1. Pro-Iranian
militia forces from Iraq stealthily and quickly
captured several key border outposts in the Iraq/Syria/Jordan
PMU forces take over Iraq's Saudi, Jordanian
borders, threaten Israel from the east",
DEBKAfile Intelligence, Sept 22, 2019
"Iran was on
its next move ... Iraqi Shiite Population Mobilization
Forces (PMU) swarmed up to Iraq's borders
with Saudi Arabia and Jordan ... By posting its
Iraqi proxy PMU forces on the two border regions,
Tehran directly threatens the Saudi capital Riyadh
from the north and Israel from the east."
Please take a moment
to review this map
of the region: These outposts which
were seized by this " Iraqi Shiite Population
Mobilization Force" are located at the junction
of Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.
As you can see,
this junction if very important strategically.
This pro-Iranian mechanized force thus threatens
the national sovereignty of all three nations
at once. Even though no sovereign nation would
normally tolerate such an invasion, the strength
of the forces of these three nations is significantly
insufficient to throw them out.
Finally, this pro-Iranian
force is only a short distance from Israel's border
Syrian Army
units have also moved up on the Israeli Golan
Syria's Assad suddenly
enters the coming fray.
army deploys large military presence to Israel's
Golan border",
World Israel News, Sept 22, 2019
"A large number
of Syrian military reinforcements have been deployed
at the border with the Israeli Golan Heights,
reports the pro-Assad regime news site Al-Masdar
Al-‘Arabi ... reinforcements were dispatched
to observation posts in both the Al-Quneitra and
Daraa governorates. It cites its source as calling
the military measure 'a precautionary move by
the Syrian Armed Forces' due to the fact that
the 'suspected Israeli drones that were shot down
this week' had entered Syria from the Golan Heights
Thus, Israel suddenly
has significant military forces appearing on her
borders and threatening the National Sovereignty
of Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Should Israel
react with her military forces, several events
would occur instantly:
1) Iranian proxy
forces of the Palestinians -- Hezbollah, Hamas,
and the Palestinian Authority -- would immediately
start shelling Israel around-the-clock and will
continue until their 250,000 missiles have been
either fired or destroyed.
2) As Israel and
the Palestinians grapple in their death dance,
Syria, Jordan, and possibly even Egypt simultaneously
attack, first with thousands of theater missiles,
and then with ground forces.
3) The Dome of the
Rock might be destroyed at this time. New World
Order author, Peter Lemesurier, clearly states
that the Illuminati plans to destroy the Dome
as Antichrist makes his appearance.
"In full accordance
with prophecy, the New World Order Plan calls
for the Dome of the Rock to be reduced to "rubble"
just prior to the appearance of the Antichrist.
Illuminist author, Peter Lemesurier, wrote a very
interesting book in which he devotes the last
15% of his book to describing -- in great detail
-- how the coming Antichrist is going to deceive
the Jews into thinking that he is their Messiah.
Listen to what he says:
"... it may
be possible for the New David to ride into Jerusalem
in all his resplendent majesty. Note the word
'ride' ... on a donkey as predicted in Zechariah
9:9 ... it would seem advisable for the new Messiah
to repeat it, donkey and all ... The processional
route will, of course, lie directly across the
Kidron ravine, as close as possible to the Temple
Mount ... he must be duly enthroned and anointed
with oil (in token of Psalm 45:6-7) amid the rubble
of the dome of the Rock ..." ["The
Armageddon Script" , p. 233-35]
the meantime, Palestinian Intelligence forces
have become aware of another threat from Islamic
Jihadists within Israel, and have started to move
against it before the enemy can carry out their
sets up Islamic Jihad cells in Judea and Samaria
for rocket attacks from within Israel",
DEBKAfile Intelligence, Sept 23, 2019
Authority intelligence authorities have uncovered
an Iranian attempt to plant rocket-armed Islamic
Jihad cells on the West Bank for attacking Israel’s
population centers."
How dangeroous are
these homemade rockets?
The plan is to "replicate
in Judea and Samaria the sporadic rocket fire
offensive from the Gaza Strip against Israeli
population centers."
