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Here is our latest podcast just published. Our podcasts
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Occult Holidays"
Former Satanist, Doc Marquis,
delivers a knockout punch against the practice of all
our major holidays, providing details only a former
Witch would know.
Doc begins by demonstrating
how the Illuminati effected the change in our calendar
and how that change has affected a dramatic change in
our everyday lives. The Illuminati copied heathen holidays
from Satanism and then just gave them Christian names.
You will be shocked to realize how very pagan our annual
celebrations are! You will be shocked to realize how
most of the symbols used in our holidays originated
within Satanism.
Doc covers the following
pagan holidays most of which America fervently celebrates.
1) America's Occult Calendar -- Marquis reveals how
our entire calendar is patterned after Illuminism, from
January 1 through December 31! 2) Valentine's Day/Groundhog
Day 3) St. Patrick's Day 4) Easter 5) Beltaine - May
1 - May Day 6) Halloween (Samhain) 7) Christmas (Yule)
With pagan holidays spread throughout the calendar year,
you have time to warn your friends and relatives of
the dangers of practicing these holidays.
Too many Christians are
enthusiastically celebrating Luciferian holidays, thinking
they are Christian. Once you understand how very pagan
America and the rest of the Western world has become,
you can see how God's judgment cannot be far behind.
Download printable Occult
calendar shown in this video
Doc Marquis only uses
the King James Bible
3 hours long. Regularly
$39.99, Now on Sale For Only $19.99
Breakdown--Living in the Time
of The Paradigm Shift Into the New World Order"
March 21, 2022 President Joe Biden said 'Now is the
time when things are shifting, there’s going to
be a new world order out there, we’ve got to lead
it, and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free
world while doing it.'
The President
is talking about the 'Paradigm
Shift' to take us into the New World Order and stage
the Antichrist.
We are on the
verge of that New World order and our current system
is breaking down. Gas prices are up, inflation is the
worst in 40 years, interest rates are rising, and customer
confidence is collapsing. This video is the most relevant
and current on the market today and combines the best
in the progress of Bible prophecy in world news and
in the unique Cutting Edge viewpoint. This understanding
will affect -- should affect -- every other aspect of
the current collapse of this once free and mighty nation!
This DVD is a 2-DVD set running
about 2 1/2 hours
Critical News
1. Have You ever
met the true foundation for the hateful, mean and bloody
'Systemic Racist'?
to the words of the guilty men themselves -- Democrats
Listen to the words of
the Vice President of the Confederate States, as he
publicly spoke to a crowd in Savannah, Georgia, in 1861.
Listen to his disgusting racism.
"In what's now known
as the 'Cornerstone Speech', Stephens told a Savannah,
Ga., crowd in 1861 that 'our new government is founded
upon exactly the opposite ideas [as those of the original
Declaration of Independence]; its foundations are laid,
its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the
negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination
to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition.
This, our new government, is the first, in the history
of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical,
and moral truth." ("1861
'Cornerstone Speech' ", by Alexander
H. Stephens, Georgia, Confederate Vice President)
What does the Declaration
of Independence of 1776 say on this matter?
"We hold these truths
to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty
and the pursuit of Happiness." (The
Declaration of Independence)
2. Proof that
Democrats are America's REAL supporters of 'Inherent
White Supremacy'.
Democrat Southern leaders
of the day chimed in as they described the black slaves
and their position within the Southern states.
"My own convictions
as to negro slavery are strong ...We recognize the negro
as ... our inferior, fitted expressly for servitude...You
cannot transform the negro into anything one-tenth as
useful or as good as what slavery enables them to be."
Top Jefferson Davis Quotes That Reflect His Mind")
From their beginning
as a political party in 1829, the Democrats have been
trying to destroy America so they could remake it into
the Slave State it truly is.
President Andrew Jackson
was the original leader of the Democrat Party, and in
1828 he owned about 200 black slaves. He was also the
inspiration of the Donkey Symbol of the Democrat Party,
"One of the first images to play on Jackson's nickname
is this cartoon
from 1833, entitled "Let Every One
Take Care of Himself."
"In the image the
president is depicted as an ass, who causes chaos by
galloping into a group of chicks, representing the US
financial system. "
Therefore, the original
leader of the Democrat Party was the 'jackass', President
Andrew Jackson a slaveholder of notable renown?
Andrew Jackson "became
Worshipful Master and was initiated President thus becoming
the first, and so far the only, freemason to be furthermore
President and Master of his Lodge. " (Andrew
Jackson Freemason, Bartleby Research)
Now, let us talk about
another prominent early leader, Jefferson Davis, and
who was the only President of the Southern Confederate
* "African slavery,
as it exists in the United States, is a moral, a social,
and a political blessing.” (QuoteFancy.com)
* "If slavery be
a sin, it is not yours. It does not rest on your action
for its origin, on your consent for its existence. It
is a common law right to property in the service of
man; its origin was Divine decree.” — Jefferson
* "All we ask is
to be left alone." (Early
* "I worked for 12
years to prevent this war, but I could not. The North
was mad and blind, would not let us govern ourselves,
so the war came". (Davis
"We do not think
that whites should be slaves either by law or necessity.
