Tuesday, 10/3/2023
Halloween -
The Celebration of the Devil
Unmasking Hell Night"
DVD by Bill Schnoebelen
Do the gates of Hell really
open up on Halloween night? Did you know that Satanists
believe that, beginning October 1, the veil separating
this Earthly dimension from the Abyss begins to thin.
On Halloween, that veil disappears for 24 hours, allowing
free access by the demonic realm into Earth.
Ritual murders are committed
during the 24 hours of Halloween day / night. Former
Satanist, Bill Schnoebelen, helps us comprehend the
desperately wicked demonic celebration, Halloween.
In this teaching, Bill
shares compelling historical and Biblical evidence about
Halloween's origins and proves that this day is a Biblically
'unclean thing' in which no Christian -- or their child
-- should participate (1 Cor 6:17).
Scriptures exhorting believers
to keep children away from all uncleanness -- especially
Halloween -- are discussed. This DVD is an excellent
ministry tool for educating those people who do not
yet comprehend the Hellish glamors of Halloween. --
Only $19.99
Occult Holidays"
Former Satanist, Doc
Marquis, delivers a knockout punch against the practice
of all our major holidays, providing details only a
former Witch would know.
Doc begins by demonstrating
how the Illuminati effected the change in our calendar
and how that change has affected a dramatic change in
our everyday lives. The Illuminati copied heathen holidays
from Satanism and then just gave them Christian names.
You will be shocked to realize how very pagan our annual
celebrations are! You will be shocked to realize how
most of the symbols used in our holidays originated
within Satanism.
Too many Christians are
enthusiastically celebrating Luciferian holidays, thinking
they are Christian. Once you understand how very pagan
America and the rest of the Western world has become,
you can see how God's judgment cannot be far behind.
- Only $19.99, Nearly 3 hours long

Is For REAL"
DVD by Bible/Prophecy
Teacher Gary Frazier
When I walked out of the
theater after watching 'Heaven Is For Real', I felt
uncomfortable, for the almost subliminal message was
that, eventually, all people go to Heaven. Since the
movie did not show the Biblical road to Heaven, it leaves
a message that all people will go there.
Since the danger to peoples
souls is so great and is ETERNAL, Frazier speaks boldly
and compassionately as he teaches the full Biblical
teaching about what Hell is and why it is so terrible.
Most of Fraziers warnings come directly from the lips
of Jesus, since He taught more about Hell than about
any other subject, and more than any other inspired
Bible teacher.
Gary Frazier also weaves
into this subject the most common misconceptions people
have about Hell: For example:
1) I will party with my friends in Hell for eternity.
2) Eventually all people go to Heaven.
3) A loving God will never send anyone to Hell.
4) I am a good person and all good persons go to Heaven.
5) Frazier carefully explains the ETERNITY of Hell,
a concept most unsaved just do not seem to comprehend.
6) Hell is so real and so terrible, Frazier urges people
to make the decision NOW to repent and ask forgiveness
of sin through the blood sacrifice of Jesus, before
God closes the Age of Grace.
Frazier ends with the
Plan of Salvation, so this video becomes a valuable
Soul-Winning Tool.
Run time is 1 hour 15
minutes -- https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2632
Satanic Ritual of the Royal Secret" - DVD
Satanic Ritual of the Royal Secret' reveals that occult
people believe they can attain unto ETERNAL LIFE if
they have sex with a minor child!
This video shines Scriptural
Light on the Devil’s Triangle — a dangerous
conjunction of Freemasonry, Aleister Crowley’s
Thelema Cult of the 'Fascinating Child' and the dark
social engineering mind-control efforts of the Tavistock
Institute/MI6/ CIA.
Today, Satan has the world
in his vise grip because of the widespread usage of
Pedophilia! Pedophilia is literally the 'grease that
moves the levers of power', from people as diverse as
Jeffrey Epstein, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden.
both George Bushes and Henry Kissinger!
In this Teaching learn
what demonic overlords command: geopolitical perversity,
nihilism, violence, 'Wokeness' and satanism working
frantically to crush and pervert our morality, children,
Scriptural family values, freedom and religious rights.
Schnoebelen shares HOW to DISMANTLE those overlords
back territory the enemy has stolen!
LEARN HOW satan is using
his minions to infiltrate - then devastate Western society
and culture. Although Christians worldwide are horrified
with the explicit threat of increased child sex trafficking,
violence, murder and worse escalating to the point of
TO STOP THIS ONSLAUGHT and the Spiritual Warfare tactics
needed to put on your Blood-bought, ordained BATTLE
ARMOUR in this End-Time War!
