Hot News
A top lawyer is demanding that Climate Change be declared
a disaster and that any skeptics be arrested and imprisoned.
Like Antichrist will
do one day, this proposal will sweep aside all valid, contrary
viewpoints and will simply declare Climate Change to be
a real impending disaster, and will turn to the United Nations
for implementation,
A new kind of danger
to our rights and liberties has suddenly raised its ugly
International Lawyer: Make Climate Change Illegal And
Silence Skeptics Forever", Breitbart News,
6 October 2015
"Climate change is such a pressing, dangerous
and universal threat that it should be made illegal under
international law, a top barrister has told a conference
of leading lawyers in London."
Now that is a unique approach: declare Climate
Change itself as "illegal", which assumes that
universal acceptance of this supposed danger has been proven
beyond a reasonable doubt. Of course, every thinking man
who does not have a global dictatorial agenda knows, Climate
Change is one of the 12 global threats the Elite have created
that demands a global dictatorship to "solve"!
(Learn full details in the DVD "World
War III: History's Greatest Lynchpin Event")
"Philippe Sands QC, an international
law specialist and Professor of Law at University College
London, argued that the UN’s International Court of
Justice (ICJ) should make it an 'obligation under international
law' to ensure that global temperatures never rise more
than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels."
"In its judgment the court referred repeatedly
to the 2° C target, as if it were an article of holy
writ, accepted by all, disputed by no one."
In the opinion of this international lawyer,
the poisonous fruit of "Climate Change caused by human
activity" had ripened enough to take the bold action
of simply overriding all skeptics and declare the problem
to be real and to be very dangerous to Planet Earth.
"Sands told his audience of leading judges,
lawyers and legal academics from 11 nations that the time
was now ripe for such legislation to be adopted at the international
level: 'The ICJ too could play a role in relation to that
target, one based on science. It could be asked to confirm,
for example, that the 2 degrees Celsius target now reflects
an obligation under international law...'
You can see how ludicrous this entire "crisis""
is when a court of lawyers is empowered to make sweeping
scientific pronouncements!
At this point, Sands advocates that the hideous
weapon of lawsuits be used by people of every walk of life
to force governments and private companies around the world
to make the changes required to meet this arbitrary "2°
C target"! Lawsuits have proven effective against the
tobacco industry, so why not use the technique internationally?
Lawsuits will tie up governments for long periods of time
and can be so expensive that the government and/or private
company will simply surrender and attempt to comply.
And, now the last step in this dangerous area
of declaring Climate Change to be real and to require draconian
steps to combat it -- any act declared to be illegal requires
government to address appropriate punishment. That punishment
is usually a combination of economic fines and/or prison.
Therefore, the time is arriving when skeptics
of Climate Change are going to be arrested and imprisoned!
Welcome to this "Brave New World"!
NOTE: News Alert continues after
the advertisement, below
global economic collapse, nor global war, nor global catastrophe
of any kind will occur this year!
A great deal of unnecessary
fear and angst have been created by prophecy teachers falsely
warning that the world was going to be swept up in global
panic and upheaval in September.
Cutting Edge addresses
this false teaching in our new DVD title, "World
War III: History's Greatest Lynchpin Event". We
report the truth: While the Elite have 12 different global
crises lined up and ready to launch at any moment, they
also have planned that none of these multiple crises will
occur until the World War III begins that will produce Antichrist
on the world scene.
Further, the Bible
foretells that the last birth pang to produce Antichrist
can occur until the world is reorganized into the Prophetic
10 Toes (Supernations) of Daniel!
You will feel liberated
once you understand these prophetic Biblical facts.
Video Trailer of "World War III"
News Stories
group predicts the world will be 'annihilated' on Wednesday
- Oct 7, 2015
Blood Moons Have Come and Gone, So Where is the Apocalypse?
Danger of the Blood Moon Phenomenon:
Wrong for Christians and Messianics to make "doom and
gloom predictions" based on misguided misinterpretations
of ancient Jewish practices
(Messianic Jewish Author)
President Obama is preparing a series of unilateral actions
through Executive Orders which will tighten control over
the sale of guns and ammunition.
