News Analysis
1. Has
President Trump sold American sovereignty to
the Globalists with his new re-negotiation of
the NAFTA treaty, while preaching the wonders
of American National Sovereignty?
NEWS BRIEF: "Mexico's
President : Trade Pact Is a Treaty; if So,
Trump Can't Sign it Without Senate's
Consent", The New American, 12
October 2018
or treaty?"
the question about the new trade pact between
Canada, Mexico, and the United States. And if
we get an answer to that one, the next one is
this: Has The Donald reneged on his promise
to Make America Great Again by supporting yet
another globalist 'free-trade' agreement that
kills jobs and undermines American sovereignty
by pushing the United States toward a North
American union with Canada and Mexico?"
If you remember,
Cutting Edge Ministries warned during the 2016
Presidential campaign the Donald J. Trump may
not be the rock-ribbed Conservative Republican
that he was claiming! I noted that I was well
aware of the Donald Trump in New York City starting
in 1980, and he was a Liberal Democrat who loved
the limelight and the beautiful ladies and who
seemed to be fervently anxious to hob knob with
Liberal Democrats at public functions, leaders
like Bill and Hillary Clinton.
My question was
quite simple: are we Conservatives / Christians
being systematically lied to in order too recreate
Donald J. Trump?
Furthermore, I
noted that Trump's public rhetoric dismantled
the globalist foundation of the New World Order,
a.k.a., 'NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM' on the back of
the American One Dollar Bill.
Donald Trump railed
against the following critical points:
American Patriotism -- In order for
the Illuminati to reorganize all nations of
the world into the prophetic Ten SuperNations,
each sovereign government will have to surrender
that sovereignty to the new regional government.
Trump has repeatedly
stoked the fires of American patriotism.
But, if the New
American is correct, Trump will slip this fact
past Conservative voters as he actually delivers
the United States of America to the new powers
of the new Regional Government, newly named
"USMCA" -- United States Mexico Canada
* We further
warned that, if the new Donald Trump was REALLY
opposed to the concept of the New World Order,
he would dismember and/or pull out of the globalist
organizations to which we belong whose only
aim is to enhance the global government of Antichrist,
the New World Order.
As President,
Trump did pull America out of the disastrous
TPP and the Climate Change Accord and that seemed
encouraging. But, the elected to renegotiate
the NAFTA accord rather than to dismember it.
We strongly warned that, if he simply renegotiate
NAFTA, he would keep that traitorous organization
alive, allowing it to grow and to get stronger
and stronger.
Remember, creating
these Ten Supernations is a fulfillment of prophetic
"After this
I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth
beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly;
and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and
brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with
the feet of it: and it was diverse from all
the beasts that were before it; and
it had ten horns." (Daniel 7:7.
In other words,
the Fourth and final World Beast would eventually
reorganize the world into ten supernations,
each with a leader. Then and only then, can
Antichrist arise (Verse 8).
Therefore, this
reorganization is inevitable, but Christians
who know their Bible need to resist this global
plan with all our heart because we recognize
that its creation will bring Antichrist to the
world scene!
Now, let
us return to this New American article:
"The latest
concern about the 1809-page United States-Mexico-Canada
Agreement, which has finally given Trump's
Deep-State and Democrat enemies something nice
to say about him, isn't just that it's
NAFTA and TPP on steroids. Rather, the concern
is whether it's an agreement or a treaty."
Notice that the
new name for NAFTA "USMCA" -- United
States Mexico Canada Agreement"!
Therefore, in
this renaming of the future Supernation #1,
President Trump is shouting that this accord
is an "AGREEMENT" and not a "TREATY".
An agreement does
not require a two-thirds super-majority of Senators,
but a treaty certainly does. Trump says it is
an agreement, but the President of Mexico is
insisting that it is a treaty.
I believe that
President Trump and his supporters believe that
they will ultimately be forced to present this
accord to the Senate as a TREATY, and that requires
67 votes. How does the President hope to get
67 Senators to pass this treaty?
First, the timing
of the final agreement with Canada, the United
States, and Mexico is timed to occur just before
the upcoming Mid-Term election. Trump can, and
already is, claiming that this accord dramatically
tilts the plain toward the American worker,
much better than the old NAFTA.