Full 2 Hours of Teaching
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You Spiritually Ready?
Important News Articles - Analysis
Did Hunter Biden just ruin his Dad's chances to stay
out of jail?
"China-Linked University of Delaware Biden
Partnership Was Hunter’s ‘Baby,’ Part
of ‘Wealth Creation’ Strategy",
Breitbart News, 3 October 2023
media reports have focused on University of Pennsylvania’s
Biden Center, less attention has been paid to University
of Delaware’s Biden Institute, even though these
two “institutes” were opened on the same
day and meant to serve a shared goal of being incubators
of advancing globalism and leftism."
The old
carnival shell game is being played here, where your
hands are quicker than the eyes; while the University
of Pennsylvania’s Biden Center gets Media attention,
the actual news is over at the University of Delaware’s
Biden Institute.
UPenn Biden Center became a pipeline for longtime Biden
allies into his administration, and, as previously reported
by Peter Schweizer, proceeded a suspicious influx in
Chinese donations to the university."
key players at the University of Delaware’s Biden
Institute were either Biden family members, people with
deep ties to China, or both ... Like the University
of Pennsylvania, University of Delaware (UD) disclosed
receiving funds from China soon after forging the partnership
with the Bidens."
money from China is cause for alarm given that UD has
thirty-seven international partnerships with Chinese
universities, including several that support the development
of Chinese military technologies."
University of Delaware has worked with at least four
other universities linked to Chinese defense laboratories."
The Clintons
were on their way out and Joe Biden stepped in to keep
the money flowing. " The Biden money machine was
poised to take over from the well-oiled Clinton money
The Clinton Global Initiative
was shut down in 2016 and revived in 2022. In retrospect,
it was always meant to be an influence-peddling operation
by the Clintons. It was shuttered at the specific moment
where Hillary Clinton could no longer do anything substantial
for the donors.
"That’s where
the Bidens could step in and fill the void."
And, then, the smoking
Two wires originating
from Beijing listed Joe Biden’s Wilmington home
as the beneficiary address
Just Wrecked Joe’s Impeachment Defense",
Patriot Journal, Sept 27, 2023
White House has been running defense for Joe Biden since
these investigations began. A common claim by the Biden
administration is that his family did not receive money
from China. This strikes against Republicans’
claims that Biden was selling favors to enrich his family."
Smoking Gun
Hunter Biden might have doomed Biden with two documents."
1) "...
President Joe Biden claimed his family did not make
any money in China, but first son Hunter Biden listed
his father’s Delaware home as the beneficiary
address for two 2019 bank wires of Chinese origin."
2) "...
now we know that two wires originating from Beijing
listed Joe Biden’s Wilmington home as the beneficiary
address when he was running for President of the United
Joe Biden
may well go down in American history as the great fraudster
in history!
The Bible
foretells that bribery will be very prevalent at the
End of the Age:
know also, that in the last days perilous times shall
come ... Traitors,
heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures
more than lovers of God." (2 Timothy 3:1-6,
2. Elon Musk may
have become the unofficial leader of the anti-jab crowd.
Musk: ‘I Would Rather Go to Prison Than Fire
Good People Who Don’t Want to Be Jabbed’,"
WLT Report, Sept 26,
"Elon Musk said Tuesday
he would rather go to prison than fire good people working
for him who didn’t want the experimental COVID-19
shot ... 'My concern was more the outrageous demand
that people *must* take the vaccine and multiple boosters
to do anything at all. That was messed up. Until the
Supreme Court invalidated Biden’s exec order,
SpaceX and many other companies would have been forced
to fire anyone who refused to get vaccinated!' Musk
Would Rather Go to Prison Than Fire Good People Who
Don’t Want to Be Jabbed’
"... the cure cannot
be potentially worse than the disease. And public debate
over efficacy should not be shut down. There is also
great potential for curing many diseases using synthetic
mRNA, so let’s not throw the baby out with the
bath water', Musk concluded."
My concern was more the
outrageous demand that people *must* take the vaccine
and multiple boosters to "do anything at all. That
was messed up."
As the world heads toward
Covid-2, Musk's words are wise wisdom for us all!
3. Congress passed
legislation to avert government shutdown.
Passes Stopgap Bill To Avert Government Shutdown",
The Washington Free Beacon, Sept 30,
"Congress passed
a stopgap funding bill late on Saturday with overwhelming
Democratic support after Republican House speaker Kevin
McCarthy backed down from an earlier demand by his party's
hardliners for a partisan bill."
