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"A thousand
shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right
hand; but it shall not come nigh thee." (Psalm
91:7, KJV)
Jesus Declared war on an ancient enemy
at the very beginning of His ministry. He hinted at
the identity of this being through the locations of
His baptism, the Transfiguration, and the Olivet Discourse.
This enemy was cast down from the mountain of God. He's
deceived millions in sacrificing their children on his
altars. And he returns from the bottomless pit at the
end of the age-a prophecy encoded into the art and architecture
of the United States Capitol.
In THE GATES OF HELL , husband and wife researchers
Derek P. Gilbert and Sharon K. Gilbert, have produced
more shocking revelations about the spiritual war in
which all of us are deployed:
• Jesus was baptized
in a region believed to be the literal entrance to the
• Jesus declared His divinity in front of the
"gates of Hades"
• The Transfiguration took place on the "Canaanite
Mount Olympus"
• Jesus based His ministry at the entrance to
the Valley of the Shadow of Death
• This ancient enemy of God may have been the
high priest in Eden
• Israel's war with Hamas my have been triggered
by this dark entity for control of the Holy Land
• The colors of the Palestinian flag are those
of the four horsemen of the apocalypse- white, red,
black, and green
• Most shocking of all, the Gilberts reveal the
hidden meaning of a painting inside the US Capitol that
contains a disturbing secret about the destiny of the
USA and a prophecy of a new Golden Age triggered by
the return of this entity THE DESTROYER, APOLLYON. 379
of the United States - 1787 - Read Full text
When Antichrist arises
to the world scene, he and the myriads of demons which
possess him, will first arise out of the Abyss, the
Pit, just as prophecy foretells (Rev 17:7-8; Rev 11).
The New World Order will be empowered by these demons
now being held in prison in the Pit!
Antichrist will thoroughly
destroy the Old World Order using his weapons of wars,
rumors of war, pestilence and famine, all coming from
the Chaos which the Illuminati first brings on the earth.
Pastor recalls the attacks of 9/11 as the perfect illustration
of destruction of the Old Order through chaos.
Antichrist is the antithesis
to Jesus Christ and will be the fusion of wicked man
and god, the supernatural. He is pictured in Rev 13
as arising out of the sea, which is the Pit.
All the sins of mankind
for the past 6,000 years are 'giving birth' to Antichrist;
so many Bible prophecies concerning the appearance of
Antichrist are 'birthing analogies' and that is the
way the Illuminati sees his appearance as well!
Jesus holds the power
of Death and Hell and gives that key to the Angel in
the Pit Prison to release myriads of demons upon the
earth. From this region, Antichrist will arise.
What the world may very
well be facing is the beginning of the coordinated Chaos
designed to finally knock flat all the remaining obstacles
to the appearance of Antichrist. When the Global Elite
pulls this lynchpin event called World War III, events
are going to be unleashed in such severity and in such
great numbers the peoples of the world will not stand
in awe, they will panic and run for the hills. Jesus
said that 'men's hearts shall fail them for fear', and
the Elite is creating just such climactic events which
shall not occur until the lynchpin known as 'World
War III' is pulled.
1. Israel May
Be At All-Out War!
News Brief: "Israel
Update: Operation Northern Arrows".
Israel365 News. September 24, 2024
"In the last 24 hours,
the Israeli Air Force has launched a large-scale offensive,
striking more than 1,600 Hezbollah targets in southern
Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley. This operation, dubbed
“Operation Northern Arrows,” forms part
of Israel’s ongoing military response to Hezbollah’s
rocket attacks on Israeli territory."
In other words, this powerful
military strike is occurring because of the Hamas attack
of October 7, 2023, a most savage, brutal and bloody
attack. Over 1,200 Jews died that day as Muslim terrorists
savagely beat, decapitated, raped and mutilated over
1,200 Israeli innocents.
By the way, on October 7, Hamas was co-existing with
Israel under the terms of a negotiated "Cease Fire"!
Therefore, never push
a plan of action which has been repeatedly attempted,
but always failed!
