1. President
Trump fulfills another major 2016 campaign promise!
His Administration
declares that "life begins at conception"!
Department of Health and Human Services has published
a draft of a new strategic plan that states in its
introduction that life begins at conception."
No longer will we be
forced by Government decree that an unborn child must
be called a "fetus", for this new government
has set the record straight: that newly formed life
is a "baby" -- a "person" -- from
the moment of conception.
What is the exact wording
on this new change?
"The largely overlooked
HHS strategic plan for 2018-22 states the agency 'accomplishes
its mission through programs and initiatives that
cover a wide spectrum of activities, serving and protecting
Americans at every stage of life, beginning at conception'.”
Administration Changes Obama Policy, Now Confirms
Human Life Begins at Conception",
Life News, October 13, 2017
"The plan states
that HHS will serve Americans at 'every stage of life,
beginning at conception” and up through 'natural
death', Opposing Views reports. While the new language
will not affect abortion laws, it will help direct
public policy under the Trump administration during
the next four years."
Notice. also, that the
wording "through natural death" strongly
implies that President Trump has set his Administration
dead-set against Assisted Suicide! Praise God.
This change
threatens the very Constitutional foundation of Abortion
Upon Demand, because if a baby is recognized as a
"person" from conception, he/she is a "person"
and the Constitution firmly guarantees a "person"
a clear "right to life"!
Returning to the World
Net Daily article, we read:
"The personhood
of the unborn child is central to the abortion debate
— as even the justice who wrote the landmark
Roe v. Wade opinion has acknowledged — because,
if established in law, it would nullify a 'right'
to abortion."
How about that? I did
not know that the original Supreme Court Justice who
wrote the Roe v. Wade decision stated in his Majority
Opinion that, if the "unborn fetus" were
to ever be recognized as a "person", then
Abortion Upon Demand would immediately be destroyed
because the Constitution declares quite strongly that
every "person" is guaranteed a "right
to life"!
Now I understand why
pro-abortion advocates -- led by Planned Parenthood
-- have always been so adamant that an unborn is not
a "person", but is only a "fetus"!
Thank God that elementary
sanity is beginning to prevail once again!
2. The FBI sat
on evidence that Hillary Clinton was bribed by a Russian
company so that Hillary would authorize the sale of
20% of America's uranium supply!
Sat On Evidence Tying The Clintons To A Russian Bribery
The Daily Caller News,
October 17, 2017
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reportedly buried
evidence tying the Clinton Foundation to a Russian
bribery scheme underway as the Obama administration
decided whether or not to give Moscow control over
U.S. uranium reserves."
us pause to thoroughly understand what this sentence
is telling us! Before President Obama decided to authorize
the Hillary Clinton scheme to sell a Russian company
over 20% of our entire uranium supply, the Obama FBI
had evidence that Hillary was illegally lining her
pockets, but did nothing to alert the President!
can you see the advantage of the President appointing
the FBI director?
The damning FBI evidence
was most significant.
officials collected evidence of a Russian bribery
scheme that started as early as 2009, including 'an
eyewitness account — backed by documents —
indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions
of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former
President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation
during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
served on a government body that provided a favorable
decision to Moscow' ..."
"The Hill found
documents showing investigators “had gathered
substantial evidence well before the committee’s
decision that Vadim Mikerin — the main Russian
overseeing Putin’s nuclear expansion inside
the United States — was engaged in wrongdoing
starting in 2009.”
“The Russians were compromising
American contractors in the nuclear industry with
kickbacks and extortion threats, all of which raised
legitimate national security concerns,” a source
who worked on the case told The Hill."
“And none of that evidence
got aired before the Obama administration made those
decisions,” the source said."
"The merger lasted
through 2013, and during that time donations from
the charitable foundation of Uranium One’s chairman
donated $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation. Former
President Bill Clinton also got $500,000 for a speech
he gave in Moscow shortly after Rosatom announced
its plans to take control of the Canadian mining company.
Clinton was paid by a 'Russian investment bank with
links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One
stock', The New York Times reported in 2015."
"... the Justice
Department’s release on the court case totally
omitted any evidence about “Russian nuclear
officials trying to ingratiate themselves with the
Clintons ..."
All this "sand
in our eyes" since the election of Trump colluding
with Russia is a Bill Clinton ploy, to accuse your
political enemy of the very crime of which you are
Once again,
Hillary hung a big sign on the State Department:
Government For Sale: Inquire Within"

3. Purchasing
with your Biometrics has taken a huge step forward
with new technology.
