Hot News Analysis
1. Messianic fever
continues to grip Israel.
NEWS BRIEF: "Messiah
is On the Doorstep, it is Written, Says End-of-Days Rabbi",
Breaking Israel News, September 28, 2016
"Rabbi Alon Anava, who
lectures all over the world, preparing Jewish people for
Moshiach (Messiah), was interviewed last week by veteran
broadcaster Tamar Yonah of Israel News Talk Radio about
different scenarios for how God might bring the final redemption.
He spoke about what Jews and non-Jews should be doing right
now to avoid the most difficult consequences."
NOTE: Cutting Edge does NOT
agree with this Orthodox Jewish Rabbi. His view of events
to come are not Biblical. We view him here in this context
as we would any other news maker.
"Rabbi Anava mentioned
three particularly dark scenarios. He spoke at great length
about the controversial dwarf star Nibiru. If Nibiru is
the scenario by which God will bring us to the final redemption,
Rabbi Anava said, 'Two-thirds of the world could be underwater'.”
"Moshiach is on the doorstep
and every current affair that we see… you just open
our [Scripture] from 2000 years ago and it’s like
opening a newspaper. Everything is written. Everything was
predicted. Everything was prophesied."
NEWS BRIEF: "Apocalypse
Star Nibiru, Messiah Could Arrive Before Jewish New Year:
Expert", Breaking Israel News,
September 15, 2016
"Rabbi Alon Anava, a
proponent of educating people about the potential threat
of Nibiru, said last week that the dwarf star some believe
is poised to destroy two-thirds of the world’s population
in anticipation of the End of Days is the cause of recent
extreme weather events."
The importance of this story
is NOT whether Nibiru is real, but to illustrate that the
Israeli people are so obsessed with the coming of their
Messiah. Messianic fervor is gripping Israel right now.
A Spirit seems to be sweeping over the land right now, convincing
so many Jews that the appearance of their Messiah is very
Unfortunately, their "messiah"
will be the Masonic Christ, a.k.a. Antichrist.
NEWS BRIEF: "Jubilee
is Counted in the Holy Land for First Time in 2,000 Years",
Breaking Israel News, September
27, 2016
"Amidst the shofar blasts,
this Rosh Hashana will include a mitzvah (Biblical commandment)
that hasn’t been performed by the Jews in almost 2,000
years: counting the Jubilee. It is a simple mitzvah, reciting
just a few lines, but performing this mitzvah is a declaration
that the prophesied return of the Jews to Israel has been
fulfilled, thereby establishing a basis for the rebuilding
of the Jewish Temple."
Many years ago, Orthodox Jewish
leaders stated that only the Messiah could rebuild the Temple,
the third Temple. This declaration means that any progress
toward rebuilding the Jewish Temple is intertwined with
expectations of the coming of the Jewish Messiah (Antichrist)
Abrahamic faiths unite in "Guided Spiritual Prayer
in Jerusalem: "Creating energy for the next step",
Breaking Israel News, September
25, 2016
"In the shadow of Mt.
Zion, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religious leaders and
worshipers this month came together in a unique communal
house of prayer, called Amen, for eight days. The singular
event required over a year of planning, but in the end,
eight religious figures – including an imam from the
al Aqsa mosque – created a gathering which defied
history, prejudice, and intolerance in the city holy to
all three Abrahamic faiths."
"The project, fully named
Amen – A House of Prayer for All Believers, was part
of the Mekudeshet Festival in Jerusalem, an annual cultural
event “which draws its inspiration from reality, the
people in Jerusalem and the fascinating processes that happen
in and around it ... All leaders were devout and traditional
in their religious practice, but open to discussion with
other belief systems. The success of the project was unprecedented,
they said ... She emphasized that Amen was not intended
to be political, but spiritual only ... During prayer, “You
realized suddenly we were all speaking the same language,”
said Elad-Abblebaum, emphasizing the need to continue these
kinds of unification efforts.
“It can’t just
be a memory, this has to be the energy for the next step.
We will use this as the seed to build Jerusalem a permanent
place where all faiths can come and pray alongside each
Please zero in on the the
statement, "this has to be the energy for the
next step ... We will use this as the seed to
build Jerusalem a permanent place..."
Thus, this entire effort accomplished
much of the Plan as enunciated by the New England Director
of the House of Theosophy in August, 1991, just as we illustrate
on the DVD shown above,
"False Prophet Soon To Step On The World Stage".
