of women came forward alleging that Donald Trump made
unwanted sexual assaults on them including 'groping'.
To their credit, a number of Christian leaders, stood
by him by giving him the benefit of the doubt. I would
go further. For the sake of argument, I would assume
the allegations were true, but would still vote for
Now, this last sentence
is very, very provocative! It is certainly guaranteed
to get your attention and to start an argument. Just
what this author is hoping to accomplish! From a Jewish
perspective, he explains:
"Donald Trump is
against political correctness, globalization, open-borders,
unrestricted immigration, trashing the Constitution,
crony capitalism and corruption. Hillary Clinton is
the opposite. She wallows in the latter two."
"Donald Trump wants
to achieve “peace through strength” as
President Reagan did. He wants to cancel the Iran
Deal, support our friends and allies, stop the growing
hegemony of Iran and defeat ISIS. Hillary Clinton,
not so much."
"Donald Trump names
the enemy as 'radical Islam' whereas Hillary Clinton
refuses to do so ... Trump wants to be free to be
critical of Islam. Hillary Clinton wants to impose
a gag order on criticism of Islam and even to make
it a crime."
"Donald Trump is
a friend of Israel. He wants to recognize Jerusalem
as Israel’s undivided capital and to finally
move the US Embassy there. He supports settlement
construction and is open to alternate solutions to
solve the conflict. Hillary Clinton supports the continuation
of President Obama’s policies of freezing settlement
construction and imposing the two-state solution on
Israel along the 1949 ceasefire lines with a division
of Jerusalem."
"These are profound
differences ... Too much is at stake. The future of
America is on the line."
We concur profoundly.
If Hillary goes to the White House, she will continue
the Illuminati Plan to create the North American Union,
continue shipping American jobs overseas as she pursues
her "Open Borders" policy and she will start
persecuting genuine Christians.
"She is also known
for her hysterics which include yelling and screaming,
throwing objects, abusing underlings verbally and
using language that would make a sailor blush. How
presidential is that?"
Every American
voter should listen and pay attention!
that we are speaking of Hillary's foul mouth, we need
to share with you this courageous article in which
the author gives us examples.
6. Precise,
startling PROOF that Hillary Clinton's mouth is even
more foul than Donald Trump's!
NEWS BRIEF: "Potty-Mouthed
Hillary Feigns Shock at Trump’s Locker Room
Talk", Constitution
News, October 11, 2016
"Hillary pronounced
Trump’s immature musings 'horrific' ... 'We
cannot allow this man to become president.”
Because the nation couldn’t possibly survive
a president who uses dirty words and treats women
My Daddy used to warn,
"those who live in glass houses should not throw
Listen now to Hillary
foul language -- even against women -- that makes
Trump's comments pale in comparison. (We have decided
to quote directly instead of trying to not offend
you. We have taken out the full spelling of these
awful words, but have left enough so you can see exactly
what kind of a person Hillary Clinton is.) As our
Lord said: "For out of the heart proceed
evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications,
thefts, false witness, blasphemies."
(Matthew 15:19)
In other words, Jesus
told us that we can correctly determine the true state
of a person's heart by examining the words pouring
out of their mouth. Let us now examine this public
record to see exactly whether Hillary is genuine or
a lying hypocrite.
" addition
to a temper more befitting an avenging fury than a
presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton has quite
the potty mouth, having earned a reputation for cussing
like a sailor."
Some Examples:
* "Speaking of
Hillary’s husband, Bill, she once (at least)
during his term of office called him a 'miserable
c*** sucker' in front of Secret Service and other
staff, according to The Truth About Hillary: What
She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She’ll
Go to Become President, by Edward Klein."
* "On Labor Day
1991, back at the Arkansas Governor’s Mansion,
she yelled, 'Where is the G**damn f**king flag! I
want the G**damn f**king flag up every morning at
f**king sunrise', according to Inside the White House,
by Ronald Kessler."
* "After one of
her state trooper body guards dared to tell her good
morning, she screamed, 'F**k off! It’s enough
I have to see you s***-kickers every day, I’m
not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G**damn
job and keep your mouth shut'. That’s from American
Evita, by Christopher Anderson."
* " 'Stay the f**k
back, stay the f**k back away from me! Don’t
come within ten yards of me, or else! Just f**king
do as I say, Okay!!?' That White House soliloquy was
related in Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the
Clinton White House, by Clinton FBI Agent in Charge
Gary Aldrich."
NOTE: In our new DVD
shown above,
"Hillary Clinton: Sun Goddess Unleashed",
we quoted Gary Aldrich consistently, but we elected
to not be so vivid. However, the Clinton attack on
Trump has convinced us that we need to be more bold,
so you can see the depth and breadth of the spiritual
disaster which Hillary is in her inner heart.
* "A more recent
anecdote comes from 2009, when Hillary visited Turkey.
Military K-9 handler Eric Bonner related this July
in a viral Facebook post that he and his dog, Suli,
were assigned to sweep the area for explosives, and
when Clinton showed up, she yelled at the pair, 'Get
that f**king dog away from me', then spent the next
20 minutes berating the security detail for letting
an animal in her quarters."
Can you imagine Hillary
swearing at a military guard for 20 minutes straight
for just following orders in order to keep her safe?
20 minutes of verbal abuse? To use her own words against
her, 'We cannot allow this man/woman
to become president."