Can you imagine
if, as Hamas and Hezbollah were firing rockets
into Israel from the south and the north, hundreds
of homemade rockets could be set up and fired
point-blank into homes and schools and hospitals
and factories.
range! Civilian casualties would abound and would
come against a people who are largely disarmed.
Is Israel
heading for a Rosh Ha'shana War? (Sept
29, 30 & Oct 1)
On September 29
(2019) evening at Sundown, Jews will began to
observe Rosh Ha'shanah, their ancient New Year's
Day. I find it highly significant that the possible
beginning of the struggle to produce World War
III -- the occult plan to produce Antichrist --
would have occurred on the eve of Rosh Ha'shanah!
Grant Jeffrey has written a most interesting book
in which he records the many instances in Israel's
history in which God caused a certain event to
occur on the eve of a High Holy Day, or during
the midst of a High Holy Celebration. This book
is "Armageddon: Appointment With Destiny"
. Jeffrey consistently demonstrates how the theme
of the holy day was consistent with the theme
of the historic event which occurred on that holy
day, or during the holy day celebration period.
What is the theme
of Rosh Ha'shanah? Jeffrey lists its theme as
"A Day of New Beginnings"
and the date which Ancient Judaic priests believed
that God created Adam and Eve, and the date on
which He established Israel [Page 83-85]. How
prophetic it will turn out to be if the beginning
of World War III might be officially pegged during
the time of Rosh Ha'shanah!
2. Great
Britain may not be leaving the European Union
after all!
Supreme Court overrules PM Johnson on Parliament
Israel National News, 9/24/2019
"Prime Minister
Boris Johnson's 'hard Brexit' plans suffer major
blow as Supreme Court rules against PM's suspension
of Parliament ... In its decision Tuesday, the
Court ruled that Johnson's decision to advise
the Queen to prorogue, or suspend, Parliament
for five weeks "was unlawful", and
said the suspension was null and void."
Believe me, the
Supreme Court sent PM Johnson a powerful message:
"The Court's
11 justices were unanimous in the decision rebuking
Johnson's suspension of Parliament ... 'The
effect on the fundamentals of our democracy was
extreme ... The decision to advise Her Majesty
to prorogue Parliament was unlawful because it
had the effect of frustrating or preventing the
ability of Parliament to carry out its constitutional
"The ruling
constitutes a major setback for Johnson's bid
to ensure that the UK leaves the European Union
on the current Brexit deadline, October 31st."

PM Boris
Johnson has been rebuffed by both Parliament and
by the U.K. Supreme Court!
NEWS BRIEF: "Judicial
Enemies of the People Sabotage Brexit Again",
Brietbart News, 24 Sept 2019
Supreme Court has ruled that Boris Johnson's
prorogation is unlawful. Let's not waste
time poring over the legal niceties of its decision.
This is a coup by the judicial establishment,
the vast majority of which happens to be comprised
of shameless, doctrinaire Remainers."
Thus, even though
British voters sent a strong message in the elections
of 2016 that they did not want Great Britain's
national sovereignty to be surrendered to the
European Union and would take England back if
the E.U. disagreed, enough "Remainers (those
who want England to remain in the E.U.) were numerous
enough and organized enough that they have prevented
England from negotiating a break.
In other words,
the British Illuminati have frustrated the expressed
will of the British voter!
From the moment
we heard that the British voters had revealed
their will to leave the European Union, I was
puzzled as to how this event might play out. After
all, Great Britain is a part of the European Union,
which was Supernation #2 in the prophetic plan
that will fulfill Daniel 7:7-8, 2:40-45, and Revelation
17:12, 17). Look at the Plan of the Elite to reorganize
all nations of the world into precisely 10 supernations.
The answer to this
dilemma may be that Great Britain never does actually
leave the E.U.!
As soon as the news began to leak out that Joe
Biden's son illegally received millions of dollars
from The Ukraine while his Daddy was Vice-President,
the Democrats instantly spread the lie that it
was President Trump who was illegally cooperating
with The Ukraine.