The Bible foretells, in Revelation
13, that the Antichrist and the False Prophet will appear
in tandem. When you see one coming to the world stage, you
know the other is coming on his heels.
The timing of the False Prophet
and Antichrist are determined by Jesus Christ. But, when
we see evidences of the coming of these Twin Towers of Evil,
you know that the second coming of Jesus to this Earth is
only seven years behind.
In the meantime, the Global
Elite plans to produce Antichrist by their own efforts,
paralleling the plans of the Pharisees and the Sadducees;
they planned to kill Jesus Christ so they could produce,
by their own efforts, a Messiah according to their wishes:
A Messiah King -- Now you
know what the Illuminati Plan means, when it states,
"If Messiah is
to appear, he must be produced" - Elite book, "The
Armageddon Script"
They are about to get their
wish, but God has foretold that the Messiah they produce
will be Antichrist. Nevertheless, the entire nation of Israel
is trembling with excitement, just feeling in their inner
hearts that Messiah is close at hand.
The greatest spiritual deception
in world history is almost ready to commence.
2. The First Presidential
Debate -- Monday, 9/26
Focus on Hillary Clinton
media loves Hillary — and it could cost her the election",
The New York Post, September 27, 2016
"Holt never pressed Clinton
with any substantive follow-ups, while Trump repeatedly
was asked to defend or explain what he had just said or
said in the past ... Clinton got only one obligatory question
on the email scandal, and not a single one about the Clinton
Foundation, her Wall Street speaking fees or her health
— all of which have figured far more prominently in
the campaign than Iraq or the birther issue."
"It was outrageous —
but no surprise. After all, Holt is part of the Big Media
establishment that has uniformly protected President Obama
and broken all its own standards to trash Trump and elect
Clinton ... In short, the debate fix was broadcast on the
front pages well in advance ... But here’s the other
side of the story: Trump won’t suffer much voter pain,
certainly not enough to put victory out of reach. His secret
weapon is that his core supporters, including many independents,
distrust the media nearly as much as they distrust Clinton."
Let us review that critically
important phrase again: "his
core supporters, including many independents, distrust the
media nearly as much as they distrust Clinton."
Let us now return to our featured
news article.
"Consider that, while
most media professionals said Clinton won the debate, most
online polls of viewers had Trump winning ... My inbox routinely
contains letters from readers such as Gayla Chandler, who
wrote, 'So my vote for Trump is partially FOR Trump, but
it is equally against both Hillary and media manipulation'.”
"Voting against the other
candidate is the most likely option, while voting against
the media as a proxy for voting against the establishment
is emerging as another. In that case, the news media could
be more than part of the story. They could be the story."
Mass Media's blatant, automatic
slant toward Hillary could cost her the election!
Money Changers Moment for Catholics",
Breaking Israel News, September 28, 2016
"Of all the groups that
Barack Obama bamboozled in 2008 and 2012, Catholics were
the biggest suckers. They voted for Obama and now, according
to the polls, they are backing Hillary. But evidence suggests
that some people in the Catholic media are waking up. They
are promising not to get fooled again. They could influence
millions of Catholics to abandon the Democratic Party in
this critical election year."
If this huge, and loyal, Democrat
Party faithful really are starting to turn against Hillary,
that alone could give the victory to Republican Trump. I
have always been unable to understand how Roman Catholics,
who represent a very large bloc of anti-abortion voters,
could continually cast their ballots for Liberal Democrats
who boldly back Planned Parenthood and unrestricted Abortion
Upon Demand.
Spooked: Clinton Campaign Manager, Other Top Dems Dodge
Questions on Whether Hillary Wants Obama to Withdraw TPP",
Breitbart News, 27 Sept 2016
— Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager Robby Mook
and other top Democrats refused to answer whether Clinton
wants President Barack Obama to withdraw the Trans Pacific
Partnership (TPP) from consideration before Congress ...
The fact that Mook, Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon,
and Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairwoman Donna
Brazile each refused to answer the simple question that
would prove Clinton is actually opposed to the Trans Pacific
Partnership now after praising it 40 times and calling it
the “gold standard” is somewhat shocking."
President Obama considers
TPP to be part of his legacy, and Hillary has set the goal
of completing the North American Union within the first
100 days of her Administration. She cannot have the North
American Union until TPP is passed.
So why is Hillary suddenly
backtracking on TPP? The only answer that makes sense is
that she suddenly realizes that American voters are not
supporting the surrender of our National Sovereignty inherent
in TPP and the North American Union.
