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Must I Do To Be Saved?
Cutting Edge FREE!"
We want to thank all of
our financial supporters. Over the years your support
has proven crucial in enabling us to make our full site
free for everyone so that those who cannot afford to
donate can have full access. This year we have experienced
a severe drop in bookstore sales and donations.
We are running a
"Keep Cutting Edge Free" Promotion this
week to encourage those who can afford it to help us
reach everyone. Your donations will help us expand into
podcasts also. For your donation this week of
$50.00 or more we will send you a $25.00 off single
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this is a great way to do both, helping our Christian
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To take advantage of this
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Our heartfelt thanks for
helping us expand our outreach.
David Bay, Director
This Be The Last Halloween That You Can Share Jesus
With Unsaved Loved Ones?
Unmasking Hell Night"
DVD by Bill Schnoebelen,
Sale $9.99
Do the gates of
Hell really open up on Halloween night? Did you know
that Satanists believe that, beginning October 1, the
veil separating this Earthly dimension from the Abyss
begins to thin? On Halloween, that veil disappears for
24 hours, allowing free access by the demonic realm
into Earth.
Ritual murders
are committed during the 24 hours of Halloween day /
night. Former Satanist, Bill Schnoebelen, helps us comprehend
the desperately wicked demonic celebration, Halloween.
In this teaching,
Bill shares compelling historical and Biblical evidence
about Halloween's origins and proves that this day is
a Biblically 'unclean thing' in which no Christian --
or their child -- should participate (1 Cor 6:17). Only
$9.99 https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2642
Occult Holidays"
by Former Satanist,
Doc Marquis
Regularly $39.99,
Only $19.99
Dynamic Trailer
Former Satanist,
Doc Marquis, delivers a knockout punch against the practice
of all our major holidays, providing details only a
former Witch would know.
Doc begins by
demonstrating how the Illuminati effected the change
in our calendar and how that change has affected a dramatic
change in our everyday lives. The Illuminati copied
heathen holidays from Satanism and then just gave them
Christian names. You will be shocked to realize how
very pagan our annual celebrations are! You will be
amazed to realize how most of the symbols used in our
holidays originated within Satanism.
Too many Christians
are enthusiastically celebrating Luciferian holidays,
thinking they are Christian. Once you understand how
very pagan America and the rest of the Western world
has become, you can see how God's judgment cannot be
far behind. Save $20.
Plan of Salvation at the end.
Is For REAL "
Soul-Winning DVD
by Renowned Bible/Prophecy Teacher Gary Frazier
Regularly $24.99,
Only $19.99
Dynamic Trailer
Since the danger
to peoples souls is so great and is ETERNAL, Frazier
speaks boldly and compassionately as he teaches the
full Biblical teaching about what Hell is and why it
is so terrible. Most of Frazier's warnings come directly
from the lips of Jesus, since He taught more about Hell
than about any other subject, and more than any other
inspired Bible teacher.
Gary Frazier also
weaves into this subject the most common misconceptions
people have about Hell: For example:
1) I will party with my friends in Hell for eternity.
2) Eventually all people go to Heaven.
3) A loving God will never send anyone to Hell.
4) I am a good person and all good persons go to Heaven.
5) Frazier carefully explains the ETERNITY of Hell,
a concept most unsaved just do not seem to comprehend.
is so real and so terrible, Frazier urges people to
make the decision NOW to repent and ask forgiveness
of sin through the blood sacrifice of Jesus, before
God closes the Age of Grace.
Frazier ends with
the Plan of Salvation,
so this video becomes a valuable Soul-Winning Tool.
Speakers other
than Gary Frazier are David Reagan, Ed Hindson and Kerby
Anderson. Run time is 1 hour 15 minutes. https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2632
Roots, Withered Souls"
DVD by Bill Schnoebelen
Regularly $24.99,
Now Only $9.99
families have at least one member who is bound by a
'Root of Bitterness', powerfully binding them to the
dark spirits of the Abyss. This person seemingly cannot
find joy in any part of life, but is continually saturated
with a spirit of gall.
shares critically important spiritual warfare information
which can begin a spiritual healing that sets a person
America is a
nation whose soul has rejected God and is now bound
up in Satan's roots of bondage and unhappiness unto
death. Thank God, there is deliverance!