He will sweep aside
all relevant statistics showing that citizens being allowed
to carry concealed weapons is the best way to prevent public
House: Obama Preparing More Executive Actions on Gun
Control", Breitbart News, 5 October 2015
"The White House confirmed that President
Obama was preparing a series of executive actions on gun
control to match his recent passion on the issue after the
latest mass shooting in Oregon ... Earnest said he would
“quibble” with anyone who criticized the president
for not voicing any specific gun control proposals during
his press conference, asserting that the White House was
working behind the scenes for more executive actions on
“ 'I can tell you that they’re
not stumped, they’re continuing to review the law
that’s on the books and continuing to consult with
legal authorities but also others who may have ideas about
what steps that can be taken to keep guns out of the hands
of criminals...' ".
find it highly interesting that the Federal Government is
no longer going to "quibble" over the details
of gun control any longer. That wording sounds ominous,
as well it should, because this entire mass public shooting
campaign is designed to dramatically change the attitude
of the American people against owning guns. Listen to New
Age author, Bill Cooper explain:
"Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients
in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire
in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame
the antigun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far
is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government
to do away with the 2nd amendment." ("Behold
A Pale Horse", Page 64, pictured left)

Add to Cooper's confession as to the real
reason behind public shootings this card from the Illuminati
Card Game and you have a strong case that the government
is trying to so inflame people's passions through mass murder
blamed on guns that cannot think and cannot act independently
of the human being wielding them, and you have the recipe
for the government seizure of guns, which will then lead
to the dictatorial New World Order!
Remember the premise behind the Illuminati
Card Game. Each card represents an action the Illuminati
is going to take to overthrow the existing Old Order so
that they can bring in their coveted "New World Order",
the Kingdom of the Masonic Christ!
Hillary Clinton has jumped aboard President
Obama's bandwagon on forced gun control.
NEWS BRIEF: "Clinton
Goes After Guns", U.S. News and World
Report, 5 October 2015
"Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton
unveiled a plan Monday that calls for stricter gun control
measures, including comprehensive background checks, repealing
an immunity protection for gun manufacturers and dealers
and tightening firearms sale restrictions at gun shows and
on the Internet. "
Once again, we see the specter of lawsuits
being implemented as a serious weapon against gun manufacturers.
As we stated, above, lawsuits are so dangerous because they
consume so much time and so much money. Manufacturers could
simply be put out of business with the expense of fighting,
and possibly losing, the lawsuit.
Discerning voters must "remember in November"
of 2016 what Hillary Clinton is all about. She is far more
dangerous to our way of life than any other candidate running
for President!
NOTE: News Alert continues after
the advertisements, below
Chris Pinto DVD
Guidestones Mystery Revealed: Dark Clouds Over Elberton"
DVD by Chris Pinto
At Long Last: The mysterious 'R.C.
Christian' who funded the massive Georgia Guidestones is
revealed by Chris Pinto. Masterful research project finally
pays off.
In 1979, a mysterious stranger appeared in the remote town
of Elberton, Georgia. The man introduced himself as R.C.
Christian, but admitted this was not his real name. He claimed
to represent a small group of loyal Americans who wanted
to erect a monument they hoped would inspire 'the Age of
The monument was named the Georgia
Guidestones. Written on the great granite stones are ten
commands or guides that were intended to provide wisdom
for mankind. But the first of them calls for a reduction
of the world population to a mere 500 million. In order
to achieve this, billions of people would have to die. Many
have wondered: is the monument designed to inspire wisdom?
Or to launch a global genocide?
Researchers have wondered for decades
about the identity of R.C. Christian and the purpose of
his mysterious structure. Was he part of a globalist group?
Was he working with the United Nations? After a five year
investigation, this powerful documentary presents groundbreaking
information, and dares to solve the mystery of who R.C.
Christian really was.
This film is a must see for those
who wish to learn more about the globalist use of environmentalism
in the cause of population control.
Role of both Rosicrucian and Freemason
secret societies in the building of the Georgia Guidestones
is revealed
2 Hours Long -- Dynamic
will never read the Gospels The Same Way Again" DVD
Your understanding of the Gospel account
will change forever! Once you understand the truth that
Jewish leaders who conspired to put Jesus on the cross were
practicing Satanists of a Secret Society.
This incredible DVD reveals that the
Pharisees and Sadducees who hated Jesus with an unnatural
hatred and provoked the Lord into uncharacteristic animosity
toward them, were secretly Satanists practicing what later
became known as the Cabala (Kabbala, Qabbala).
