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We want to thank all of
our financial supporters. Over the years your support
has proven crucial in enabling us to make our full site
free for everyone so that those who cannot afford to
donate can have full access. BUT, This year we have
experienced the painful 'birth pangs' of a world which
is going crazy as it spins toward Antichrist!
Our heartfelt thanks for helping us continue
our outreach and preventing Cutting Edge from disappearing
from the Internet, at a most crucial time in world history!
We have always
believed that more souls will be won for Jesus Christ
during the Last of the Last Days than in entire previous
centuries. But, we must have your financial
support to make this possibility a reality.
If you have not supported our outreach before please consider a one time or monthly donation today!
Thank you in advance,
David Bay, Director
Must I Do To Be Saved"?
podcasts are now reaching 59 different countries.
Here is our latest podcast just published. Our podcasts are provided to you FREE by our readers and listeners through their donations.
We invite you to help this new outreach with a monthly
or one time donation.
Breakdown--Living in the Time
of The Paradigm Shift Into the New World Order"
March 21, 2022 President Joe Biden said 'Now is the
time when things are shifting, there’s going to
be a new world order out there, we’ve got to lead
it, and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free
world while doing it.'
The President
is talking about the 'Paradigm
Shift' to take us into the New World Order and stage
the Antichrist.
We are on the
verge of that New World order and our current system
is breaking down. Gas prices are up, inflation is the
worst in 40 years, interest rates are rising, and customer
confidence is collapsing. This video is the most relevant
and current on the market today and combines the best
in the progress of Bible prophecy in world news and
in the unique Cutting Edge viewpoint. This understanding
will affect -- should affect -- every other aspect of
the current collapse of this once free and mighty nation!
This DVD is a 2-DVD set running
about 2 1/2 hours
have added several more DVD's and Books Priced At $9.99
Critical News
I. Apparently,
the time is quickly approaching when a single leader
can command vast population relocation!
NEWS BRIEF: "'Florida
has largely disappeared': The looming climate cataclysms
if humanity continues 'business as usual',"
by Brandon Gage, AlterNet, 10/09/2022
"The World Economic
Forum has released a new video warning of the cataclysmic
consequences that anthropomorphic climate change will
trigger over the next century if humanity's addiction
to fossil fuels is not severed."
Note the words, 'anthropomorphic
climate change' in the above paragraph. This phrase
literally means acting in the manner in which you would
expect a human being to act. In this case a female pagan
goddess is thought of in terms of having arms, legs,
and giving birth as a mother.
* The
Northeast United States now sees 25 major floods a year,
up from one in 2020.
* 140 million people are
displaced by food and water insecurity or extreme weather
* Severe drought now affects
more than 40 percent of the planet"
* An area the size of
Massachusetts burns in the US every year
" * Southern Spain
and Portugal have become a desert, tipping millions
into food and water insecurity
"The ad concludes
with a reminder that these bleak outcomes are preventable:
Today, 'business as usual' is making our planet unlivable.
But by making the transition to a nature-positive economy,
we could generate 395 million jobs – one-fifth
of the predicted labor force increase."
For Climate Alarmists,
the 'Ends Justifies the Means"
climate alarmists, the end justifies the means",
Vegas Review Journal, Sept 20, 2022
who are we kidding? The progressives who pass laws such
as these have been out of touch with their constituents
for decades. To them, the utopian ends justify the calamitous
means ... How are Californians expected to switch to
electric vehicles when the state doesn’t have
the electric infrastructure to meet current power demands?
You don’t need to be an expert on energy to realize
that this is a recipe for disaster ... "
Democrats have learned that they can shift the blame
to someone or to some thing else and thus escape the
blame for disaster.
if we have learned anything in the past few years from
progressives, the blame for failure will be shifted
to people who were not responsible for this faulty policy.
Instead, American taxpayers will ultimately bear the
brunt of this ill-conceived scheme."
Trump has been successfully used by Media for the past
6 years as THE most often used because in world history if you have confidence in your ability to shift blame,
you can do almost anything and get away with it.
Now, how is a world leader
going to successfully convince a skeptical mankind that
the very area in which they are allowed to live depends
upon where they want to live?
Notice that the key part of this plan is to "restrict
residence" and to ultimately "force"
Americans into city centers! As you will learn very
soon, this plan has been in existence for decades and
even has a map which details where Americans will live
and where they will NOT live! We have dubbed this horrific
plan the "Re-wilding
America Plan".
