Hot News Analysis
Damascus, Syria,

1. Damascus, Syria
is now reduced to rubble! Just as Isaiah 17:1 foretold 2,600
years ago. Another End of the Age prophecy has been fulfilled,
through the cooperation of Russia, America, the European
Union, and others.
Latest: Shelling hits downtown of Syrian capital",
Cortez Journal, October 11, 2016
The Latest on Syria's conflict (all times local): 6:30 p.m.
"Syrian state TV is reporting
that shells fired by insurgents have struck downtown Damascus
near the famous Umayyad Mosque, wounding several people.
The TV gave no further details. Such attacks have taken
place a number of times in recent days as government forces
mount an offensive against rebel-held suburbs of the capital."
The city of Aleppo is also
hard hit with shells, bombs, and ground fire.
"3:00 p.m. Syrian opposition
activists say airstrikes on rebel-held parts of the besieged
city of Aleppo have killed at least eight people. The
activist-operated Aleppo Today TV station and Qasioun news
agency say bunker-busting bombs were used in an attack on
Tuesday on the Bustan al-Qasr neighborhood in eastern Aleppo.
"Other activists groups
and a member of the Aleppo local council, Zakaria Amino,
say the death toll is likely to rise because the bombs fell
in a number of neighborhoods. Amino says rescue workers
are still searching for people under the rubble. The opposition-held
part of Aleppo has been under an intensive aerial campaign
since last month after the collapse of a cease-fire that
barely lasted a week. Syrian pro-government forces are also
pressing a ground offensive into the rebel-held districts."
Cities all across
Syria are reduced to rubble, as repeated bombings, artillery
shelling and in-street fighting over the past 5 1/2 years
have been rendered unlivable, as Infrastructure is destroyed,
including running water, functioning sewers and basic food
and medicine distribution.
crisis: Drone footage shows the rubble where a city used
to stand", The Independent (UK), 10/11/2001
"Drone footage has been
released showing how recent airstrikes have destroyed an
entire neighbourhood in Aleppo ... Apartment blocks are
shown from different angles, reduced to an inhabitable state
of dust and debris."
NEWS BRIEF: "Satellite
images show historic Syrian sites reduced to rubble",
Mashable News, December 13, 2014
"The report by the United
Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) analyzed
18 different cultural areas using commercially available
satellite imagery. UNITAR determined that 24 sites were
totally destroyed. Another 104 sites were severely damaged,
85 moderately damaged and 77 possibly damaged, according
to the report."
"UNESCO World Heritage
sites in Aleppo, Damascus, Palmyra and the Crac des Chevaliers
have all sustained major damage, according to UNITAR. A
before and after look at these particular sites in the satellite
images below provide insights into the scale of the damage."
We encourage you to look at
these satellite photos, because they illustrate our Biblical
point: Damascus and many other Syrian cities have been absolutely
reduced to rubble, rendering them unsuitable for human life.
Syria is now ruined.
Not only has Syria's
cities been reduced to empty shells, the survivors have
migrated en masse to the north, to Turkey and to Europe.
The West is responsible for the migration crisis now gripping
"The burden of Damascus.
Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it
shall be a ruinous heap." (Isaiah 17:1)
Truly, God's End of the Age
prophecy has been fulfilled, in our Daily
This election is most certainly going to be rigged -- and
in Hillary's favor.
We look at one of
the ways in which vote totals can be completely set askew,
"electing" whomever the Elite wants.
Alert: the election can still be rigged
- "Votes counted as fractions instead of as whole numbers",
Jon Rappoport's Blog, October 10, 2006
"I’m reposting
this piece because, amazingly, the vote-rigging system it
describes has not gotten widespread attention. The system
can be used across the entire US. As
we know, there are a number of ways to rig an election.
Bev Harris, at, is exploring a specific
“cheat sheet” that has vast implications for
the Trump vs. Hillary contest. It’s
a vote-counting system called GEMS."
What does this vote fixing
scheme do?
"Our testing [of GEMS]
shows that one vote can be counted 25 times, another only
one one-thousandth of a time, effectively converting some
votes to zero ... This tampering is not visible to election
observers, even if they are standing in the room and watching
the computer. Use of the decimalized vote feature is unlikely
to be detected by auditing or canvass procedures, and can
be applied across large jurisdictions in less than 60 seconds.”
"GEMS vote-counting systems
are and have been operated under five trade names: Global
Election Systems, Diebold Election Systems, Premier Election
Systems, Dominion Voting Systems, and Election Systems &
Software, in addition to a number of private regional subcontractors.
At the time of this writing, this system is used statewide
in Alaska, Connecticut, Georgia, Mississippi, New Hampshire,
Utah and Vermont, and for counties in Arizona, California,
Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee,
Texas, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming. It is
also used in Canada.”
Remember what old Joe Stalin,
Russian dictator, said about elections:
"He who casts his vote
counts for nothing; but he who counts the voting counts
for everything"!
Since the Establishment wants
Hillary Clinton to ascend to the White House, perhaps it
is time to begin planning how you will respond!
Hillary has one of the most foul mouths in all of Washington,
D.C., making Trump's foul rant seem mild in comparison.
NEWS BRIEF: "Hillary
and the art of the dirty mouth: "She is an equal-opportunity
offender, insulting people, dogs and cats, even the flag",
The Washington Times, October 10, 2016
"Cussin’ and talkin’
dirty is ugly stuff, ugliest of all in the mouths of women,
who, despite everything the feminists can do to insist on
equality (with a few caveats), are usually a little more
refined than men. Most of them. Most of the time ... Nobody
cultivates a dirtier mouth than Hillary Clinton. It’s
difficult to describe Hillary in full because a decent regard
for the gentle reader forbids it. Any teamster, cop, or
Secret Service agent assigned to Hillary duty has to put
his hands over his ears even to think about it."