Now you will know why the Pharisees
killed Jesus even though they knew with 100% certainty that
He was the Promised Messiah. Now you will know why these
Jewish leaders looked at Jesus' miracles and concluded that
He was drawing His power from Beelzebub, one of Satan's
chief demons. When the Pharisees told the people that Jesus
did not possess inherent power, but was merely accessing
the power of Beelzebub,they caused Jesus to proclaim a brand
new type of sin, the 'Unpardonable Sin'!
This type of Satanism which the Pharisees
practiced is the major power behind the drive to the 'New
World Order', which is the 'Kingdom of Antichrist', and
is the Corner Stone of every major type of Satanism in the
past 2,500 years! Even Adolf Hitler loved and revered the
Cabala, even as he was plotting to slaughter all Jews.
Soul-winning Segment at the very end
Trailer ---- Full
Order Details
3. A great many citizens
of Roseburg, Oregon, are dedicated gun owners!
When an 86-year-old
Grandma owns a local gun store and a lady pastor of a local
church gets a gun, you can gain a sense of the deep dedication
to gun ownership by the good citizens of this tortured town.
NEWS BRIEF: "Roseburg’s
Gun Store Grandma", Breitbart News,
5 October 2015
"In Roseburg, Oregon–the same town
which recently witnessed a heinous attack in a gun free
zone at Umpqua Community College (UCC)–86-year-old
Carolyn Kellim owns a gun store and says she is sick of
'executive anus' -- President Obama’s 'strange ideas'
on gun control ... Kellim’s gun store–KC’s
Exchange–is in her home, where it is contained in
one room. She keeps her gun of choice–a Ruger LCR
.22 Magnum revolver–close at hand as she operates
the shop and says the world would be a better place with
more love and less hate."
Notice that this elderly hero equates love
with gun ownership!
"However, one thing she is sure the world
doesn’t need is more gun control. When she was asked
whether the government should pass more gun laws following
an attack like the one at UCC, Kellim said, 'I think that’s
the worst thing in the world they could do. They’ve
got so many laws now that they are not even looking at,
and more constraints on guns is not the answer'.”
One Christian lady pastor has reached the
same conclusion! She is buying herself a gun and plans to
keep it at the pulpit during service.
NEWS BRIEF: "Defending
Her Flock: Pastor gets a gun, carry-conceal permit",
NRA, Sept 28, 2015
"t’s one thing to sit on the outside
looking in, as many anti-gunners tend to do concerning concealed
firearms in churches. It’s another thing, entirely,
to stand in the pulpit of your small church, think about
recent violent attacks and realize your church members could
easily be gunned down by a violent criminal who cares nothing
about innocent lives."
"That’s why Rev. Brenda Stevenson,
lead pastor of New Outreach Christian Church in North Charlotte,
N.C., has purchased a firearm on layaway and plans to keep
it near the pulpit once she has received her concealed-carry
permit ... We know God is with us—we just want to
get those two new members,” Stevenson told Charlotte’s
Channel 9. In this case, the two new members Stevenson is
referring to are Smith & Wesson. And her church members
have voiced support for her move. In fact, according to
a report in The Herald, many have decided to get carry permits,
The time has come in this awful, sin-scarred
world that is spinning toward a prophetic appointment with
Antichrist when Christians have to be ready to defend their
lives and the lives of their loved ones. This call to arms
for Christians is NOT a call to rebel against Government,
but is merely the affirmation of our Biblical right to defend
our lives and our property.
Listen once again to Pastor Stevenson:
“ 'It’s just so much is going
on in this world', Stevenson said. 'We just want to make
sure that people can come to church and serve God without
being afraid'.”
I don't know about you, but I am going to
be looking for "Gun Free Zones" when I go to a
restaurant and retail stores. Neither I nor my family are
going to put our lives in danger by walking into an area
where the bad guys have been told that they can expect no
return fire in this place!
NOTE: News Alert continues after
the advertisement, below
Shipping The Most Important DVD of Our Time
Common Core: Setting Our Children Free" DVD
NEW Trailer
Now Is The Time For God's People To
Separate--- "And I heard another voice from heaven,
saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers
of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."
(Rev 18: 4)
Common Core is a deficient education
designed to produce the "Common Herd" work force
for the New World Order.