Over 2 hours long,
this DVD contains spiritual warfare and deliverance
information you will never get from your local pastor!
Important News Articles
1. We are the
"Overcomers" foretold at the End of the Age!
Jesus Promised: "Behold,
I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that
no man take thy crown ... Him that overcometh
will I make a pillar in the temple of my God ... and
I will write upon him my new name." (Revelation
3:11-12, KJV)
In Revelation, Jesus personally
addresses 7 churches in the Middle East, commending
most and condemning all but the Church of Philadelphia.
Jesus had no word of condemnation for Philadelphia.
When you look closely at why He was so pleased, you
realize He was pleased because of their faithful Fundamentalism
! And of their being overcomers !
Please, oh please, note
carefully what our Lord Jesus Christ is commending the
Church of Philadelphia for doing, i.e., He was commending
them for "guarding" His "message"
and "keeping His Word"! This is the essence
of the Fundamental Churches today, and the reason we
are so detested by the Liberal Protestant "Christian"
churches of today. We are being detested by the supporters
of the coming New World Order Religion for the very
reason the Lord Jesus commended the Philadelphians!
Maybe the time has come for us to decide by whom it
is we want to be ultimately commended, Jesus Christ
or the Liberal Protestants busily building the Church
of Antichrist.
Jesus also promised His
beloved Fundamental Philadelphian Church that, because
they were rigidly holding fast to His Bible [Word] and
obeying the advice given by the Apostle James to prove
their faith by their works, He had opened a door which
no man can shut! We Fundamentalists may be outnumbered
badly but we have the power of Almighty Jesus Christ
to keep that door to minister to the wicked world open!
No man can shut that door, by any means or any persuasion,
or any persecution! We Fundamentalists need to stop
worrying about what is being said and written about
us, and keep on spreading the Word of God in our neighborhoods
and around the world.
Similarly, we need to
make sure that we are keeping true to the Name of Jesus
Christ in everything we do and say. We need to depend
daily upon Jesus' power, since we, also, have but "little
power". In the book of the Acts, we see the apostles
performing great miracles "in the name of Jesus".
This is precisely what we must be doing, right here
and now, and until Jesus Christ takes us out in the
Rapture. Then, the One Who will be judging the living
and the dead will say to us as He greets us in the air,
"Well done, good and faithful servant ... enter
thou into the joy of thy lord." [Matthew 25:23]
Did you know that
fully one-half of all references to "overcome"
are in the Book of Revelation?
While there are 30 instances
of "overcome" and "overcomer" in
the New Testament, 11 of them are in the Book of Revelation
alone! God is telling His people that the believer living
at the End of the Age is going to have to uniquely "overcome"
the world's wicked system.
And, the world's system
has never been so vile and so wicked and so hateful!
Do you remember what the Apostle Paul said about the
people living at the End of the Age.
"... in the last
days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers
of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers,
disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without
natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers,
incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers
of pleasures more than lovers of God;
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof:
from such turn away." (2 Timothy 3:1-5, KJV)
God has chosen us in Eternity
Past to live at this awful time of the End, so we must
buckle down and purify our hearts and minds though the
power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God and start
living consecrated lives worthy of the name 'Christian'.
At this time of unparalleled
wickedness and perversion, Jesus' Words must ring in
our ears:
"And I heard another
voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people,
that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive
not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven,
and God hath remembered her iniquities." (Revelation
18:4-5, KJV)
All Christians need to
daily review their actions, their thoughts and their
motives and immediately ask forgiveness through the
power of Jesus' blood sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary.
2. President Biden
forcefully advocates the pure Communist doctrine of
"Wealth Redistribution".
My $3.5 Trillion Agenda Costs ‘Zero Dollars’,"
Breitbart News, 27 Sept
"President Joe Biden
continued pushing a new White House talking point that
claimed his $3.5 trillion spending agenda actually cost
'zero dollars'.”