Secondly, Justice
Kennedy resigns from the Supreme Court on July
31, 2018. Most Justices serve on the High Court
until they die, but Kennedy took the unusual
step of resigning in relatively good health.
Because the Democrats
had threatened to "resist at all cost"
any candidate President Trump selected, and
because they were the Party of the Robert Bork
and Clarence Thomas smear campaigns, the White
House had to know that they would try to smear
Kavanaugh will every salacious claim they could
The result is
that they demonstrated such a streak of hate
and hostility and loathing that they offended
until millions of voters who just might vote
so many incumbents out of office that President
Trump might just find that he can garner 67
votes from the Senate.
Lastly, it does
seem that the Democrat Party is trying to lose
this election! Consider some of their truly
stupid actions and words since November, 2016:
* The Democratic
National Committee declared that their party
was such a wide umbrella that any Christian
who did not like this fact could just leave.
Evangelical Christians number 50 million and
Catholics number 70 million (Wikipedia)
This figure is
truly huge. The two key issues which greatly
concern Evangelical Christians and Roman Catholics
is Abortion and Illegal Immigration, and LGTB-Q
* From the beginning,
key Democrats called for impeachment of Trump
even before he took office. They continue this
siren call even though polls are warning that
this issue is costing them an awful lot of votes.
* Key Democrats,
led by Nancy Pelosi, have repeatedly warned
that, if they gain control of the House, they
are going to raise our taxes by One Trillion
Dollars. They are also going to immediately
launch such an effort to impeach and convict
the President that the very force of his political
enemies will force him to resign.
* Democrats began
to encourage mobs to descend upon Trump supporters
and to threaten them at least verbally if not
physically. After the Kavanaugh vote was taken
in the Senate, a staffer working for Rep. Sheila
Jackson used his Capitol Hill access to release
the home addresses and phone numbers of the
key Senators who voted in favor of Kavanaugh.
That staffer has since been arrested and denied
bail for this crime.
* From the beginning
of the Trump Era. Liberal Mass Media began to
create Fake News every single day, and to declare
the truth to be irrelevant. So constant has
this propaganda effort been that most Americans
feel like they have been "slimed"
with political sewage.
Doubtless you
can think of other instances in which the Democrat
opposition party has so shamed themselves to
the American voter that one has to ask, "are
they being this stupid on purpose"? Are
they acting in such a manner as to deliberately
throw the Mid-Term Election to the Republicans?
Returning to this
New American article, we discover how global
this new accord truly is:
"Such is
the putative treaty's regulatory maze
that it's nearly impossible to comprehend. But
one item is easily understood: the supremacy
of such global bodies as the World Trade Organization,
International Labor Organization, and the United
Nations, via such conventions including the
Law of Sea treaty, over U.S. trade policy."
As I consider
this new agreement, I am reminded of the old
saying, "Meet the New Boss, same as the
Old Boss"!
Our concerns in
August, 2016, have lamentably come true.
President Trump
has not really changed. His inner heart still
beats according to the drum of the globalist
New World Order.
2. "Love
of Death" marches forward in Toronto where
children's hospital declares that her doctors
will euthanize children without parental approval!
NEWS BRIEF: "Toronto
Children's Hospital Says It Will Euthanize
Kids Without Parental Consent",
Life News, October
12, 2018
"A recent
report from the Hospital for Sick Children in
Toronto states that they are not only ready
to do euthanasia on children but their policy
states that a child should be able to die by
euthanasia without the consent or knowledge
of the parents."
The Western World
continues to march to the Nazi drumbeat of forced
genocide of the elderly, the terminally ill,
members of "devalued" people, like
Gypsies, mentally ill, and finally, Jews.
German physicians
invoked identical sentiments as the driving
force behind their murderous actions. These
sentiments were so wide-spread that Lifton coined
a term to describe them: The "Nazi
Biomedical Vision". This special
vision is defined as justifying "genocide
as a means of national and racial healing."