She is backtracking to save
her political life.
3. The First Presidential
Debate -- Monday 9/26
Focus on Donald Trump
Trump won over a bar full of undecideds and Democrats",
The New York Post Sept 26, 2016
Kady Letoksy, a paralegal by day, a waitress and bartender
at night at the Tin Lizzy ... entered the evening undecided
in a town that is heavily Democratic in registration. Her
sister and father are on opposite sides of the political
aisle. Donald “Trump had the upper hand this evening,”
she said, citing his command of the back-and-forth between
him and Hillary Clinton."
"Reed, 35, is a registered
Democrat and small businessman. “By the end of the
debate, Clinton never said a thing to persuade me that she
had anything to offer me or my family or my community,”
he said ... Reed said Clinton came across as either smug
or as though she was reading her résumé, adding
there was nothing on her résumé that touched
on his life. “I am a small businessman, a farmer,
come from a long line of farmers and coal miners. The policies
she talked about tonight ultimately either hurt me or ignore
me,” he said."
“I’ve been a Democrat
all of my life, but when Clinton mentions her husband and
the jobs he brought to the country in the ’90s, it’s
not a fair assessment. She is no moderate Democrat the way
he was, her policies would not bring back jobs,” said
Nathan Nemick."
These reactions must be duplicated
millions of times across this country if Hillary Clinton
is to be defeated.
poll: Voters more confident in Trump's health: Just
36% believe Hillary is healthy enough to be President",
The Big Story News, Sept 27, 2016
The 'stamina', the 'look': A new poll suggests voters are
buying in to Donald Trump's insinuations about Hillary Clinton's
health. They're ignoring the medical reports ... Voters
— especially men — have more confidence that
Trump is healthy enough for the presidency than Clinton
... Another gender divide: Nearly half of women but just
4 in 10 men think Clinton's health is getting too much attention,
found the poll, which was taken before the presidential
candidates' debate on Monday."
"The AP-GfK poll found
51 percent of voters are very or extremely confident that
Trump is healthy enough to be president. In contrast, just
over a third of voters — 36 percent — had the
same confidence in Clinton's health."
"... while the public
may not pay attention to cholesterol tests and EKGs, it
was hard to miss that image of Clinton stumbling."
NEWS BRIEF: "“Messiah-Like
Figure” Donald Trump Will Factor into End of Days
in America: Jewish Rabbi",
Breaking Israel News, August 28, 2016
"Donald Trump will be
a factor in the End of Days in America by reflecting the
rehabilitation of Biblical Esau, said a New Jersey rabbi
earlier this month, calling the Republican presidential
candidate 'a Messiah-like figure'."
Not for one second do I give
this Rabbi's opinion any genuine weight, but I offer this
story to you for two reasons:
1) In 2008, the Obama Campaign
posted a picture of Barack Obama hanging on cross, similar
to pictures of Jesus hanging on that old Roman Cross. I
find it interesting that this Rabbi saw a "Messianic"
character to Trump's campaign.
2) This story further illustrates
the Messianic expection now sweeping Jews in Israel and
around the entire world.
4. Former Israeli
President -- and one of the original Founders of Israel
-- Shimon Peres passed away from natural causes at the age
of 93.
Complimentary Eulogies
began to immediately pour in. But, I remember a far different
Shimon Peres.
Peres, Israeli leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner, dead
at 93", Orlando Sentinel, September
28, 2016
"Shimon Peres, a former
Israeli president and prime minister, whose life story mirrored
that of the Jewish state and who was celebrated around the
world as a Nobel prize-winning visionary who pushed his
country toward peace, died early Wednesday. He was 93."
"Today with deep sorrow
we bid farewell to our beloved father, the ninth president
of Israel', Chemi Peres said. 'Our
father's legacy has always been to look to tomorrow. We
were privileged to be part of his private family, but today
we sense that the entire nation of Israel and the global
community share this great loss. We share this pain together'."
Shimon Peres was, indeed,
admired by the world. He even was awarded a Nobel Peace
Prize in 1994 for his participation in the infamous Oslo
Accords. Receiving an award also was PM Yitzhak Rabin and
the notorious terrorist, Yassir Arafat. (Read our analysis
of the Oslo Accords, NEWS1911)
At first glance, the Oslo
Accords seem to be suicidal to Israel. The Jewish State
pledged to give up large chunks of land in excahnge for
"peace", a condition that the Palestinians always
refused to grant. Oslo was a detailed plan for surrendering
everything gained in the 1967 war in return for 'peace'
with a PLO state.
