News Analysis
1. The world
continues to slide toward the planned nuclear confrontation
with North Korea.
Korea May Fire Short-Range Rockets Next Week",
October 11, 2017
"North Korea is
preparing to fire multiple short-range rockets around
the opening of the Chinese Communist Party’s
twice-a-decade congress on Oct. 18 ... The South Korean
and U.S. militaries have recently spotted about 30
Scud rockets being moved from Hwangju, south of the
capital Pyongyang, to a missile maintenance facility
in the western coastal city of Nampo."
"Firing the missiles
would be an act of protest against the U.S. and South
Korea’s joint military exercises, which include
mobilizing key American assets such as aircraft carriers..."
While "Mad
Dog" Mattis warns the American Army to "be
ready" for conflict, the Army Chief of
Staff revealed that a "timeline" exists
on this crisis!
to American Army: ‘Stand ready’ if
North Korea diplomacy fails",
Army Times, 10/10/12017
"Mattis tells troops
their job is to 'be ready' during North Korea diplomatic
push ... 'It is right now a diplomatically, economic-sanctions-buttressed
effort to try and turn North Korea off of this path',
Mattis told the audience ... 'There is one thing the
U.S. Army can do, and that is you have to be ready
to ensure we have military options that our president
can deploy if needed', Mattis said. 'The international
community has spoken, but that means the U.S. Army
must stand ready'. “
“So if you’re
ready, that’s your duty at this point and time,
and I know the Army will always do its duty.”
eyes on trigger-happy North Korea during its national
holiday: "There is a timeline on this situation",
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley", Washington
Examiner, Oct 10, 2017
"Later at an afternoon
news conference, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley
said Mattis’ keynote address was full of 'not-so-subtle
guidance to us', and when asked specifically about
North Korea, he said 'There is a timeline on this,
I’m not going to be explicit about it, based
on the technological development of the North Korean
missile testing'."
2. The NFL Players
Union reveals their true radical Leftist agenda as
they are supporting organizations tied to billionaire
George Soros!
Players’ Union Teams up with Soros, Planned
Parenthood to Support Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’,"
2ndVote News, October 6, 2017
"A prominent anti-Trump
‘resistance’ organization” and several
other leftist groups receive direct donations from
the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA).
2ndVote has found the NFLPA provides financial support
to the Center for Community Change Action, which according
to the Washington Free Beacon, 'has been involved
in direct action against President Donald Trump and
Republicans before and after the November elections'.
2ndVote’s research team found the NFL Players
Association is identified as an organization that
donates in support of the center’s work in the
latest available annual report."
How many ardent NFL
fans know that the NFL Players' Union has been active
in mindless opposition to "everything Trump"
even before he won the election? This information
destroys the lie from Colin Kaepernick that his original
protest was born out of his personal disgust with
"rogue police" in America who are shooting
unarmed black men?
Now, we know that he
was acting on behalf of an anti-American agenda, the
New World Order agenda and that agenda calls for the
overthrow of our Constitutional Republic, replacing
it with the most severe Absolute Dictatorship in world
"... The NFLPA
is an AFL-CIO affiliated labor union that represents
all NFL players and has defended those participating
in the controversial national anthem protests in recent
weeks. 2ndVote has also found dozens of major corporations
such as Pepsi, Verizon, and USAA sponsor the NFLPA
... millions of dollars in contributions flow to the
Center for Community Change, a Washington, DC-based
501(c)(3) non-profit, from major liberal foundations
such as the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the Ford Foundation,
and George Soros’s Open Society Foundation."
"... the NFLPA’s “social
activism” is very much in support of the leftist
This shocking
truth means that these overpaid multi-millionaires
are affiliated with Hillary Clinton, Fidel Castro,
and Henry Kissinger.
NEWS BRIEF: "Cuban-Americans
blast 49ers' Kaepernick for wearing Fidel Castro T-shirt",
Fox News, August 31, 2016
are fuming over San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin
Kaepernick's decision to don a T-shirt emblazoned
with the image of Fidel Castro, the longest-ruling
dictator in the Western hemisphere, while making a
high-profile protest against what he says is mistreatment
of African-Americans in the United States."
"At a recent press
conference after a game, Kaepernick’s wore a
shirt showing photos of Castro in a meeting the former
Cuban leader had with the late civil rights activist
Malcolm X in 1960."