A British supermarket
has introduced purchasing with "vein recognition"
using your entire finger.
NEWS BRIEF: "British
supermarket becomes first in world to use finger vein
payment system", Fox Business
News, 9/25, 2017
"A British supermarket
became the first in the world to let shoppers use
their veins to pay for groceries. Customers at the
Costcutter shop at London’s Brunel University
paid using their vein pattern to identify themselves."
Please note that this
Biometric identification system is NOT a fingerprint
reader; rather, this scanner reads the vein distribution
of the customer's right finger! This vein pattern
is even more distinctive than fingerprints!
What a Mighty God we
serve! The Psalmist knew, 3,500 years ago, that we
humans are "fearfully and wonderfully made"!
"The technology
uses infrared light to scan people’s finger
veins and then uses a biometrics to link to their
bank cards.
“Your hemoglobin absorbs infrared
and we get a very clear pattern of your vein structure,
so much so that we can get one and a half thousand
point map reference from your finger', Dryden told
Maria Bartiromo on Mornings with Maria."
Millions of
people world wide will thus become more comfortable
using Biometrics as the means of authorization.
When the moment
arrives when the Antichrist/False Prophet will demand
that no one can "buy or sell" unless they
do so with a "Mark" inserted in their right
hand or forehead, hundreds of millions will have been
pre-conditioned to do so.
4. Patriotism
raises its powerful head in Austria's elections yesterday,
as the current Chancellor, Christian Kern, is defeated
by the sharply Right-wing candidate, the Conservative
Sebastian Kurz!
NEWS BRIEF: "Austria
shifts to political right as conservative star Sebastian
Kurz seals election win: Winner took hard line
on immigration", The Straits Times,
October 15, 2017
- Young conservative star Sebastian Kurz is on track
to become Austria’s next leader after an election
on Sunday (Oct 15), but his party is far short of
a majority and likely to seek a coalition with the
resurgent far right."
" 'I am truly overwhelmed',
Kurz told cheering supporters at an election party
after polls closed. “We made the impossible
possible. Thank you very much for your commitment
and this historic success'.”
"Austria, a wealthy
country of 8.7 million people that stretches from
Slovakia to Switzerland, was a gateway into Germany
for more than 1 million people during the migration
crisis that began in 2015. Austria also took in roughly
one per cent of its population in asylum seekers in
2015, one of the highest proportions on the continent.
Many voters feel the country was overrun."
The anti-immigration
sentiment was so strong amongst Austrian voters that
they turned out the incumbent Chancellor, even though
Austria's economy is running at an historic high.
During the 2016 campaign, Trump was reminded by his
advisers that polls showed that, if he kept talking
about his opposition to immigration, he would win
the election.
Therefore, the political
reality that National Patriotism is a very sore subject
to Great Britain and the United States and throughout
Europe continues to overthrow Globalist based governments!
Once again,
Patriotism trumps Globalism (New World Order)!
Liberal Republican Senator,
John McCain, whistled in the dark the day after Patriots
triumphed in Austria!
Senator McCain", Breitbart News,
16 October 2017
"During a ceremony
where he received the Liberty Medal on Monday, Senator
John McCain (R-AZ) stated that fearing the world and
abandoning the ideas that the US has advanced and
the obligations of being an international leader in
the name of 'some half-baked, spurious nationalism',
is just as 'unpatriotic' as holding to any other belief
sent to the ash heap of history."
Voters throughout the
Western world have repeatedly told the Illuminati
Globalists that we do not want to surrender our National
Sovereignty to a global government who will replace
our most cherished Constitution and our unique laws
with their own. The United Nations has always held
values and viewpoints radically different from our
The idea that unelected
officials in The Hague could overturn our Constitutional
protections is anathema to us all. McCain is right
about one thing: this patriotism movement is threatening
to halt 75 years of a steady march to the New World
Order, even though both World Wars I and II were waged
for the express purpose of overthrowing this existing
"Old Order" so the New World Order could
be established.
McCain will have no more success in
rhetorically stopping this political tsunami than
President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry
had when they contemptibly flew into England to lecture
the British citizen on the reality that the world
had fundamentally changed, from nationalism to Globalism,
and they needed to get on the train now.
God bless National
Patriotism! It is preventing the rise of Antichrist
and his New World Order!