"The Israeli Defense
Forces (IDF) released video and photographic evidence
on Monday night showing Hezbollah using civilian homes
in southern Lebanon to store rockets and other munitions
... " The rocket that you see in the article is
a long-range rocket, stored on a hydraulic system directed
toward Israeli civilians and ready to be launched at
a moments notice.
All Muslim forces take
action designed to cause as many "civilian"
casualties as possible! They believe that the West's
tenderness toward innocents is a cultural weakness which
can be callously exploited in order to win the battle.
For this reason, Arab leaders wantonly kill their own
civilians and then lie to the world about it.
They also lie, lie and
lie in reporting who did what to whom as the battle
No one should be taking
Arab statistics as truth. They have lied so completely
about everything that one wonders whether the American
Democrat Party has been taking lying lessons from the
World War III

News Brief: "Middle
East bracing for all-out regional war
", Taiwan Sun, 25 Sept 2024
"Israel has stepped
up its attacks in Gaza and the West Bank while seemingly
provoking Hezbollah to an all-out war in Lebanon."
Note that these reports
of the number of civilian losses came from the local
Islamic government agencies; therefore, they must be
discounted, even disbelief.
"The rapid escalation
of hostilities comes against increasing calls internationally
to tone things down, and agree on a ceasefire ... signs
are increasing that the region is closing in on an all-out
regional war. The Israeli Prime Minister wanted to ensue
that the world knew the TRUTH as to why Israel continues
the war."
"On October 7th,
the Hamas terrorist monsters burst into Israel, murdered
our people, raped and beheaded our women, burnt babies
alive, and took 255 innocent people hostage, including
many Americans," he said in a statement published
on Sunday. A day later, on October 8th, another Iranian
terrorist proxy, Hezbollah, attacked Israel completely
unprovoked. They fired missiles and rockets into our
cities. They made 60,000 Israelis leave their homes
along the Lebanon border, becoming refugees in their
own land."
"In the subsequent
months, they haven't stopped for a single day attacking
us'," the Israeli prime minister said. 'No
country can accept the wanton rocketing of its cities.
We can't accept it either'."
The planned
spread of this toxic chaos occurred quickly.
2. China committed
all three of her aircraft carriers in such a way as
to threaten Taiwan in a bracketed formation!
News Brief: "China
sends three carriers to sea at once, bracketing Taiwan",
Newsweek, September 24, 2024
"A Russian-Chinese
flotilla sailed toward the Northern Pacific Ocean on
Monday while the United States deployed two warships
for homeland defense operations to protect Alaska. According
to the Japanese Defense Ministry, a total of nine Russian
and Chinese warships transited the
La Perouse Strait, a designated international waterway
known as the Soya Strait, eastward from the Sea of Japan
to the Sea of Okhotsk from Sunday to Monday."
"The joint naval
sailing by Russia and China came as the U.S. Navy deployed
cruiser USS Lake Erie and destroyer USS Sterett to the
Northern Pacific Ocean and the Aleutian Islands, respectively,
while the U.S. Army sent three units to the remote Shemya
Island of the archipelago."
"The U.S. Northern
Command, which is responsible for homeland defense,
confirmed to Politico in a statement that the Sterett
was sent to support the command's "maritime homeland
defense mission" in response to the known Russian
exercise in the region."
The United States
Navy responded.
News Brief: "US
Gears Up for 'Homeland Defense' as Russia, China Warships
Reach Pacific",
flotilla sailed toward the Northern Pacific Ocean on
Monday while the United States deployed two warships
for homeland defense operations to protect Alaska."
The planned brief era
of all-out global chaos seems now to begin!
Army General Singlaub
in this article, and Singlaub and Admiral Moorer in
the earlier NewsMax.com article [NEWS1555], seem to
be setting up the scenario envisioned by New World Order
author, Peter Lemesurier, writing in his book, The
Armageddon Script, a book published in 1981. Listen:
"There will be numerous
local conflicts in the Far East, the Middle East and
Africa. A hair-raising nuclear confrontation in Korea,
may, towards the end of the period, threaten man's very
survival. And, above all, there will be the great Chinese
war." [p. 223]
Cutting Edge wrote the
following paragraph in NEWS1328,
posted online many years ago:
"Please note that,
when these two wars break out, American forces will
be deliberately drained from this country
to be sent to one of these two areas. America will be
reacting to the massive war in the Middle East. Since
we are already committed to the defense of South Korea,
and have American troops on the ground already, we will
throw very large reinforcements into the fray. American
troops will be purposely drained from our soil."
