- Tuesday, 10/8/2024
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Cutting Edge Urgent
need: Cutting Edge is located
in South Carolina which is the state that had
the most power outages of any state from hurricane
Helene. Our warehouse was without power for a
week after the storm but our cable was working
so we got a generator and shipped orders every
day. When the power company restored our power
last Friday 10-4-24 by cutting away the tree that
fell on the power lines the tree fell and took
out the cable and our WiFi so we used an iPhone
as a hotspot and continued to ship every day with
very slow internet. As of today 10-8-24 our WiFi
is still out but we are shipping orders every
day. During this time donations have dried up
and I have not been able to pay my warehouse manager
on the first of the month who has struggled through
these challenges to keep your orders going out
without pay. Please help us with a donation if
you are able.

The Promise of Psalm 33:12:
“Blessed is the nation whose
God is the Lord"
are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you,
and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely,
for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great
is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the
prophets which were before you." (Matthew 5:11-12,
Jesus Declared war on HIS ancient enemy
at the very beginning of His ministry. He hinted at
the identity of this being through the locations of
His baptism, the Transfiguration, and the Olivet Discourse.
This enemy was cast down
from the mountain of God. He's deceived millions in
sacrificing their children on his altars. And he returns
from the bottomless pit at the end of the age-a prophecy
encoded into the art and architecture of the United
States Capitol.
In THE GATES OF HELL , husband and wife researchers
Derek P. Gilbert and Sharon K. Gilbert, have produced
more shocking revelations about the spiritual war in
which all of us are deployed:
• Jesus was baptized
in a region believed to be the literal entrance to the
• Jesus declared His divinity in front of the
"gates of Hades"
• The Transfiguration took place on the "Canaanite
Mount Olympus"
• Jesus based His ministry at the entrance to
the Valley of the Shadow of Death
• This ancient enemy of God may have been the
high priest in Eden
• Israel's war with Hamas my have been triggered
by this dark entity for control of the Holy Land
• The colors of the Palestinian flag are those
of the four horsemen of the apocalypse- white, red,
black, and green
• Most shocking of all, the Gilberts reveal the
hidden meaning of a painting inside the US Capitol that
contains a disturbing secret about the destiny of the
USA and a prophecy of a new Golden Age triggered by
the return of this entity THE DESTROYER, APOLLYON. 379
of the United States - 1787 - Read Full text
When Antichrist arises
to the world scene, he and the myriads of demons which
possess him, will first arise out of the Abyss, the
Pit, just as prophecy foretells (Rev 17:7-8; Rev 11).
The New World Order will be empowered by these demons
now being held in prison in the Pit!
Antichrist will thoroughly
destroy the Old World Order using his weapons of wars,
rumors of war, pestilence and famine, all coming from
the Chaos which the Illuminati first brings on the earth.
Pastor recalls the attacks of 9/11 as the perfect illustration
of destruction of the Old Order through chaos.
Antichrist is the antithesis
to Jesus Christ and will be the fusion of wicked man
and god, the supernatural. He is pictured in Rev 13
as arising out of the sea, which is the Pit.
All the sins of mankind
for the past 6,000 years are 'giving birth' to Antichrist;
so many Bible prophecies concerning the appearance of
Antichrist are 'birthing analogies' and that is the
way the Illuminati sees his appearance as well!
Jesus holds the power
of Death and Hell and gives that key to the Angel in
the Pit Prison to release myriads of demons upon the
earth. From this region, Antichrist will arise.
What the world may very
well be facing is the beginning of the coordinated Chaos
designed to finally knock flat all the remaining obstacles
to the appearance of Antichrist. When the Global Elite
pulls this lynchpin event called World War III, events
are going to be unleashed in such severity and in such
great numbers the peoples of the world will not stand
in awe, they will panic and run for the hills. Jesus
said that 'men's hearts shall fail them for fear', and
the Elite is creating just such climactic events which
shall not occur until the lynchpin known as 'World
War III' is pulled.
Critical News
President Biden is pursuing a foreign policy with Iran
which is unintelligible until you examine it through
the flawed lens of D.E.I.
News Brief: "The
Biden Administration and Iran", American
Greatness, 10/7/2024
"The Islamic Republic
of Iran has been killing and harming Americans directly
or through proxies from the moment of its birth in 1979.
America has suffered 45 years of murder, mayhem, and
the perpetual targeting of American interests at the
hands of radical Islamofascists."
Therefore, Presidents
Reagan through Gorge W. Bush considered Iran to be a
rogue state. But, Liberal / Progressive / DEI Presidents
Barack Obama and Kamala,Walz believe that Iran is just
feeling tough right now, being misunderstood and mistreated
by the Western Colonial Powers; if 'slight' changes
in White House policy could be initiated, Iranian leadership
would respond positively, and a monumental new accord
could be set in place, an accord so far-reaching that
everyone would be amazed and thrilled.
Being nice, appeasement,
would be proven to be more effective than confrontation.
Munich is seen as a far-away
event, best forgotten and deeply buried.
As Presidents Obama and
Biden, and Harris if she ascends to the White House,
began to fill positions within the new White House.
As they began to select new people for a new policy,
they used the principles, they built 4 this new edifice
according to the principles of D.E.I.
In fact, "Iran
is DEI catnip"!
For the DEI crowd, Iran
was the perfect petri dish for a new foreign policy
rooted in Western self-abasement, guilt, and deference
to “indigenous” voices. From where did this
delusional notion that the US could reach an understanding
with fanatics who scream “Death to America”
come? And why is the Democratic foreign policy establishment
committed to this policy in the face of overwhelming
evidence Iran has no interest in détente with
the US?
