God granted
the right of citizens within Israel the
privilege to own private property, and Israel
prospered beyond all imagination. Even at
the time when God was preparing King Nebuchadnezzar
of Babylon to conquer Israel and take away
her most important citizens, Israel was
the economic engine of the known world!
Since much
of America was originally based upon Biblical
concepts, her people were granted the right
to private property ownership! And America
prospered beyond all expectations. America
is the economic engine of the world.
Private Ownership
has built a system of economy known as Capitalism
/ Fascism, and it has prospered every nation
built upon its foundation.
Ownership is known as Socialism / Communism,
and it has enslaved every nation who had
tried this system. Whenever Socialism has
attempted to challenge Capitalism, it has
been humbled over time.
Our Founding
Fathers knew all of this and so bequeathed
to us a precious nation whose government
is "of the people, by the people, and
for the people".
A precious
gift has been given us.
many Americans do not know how precious
our Government and our Constitution are,
so we fall prey to the traveling orator
teaching lies and leading us into the Abyss!
because we teach nothing, we know nothing.
And that stands a strong chance of costing
us everything." (Ibid.)
In this DVD
shown above, "Escaping
Common Core: Setting Our Children Free",
we demonstrate that the curricula known
as "Common Core" is specifically
designed in all subjects to pretend to teach
subjects, but do so in such a way that no
student gains a really deep mastery of any.
Your child
is the target!
Turkish President Erdogan firmly stated
that his military invasion of northeast
Syria will continue until his objectives
are met.
Syria offensive to continue until ‘objectives
Times of Israel, Oct 15, 2019
aiming to secure the region stretching from
Manbij to Iraqi border, enable return of
millions of Syria refugees, says Turkish
In examining
this Syrian
Map, you can see that Turkey is being
given a green light to attack in a very
limited area, from the city of Manbij over
to the Iraqi border lying to the East. And,
when you check the Pentagon's New Middle
East Map printed in June, 2006, in the American
Armed Forces Journal, you will discover
that the new map of the "Free Kurdistan"
nation grants some territory now called
"Syrian" to go to Turkey.
Syria is one
of the nations of the Middle East which
is forced to give up some land.
when you study this
map showing where the Kurds are located,
you will see that Northeast Syria currently
has 2 million Kurds living there. Turkey
is now being allowed to drive them out and
shove them further East into the newly created
"Free Kurdistan".
In fact, the
new "Free Kurdistan" is generally
covering the same historical pattern of
where the Kurds have been located for the
past two millennia. The one exception which
I can see is that Turkey is going to gain
northeastern Syria and is going to be allowed
to force the Kurds to relocate into their
own new nation!
what are those "other" objectives?
goal is to clear Syria border of terrorists':
Senior Erdogan adviser", France24
News, Oct 14, 2019
the past several days, Turkey's army
and its allies have pushed their way into
northern Syrian towns and villages, clashing
with Kurdish fighters over a stretch of
200 kilometres (125 miles). The offensive
has displaced up to 160,000 people ... 'Our
goal is to clear the border with Syria of
all terrorist elements', Kalin said, describing
Syrian Kurdish forces as an offshoot of
the PKK militant group that has fought a
decades-long insurgency in Turkey."
You must understand
that the three decades of battling between
the Turkish Army against Kurdish insurgence
has created the view amongst Turk leaders
that ALL Kurds are terrorists.
"Free Kurdistan"

finally give the Kurds their own nation!
Kurdish Project"
modern Kurdistan map includes parts of eastern
Turkey, northern Syria, northern Iraq and
northwestern Iran. The Kurdish populations
are recognized in both Iraq and Iran, as
the Kurds in northern Iraq have successfully
established their own autonomous government
(the Kurdistan Regional Government), and
the Kurds in Iran primarily inhabit the
Iranian province of Kordestan."
When the dust
settles, the new nation called "Free
Kurdistan" in the Pentagon's New Middle
East Map, above, will strongly resemble
the current areas inhabited predominately
by Kurds today. But, rather than being spread
out across many nations, they will have
their own independent government.

One effect that this Turkish conflict has
achieved is that it has drawn anti-Israeli
forces away from the Golan Heights!
Pullout Draws Anti-Israel Forces Away from
Golan Border",
The Jewish Press, Oct 13, 2019
political commentator and Middle East expert
Guy Bechor is not impressed by the plight
of the Kurds, whom he says have been collaborating
with the Syrian regime for several years
now. Moreover, Bechor sees the US move,
followed by the Turkish incursion as serving
Israeli security interests."
Wow, this
viewpoint is not even being mentioned by
any of the "talking heads" TV
anchors! They are all blaming President
Trump for being so weak and so ignorant
that he has allowed Turkey to invade and
conquer part of northeast Syria! But, now,
we learn that this Israeli expert views
this invasion as being beneficent to Israel's
the situation in terms of the eternal Sunni-Shiite
conflict which has been splitting the Islamic
world for 1,300 years ... Bechor suggested
... that this Turkish (Sunni) invasion,
with thousands—soon to be tens of
thousands—of well trained and well
armed Sunni militias, is rattling President
Bashar al-Assad's army, as well as,
most important, the Iranian satellite Shiite
militias (soon to include Hezbollah) which
have received orders to abandon the southern
front with Israel and move up north and
build defenses against the invasion."
Trump has, therefore, helped Israel protect
her northern border, instead of "stabbing
her in the back" as so many know-nothing
analysts have been trumpeting. Furthermore,
Guy Bechor sees that Trump's move is actually
protecting the Kurds.
"In other
words, Trump's move, leading to Erdogan's
move, has revived the Syrian civil war and
the vortex that pulls in Arab violence from
across the region. And that, as far as Israel
is concerned, is a very good thing ... Bechor
argues that by pulling out of northern Syria
– but keeping his 2,000 or so US troops
in eastern Syria, protecting the Kurds there,
and, more important, the gas fields west
of the Euphrates – Trump is actually
restoring the religious balance in the region
and weakening Iran's hold on the areas
alongside Israel's border."
the outbreak of war with Hezbollah has been

Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff finally confesses
that he has no evidence to support his impeachment
Schiff: ‘There Doesn't Need
to Be a Quid Pro Quo' for Impeachment
", Breitbart News, 14 Oct 2019
Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff
(D-CA) indicated over the weekend that the
Democrats' impeachment efforts are
not contingent upon evidence of a Ukraine-linked
quid pro quo offer."
In other words,
Schiff has just stated that he has no "evidence
of a Ukraine-linked quid pro quo offer",
so he is moving the goal posts once again,
to find some reason -- however slight --
upon which he can build an impeachment of
President Trump!
This news
is so hot I can hardly contain myself when
I read Schiff's remarks.
Trump's "Impeachment Firewall"
continues to hold.
GOP impeachment firewall holds strong",
The Hill, 10/15/2019
Trump has had a rough couple of weeks, but
his Republican wall of defense is holding
in the Senate ... Senate Republicans by
and large are standing by Trump ... Republican
aides and strategists say it would be a
political mistake for a GOP lawmaker to
take on Trump publicly."
But, GOP lawmakers
realize that their chances of staying in
office depend upon Trump's support.
said there is broad recognition among Republican
lawmakers that their political fates are
tied to Trump in 2020. Even in states that
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary
Clinton won in 2016, Trump will be crucial
to mobilizing the GOP base, and a public
spat with the president over Twitter could
prove devastating."