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New DVD's!
The Foundation of Our Faith - Volume 1, The War Against
Regularly $24.99,
Only $19.99
If you liked Mac Dominick's Revelation
Series you will love his Genesis Teaching, because Mac
also teaches a combination of Traditional Bible exegesis
plus unique Cutting Edge understandings.
'The War Against God'
God instantly claims this Earth
and the Universe as HIS, uniquely belonging to Him because
He created it by His Wisdom and Power. Evolution is
forever debunked as a false system of belief, coming
from Satan out of the Abyss.
Did you know that the sequence
of creation listed in Genesis 1 is precisely the order
scientists and mathematicians know that is essential
to creating the world? At the conclusion of each of
the SIX DAYS OF CREATION, God examined His work for
that day, and pronounced it 'good', or 'approved'. But,
on the sixth day, when all was created, God pronounced
His work 'very good'.
Mac teaches Genesis One in light
of essential faith and in End Times' prophecy, surprising
even the most hardened skeptic.
In This DVD we present the evidence
that much of the physics and evolution taught today
is made up, contradictory and unscientific theories
contrived by men who hate God!
2 hours run time, Mac plans 3
DVD's in this series
the Trailer

Nephilim Roamed Ancient World
Holocaust of the Giants" DVD
Tom Horn, Steve Quayle, Timothy Alberino
Will these giants of ancient
days, including those from America, RISE from the DEAD?
An ancient conspiracy has been quietly burgeoning behind
the bustle of the modern world. From the mounds of America,
to the megalithic ruins on the island of Sardinia in
the Mediterranean Sea, the desiccated bones of dead
giants are being systematically disentombed and secreted
away to clandestine vaults for apocalyptic purposes.
While occultists are attempting to harness the arcane
necromancy of the Canaanites, genetic engineers are
working feverishly to reconstitute the genomes of the
giants, and resurrect the dreaded race of Rephaim in
the earth.
Join Timothy Alberino
as he explores the enigmatic island of Sardinia in the
Western Mediterranean Sea where the skeletal remains
of giants are still being extracted from the tens of
thousands of megalithic towers and tombs all over the
island, and hear the jaw dropping testimony of those
who were hired by the government to dig them out. Discover
why Sardinia was ground-zero for the man-eating Canaanite
giants that ravished the Promised Land before their
expulsion by Joshua
the Robber.
Headline News
1. The
2007 Middle East Map is now forming!
Kurdistan yesterday
overwhelmingly voted to form a "Free Kurdistan".