“My Build Back Better
Agenda costs zero dollars,” a post from Biden’s
Twitter account read on Saturday."
How can that possibly
be true? How can the Government print $3.5 Trillion
it does not have and still represent a zero expenditure
of money?
The answer is simple,
and it will appeal only to the simple-minded. Listen
"His message argued
money was currently 'wasted' on 'tax breaks, loopholes,
and tax evasion” and need to be redistributed
to American workers."
“ 'And it adds zero
dollars to the national debt', he added."
Poor Joe refuses
to learn from recent history that a Central Government
cannot spend money throughout the economy more efficiently
than private citizens!
"The United States
has borrowed $6 trillion in just two years to help the
economy recover from the coronavirus pandemic. The Wall
Street Journal also mocked the “zero dollars”
talking point used by Deputy Press Secretary Andrew
Bates in an editorial. 'One requirement of a modern
political flack is being incapable of embarrassment',
the editorial read."
The only way in which
Biden's spending spree can possibly be thought of as
representing "zero dollar money expenditure"
is if the Government steal $6 Trillion from the wealthy,
a plan symbolized by AOC's "Tax The Rich"
Nicolai Lenin and Josef
Stalin viewed these naive type of people as "Useful
Idiots", and they murdered them mercilessly after
seizing total power.
Already, shortages are
rippling throughout our vast economy.
Out: Experts Say Another
Toilet Paper Shortage Is Looming",
Mental Floss News, September 27, 2021
"... Now, it looks
like the toilet paper shortage could be making a comeback.
According to NPR, retail warehouse giant Costco is now
placing purchasing limits on toilet paper and other
household essentials."
"The problem, according
to Costco executives, is not inventory but transportation.
Deliveries are being delayed for a variety of reasons,
including a shortage of shipping containers, port delays,
and trucking and driver shortages, leading to uncertain
fluctuations in stock."
Numerous new regulations
imposed by the Biden Administration has had he effect
on the pricing and the availability of products and
services that they have always had, i.e., prices skyrocketing
and a shortage of key essentials.
Is there one single factor
which outweighs all others in creating the porridge
of mess called "Socialism"? YES -- Hyper-inflation.
3. Biden's hyper-inflation
is predictably causing shortages of goods and services,
just as such policies have caused in Socialist country
after Socialist country!
NEWS BRIEF: "Hyperinflation
in Venezuela A Result of Socialism",
Global Millinnial, January 6, 2021
"Lower oil prices
and hyperinflation have had wide-reaching consequences
for the entire population, which include government
imposed limits on food supplies, electricity blackouts,
and water droughts."
These are some of the
many problems suddenly afflicting Americans, and now
you are learning why.
"The deadline passed
without the promised new larger denominations having
arrived, officially turning all 100-bolívar bills
— over three-quarters of all cash in circulation
— into worthless pieces of paper, and causing
looting and disorder to ripple through the country’s
streets. "
"The Venezuelan government
implemented strict anti-market policies under the late
socialist president Hugo Chavez ... Venezuela’s
central bank increased the money supply and tampered
with interest rate policies, which led to both surpluses
and shortages in the past."
"The Venezuelan Bolivar
is at its state of near worthlessness because the government
is broke and has been talking about explicitly defaulting
on its estimated $185 billion in external debt."
Democrats today are talking
about the Government lifting the debt ceiling so that
America will not go into default. Strap on your seat
belts, for events are likely to get out of hand.
Socialism also
has never been able to keep consumer shelves full.
"The difference between
welfare programs and socialism is the difference between
food stamps and the state-run groceries that were the
bane of the common people’s existence in the old
Soviet Union and modern Venezuela. The former is imperfect,
the latter catastrophic."
"Amongst the many
problems in Venezuela (shortage of necessity goods like
toilet paper and food) we can visualize a calculation
of the inflation rate in Venezuela: an eye-popping 808%.
An inflation rate of 808%
absolutely destroys the Middle Class, one of the major
goals of the New World Order driven Biden Administration.
You may ask, why would
people in power now want to deliberately drive our most
successful economy over a cliff from which it will likely
never recover? Why would American-born politicians desire
to cause tens of millions of people to be economically
annihilated by policies proven in the past in other
nations to be catastrophic?