"The Democratic-majority
Senate voted 88-9 to pass the measure to avoid the federal
government's fourth partial shutdown in a decade, sending
it to President Joe Biden to sign into law before the
12:01 a.m. ET deadline."
McCarthy is thus identified
firmly in our minds as a genuine "R.I.N.O."
(Republican In Name Only).
America is governed by
an invisible One Party System!
Did Conservatives get stiffed,
as usual?
4. Preparing for
the coming storm - Fraud in the 2024 Elections
for the Coming Storm:
Fraud in the 2024 Elections",
Canada Free Press, October 3, 2023
will be election fraud in massive quantities—count
on it! The Left has gone too far to back down now. They
have to win or die, and nothing is out of bounds for
them. There are candidates out
there who think they can pull enough legitimate votes
to win even a corrupt election. In my opinion, they
are too naive to deserve to be elected. You can't outvote
fraud, and you can't outharvest fraud. If a candidate
isn't smart enough to see that and have a plan to deal
with it, they aren't smart enough to win."
But Trump promises:
"We are not going to let them rig the election
of 2024!”
Trump: “We are not going to let them rig the
election of 2024!”, WLT
Report, October 11, 20233
"This article is
a compilation of all the little hints (big hints, really)
that President Trump keeps dropping in his speeches.
I thought I would just post it once and that
would be it, but there is a new once almost every single
At some point I don’t
know how you can’t see it….
How you can’t connect
the dots…
It’s starting to
become almost impossible to ignore.
Trump is telling us!
At least that’s
what I think.
And so does Derek Johnson
who has been doing an excellent job of covering this
Watch this latest clip
right here which is just stunning: And in my second
term… which is sort of happening now, but I don’t
want the results, right? I don’t want the results
of this second term. This second term is a disaster
for this Country.”
than 5 months from now, we're going to defeat Crooked
Joe Biden, we're going to take back our Country!"
And now, the Trump bombshell:
"I don't think we
make it to November 2024…"
Repeat: "I
don't think we make it to November 2024…"
5. Irish Transport
Secretary Harper launches crackdown on ‘sinister'
15-minute cities
Harper launches crackdown on ‘sinister' 15-minute
cities ", The
Irish News, 02 October, 2023
"Speaking from the
main stage of the Tory party conference, the Cabinet
minister announced the Government will review its powers
to prevent “overzealous use of traffic management”.
"The global concept
of 15-minute cities is based on having shops, services
and workplaces within a short walk or bicycle ride from
people’s homes ... Councils could be blocked from
fining drivers under a crackdown on the “misuse
of so-called 15-minute cities”, Transport Secretary
Mark Harper has said."
"There’s nothing
wrong with making sure people can walk or cycle to the
shops or school, that’s traditional town planning.
“But what is different,
what is sinister and what we shouldn’t tolerate
is the idea that local councils can decide how often
you go to the shops, and that they ration who uses the
road and when, and they police it all with CCTV."
6. Robert F. Kennedy,
Jr., is leaving the Democrat Party
Leaving The Party Of Corruption",
Canada Free Press, October 2, 2023
decades, the Kennedy family has been political royalty
in the Democratic Party. Of course, Democrat U.S. Senator
John F. Kennedy (D-MA) was elected President of the
United States in 1960.
his assassination in 1963, his brother, Robert F. Kennedy,
who served as U.S. Attorney General and U.S. Senator
from New York, became a leading presidential candidate
in the 1968 Democratic Party nomination contest. Tragically,
he was assassinated after winning the Democratic Party
primary in California."
Then the Democrat operatives
tried to kill Ted Kennedy, but only succeeded in killing
his female employee; but, Ted got the message - the
Illuminati was not going to tolerate another Kennedy
"Amazingly, forty-three
years later, another family member is running for President,
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. He announced his candidacy as
a Democrat and has been campaigning for six months.
His campaign has generated impressive grassroots support,
even though he is challenging incumbent President Joe
Biden for the Democratic Party’s presidential
If he pursues
a Third Party candidacy he could do more harm to Biden's
reelection than any other move!
would hurt Joe Biden more than he would Trump in a three-way
contest, which is to be expected since Kennedy is at
least as liberal as Biden."
Kennedy appears to be
reentering the Presidential race with the express purpose
of pulling enough votes away from one candidate so as
to guarantee victory for the other. Before you scoff,
remember the arrogant statement of the writers of the
New World Order, a statement written in the late 1700's:
"When we come into
our kingdom, who will ever suspect then that all these
peoples were stage-managed by us according to a political
plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course
of many centuries." ( ["The Protocols of the
Learned Elders of Zion", end of Protocol No. 13.]