After a protracted
period of diplomatic wrangling, a "Peace Conference"
will be formed to reorganize the entire Middle East
into the lineup that The Pentagon published in June,
2007! (Map is shown above)
2. America's civil
society is being badly eroded by this NFL protest scandal!
Did you know that
the NFL Game Operations Manual specifically and boldly
forbids this kind of demonstration against the National
Anthem and the American flag?
the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?",
Time Magazine Online, Sep 25, 2017
The short answer, is "YES"!
Did you know that the NFL's own "Game
Operations Manual" states quite
plainly and boldly, that all players and coaches are
to stand for the National Anthem and show respect for
the flag, and the country for which it stands!
Listen to the exact wording
of this NFL "Game Operations Manual"
"The National Anthem
must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players
must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.
"During the National
Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand
at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left
hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should
ensure that the American flag is in good condition.
It should be pointed out to players and coaches that
we continue to be judged by the public in this area
of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to
be on the field by the start of the National Anthem
may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions,
and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations
of the above, including first offenses."
So, why are NFL players
and coaches and owners brazenly breaking every rule
printed above? Why, the NFL explicitly realizes that
their players, owners and coaches must respect the reality
that their conduct will "be judged by the public
in this area of respect for the flag and our country."
By not enforcing
bold rules, the NFL is disrespecting the whole of American
society, eroding our fundamental belief in the sanctity
American Law.
In fact, this disrespect
for our National Anthem, our country and our military
servicemen is rapidly sinking down to college and high
school and Pee Wee leagues. Every one is being taught
rule do not need to be followed, but can be ignored
at will.
While these incredibly
rich NFL players have a First Amendment right to exercise
Free Speech, they do not have the right to carry out
that free speech at their employer's location and during
a time they are being paid to "do their job"!
Furthermore, these players
protesting America, her Old Glory Flag and her National
Anthem are disrespecting the very country which fought
a bloody four-year old Civil War so that black slaves
could finally be FREE.
Blacks today who want
to demonstrate their anger over police brutality toward
blacks need to refuse to stand in honor of the Confederate
States of America, symbolized by the Confederate Battle
Flag and the Confederate Anthem, "Dixie"!
How dare these black athletes
disrespect the country who set them free under the banner
of Old Glory and our National Anthem? Such players are
showing a distinct lack of a knowledge of history and
an appreciation of reality, that the Democrat Party
is the Party of Slavery from 1829 when it was created
to President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society Welfare
Program, program designed by Democrats to enslave the
blacks again, using Welfare Payments.
President Johnson stated,
after the Great Society was law, "I’ll have
those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
Lyndon Baines Johnson about the Great Society plan."
Lyndon Johnson)
His most disrespectful
statement accurately reflects the attitude of the Noe-Slavery
Whites today in the Democrat Party!
You can see more historical
truth by viewing these videos:
* "The
Democrats' Real History On Civil Rights, Courtesy Of
* "The
history of the racist Democrat party in under 12 minutes
by Billy Whittle"
* "The
Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party"
by African-American Professor Carol Swain, Prager University
One final thought: Has
anyone ever created a study about police brutality against
blacks to see if the cities in which these riots occurred
were controlled by Democrats or Republicans? Now, that
would be a most interesting study!
3. President Trump
is going to introduce a simplified income tax code that
will so greatly benefit Americans that tax accountants
will no longer be needed.
Says America Faces a ‘Once-in-a-Generation Opportunity’
for Real Tax Reform", CNS News, August
30, 2017
"President Donald
Trump said today that he believes America now has a
'once-in-a-generation opportunity' for real tax reform
and explained the four principles he believes that tax
reform should stand upon ... I am fully committed to
working with Congress to get this job done,” Trump
said in an address in Springfield, Mo."
R.I.N.O. Republicans in
Congress will surely be examining Ray Moore's double-digit
victory over the defeat of Establishment Senator, Luther
Strange, in Alabama yesterday as a sign that Trump is
a force with whom they must reckon.
The Cutting Edge CPA emailed
me, telling what Trump's plan is and he was excited,
even though he admitted that he might lose all his clients
because the tax form will be so simple. Listen to what
he said:
"1. If you are single
and earn less than $25,000, or married filing jointly
earn less than $50,000, you will not owe any income
2. All other Americans
will get a simpler tax code with FOUR brackets - 0%,
10%, 20%, and 25% - instead of the current SEVEN. This
new tax code eliminates the marriage penalty and the
Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) while providing the lowest
tax rate since before World War II.
3. No business of any
size, from a Fortune 500 to a mom and pop shop to a
freelancer living job to job, will pay more than 15%
of their business income in taxes. This lower rate makes
corporate inversions unnecessary by making America's
tax rate one of the best in the world.
4. No family will have
to pay the death tax. You earned and saved that money
for your family, not the government. You paid taxes
on it when you earned it."
The Illuminati zeroed
in on the importance of their global plan for the New
World Order which the Death Tax will play. The Elite
simply had to prevent families from passing their wealth
and their lands and their businesses to their heirs.
A confiscatory "death tax" was, therefore,
Here is a picture of the
new, simplified tax preparation form which we will have
to fill out.

The existing Tax
Code is a powerful "IRS Swamp Creature" that
Trump may not be able to slay in 2017; but in 2020,
he should be able to chop its head off!
4. Conservative
candidate, Judge Ray Moore, soundly defeated R.I.N.O.
(Republican In Name Only) candidate, Luther Strange,
Moore defeats Trump-backed Luther Strange in Alabama
Senate runoff: 10% Win",
Fox News, 9/27/2017
"Former Alabama
Chief Justice Roy Moore soundly defeated Sen. Luther
Strange in Tuesday's Senate primary runoff, overcoming
heavy GOP establishment support for the incumbent, including
from President Trump himself."
I find it hard to understand
why President Trump endorsed the Establishment incumbent,
Luther Strange. I can only conclude that the President
was given some bad advice; one he realized his error,
the President publicly admitted that he had erred and
promised to support Moore in the general election should
he win this primary -- which Moore certainly did.
"With 92 percent
of the precincts reporting, Moore led Strange by 55
percent to 45 percent, a margin of more than 41,000
Moore lost no time reiterating
Christian values.
" 'We have to return
the knowledge of God and the Constitution of the United
States to the United States Congress', Moore told the
crowd. He also said he supports the president and his
Even defeated Luther Strange
promised to support Trump's agenda as he fills out the
rest of his term.
"Moore is now the
favorite in December's general election against Democrat
Doug Jones, a lawyer and former U.S. attorney during
President Bill Clinton's administration."
Surely, a Clintonite will
have little chance against Ray Moore in Alabama!
When Moore defeats
the Democrat candidate, Trump will have slain one more
"Swamp Dragon".
Moore victory is likely why Senator Bob Corker, R-TN,
announced he will not see re-election!
Bob Corker (R-TN) Won’t Seek Re-Election",
Breitbart News, 26 September
— Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) Announced on Tuesday
that he will not seek re-election in 2018."
The political "tea
leaves" in Washington, D.C., prior to Moore's victory
yesterday were predicting that as many as four Liberal
Republicans in the Senate might be forced to step down
if Moore were to win.
Moore's victory would
strengthen the perception that President Trump and his
Agenda were unbeatable. Senator Corker was mentioned
as one of those susceptible and vulnerable Senators.
Now that he has jumped
into the ditch of political obscurity, will others follow?
We can only hope and pray!