* "One of my personal
favorite quotes, which I think Hillary should put
on a campaign bumper sticker, is, 'Come on Bill, put
your d**k up! You can’t f**k her here!!' From
Inside the White House, by Ronald Kessler."
* "Speaking of
Bill’s many, many, many trysts and sexual assaults,
one of his long-time lovers (who he was also cheating
on over the course of years) was former Dallas attorney
Dolly Kyle. In her book Hillary: The Other Woman,
released earlier this year, she has a lot of recollections
of Hillary’s charming personality, as well.
In addition to being foul-mouthed, Hillary
is also cruel, vindictive, insensitive and probably
anti-Semitic as well." (Emphasis added)
* "Kyle recalls
Hillary Clinton referring to Jews as “stupid
k**e” and “f**king Jew b*****d”;
developmentally challenged children at an Easter Egg
hunt as “f**king retards”; and calling
Jesse Jackson behind his back “G**damned n****r.”
* "The crowning
achievement of Hillary Clinton’s mouth, however,
has to be the suicide of Vince Foster. FBI reports
(which have since vanished from the National Archives)
suggested that Hillary ripped into Foster in front
of his staff and peers so viciously that a week later
he committed suicide."
Finally, this author
concludes: "The Clintons and their zombie horde
have gotten a lot of mileage out of supposedly “offensive”
things Trump has said. Yet for all Trump’s casual
machismo and off-the-cuff mannerisms, I have yet to
hear of him killing anybody with his words. Keep that
in mind as Hillary supporters engage in histrionics
over Trump’s crude talk."
With this last statement
still fresh in your mind, please read this Archived
Headline News article on the many dead bodies in the
Clinton's wake.
Her hypocritical
behavior should convince even the most die-hard skeptic
that Hillary is not someone we want to entrust our
lives to for the next four years!
"But if
the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the
trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword
come, and take any person from among them, he is taken
away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require
at the watchman's hand." (Ezekiel 33:16, KJV)
Sounding the
alarm over Hillary Clinton!
Clinton: The Sun Goddess Unleashed"
When Hillary
Clinton wore that full length white pantsuit
on the night she accepted the Democrat
Party nomination for President, she was
reaching back into time nearly 4,000 years
to symbolically declare that she was the
Sun Goddess in the Zoroastrian Tradition,
exactly the symbolism the Roman Catholic
Pope uses nearly every day to declare
that he is the Sun God! She was declaring
that she was transcending politics in
this present time, because she was spiritually
transformed into a goddess!
We explore
this white outfit phenomenon from the
occult world, and by looking back at other
facts in her life and career, we prove
that Hillary is a high level Illuminati
Witch and that she is poised to complete
the 'Co-Presidency' that Bill Clinton
promised in 1993.
If 'elected',
Hillary is spiritually and politically
prepared to surrender American sovereignty
in the North American Union, establish
tight Gun Control and implement the final
changes needed to move this country, and
the entire world, into the global government
and economy into the Kingdom of Antichrist,
a.k.a. New World Order.
Her white
outfit tells the full, disastrous story,
one that true Christians must understand.
1 hour 40
minutes long,
shipping now
-- Only $19.99
Chronicles 2 DVD- The Final Chapter"
Regularly $21.95,
Only $19.95
Never before seen - SHOCKING PREDICTIONS! Just found,
this archived tape was never released for distribution.
The Clinton Chronicles 2, the sequel follow-up to
the peculiarly popular political expose' aimed at
the Clintons. Larry Nichols, Larry Patterson, and
Tom McKinney tell it like it is!
They predicted
Hillary would run for President 20 years ago! This
is her goal to be the first female president, but
at what cost to America?
They talk about
her gigantic temper and incredibly foul language.
"If you
think Bill Clinton was bad, he is a piece of cake
compared to the horror of Hillary Clinton"!
Talks about
the vast right wing conspiracy The power of the
Check out the
"Chapters" subjects on the Menu!
Speaks powerfully
about the incompetence and the lack of human feeling
Hillary exhibited during and after the murderous terrorist
attack on Benghazi. You will see former military commanders
rightly state that Hillary is incompetent to serve
as Commander In Chief.
Presents 30
minutes of the most powerful linkage between Margaret
Sanger, Planned Parenthood, Nazi Genocide/Eugenics
and the murder of 1,800 Black babies per day in America.
One of the most successful marketing tactics in history
was achieved by their persuasion of most black Americans
to continue to vote for, and to support, the very
white Planned Parenthood clinics and Hillary Clinton
who are so successfully protecting these murderous
clinics. Further, the vast majority of these clinics
are located in black and Hispanic neighborhoods! Why
isn't the African/American community rising up as
one to demand an end to this Black Genocide being
carried out by Planned Parenthood and to throw out
every Liberal politician -- both Black and White --
who defend Planned Parenthood?
This DVD will
shock you as to the many SECULAR reasons Hillary should
never be President; but our new DVD
'Hillary Clinton: The Sun Goddess Unleashed' will
shake your spirit to its inner core, as we prove that
Hillary is the most powerful practicing Black Magick
occultist in American history to seek the Presidency.
Goddess Unleashed" is fundamentally SPIRITUAL
and is an excellent companion to "Clinton
Chronicles 2"!
'Clinton Chronicles
2' is 55 minutes long -