Thankfully, the Palestinian
leader, Yassir Arafat, hated Israel so much that he could
not go forward with a plan that allowed Israel to continue
to exist even ONE DAY! In 2000, President Clinton and Israeli
Prime Minister Ehud Barak, granted Arafat about 90% of all
that he asked, but Arafat walked away, refusing to sign
the final paperwork needed to make the agreement official.
Why did Arafat walk away?
He could not stomach the idea of allowing Israel to exist.
He was not going to agree to any contract which left Israel
-- the Jewish State -- to continue to live. He evidently
did not ever think of the principle of "gradualism",
where you gradually grind down you enemy over a period of
During all this intense time
of negotiation, Shimon Peres seemed to always be on the
side of the Palestinians, on the "side of peace"
as he loved to refer to it. But, there were indications
that Peres was one of those Jews of whom the Lord Jesus
refered to in Revelation, Chapter 2 and 3. Listen:
"Behold, I will make
them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews,
and are not, but do lie;" (Revelation 3:9)
In other words, at the End
of the Age, just before the Seven-Year Tribulation begins,
Jesus says that a counterfeit Jew will arise, claiming to
be an authentic Jew, but they really are serving Satan.
Names that fall into this category are 'Rothschild', and
'Rockefeller', and even 'Peres'.
Shimon Peres even met with
Pope John Paul II on July 22, 2003 to surrender control
of Jerusalem to the anti-semitic United Nations! (NEWS1842,
In the past decade, Peres
has largely filled ceremonial positions, but never again
did he exercise real control as he did when he was President
and Prime Minister.
Shimon Peres was truly a Left-Wing
politician who never passed an opportunity to damage Israel's
interests so he could placate -- or, more accurately, attempt
to placate -- a Palestinian enemy who never wanted anything
for the Jew except total annihilation.
Would Peres change his mind
if he knew that Right Wing politicians -- led by Sharon
and Netanyahu -- were planning to annihilate all Palestinians
with a Fuel Air Bomb, an attack foretold 2,600 years ago
in Obadiah? (See full details in the DVD pictured above,
Prophesied Victory Over the Palestinians")
History is now moving on,
no thanks to Shimon Peres. Thank God He is in control, and
not Shimon Peres.
Volume 3 shipping now
of Revelation Events Are About To Begin!!

3 covers the Tribulation Timeline from the 6th Seal to the
5th Trumpet. Our study will give us an understanding of
the science and theology behind the outpouring of the wrath
of God. Along the way, we will make some astounding discoveries
and experience some completely unexpected surprises.
"And when he
had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls
of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the
testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice,
saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge
and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And
white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was
said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season,
until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that
should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled."
(Revelation 6:9-11)
Volume 3 Trailer ---Watch
Volume 2 Trailer
Unusual Volume 1 Trailer
2 Brand New DVDs
From Pastor Billy Crone
Final Countdown Update 1 Volume 14 - Global Economy,
& Mark of the Beast Update
ultimate sign that you're headed for the worst day of your
life would have to be this...You wake up one morning only
to realize that your family has suddenly disappeared. So
you run to turn on your TV to see what's happening and there
you watch a special worldwide news report declaring that
millions of people all over the planet have simply vanished.
As you spy the Bible on the coffee table, it suddenly dawns
on you that your family was right after all when they kept
telling you about the rapture of the Church. Then to your
horror, you realize that you've been left behind and have
been catapulted into mankind's darkest hour, the 7-year
Tribulation that really is coming upon the whole world.
But thankfully, God is not only a God of wrath; He's a God
of love as well. And because He loves you and I, He has
given us many warning signs to show us that the Tribulation
is near and that His 2nd Coming is rapidly approaching.
Crone discusses the Global Economy and the quickly developing
'Mark of the Beast'
6 Studies on 2 DVD's, over 6 hours of teaching
Final Countdown Volume 15 Summer Prophecy Update 2016
'The Final Countdown Summer Update 2016' takes a look at
several signs given by God to lovingly wake us up so we'd
give our lives to Him before it's too late.
These signs are:
Drone Technology & the Big Brother
Artificial Intelligence & the Coming Apocalypse
Nephilim & the Existence of Giants
Human Hybrids & Super Soldiers
Proof of a Pre-Trib Rapture
6 teachings on 2 DVD's, over 6 hours of teaching