When fully enacted, this
'Re-Wilding Plan" will literally turn all land
in the world into local dirt which can and which will
turn our cities back into local land which can then
be turned back into the original mix of trees and vegetation
and wildlife!
The only matter not yet
brought to bear is to convince Americans that Gaia is
causing these storms to occur because the goddess cannot
sustain the forces brought about by the forces of Industrial
Individual Storms are now called examples of this 'Mother
Gaia' fiasco.
NEWS BRIEF: "Thursday
on MSNBC’s 'The Reidout', House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi (D-CA) attributed the wildfires plaguing her
state and hurricanes that have battered the Gulf Coast
to so-called climate change. According to Pelosi, the
natural disasters were a sign that 'Mother Earth is
angry ... she’s telling us with hurricanes on
the Gulf Coast, fires in the West, whatever it is, that
climate crisis is real and has an impact ... the loss
of life, and over 34 million acres burned'."
'Mother Earth / Gaia' Is Angry With Us -- Nancy Pelosi",
Cutting Edge Ministries, by David Bay, Sept, 2010
"A social engineering
bill to restrict residence in the suburbs and rural
areas and force Americans into city centers has passed
the United States Senate Banking Committee and is on
the fast track to passage in the Senate. The bill is
called the Livable Communities Act (SB 1619) and it
was introduced by corruptocrat outgoing Senator Christopher
Dodd (D-Conn.). It seeks to fulfill the United Nation’s
plan Agenda 21, adopted at the Earth Summit in Rio de
Janeiro in 1992 and signed onto by “New World
Order” President George H.W. Bush."
Notice that the key part
of this Dodd plan is to "restrict residence"
and to ultimately "force" Americans into city
centers! As you will learn very soon, this plan has
been in existence for decades and even has a map which
details where Americans will live and where they will
NOT live! We have dubbed this horrific plan the "Re-wilding
America Plan".
One of
the really hidden goals of this type of legislation
is the elimination of Private Property Rights. Our entire
economic system hinges upon the preservation of Private
Property Rights as our Founding Fathers certainly intended.
THE most important difference between Capitalism and
any other Socialist system is that Capitalism allows
and encourages Private Property ownership, while Socialism
and Communism forbid it, saying euphemistically that
the "community" owns all property. While Fascist
Socialism allows Private Property ownership, only the
Global Elite will own anything because the Central Government
decides who shall be allowed to own property.
The practical
outworking of not allowing individuals to own private
property is that the entire economy flounders as the
most productive individuals in the society are deprived
of the incentive to get ahead economically if they work
harder, longer, smarter, and are more productive and
The Plan
of the New World Order is to eliminate Private Property
"... West Coast wildfires!"
Mother Gaia!
Rank PAGANISM through
and through - from the lips of government leaders!
III. Gunfire erupted
at the home of the Republican candidate for New York
Governor, Lee Zeldin!
The two teenage
daughters of Mr. Zeldin were studying at the kitchen
table and saw 2 spent shells come to within 20 feet!
People Shot Outside Republican New York Gubernatorial
Candidate Lee Zeldin’s Home: Daughters Inside",
Breitbart News, 9 October 2022
"New York Republican
gubernatorial candidate Rep. Lee Zeldin had a shock
to the system on Sunday when two people were shot outside
his Long Island home while his teenage twin daughters
were inside."
"... his two daughters,
16-year-olds Mikayla and Arianna, were on inside doing
their homework when the shots broke out in front of
their home. He and his wife, Diana, were in the car
returning from the Bronx Columbus Day parade in Morris
"Zeldin also told
the New York Post that his daughters are “freaked
out” and that a bullet was “found 30 feet
from where my daughters were doing their homework.”
“ 'Crime is out
of control',” he told the Post."
“There was blood
on the rock right next to the porch,” Zeldin added.
“One of the shooting victims was underneath the
porch. The other was underneath bushes near the porch.”
A law enforcement official
told the Post that the shooting had nothing do with
the congressman seeking to unseat Democrat New York
Gov. Kathy Hochul. The shooting in front of Zeldin’s
home comes after the NYPD Sergeants Benevolent Association
endorsed him for governor.
" '... Like so many
other New Yorkers, crime has literally made its way
toward our door'."