Kaepernick says the pigs on his socks were only meant
to represent 'rogue cops',"
L.A. Times, Sept 1, 2016
"Colin Kaepernick
made more news Thursday when photos of him wearing
socks with pictures of pigs dressed like police officers
began attracting attention. The San Francisco 49ers
quarterback addressed the situation with an Instagram
post later in the morning. 'I wore these socks, in
the past, because the rogue cops that are allowed
to hold positions in police departments, not only
put the community in danger, but also put the cops
that have the right intentions in danger by creating
an environment of tension and mistrust', Kaepernick
These players
have aligned themselves with people who are working
to destroy the very country which paid them enough
money to escape the Ghetto!
What do the
REAL owners of the NFL -- the fans in the seats and
in front of TV -- think and feel about this clearly
Leftist agenda?
Poll: NFL now least liked professional sport,
core fans down 31%", Washington
Examiner, 10/7/2017
"Over just one
month of player, coach, and owner protests of the
flag and National Anthem, the National Football League
has gone from America's sport to the least liked of
top professional and college sports ... Over just
one month of player, coach, and owner protests of
the flag and National Anthem, the National Football
League has gone from America's sport to the least
liked of top professional and college sports..."
"Worse for football,
which was already seeing lower TV ratings and empty
stadium seats, the month of protests and complaints
about them from President Trump drove core fans, men
34-54, away, the most significant indicator that NFL
brass aren't in touch with their base ... Worse for
football, which was already seeing lower TV ratings
and empty stadium seats, the month of protests and
complaints about them from President Trump drove core
fans, men 34-54, away, the most significant indicator
that NFL brass aren't in touch with their base ...
According to the Winston Poll, every category of NFL
fan saw a drop in support."
3. As R.I.N.O.
Republicans stymie President Trump's agenda, they
suddenly realize that the White House is already systematically
preparing for their 2018 Mid-Term Election defeat!
"League of Extraordinary Candidates",
Breitbart News, 8
October 2017
and economic nationalist leaders are looking past
the current dysfunction in Washington to a group of
new and exciting young candidates throwing their hats
in the ring nationwide to break the gridlock with
midterm election victories."
Early in President Trump's
Administration, I wrote that the most important anti-Trump
Congressmen were R.I.N.O. (Republican In Name Only)
who were just as Liberal and Leftist as any Democrat.
These type Republicans could only be purged at the
polls, which meant that the 2018 Mid-Term election
would have to be the major weapon by which Trump would
kill the really nasty "Swamp Republicans"!
Now, the formation of
this "extraordinary" political group is
setting out to provide such excellent candidates for
office that they can win, armed with the right Conservative
message and backed by the proper amount of campaign
With this group, President
Trump has effectively declared war on R.I.N.O. Swamp
Will enough
"Swamp Republicans" be defeated to swing
the Congress to complete the Conservative Trump win
in 2016?
4. In a surprise
switch, Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein admitted
that "no gun law could have prevented the Las
Vegas massacre!
Senator Feinstein: No law would have stopped Las
Vegas gunman ", The Hill News,
Oct 8, 2017
"Sen. Dianne Feinstein
(D-Calif.) said in an interview broadcast Sunday that
no law could have stopped the suspected shooter, Stephen
Paddock, who was behind last week's mass shooting
in Las Vegas."
Good news? Bad
There is more
here than meets the casual eye.
Slippery Slope to a Total Firearms Ban",
Ammo Land News, Oct 10, 2017
"We've said it
before and we'll say it again… all it takes
is one terrible event, one news cycle, and suddenly
the gun control lobby starts demanding more gun control.
The Las Vegas murders prove that again ... We mourn
this senseless slaughter and our hearts go out to
the families of survivors. But does anyone believe
that more laws are the answer? Does anyone believe
those calling to ban bump fire stocks will settle
for that one change? And for those who consider it
crazy to say that passing just one or two little laws
is a slippery slope, consider this …"
"The spent casings
were not even cold before there were calls to ban
AR-15s and high-cap magazines, force private sales
to go through background checks, limit the number
of firearms someone can buy in a month, force Americans
to use so-called “smart” gun technology,
and on and on. There are even people who are literally
calling for the repeal the Second Amendment! That
sure sounds like a pretty big slippery slope!"
Our Second Amendment
rights to own our guns is in danger every moment,
even if President Trump is in the White House. Listen
to Pelosi admit that her goal is a complete firearms
"There are going
to be Republicans who resist this because they say,
Give the gun control people an inch and they'll try
to take a mile,” a reporter asked Pelosi at
a press conference. “So how do you plan to overcome
that when the truth is that you would like to go further?'
“ 'So what?' Pelosi responded.
'They're going to say, You give them bump stock, it's
going to be a slippery slope. I certainly hope so
This little poem captures the essence
of this debate.