Our slaves are black, of another and inferior race.
The status in which we have placed them is an elevation.
They are elevated from the condition in which God first
created them, by being made our slaves. None of that
race on the whole face of the globe can be compared
with the slaves of the South. They are happy, content,
unaspiring, and utterly incapable, from intellectual
weakness, ever to give us any trouble by their aspirations."
Is King" speech, James Henry Hammond
This utterly disgusting
view of the African-American race was the key foundation
of the entire Southern Confederacy!
Further, black slaves
were NOT "happy, content, unaspiring, and utterly
incapable, from intellectual weakness, ever to give
us any trouble", as history records numerous slave
rebellions as blacks finally could not take being beaten
to death anymore, and seeing their families ripped apart
as their owner would sell off the black husband but
keep his wife and children!
The Democrat Party's black
slavery system was finally broken by a 4-year Civil
War in which 750,000 men spilled their blood. The entire
Southern Belle Culture was smashed, never to rise again
and the major cities and towns were razed to the ground.
As Republican President
Abraham Lincoln said:
"Whenever I hear
anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse
to see it tried on him personally." (President
Abraham Lincoln)
"... the judgments
of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."
(President Lincoln, quoting Psalm 19:9). Lincoln viewed
the Civil War as God's judgment upon America for her
massive national sin of slavery.
Just remember history
on this matter: The Democrat Party was founded in 1829
in order to provide political support for Slavery; in
contrast, the Republican Party was founded in 1854 with
a major plank condemning Slavery and advocating its
demise. ("The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic
Party", by African-American Professor Carol Swain,
Prager United)
One other matter is worth
noting here. The KKK, the secret vicious pro-slavery
terrorist group which sprang up immediately after the
Civil War concluded was established by a Democrat, Nathan
Bedford Forest and it was essentially "a military
force serving the interests of the Democrat Party"
(Swain, Ibid.)
Only when you know the
past of an issue can you know the truth about the present.
Given the past history of the Democrat Party, I find
it positively maddening to listen to this current generation
of Democrats call anyone a "racist" who disagrees
with them. This group of Democrats is a different viper
than the Democrats who started the Civil War, costing
America 750,000 men killed, wounded and missing!
But, while these Democrats
are not defending slavery any more, they are still a
mortal threat to America!
3. Suddenly, the
Palestinian President pivoted abruptly toward Russia.
House ‘deeply disappointed’ by Palestinian
pivot toward Russia", Israel365 News,
October 6, 2022
"The U.S. administration
has criticized Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas
for seeking to involve Russia in the peace process with
Israel ... On Thursday, Abbas told Russian President
Vladmir Putin during a meeting on the sidelines of a
summit in Kazakhstan that the Palestinian Authority
does not trust the Biden administration. “We don’t
rely on it and under no circumstances can we accept
that America is the sole party in resolving a problem,”
he said, according to the report.
"In contrast, Abbas
said that Ramallah was 'happy and satisfied' with Moscow’s
The shadow of
Ezekiel 38-39 is clearly forcing this realignment. You
can almost hear God putting His "Hooks" into
the jaw of the Russian Putin and pulling him into the
Ezekiel 38 fiery death.
"Son of man, set
thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince
of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him ... (Ezekiel
This verse positively
identifies the main protagonist in this invasion as
1. The word, "Rosh"
is the old name for the country we now call "Russia".
2. The word, "Meshech"
is the root form for the city, "Moscow"
3. The word, 'Tubal"
is the name of one of the main rivers of Russia and
the Ukraine. The Tubal River is still one of the most
significant rivers in the world.
"Verses 4-6 tell
us that this is going to be a monstrous army. God uses
words like "a great company", and "Gomer
and all his hordes", a "great host, a mighty
army [Verse 15], to describe the size of this military
force. This military force will appear to be invincible
as it marches to the borders of Israel.
As God then lists the
countries marching with Russia, note that most of them
today practice Islam:
"And I will turn
you back and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring
you forth and all your army, horses and horsemen, all
of them clothed in full armor, a great company with
buckler and shield, all of them handling swords-- Persia,
Cush, and Put or Libya with them, all of them with shield
and helmet, Gomer and all his hordes, the house of Togarmah
in the uttermost parts of the north and all his hordes--many
people are with you."