"If you ask me, it’s
the same scourge that has undermined so many American
domestic institutions: DEI.
2. Five easy steps
to setting off a conflagration in the Middle East
News Brief: "The
Rise of (Sheer) Incompetence,"
"Governments seemingly
on autopilot, voters being ignored, crime out of control,
economies crumbling, war on the horizon, and Western
countries taking in millions and millions of unvetted
migrants, many with disparate cultures, with no end
in sight."
"It seems we have
entered a new era. We probably had sporadic presidencies
that bowed continually to special interests, but nothing
like what we are seeing now: incompetents and puppets
assuming office one after the other. We are in a curious
time when leaders no longer listen to voters. In fact,
they are ignored. Who is calling the shots? Certainly
no longer the people. The Democrats' affinity for DEI,
I'm sure, has something to do with it."
The Democrat Party has severed all ties
to the American people
* "Obama delivered
billions in cash to Iran in the middle of the night.
The money is transported to Israel in the form of bombs
and missiles."
"... Biden relaxed
Iran's oil sanctions, allowing Iran to rake in billions.
"Biden's inaugural
speech was filled with unity and peace, but his administration
was filled with division, war cries, and economic woes.
* "We saw Biden signing
a pile of executive orders, and he asked, 'What am I
* "Harris is given
the authority to control the border and then does nothing.
And now she wants more authority.
* "Walz runs around
the country acting like a clown with a giant bow tie
and big shoes. Our government has become a collection
of Little League baseball teams in which everyone wins
a trophy.
* "Biden left Afghanistan
without even taking our luggage with him, leaving billions
of dollars worth of military equipment, much of it brand
* "This is an administration
that ignores the migrant crime they inflicted on us
while he sleeps safely behind a wall he will not let
us have, calling us racist for bringing it to their
Bottom Line: The
Democrat Party has severed all ties to the American
According to PLAN!
What is the inner
belief which Government possesses concerning the low-income
citizens of North Carolina?
News Brief: "Former
Obama Adviser Pretty Much Says NC Trump Supporters Are
Too Dumb to Vote Post-Helene," Townhall
News, Oct 7, 2024
"They don’t
even try to hide their joy over Hurricane Helene ravaging
Georgia and North Carolina. These are key swing states
this year, and predominantly pro-Trump counties have
been hit the hardest ... But former Obama adviser David
Axelrod isn’t worried about Democratic voters
because they’re intelligent, rich, and know how
to cast their ballots. The rural Trump base is too dumb—he
essentially said that (via Fox News)."
3. Former Governor
Kristi Noem is convinced that the Chinese Communist
Party owns Mike Walz, so they can control the positrons
he advocates.
News Brief: "His
ties to Communist China are absolute",
The Washington Examiner, Sept 1. 2024
"Gov. Kristi Noem
(R-SD) issued a warning against Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN)
becoming vice president, stating she is “absolutely”
certain he is a “national security threat”
to the United States."
When someone makes this
type of allegation, that means that the person is considered
to be at risk of being in a position where he can be
forced to act in a manner in which the person under
review can be forced to act in the way in which the
Communists. desire.
The sensitivity toward
anyone concerning past Communist affiliation has long
ago disappeared
While this news is terrible,
the key leadership must be ecstatic: They view foreign
relationships far differently. They view each key leader
in this global effort to establish the New World Order,
they view their counterparts as 'Brothers In Arms'.
In this regard, they fulfill
one key prophetic Scripture: (Context is 'End of the
Age' the final 10 Global Rulers of Earth
"For God has put
it into their hearts to carry out His own purpose by
acting in harmony in surrendering their royal power
and authority to the beast, until the prophetic words
(intentions and promises) of God shall be fulfilled."
(Revelation 17:17)
Leaders like Biden and
Harris are not worried about loyalty vs treason because
Liberals, Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, etc.,
are so loyal to one another and so totally sold out
to the plan, no action will ruin the plan set out for
all of us.
This type of treason based
on faulty logic occurred at the end of the Second World
War. While the American, British and European people
wee increasingly becoming increasingly convinced that
Stalin was a "Brothers In Arms" with "Father
Joe", President Franklin Roosevelt was convinced
otherwise. FDR was convinced that Stalin could be trusted
- even with the most important secret of all time: the
secrets of making the Atomic Bomb.
President Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Democrat, 32nd President, 32 Degree Freemason!
"... in a novel written
by James Roosevelt, the son of Franklin Roosevelt, in
1980. The dust cover of the book describes the contents
of the book, entitled, 'A Family Matter'.
James Roosevelt wrote,
"President Roosevelt ... makes a bold secret decision
-- to share the results of the Manhattan Project with
the Soviet Union!"
"The novel details
how President Roosevelt gave Russia the plans for the
atomic bomb in 1943 and 1944". ("The
Unseen Hand", by Ralph Epperson, p.
America's most powerful
and most popular President in history voluntarily gave
history's most brutal and most bloody dictator, Josef
Stalin, secrets that produced the atomic bomb. American
scientists believed that Russian scientists could not
produce their own atomic bomb for years, maybe for decades.
Kamala, Biden, and every progressives in our government
or government agency acknowledge that yes, they are
directing us toward a Communist Government but this
novel Communism was different than the "Communist"
government had learned their mistakes and will not be
so heavy handed when they take power here and all over
the globe
This belief in the solidarity
of Communist leaders fulfills this most overlooked passage: