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guarantee that Cutting Edge will not disappear for lack
of funds. We have a unique message and a worldview which
has proven right for the past 23 years.
Important DVD - Maybe Ever! 
2024 DVD: What Would The World Be Like by 2024 If Trump
$14.99, Introductory Offer $12.99 - Order
yours now
Watch the trailer
Love him or hate him this
film answers the question; What will the world look like
in 2024 after Trump? If President Trump loses his bid for
re-election, what will America be like by the time 2024
rolls around?
Donald J. Trump is still by far the most polarizing figure
to ever hold the office. Some have called him the worst
thing to happen to America. A racist, sexist, crazy, unhinged
Others have called him a man
of integrity, a true patriot, appointed by God to lead the
United States.
He has fought for ‘We
The People’.
As President Trump has said,
'we are part of one of the greatest stories ever told: the
story of America. It is the epic tale of a great nation
whose people have risked everything for what they know is
right, and what they know is true. It is the chronicle of
brave citizens who never give up on the dream of a better
and brighter future.'
This movement trying to defeat
him is dismantling America’s liberties, teachings,
values, and silencing our voice in religious, economic,
and public places around the globe. Removing American borders
and submitting to a controlling one-world centralized government
is their ultimate goal.
The battle to maintain the
foundational values and independence of the United States
against a global community has never been more fierce. And
the threat of losing our ability to pursue life, liberty,
and happiness has never been more powerful.
'Trump 2024: The World After
Trump' addresses the aggressive movement seeking to bring
America under control of a One-World Government, so the
ultimate One World Dictator can arise, fulfilling Bible
This documentary listens to
the voices of over 20 Christian teachers and leaders and
This DVD needs to be bought
in multiple copies and given to friends to watch! This election
may be the most important in our entire national history!
Today - Shipping Begins Tuesday September 29
Revelations About President Trump!
Tale of Two Babylons: Trump's Prophetic Appointment With
'Destiny' "
We reveal two major contributions
to End Times' prophecy which Donald J. Trump is poised to
fulfill. In fact, Trump is the only leader who can fulfill
these prophecies in America today. President Trump does
not realize it, but he has 'An Appointment With Destiny',
a favorite term uttered many times by 33rd Degree Masonic
President, Franklin Roosevelt, referring to the New Age
/ Masonic Messiah, whom the Bible calls Antichrist.
We believe that President
Trump will be the leader of America who leads us into fulfillment
of Revelation 18:7, where God foretells that citizens will
be trapped in their own prosperity and greed.
Just before God utterly annihilates
America in His mighty judgment, they are bragging about
how rich they are and how the 'good times shall never end'.
Only Donald J. Trump can lead
America into this unprecedented level of prosperity -- in
his Second Term! We tell the entire prophetic story, coming
to life now in our Daily News.
Only $19.99, 1 hour, 38 minutes
Critically Important
News Headlines
1. The Battle of Religions
seems ready to explode when Amy Coney Barrett appears before
the Senate Judiciary Committee!
Christianity will
be represented by Roman Catholicism (Amy) while Atheism
/ Secular Humanism will erupt from Leftist Democrats.
2. If the Democrat
interrogators are as nasty as they were with Kavanaugh,
they run the real risk of alienating the vast majority of
Roman Catholic voters in America.
Catholics number 70
million in the United States, with about 35 million being
of voting age.
3. How did America
come to the cusp of having a numerical advantage which could
overturn Roe vs Wade?
We can thank God.
We can also thank
radical Democrats, for the very pit they have dug for the
Pro-Life Movement, they have fallen into it!
4. The number of new
Coronavirus cases, continues to increase, but the actual
numbers of deaths is declining.
How can this be? New
treatments are working to heal, especially one where the
recovery rate is close to 100%!
5. Were it not for
the very slick propaganda machine of the Democrat Party,
President Trump would be heading for a landslide victory.
But, we are going
to be biting our nails and trusting in Jesus depending upon
prophecy to bring President Trump the victory.
6. The New York Times
regurgitated the old "Trump's Tax Returns" smear
They served up another
big "Nothing-Burger"!
News Alert Analysis
Earth / Gaia Is Angry With Us -- Nancy Pelosi"
Nancy Pelosi Plunges
America Into the Luciferian Hell of the PLAN to stage Antichrist
As She Blames 'Mother Earth" (Gaia) For The Furious
Wildfires on The West Coast
'Rewilding' is truly
underway, as Gaia forces people out of lands where the Elite
believes we should not be living in the first place (NEWS2568)

Red Sea Miracle, Part 2 of 2" DVD: Patterns of Evidence
Tim Mahoney investigates
one of the greatest miracles of the Bible. Did a mighty
sea split? After leaving Egypt, the Bible describes the
Israelites crossing a deep sea that was miraculously split
with walls of water on their right and left. When the Egyptians
and their chariot force pursued, the water came crashing
back down to destroy the entire army.
Skeptics contend that
no evidence has ever been found for huge numbers of people
crossing the wilderness or a mighty sea. Does the lack of
evidence at the traditional sites mean the events didn’t
happen, or might we have been looking in wrong places all
Hear ideas from all
sides of the debate as you journey back to the lands of
the Bible in search of answers to one of the Bible’s
biggest mysteries; where is the lost sea of the Exodus,
and what really happened there? Can a patterns approach
help to solve the problem?
Your faith will be
mightily blessed!
or watch
the trailer
Only $19.99

News" DVD
UN's Agenda21 For World Domination"
Globalists in the
Power Elite — working through the United Nations —
are waging war against property rights, gun rights and capitalism
in order to usher in a Marxist World Order. This war is
known as Agenda 21.
Considered a 'conspiracy theory' by the Mainstream Media
and other apologists of globalization, the flagship term
for Agenda 21 –- 'sustainable development' —
crops up in thousands of federal, state and local government
laws, regulations, policies and documents. So is Agenda
21 really just a 'theory'?
The UN says 'sustainable
development' is simply the 'Environmental Movement' reconfiguring
the planet into a safe, green world. Others maintain it’s
the forced inventory and control of all land, water, minerals,
plants, animals, building projects and human beings on the
In other words, Agenda
21 is a blueprint for what many fear could morph into a
totalitarian World Government. If true, this should concern
all Americans . . . and citizens of the world.
There is no other
movie attuned to Current News, like UNSUSTAINABLE!
Only $21.99 Order
your copy today 
Analysis of Headline News
The Battle of Religions seems ready to explode when Amy
Coney Barrett appears before the Senate Judiciary Committee!
News Brief: "Democrats
Slander SCOTUS Pick Over Religion — And It Could
Cost Them 2020", Sons of 1776, Sept
28, 2020
"Even before Trump officially
nominated Amy Coney Barrett to replace RBG, Democrats were
attacking her. They had little reason to slander this respected
judge, wife, and mother—so, they went after her deeply-held
beliefs. Liberals slandered this Catholic for her faith—inciting
backlash from millions of believers. Now, they risk alienating
any religious voters they had left."
For almost 4 years now, we
have been stating this truth, that Democrat leaders are
committing election blunders so absurd that a fifth grader
would know not to do. For example:
* DNC stated, in December,
2016, that the Democrat Party was irreversibly pro-abortion,
so anyone who cannot agree should find another party! If
you want to win future elections, you do not deliberately
alienate tens of millions of people, Protestant and Catholic
and Mainstream!
* DNC stated its firm commitment
to the LGBT-Q Movement, so anyone who could not agree with
this stance should leave the Democrat Party.
In other words, the DNC has
been alienating up to 40 million voters and doing it deliberately.
And, now, apparently, they
are gearing up to alienate even more voters as they grill
Amy Barrett for Supreme Court Justice.
Do not be deceived, Leftists
plan on persecuting Christians as soon as their Masonic
Christ arises. We are seeing the tip of this hateful iceberg
right now.
Our new DVD, pictured left,
splendidly demonstrates how the Rapture will occur. This
DVD is excellent!
However, the Illuminati is
depending as much on the Rapture of the Church to remove
tens of millions of Christians from this Earth.
Did you know that the "Illuminati
Card Game" contains a card that foretells the 'Rapture
of the Church'? This article is NEWS2077,
and is entitled, "As
The Rapture of the Christian Church Draws Near -- the Illuminait
Awaits It Breathlessly"!
In this article, I made the
following very pertinent points:
+ Christians are mightily
looking forward to the Rapture, based upon Revelation 3:10;
I Thessalonians 4:13-5:4; I Corinthians 15:13-58; and others
* Occultists are also looking
forward to the Rapture, having been alerted by their Guiding
Spirits that such an event would occur! Beginning in 1987,
'Guiding Spirits' of key New World Order leaders began to
inform these human leaders to start preparing their adherents
for a spectacular global event, that would occur just after
The New Age Christ [Antichrist] will make his appearance.