Shipping NOW! Order
Yours Now
Do you remember how boldly President Obama lied to the
entire population when he falsely assured us that we would
not lose our current medical coverage once ObamaCare was
Well, he also lied
about Gun Ownership!
President’s Biggest Lie: In 2008 campaign",
NRA, September 30, 2015
" 'I want to be absolutely clear …
I believe in people’s right to bear arms. I will
not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle
away. I won’t take your handgun away. There are
common-sense gun safety laws that I believe in, but I
am not going to take your guns away'.”
"Those words—spoken in Barack Obama’s
condescending faux-redneck accent—were delivered
in a 2008 campaign appearance. Like so many other “absolutely
clear” statements from now-President Obama, this
was a lie. Want proof?"
President Obama has already forced certain types of gun
ownership denial:
* "... over 177,000 veterans who selflessly served
their country ... Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
has anonymously declared them to be prohibited from owning
or possessing firearms and individually subject to prosecution
for owning or possessing firearms as if they were common
No clear public danger has ever been seen from Veterans
owning guns. You might make a case for veterans with PTSD
not owning guns, but not the average Vet.
* "... the Obama Social Security Administration
was reportedly working on a similar plan to transfer the
names of 4.2 million Social Security recipients to the
FBI prohibited persons database as well. "
This area might be one of those Executive Orders the
President has threatened to create to deter gun ownership.
"Instead of limiting or restricting firearm ownership,
government agencies are moving into the realm of massive
gun bans by creating broad new classes of 'prohibited
persons' under federal and state law. Is it really a stretch
to imagine seizures will eventually follow?"
* ".... people who criticized the government or
even displayed pro-Second Amendment bumper stickers, were
to be eyeballed by police as potential 'domestic terrorists'?"
Now this type of gun ownership denial is serious. President
Clinton and his Attorney General, Janet Reno, declared
during their day that Christians and patriots could be
considered "domestic terrorists". This label
represents a serious threat to our Constitutional right
to keep and to bear arms.
* All NRA members will one day be declared as dangerous
"domestic terrorists".
Home confiscation is already underway, in California.
"The Huffington Post, in a Jan. 2013 story headlined,
“California Gun Confiscation Program Heralded As
Model For Nation,” gushed, “California is
the only U.S. state where law enforcement officials confiscate
guns from the homes of individuals not legally permitted
to own them.”
"Remember the phrase, 'from the homes', because
it’s important. The vast majority of people being
disarmed are not violent street criminals who are driving
California crime stats off the charts."
The slogan, "When lawful citizens give up their
guns, only criminals shall own guns", is very true.
This entire campaign to disarm Americans is driven by
the historical fact that no dictatorship in world history
has been able to be established as long as their citizens
own their own guns.
The greatest dictatorship in world history is being prepared
and it is called the New World Order.
NOTE: News Alert continues after
the advertisement, below
Pentagon's Map of the World
5. Hillary Clinton
succinctly stated the Plan of the Elite for that entrenched
dictator in Syria, President Assad.
The objective is to
overthrow this dictator.
And, Russia is on
board with this Plan.
NEWS BRIEF: "Clinton:
Ousting Assad top priority in Syria",
The Times of Israel, October 5, 2015
"Democratic presidential frontrunner
Hillary Clinton said at a Monday campaign event that ousting
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was the top priority in
the war-torn nation ... Clinton said the US should seek
a diplomatic solution to the years-long crisis in Syria,
where a 4½-year civil war has killed more than 250,000
people and left the country a breeding ground for terror
groups, including the Islamic State. "
Hillary Clinton thus aligns herself with the
plan of the Global Elite that the objective of the civil
war in Syria is to overthrow the entrenched dictator, President
Assad. Furthermore, the objective of all wars in the "Non-Integrating
Gap Region" (shown above as the dotted line from Central
America to Africa to the Middle East and over to the Asian
island nations) is to overthrow the dictators who are preventing
their nation from participating in the planned cashless
economy of the New World Order (Read full details in NEWS1833,
entitled, "The World Is On Fire In the Non-Integrating
Hillary has thus identified herself with two
key elements of the Illuminati Plan: Climate Change and
wars in the "Non-Integrating Gap". No one can
doubt any longer that Mrs. Clinton is the most powerful
Establishment Candidate in the 2016 election and deserves
to be soundly defeated at the polls.
Hillary Clinton is exceedingly dangerous to
our entire way of life!