3. The United
Nations is holding an historic meeting, in which her
status as a One World dictator will be heralded.
National Sovereign
Nations will submit much of their authority to this
new United Nations.
President Biden
is fully prepared to surrender all Foreign Policy decisions
to the U.N.!!
News Brief:
"Trump Looms Over Climate Week
as UN Returns", Politico, September
22, 2024
leaders and business executives are flocking to New
York City to make a case for bold efforts to expand
clean energy and enhance climate aid for imperiled countries."
"Hanging over them
all is the specter of Donald Trump’s potential
return to the White House."
"A week of climate-related
events coinciding
with the U.N. General Assembly will allow supporters
of the fight against rising temperatures to rally their
forces before November’s U.S. presidential election
— which will be followed, days later, by the COP29
global climate summit in Azerbaijan." (Ibid., Emphasis
But,, what if Trump gets
elected, will this climate change nonsense collapse?
His view on the matter s well known.
"I’m there
to nudge our friends to do more, but also to reassure
them that the IRA will not and cannot be repealed,”
Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) said. He added that the
climate law “puts everybody in a position to support
more ambitious” national climate plans at COP29."
As a result of 40+ years
of planned conflict between Thesis (America) and Anti-Thesis
(Russia), the time has now come for the planned merger
into the new Synthesis, the New World Order. All along,
the leaders of Communism have been participants in the
Plan to create the New World Order. They have been loyal
soldiers to this cause, along with Western Capitalists
and Western political leaders. Gorbachev's statement
[in NEWS1007] so very clearly reveals the truth of this
scenario. The Masters of the Illuminati, working with
Western Capitalists, created Communism, and they think
they still control it.
4. The Roman Catholic
Pope is calling the youth of the world to an Ecumenical
Union, just as the type envisioned in the run-up to
News Brief: "Pope
calls Singaporean youth to unity during Ecumenical interreligious
dialogue," Vatican News, September,
"During an interreligious
meeting at Singapore's Catholic Junior College, Pope
Francis urges young people to work toward unity, to
become responsible citizens, and to pass down what they
have learned to future generations."
Remember the Elite Plan
for the role which the Roman Catholic Pope -- whomever
he is at the time -- is planned.
"At the proper moment
in history, the Pope will visit the combined Jewish/Christian/Moslem
sector of Jerusalem to nnounce that all religions should
be combined into one. This action will then finally
break the Middle East logjam."
" I then tried again
to get Bill to state that one of the leaders of the
world's religion would step forward to play the role
of the Biblical False Prophet. I said, 'Back to the
Pope for a moment, Bill. You stated that, at the right
moment, the Pope would go to Jerusalem. Surely the Pope
is a proper receptor to the Christ'
"At this point, Bill
nodded his head affirmatively that the Pope was a proper
receptor to the Christ. This is the most direct acknowledgement
by a influential person involved in the planning for
the appearance of Christ that the current Pope is ready
and waiting for the appearance of The Christ. This acknowledgement
also points to the Roman Catholic Pope as the False
Prophet, because Bill stated, very pointedly, that the
preparation for the New World Order religion was being
paved by the Ecumenical Movement, which is being spear-headed
by the Pope. This Pope, Pope Francis? The False Prophet?
Getting Close
- Getting Spiritually Right!
Pope Francis
- False Prophet
“We are all sons
and daughters of God.” "All religions are
paths to reach God," said Pope Francis. "They
are—to make a comparison—like different
languages, different dialects, to get there. But God
is God for everyone."
confirmed in Vatican News article
In light
of this quote we have reduced our 4 best DVDs on
Catholicism by $5.00 each all of this week.