What was this spectacular event to be? As these 'Guiding
Spirits' explained, when The Christ appears, there will
be many people throughout the world that could never accept
his views or his teachings. These people would prove to
be a great obstacle in the way the New Age Christ wanted
to move the peoples of the world.
Therefore, the 'Masters of
the Logos' had decided, these 'Guiding Spirits' said, to
suddenly snap these people into another dimension, soon
after The Christ arose. These recalcitrant people would
be retrained in spirit, so that, when they reenter the 'Reincarnation
Cycle', they will be fully persuaded as to the merits of
the New World Order. Of course, when these people get back
to earth in reincarnated bodies, the New World Order will
have been in full swing for several hundred years, and everyone
will know then how wonderful the system of The Christ is!
On August 18, 1991, I was
sneaked into a major seminar of the Boston House of Theosophy
and heard with my own ears a very logical explanation as
to why so many people were going to be suddenly snatched
out of this dimension [Read
Now, let us return to our
current topic of Supreme Court process.
will be represented by Roman Catholicism (Amy) while Atheism
/ Secular Humanism will erupt from Leftist Democrats.
News Brief: "Leftist
Group Fueling Democrat Senate Campaigns Are at the Center
of Attacks on Amy Coney Barrett’s Children",
Breitbart News, 28 Sept 2020
"The leftist PAC NextGen
America’s Managing Director, John Lee Brougher, is
behind attacks on Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s adopted
children, roping several Democrat U.S. Senators and Senate
candidates into the smears on her family ... Brougher leveled
vicious personal smears against her, questioning the legitimacy
of the adoptions she and her husband made of two children
from Haiti."
Now you know, there is no
rhetorical bottom as to where the Democrats will sink to
defeat this nomination. Who on earth would attack innocent
children in order to smear Amy Bartlett? The real message
here is that starving children in Haiti are better off dying
in Haiti than being adopted by white parents who can properly
feed and clothe them?
This is the spirit of Baphomet
who demanded children as sacrifices all throughout history.
Baphomet, also known by the name, Baal, required human sacrifices
throughout history, with a particular fondness for babies!
LIsten to historic facts:
"Moloch went
by many names including, but not limited to, Ba’al,
Moloch, Apis Bull, Golden Calf, Chemosh ... The
principal pillars of Baalism were child sacrifice, sexual
immorality (both heterosexual and homosexual) and pantheism
(reverence of creation over the Creator). Adults would gather
around the altar of Baal. Infants would then be burned alive
as a sacrificial offering to the deity. Amid horrific screams
and the stench of charred human flesh, congregants –
men and women alike – would engage in bisexual orgies.
" ("Child
Sacrifice and Baal – Moloch", Anglican
Orthodox Church; Emphasis added)
"Worshipping Baal meant
sacrificing human life, never your own, just the innocent
newly born, so you might have prosperity here on earth."
Now, can you understand why
the Leftist/Progressive/Democrats love bloody abortion so
very much? Their god, Baal, demands it. Modern Abortion
On Demand is the modern equivalent to the ancient Baal child
And, running concurrently
with the practice of Abortion is a sexual permissiveness,
bisexuality, homosexuality and a general permissiveness
toward sex overall.
Furthermore, Black Magick
Satanists strongly believe that this kind of blood sacrifice
is absolutely required to produce Antichrist -- the New
Age Christ -- on the world scene!
Now, can you see the supernatural
source for their extreme anger against any thought of overturning
Abortion? This Baphomet spirit is literally pouring forth
from the Abyss and flowing into the hearts and minds of
Leftist Democrats!
On another note, we prove
that all of Washington, D.C., is a city planned to honor
Baal ("Riddles
In Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.".
The most obvious Baal symbol is the Obelisk which is nothing
more than the Egyptian phallus of Osiris/Baal, and it is
called the "Washington Monument"!
2. If the Democrat
interrogators are as nasty as they were with Kavanaugh,
they run the real risk of alienating the vast majority of
Roman Catholic voters in America.
News Brief: "Amy
Coney Barrett and the Zealots: "More
than 70 million Roman Catholics" in
America", By Selwyn
Duke, Canada Free Press, Sept 28, 2020
"The dogma lives loudly
in you,” Senator Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.) told Barrett
in 2017 during the latter’s nomination hearing for
the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. My answer to the senator
would have begun with a simple but sage statement:
'“In truth, there are
only two kinds of people; those who accept dogma and know
it, and those who accept dogma and don’t know it.”