That was our problem in creating
our newest DVD, "Hillary
Clinton: The Sun Goddess Unleashed". So
many of the details which you needed to hear to understand
the depth of the disaster that Hillary truly is, are so
foul that a good Christian does not want to hear them. Yet,
Christians cannot understand the extent of "horrible
Hillary" without listening to our honest and explicit
words. In the end, we placed a rating of "PG-13"
at the very beginning of the video, warning that some language
was inappropriate for a child under 13 and all adults needed
to be forewarned.
Feedback from our viewers
has been positive, since they finally can comprehend how
truly evil Hillary Clinton has always been.
"It’s old news
that there’s no scarcity of boy-girl fun and games
on Capitol Hill as well as in the White House ... Hillary,
by the published accounts, is an equal-opportunity offender,
insulting people, dogs and cats, even the flag, going back
to her late and lamented days as a governor’s wife
in Arkansas. She was particularly abusive to troopers and
agents assigned to make her life easier and who were in
no position to do anything but take her abuse ... "
"There’s more,
lots more ..."
At least Trump apologized
to the nation for his verbal rants, but Hillary sits back,
tying to deceive us into believing she is "pure as
the driven snow" and that anyone who talks like Trump
/ Hillary should not be trusted with running the country!
Hillary needs to look in the mirror!
4. Hillary's goal
is simple: to complete the process of creating a citizenry
which is fully compliant and cooperative.
October 11, 2016
"A Clinton campaign email
released as part of the Wikileaks data dump earlier today
talks about the need to maintain political power by producing
“an unaware and compliant citizenry”.
"The email was sent to
Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta by
former Clinton administration official Bill Ivey on March
13, 2016 ... In the email, Ivey outlines the panic amongst
some Democrats that Donald Trump’s 'celebrity politics'
persona cannot be matched by Hillary, who is 'not an entertainer,
and not a celebrity in the Trump, Kardashian mold'.”
Are the American "Shee-ple"
ready to march up the slaughter ramp, at the bidding of
the dictator?
This next quote seems to indicate
that just such a "Shee-ple" kind of citizenry
is what the Clinton campaign is depending upon.
"Ivey wonders how Clinton
can combat Trump’s larger than life appeal, worrying
that simply ‘defaulting to policy’ won’t
' And as I’ve mentioned, we’ve all been quite
content to demean government, drop civics and in general
conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry',
he writes ... To emphasize, Ivey admits that the left has
‘conspired’ to “produce an unaware and
compliant citizenry” but that they’re not as
easy to manipulate anymore and that this is a problem..."
Once again, Hillary is just
following the plan of the Protocols of the Learned Elders
of Zion, written 200 years ago.
"... The gentiles are
a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know
what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock? .....
There is another reason also why they will close their eyes:
for we shall keep promising them to give back all the liberties
we have taken away as soon as we have quelled the enemies
of peace and tamed all parties ..... It is not worthwhile
to say anything about how long a time they will be kept
waiting for this return of their liberties ....." [Protocol
#11 -- The Totalitarian State]
Hillary and her campaign managers
believe we are a "flock of sheep". We can be manipulated
at their will.
And, they certainly view themselves
as "WOLVES"!
Establishment politicians, both Republican and Democrat,
are so alarmed at Trump they are demanding he drop out of
the race, even at this late date!
Establishment Democrats
and Republicans have quietly shared the same global goal,
the New World Order, and are very alarmed that Trump will
carry out his threat to stop this global plan in its tracks!
NEWS BRIEF: "Tensions
flare as Republicans clash over Trump",
The Times of Israel, October 11, 2016
Donald Trump’s candidacy has long exposed divisions
within the Republican Party. But GOP leaders had hoped to
prevent an all-out civil war at least until after the election.
They appear to be failing."
"The top Republican in
Congress on Monday effectively abandoned Trump, while the
head of the Republican National Committee, or RNC, declared
he was in full coordination with the embattled presidential
nominee — opposing positions that highlight a political
party increasingly battling itself as Election Day approaches."
"Forty Republican senators
and congressmen have revoked their support for the Republican
presidential nominee — with nearly 30 of them calling
on him to quit the race altogether in recent days ... Ryan
essentially conceded defeat, saying he would devote his
energy to ensuring Clinton doesn’t get a 'blank check'
as president with a Democratic-controlled Congress ... While
the Wisconsin Republican did not formally rescind his own
tepid endorsement of Trump, he told lawmakers they were
free to do just that and fight for their own re-election."
What is the REAL problem here?
For the past 100 years, the "dirty little secret"
in politics is that Democrat and Republican leaders secretly
are "working in harmony" to support efforts to
use American influence and power to create the global New
World Order.
But, now, Donald Trump comes
along, and boldly set forth a new route which would effectively
end nearly 250 years of tacit, secret party cooperation!
This reality is shaking these RINO Republicans and Liberal
Democrats to their core.
Therefore, RINO Republican
leaders, like Paul Ryan and George H.W. Bush, publicly came
out against Trump in the hope of defeating him and his Conservative
movement, so they can return to cooperating with the Left
once this election is over.
The stakes could not be higher!
2 Brand New DVDs
From Pastor Billy Crone
Final Countdown Update 1 Volume 14 - Global Economy,
& Mark of the Beast Update
Final Countdown Volume 15 Summer Prophecy Update 2016
'The Final Countdown Summer Update 2016' takes a look at
several signs given by God to lovingly wake us up so we'd
give our lives to Him before it's too late.