The answer is simple but
profound: Mother Gaia.
These Leftist proponents
of doom believe that our Industrial Civilization is
putting too much pressure on the goddess, Mother Gaia
/ Mother Earth Just as our Industrial Factories place
too much burden on Mother Gaia, so our current high
lifestyle place too much of a burden on the goddess.
Therefore, these Traitors
fervently believe that they must dramatically pull down
our high lifestyle, or face total extinction of the
entire Planet / Gaia.
Extreme Environmentalists
look at well-manicured lawns with great anger, because
such lawns are the perfect symbol of the High Entropy
lifestyle that they believe is currently killing Mother
Nature {Gaia}. They look with similar anger upon the
backyard barbecue and the lawn mower, and for the same
reasons. Literally, today the farmers and ranchers are
the targets, but sooner rather than later, the homeowner
will feel the whip of the Extreme Environmentalist.
President Biden is already
invoking the image of Gaia and Climate Change and will
gleefully greet the planned doom of America with the
phrase. "It's all Trump's fault".
Biden's America
is now developing shortages across the board, and it
is going to only get worse!
Economy Plagued By Shortages, Price Hikes",
AMAC News, September 23, 2021
"According to the
Wall Street Journal, Christmas trees and other seasonal
items might be difficult to find and more costly to
buy this December. But decorations aren’t the
only thing that may be missing from the festivities.
In recent months many Americans have been left wondering
why, under the Biden economy, even basic necessities
seem pricier and harder to find than ever."

4. Leftist Democrats
continue showing off their bloody vampire fangs!
* They defeat
legislation forbidding medical staff from saving a baby
who was born even though they were supposed be aborted.
NEWS BRIEF: "Democrats
Block Amendment to Stop Infanticide & Care for Babies
Born Alive After Abortions",
Life News, September 25, 2021
"Earlier on Friday,
the Democratic controlled House of Representatives passed
the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA). The
218-211 vote was almost entirely along party lines ...
Not only did Democrats vote to pass such extreme pro-abortion
legislation, they also denied the motion to recommit,
which would have amended the bill to include protections
for babies born alive after abortions."
One supporter of this
bill explained simply and clearly what the goal of this
bill was:
"It would ensure
that newborn children that survive an abortion are given
the same crucial life saving medical care that any other
infant would receive.”
This goal seems logical:
if an abortion is botched and the baby is born alive,
you would expect that this newly born infant would be
provided the same treatment as an infant born to parents
who want the baby.
But, no, these blood-thirsty
Leftists are not satisfied; after all, a baby sacrifice
is their intent and they are upset that he baby survived!
"Nurses have come
forward with horror stories of infants born alive and
left to die from exposure, as well as those who were
drowned in saline or left to be suffocated in buckets."
No other subject convinces
me more than this one, that Democrats and other Leftists
are spiritually controlled by Satan. The "I
Witch" symbol was drawn by former
Satanist, Doc Marquis, to depict the various organizations
and people who supported the coming Luciferian New World
This depiction should
be thought of as "Great Seal of the New World Order".
Since the appearance of
Antichrist is a Satanic endeavor, much innocent blood
must be shed. Casualties in wars count, but the greats
daily sacrifice to the demonic lord, Satan, is abortion.
Notice, first, the fact
that the only nation depicted is the Great Seal of the
United States; they are depicted on the front of the
Satanic altar, over which the massive flow of blood
When you understand the
reason that ONLY the United States of America is listed
in this New World Order Organization Chart, you will
be amazed to the point of denial. You will then understand
why God must judge this former Christian Nation the
most severe.
* They pass legislation
designed to defeat any Court ruling against Abortion.
Democrats Pass Most Radical Pro-Abortion Bill Ever:
Overturning Every Pro-Life Law Nationwide",
Life News, September 24, 2021
"he U.S. House passed
a radical pro-abortion bill Friday that would force
states to legalize the killing of unborn babies in abortions
without limits up to birth nation-wide. The deceptively
named Women’s Health Protection Act passed in
a 218-211 vote with one Democrat joining Republicans
in voting against it. No Republicans supported the pro-abortion
Be prepared to be profoundly
shocked by the Liberal scope of this bill.