Lifton simply was horrified that doctors could
so reverse the normal terms of healing and killing
and thus justify mass murder. He stated, "This
reversal of healing and killing became an organizing
principle of the work [of mass murder], and
I came to suspect the relevance of that reversal
for other genocidal projects." We are seeing
this very reversal of terms in our papers today.
Remember that
the New World Order has a goal of forced reduction
of the world's population by two-thirds. We
are beginning to see the shape of the entire
iceberg if we will just admit it. Articles like
this one should warn us that the spread of genocidal
evil is spreading again, just in time to assist
Antichrist to the world scene.
Hillary Clinton "surrenders" her security
clearance as Judicial Watch forces more classified
emails to the surface.
NEWS BRIEF: "Hillary
Clinton Gives up Security Clearance After Private
Server Scandal", Breitbart
News, 12 October 2018
"Former Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton has relinquished her
security clearance over her handling of sensitive
information stored on a private email server,
according to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Cheryl Mills, a former top Clinton aide, along
with four additional individuals, no longer
have clearance, committee chairman Chuck Grassley
said Friday afternoon. The Washington Times
reports Clinton's access to secret information
"expired at the end of August,"
while the four other "research assistants,"
the names of which were redacted in a letter
from the State Department, had their clearances
terminated September 20."
What specifically
should we know about this critically important
betrayal of America's secrets during the tenure
of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State?
Hillary No Longer Has Security Clearance -
Here's What We Know", I
Love My Freedom News, October 12, 2018
"The Senate
Judiciary Committee announced on Friday that
former First Lady Hillary Clinton no longer
has security clearance amid the State Department's
ongoing review of the mishandling of classified
information related to the use of Clinton's
non-government email server ... "
"The move
comes almost a year after Grassley asked the
department to investigate and review whether
Clinton's aides still had security clearance.
Clinton, who was
running for the highest office in the United
States was investigated for her use of a private
email server while holding the coveted position
of secretary of state. No charges were filed
against Clinton in 2016 at the time of the probe."
I believe that
President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions
quietly orchestrated this investigation so that
its findings would spill out during the critical
weeks before the Mid-Term elections.
But, afterward,
Hillary Clinton might actually have to stand
And, maybe go
to prison!
legal case seems to be building against her
NEWS BRIEF: "Closing
in on Clinton-Justice Russia collusion conspiracy
as Fusion co-Founder middleman pleads the Fifth",
The Washington Times, October 14, 2018
Republicans are collecting evidence to show
an extensive, election year, anti-Trump conspiracy
between Hillary Clinton operatives such as Fusion
GPS and Barack Obama appointees at the Justice
Department and the FBI."
"The investigation
took a new turn last week. Fusion co-founder
Glenn Simpson decided to invoke the Fifth Amendment
rather than testify under subpoena before a
special House Republican task force."
"The Republicans
see Mr. Simpson as the key middleman between
Justice and the Clinton campaign. He orchestrated
the Democrat-financed dossier on which the FBI
built its early investigation of candidate Donald
Trump. Republicans believe the unproven dossier,
with its charge of extensive Trump-Russia collusion,
is a sham perpetrated by Democrats and the press."
4. More
Democrat candidates are asking Hillary to NOT
campaign for them, as she turns voters against
the Party every time she opens her mouth!
Hillary Has Dems Running For The Hills",
Liberty Nation, October 14, 2018
"Lady MacBeth
has stepped out of her lair to spook Democrats,
just in time for Halloween and the crucial midterm
elections that follow a few days later.
"To the chagrin
of Democrats running for office all over America,
Hillary Clinton has gone public yet again, uttering
a stream of ill-conceived comments that show
she still has absolutely no grasp of the political
climate today. It's not just what she
says. The incredibly poor timing reveals a woman
with a haughty lack of concern for the best
interests of the party she believes she still
represents. Hillary sees the value of her pronouncements
as paramount over all else while remaining blissfully
oblivious to Democrats scurrying to avoid being
caught up in her stale aura."
Hillary and Bill
Clinton have always held every one else -- both
supporters and critics -- in absolute disdain.
Both Clintons have always believed that the
Law does NOT pertain to them. They can commit
any crime, from rape to high-stakes theft, to
traitorously selling 20% of American uranium
to the Russians!