Consider the modern names
for these nations:
1) Persia is today's Iran
2) Cush is Ethiopia
3) Put is Libya
4) Togarmah is modern
Then, in verse 7, we see
that God intends for Russia (Gog) to be the leader of
this whole army:
"You [Gog] be prepared;
yes, prepare yourself, you and all your companies that
are assembled about you, and you be a guard and a commander
for them."
Putin only thought that
he was assembling a mighty military force designed to
conquer Ukraine and Eastern Europe! But, events such
as this diplomatic turn away from Washington and toward
Moscow tell the prophetic story that God is putting
his terrible hooks into the jaw of the Russian Bear,
turning him toward Israel and the Palestinians.
And, that development
means that the End of the Age is moving toward us rapidly!

4. "No borders,
no countries" is the slogan for forcing the demise
of the United States, Canada, and Mexico, in favor of
one giant nation!
' No Borders, No Countries' – Biden Regime
Calls for North American Union", The Gateway
Pundit, October 15, 2022
"Mexican President
Andrés Manuel López Obrador, also known
by his initials AMLO, recently announced that US Secretary
of State Tony Blinken proposed opening all borders between
the US, Mexico, and Canada.
Obrador: “I think that Mr. Blinken spoke about
consolidating the region of North America. And we agree
on that.”
The realignment spoken
of here is shown above, as part of the prophesied appearance
of Antichrist! God's prophetic plan for the appearance
of Antichrist is very clear: he cannot arise until the
world has been reorganized into 10 super nations, each
one with a leader. Let us quickly review this Scripture:
"After this I saw
in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast [the
Roman empire]--terrible, powerful and dreadful, and
exceedingly strong. And it had great iron teeth; it
devoured and crushed and trampled what was left with
its feet. And it was different from all the beasts that
came before it, and it had ten horns symbolizing ten
kings. I considered the horns, and behold, there came
up among them another horn, a little one, before which
three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots;
and behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of
a man and a mouth speaking great things .. .and it had
ten horns." (Daniel 7:7-8; KJV)
The Fourth and final beast
empire -- the Roman Empire -- will stage a comeback
at the End of the Age and will be characterized by reorganizing
all the nations of the world into just 10 super nations,
each one with a leader. From this passage and from Daniel
9:26-27, Bible scholars firmly believe that the old
Roman Empire will arise again in a "Revived Roman
Empire" at the End of the Age. Whenever you see
this Roman Empire revived, you will know that the End
of the Age is upon the world. The modern European Union
is the Roman Empire revived!
Therefore, when this modern
nation -- Western Europe -- came into being on December
31, 1992, people who knew their Scripture realized that
this development meant that the End of the Age is upon
mankind, and that the appearance of Antichrist awaited
only for the rest of the 10 super nations to develop.
The Illuminati Plan thoroughly
parallels Daniel 7:7-8 at this point, for it calls for
a reorganization of all the nations of the world into
10 super nations.
Mexican President
AMLO and Secretary of State Blinken, issue a joint declaration
to eliminate sovereign states in so a new supernation
'The North American Union' could be established.
5. Peoples of
the world are continually being conditioned to accept
a 'limited' tactical nuclear war as the 'new normal'!
But, first, let
us review the planned role of nuclear warfare in the
Third World War Plan:
hair-raising nuclear confrontation in Korea may, towards
the end of the period, threaten man's very survival."
[Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script",
p. 223, published 1981]
War In Ukraine? No Big Deal,
Says Biden Ally", Breitbart
News, 16 October 2022
"Liberal guests on
Bill Maher’s comedy show downplayed the risk of
nuclear escalation in the Ukraine vs. Russia war for
control of the Donbas region. 'They’re tactical
nukes — they’re just bigger versions of
what a conventional attack would be', said Neil deGrasse
Tyson, a Harvard-trained science and 'science communicator'.
He said on the October 15 show:
nukes don’t have the radiation problem …
it’s a different kind of weapon than Hiroshima
and Nagasaki ..." (Emphasis Added)
Could this guy be talking
about the Russian Scalar Wave weapon, which explodes
with the fury and the fire of standard nuclear weapons,
but which does not have nuclear fallout. If you study
scalar weaponry, you will see that it can deliver nuclear-sized
explosions that look for all the world like a regular
nuclear blast, including the distinctive mushroom cloud,
but without the radiation; and, scalar weaponry travels
at the speed of light. Further, scalar technology can
build a Tesla Dome over a country, over a city, over
a specific target area, and around a moving airplane
-- a protection so formidable that no weapon we can
employ can penetrate to destroy the target.
To understand this topic
of Scalar Warfare more thoroughly, please read the following
-- Part 1 -- Scalar Weaponry
Part 2 -- Prophetic Line-up!"
To Reiterate:
nukes don’t have the radiation problem …
it’s a different kind of weapon than Hiroshima
and Nagasaki ..."
(Emphasis Added)