"For the first time
ever by congressional statute, H.R. 3755 would legally
enable the death of unborn baby girls and boys by dismemberment,
decapitation, forced expulsion from the womb, deadly
poisons, or other methods at any time until birth',
Smith said."
5. GOP lawmakers
demand the Biden DOJ explain rampant favoritism toward
NEWS BRIEF: "Lawmakers
Demand DOJ Explain Dropping of Cases Against Chinese
Researchers Accused of Hiding Military Ties",
The Epoch Times, September 27, 2021
"Rep. Jim Jordan
(R-Ohio), the ranking member of the House Judiciary
Committee, has asked Attorney General Merrick Garland
to explain why prosecutors have dropped a series of
cases connected with the Justice Department’s
(DOJ) clampdown on Chinese espionage."
Do not be deceived: China
controls Joe Biden and Hunter, Nancy Pelosi, and so
many other elected officials that she literally is ruling
Washington from Beijing!
6. Symptoms of
our Collective Insanity are already popping up like
measles all over this formerly great nation!
NEWS BRIEF: "Biden’s
Functional Insanity is a Direct Threat to America’s
Imminent Survival", Canada
Free Press, September 4, 2021
"... seriously, folks—the
US is in an incredibly dangerous position regarding
our safety and global security. Because, if America
accidentally mishandled Afghanistan so badly, then we
are unfit to defend ourselves or our allies. But if
Kabul was purposely bungled, say to harm America’s
world standing, we are also unfit as a world leader.
Either way, Biden is unfit to lead and must be removed
immediately, because he is functionally insane as our
leader. "
At this point, this author
talks about how China could control America during a
time of great crisis, like an invasion of Taiwan.
"Imagine what would
occur if China suddenly massed ships around Taiwan,
what would Joe do? Using his same logic, Biden may give
another…”it’s a new world” speech
where each situation was unique, must be re-evaluated,
and that we shouldn’t overcommit to our allies
... With an unfit leader at the helm of the world’s
biggest security anchor, how can any of our allies sleep
easy? A world war could result from the lazy, self-centered
and cowardly Biden Doctrine’s application. Therefore,
Joe must be removed immediately..."
The blunt and short version
of what will occur is simple:
"Joe, this is Xi.
In one hour, Chinese military forces will begin a massive
attack against Taiwan. I expect you to order American
forces to "stand down".
Premier Xi will repeat
this phone call later telling of how Chinese forces
will support an attack on South Korea, and Joe is to
order our forces to stand passively.
President Putin will state:
In one hour, Russian military
forces will begin a massive attack against Ukraine.
I expect you to order American forces to "stand
World War III could be
fought with America sitting on the sidelines, passively
watching as super powers beat up on smaller regional
powers, all of whom drew up defense plans with America
as their primary power.
This answers how it is
possible to have a major world war, and yet come out
of it with prosperous economies! Read NEWS2239,
entitled, "Will Some Nations Experience
Economic Prosperity In The Tribulation Period?"
Since Joe is following
an Illuminati script, he is not going to be removed
until all the push for globalization of all things is
7. Censorship
is coming fast and hard!
A Marine Corps
Lt. Col. who severely criticized Biden's Afghanistan
withdrawal and demanded accountability was first discharged
and then arrested and thrown into military prison.
Marine Who Blasted Hasty Afghan Withdrawal in Military
Lockup", Breitbart News, 28
September 2021
"U.S. Marine Lt.
Col. Stuart Scheller who was relieved of his duties
after publicly excoriating the chaotic U.S. withdrawal
from Afghanistan last month is now being held in a military
prison ... He further demanded public accountability
from his senior leadership on the botched withdrawal
Communist dictator, Josef
Stalin, who murdered tens of millions of dissident just
like this Marine Corps officer, would have been proud
of "Old Joe" is how quickly and ruthlessly
he acted in throwing this principled man into military
Undoubtedly, Joe probably
"threw away the key".
Welcome to the real New
World Order!