( G.K. Chesterton in 1923)
" many leftists’
dogmas are part of the Democratic Party’s and other
liberal organization’s platforms/guiding principles
... everyone has a world view — a philosophical foundation
— that shapes his positions on everything else. "
"This constitutional
adherence, by the way, is precisely what leftists don’t
want despite their claims to the contrary ... Implicit in
Feinstein’s Barrett criticism, that authentic “religiosity”
should be a disqualifying factor."
The bottom line is: "The
truth hiding in plain sight is that in the most important
sense, the religious/secular distinction is a false distinction."
Most of what we have been
hearing from Democrat leaders and their media cohorts since
November, 2018, is false, creating a wholly fake news designed
to impugned and get rid of Donald Trump as President of
the United States.
Conservatives and/or Christians
feel like we have been forced to daily walk through a golden
shower each and every day. And, we are sick of it.
"There is only the true
and the untrue — anything obscuring this reality is
dark unreality. And the truth about Amy Coney Barrett is,
quite possibly, not that the Democrats are afraid she’ll
impose Catholicism. They’re perhaps afraid that because
she honors God, she’ll also honor her oath and impose
Interpreting the Constitution
strictly according to its original content is roughly reading
the Bible literally!
If Roman Catholics are righteously
anger is stirred by the manner in which Amy Bartlett is
treated, the difference at the polls could be, and should
be, profound!
Catholics number 70
million in the United States, with about 30 million being
of voting age.
3. How did America
come to the cusp of having a numerical advantage which could
overturn Roe vs Wade?
News Brief: "How
Amy Coney Barrett will use science and legal principles
to overturn Roe v. Wade", Life News,S
ept 28, 2020
"Roe v. Wade predated
Ginsberg’s service on the court, of course, and she
originally—and correctly--considered it an example
of judicial overreach ... "
"Not that Ginsberg was
opposed to the end sought by Roe v. Wade: legalized abortion
throughout the United States. She wasn’t. But she
was honest enough to admit that the court had engaged in
a raw act of judicial tyranny to get there..."
"Indeed, we now have
leading members of the Democrat party publicly promoting
the killing of babies born alive after failed abortions.
Infanticide by any other name is still infanticide."
Yes, indeed, the spirit of
Baphomet reigns supreme over the Leftist/Progressive/Democrat
party. They are fervent in their strident defense of the
murder of young innocent children, including children who
have been born (Infanticide)!
So, whom do we have to thank
for this opportunity to kill Roe vs Wade?
We can thank God.
We can also thank
radical Democrats, for the very pit they have dug for the
Pro-Life Movement, they have fallen into it!
News Brief: "Thank
God and Chuck Schumer for Amy Coney Barrett: The four
Democratic overreaches that got us here", The
Washington Examiner, Sept 28, 2020
"If Amy Coney Barrett
joins the Supreme Court later this year, conservatives will
rightly be thrilled, but maybe Democrats and the Left will
question their scorched-earth tactics of the past few years.
Had Democrats been more restrained and more bound by norms
of the judicial confirmation process, Barrett wouldn’t
be in the position she is today, as the nominee, with 51
very likely votes in the U.S. Senate."
"We can go back to 2013
and look at four decisions made by Senate Democrats. If
they had declined to overreach in just one of these four,
Barrett wouldn’t be here."
What are these four actions
the Democrats took which backfired on them in a huge debacle?
1) "Nuking the filibuster
in 2013"
2) "Filibustering Gorsuch",
which cemented the death of the filibuster against Supreme
Court nominees.
3) "‘The dogma
lives loudly within you.' "
"They never marshaled
any evidence that Barrett substituted her own religious
beliefs for the law or the Constitution, and so they were
reduced to utterly distorting her record and just admitting
that her living as a religious, pro-family Catholic creeped
them out."
"It was a naked admission
that her case against Barrett was that Barrett takes seriously
the teachings of the Catholic Church. This became a rallying
cry for conservative Catholics and religious conservatives
broadly. It laid bare the bigotry of the other side’s
culture warriors."
4) "Smearing Kavanaugh"
"Without this smear campaign,
one or two of the vulnerable Democrats in Florida, Indiana,
Missouri, or North Dakota, might have won reelection. Had
two of those Democrats won, Barrett wouldn’t have
a majority of the Senate right now."
In other words, the Leftist
Democrats dug a hole for the Republicans to fall into, but
God ensured that they would fall into the very trap they
had prepared for others. Doesn't this sound Biblical?