Her childish reaction
to her election loss demonstrates this disdain
for everyone.
How bad is Hillary's
popularity right now?
favorability rating with the American people
remains at a record-low 36%, according to a
recent Gallup poll ... Lack of humility has
always been Hillary Clinton's greatest
weakness. At a time when populism is on the
rise and Americans want to drain the swamp of
establishment dinosaurs, both her persona and
her words could not be more damaging to Democrats
before the midterm elections."
5. President
Trump succeeds in bringing Pastor Andrew Brunson
home from a Turkey prison!
Pastor Andrew Brunson:
‘This Is the Day Our Family Has Been Praying
Breitbart News, 12 October 2018
"A Turkish
court ruled to free Pastor Andrew Brunson on
Friday after two years of detention on Friday
... We are grateful for the President's
commitment and efforts in securing my release,"
Brunson said in a statement released by the
American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ),
which has been working to secure his release.
'My entire family thanks the president, the
administration, and Congress for their unwavering
" 'Pastor
Brunson was on trial for the crime of ‘Christianization,'
the ACLJ statement said. "The ACLJ, which
has been working in this country and abroad
to secure his freedom, said President Trump,
as well as members of Congress, continued to
push for Pastor Brunson's release and
Turkish officials finally agreed.
" 'President
Trump and his team have been tenacious in seeking
the release of Pastor Brunson', Sekulow, chief
counsel of the ACLJ said."
NEWS BRIEF: "Evangelical
Leaders Praise Trump for Pastor Brunson's Release",
Breitbart News,. 14 October
leaders continue to be thrilled with President
Donald Trump's performance after he secured
the release of pastor Andrew Brunson this weekend
... Evangelical leaders praise Trump after pastor's
release, '"‘I love him so much I
can hardly explain it'."
The President
invited Pastor Brunson to the White House for
a celebratory photo-op session. One picture
showed Pastor praying over Trump, who is seated
with head bowed and eyes closed. "In a
touching moment in the White House on Saturday,
Brunson knelt and prayed for the president,
asking that he be given the wisdom to lead the
country and the strength to fulfill his plans
for governing it. His wife, Norine, joined him
in prayer."
"While evangelical
leaders may not approve of President Trump's
past personal conduct, they are more than satisfied
with his track record of delivering on his promises
to religious voters."
I do not doubt
for a moment that the timing is accidental.
President Trump will score a lot of political
points for this release of Pastor Brunson.
Just in
time for the Mid-Term Elections!
6. As President Trump compares General
Ulysses Grant to General Robert E. Lee, NBC
News edited the video to make it seem that Trump
was praising Lee and the Confederacy and Slavery!
NEWS BRIEF: "Trump's
remarks on Lee, Grant spur debate over media
coverage: 'NBC pretends that Trump is praising
the Confederacy #FakeNews',"
The Washington Times, October 13, 2018
Trump sparked debate on social media Friday
evening by calling Robert E. Lee a "great
general" during a campaign rally, drawing
scrutiny over his remark as well as the media's
reaction, with many conservatives complaining
of news outlets cutting out the full context."
In Biblical Journalism
I learned that "Text without Context is
Pretext" -- a lie in other words. What
is the context of the President's remarks?
"Mr. Trump
referenced the Confederate Army general and
his Union counterpart, Ulysses S. Grant, toward
the end of a "Make America Great Again"
rally near Cincinnati during a diatribe that
eventually concluded with the president praising
Grant, an Ohio native, for winning the Civil
" 'Robert
E. Lee was a great general, and Abraham Lincoln
developed a phobia," Mr. Trump said during
the event. 'He couldn't beat Robert E.
"But Grant
figured it out, and Grant is a great general,
and Grant came from right here."
media outlets covered Mr. Trump's initial
quote about Lee while ignoring the end of his
anecdote, prompting backlash from conservatives
and cries of 'fake news'."
This kind of journalism
has traditionally been called, "Yellow
Journalism", and has been the daily fare
since Donald Trump won the election. I just
feel the Yellow Muck / Slime from stories like
this one, pouring over my head and oozing down
my entire body to my toes.
What is the answer?
In November"!