Democrat Demands the Truth from Biden About His
Son's Ukraine Dealings",
LifeZett News, SEPTEMBER
23, 2019
"A House Democrat
said on Monday it's time for 2020 presidential
front-runner Joe Biden, the former vice president,
to "clear up" the questions that are
swirling around the Ukrainian business dealings
of his son, Hunter Biden.
"Rep. Vicente
Gonzalez (D-Texas) appeared on CNN to discuss
the issue."
"Hunter Biden,
as Fox News has noted, has been tied to a natural
gas firm in Ukraine that was involved in a corruption
probe ... Joe Biden said he had never spoken with
his son about such matters. Yet according to a
New Yorker report back in July, Hunter Biden said
he had discussed his business in Ukraine with
his father."
"The pressing
questions come as attention both in Congress,
in the media and across the nation continues to
focus on the former vice president's possible
role in Ukrainian business dealings back when
was part of the Obama administration."
Remember the old
tried and true media tactic of Bill Clinton? Upon
learning that he was under investigation for a
particular crime, Bill would immediately accuse
his political opponents of committing the exact
crime for which he was truly guilty.
This tactic would
immediately stir up such a Media storm that the
whole story would become muddled and confused,
allowing Bill to disappear in the debris.
Likewise, Democrats
quickly invented the story that President Trump
was the one who acted illegally with Ukrainian
President Trump told the godless United Nations
something they most assuredly did not want to
Human Rights
come from God, not from Government!
Tells United Nations: Human Rights Come from
God, Not Government",
Breitbart News, 23 Sept 2019
Donald Trump led a United Nations event promoting
religious freedom on Monday, reminding world leaders
that all rights came from God."
" 'The United
States is founded on the principle that our rights
do not come from government, they come from God',
he said. 'This immortal truth is proclaimed in
our Declaration of Independence and enshrined
in the first amendment to our Constitution's Bill
of Rights'."
Read the full quote
of this bold declaration!
"What is the
meaning of a 'government of the people, by the
people, and for the people’? That means
that the government should be basically run by
its citizens. That's why normal citizens run for
offices, like representatives of state, and senators,
and mayors, governors, and presidents."
that government of the people, by the people,
for the people, shall not perish from the earth”
was the last line of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg
Address." ("What
is the meaning of 'Government of the People by
the People and For the People?")
Was that
Donald Trump or Thomas Jefferson at that podium?
5. Now that
three Democrat presidential debates have come
and gone, it is time to demonstrate a nasty truth:
No "Old
Glory" Flag was shown at these debates!
NEWS BRIEF: "Democrats
Represent All Countries But America",
Canada Free Press, Sept 14, 2019
"Noting in
all the foofaraw of the Democrat debates that
there has not been a single American flag on stage
for all three debates, American writer and founder
of Turning Point USA Charlie Kirk is asking on
Twitter what country are the Democrats trying
to represent?"
else's country, Mr. Kirk. Make that everybody
else's but the one whose borders are being
ignored, called America. A quick scan of Google
images from Democrat debates shows no flag. As
Kirk points out: "Not in Detroit, Not in
Miami. And not last night in Houston".
Democrats are NOT American patriots, but are globalists
pushing America into surrendering her National
Sovereignty to the Luciferian New World Order?
6. As Leftists
resurrected Brett Kavanaugh all over again, the
message they are sending to every Trump official
is that they should fear the same type of nasty
lies about them, their wife and their children
should they dare carry out the duties of their
NEWS BRIEF: "Blackmailing
Republicans To Keep Them From Running: Kavanaugh
Repeat Is Latest Democrat Election Tactic?",
Canada Free Press, Sept 23, 2019
"Why did the
New York Times come out with last week's
11th-hour bombshell story in an attempted second
vicious attack on the integrity of Supreme Court
Justice Brett Kavanaugh? The intent of the story
was to remind all Republican incumbents and candidates
running for Democrat-held seats that they run
the risk of total political annihilation through
completely made-up scurrilous accusations."
"Now that the
Democrats have ganged up with the mainstream media,
blackmail is the fastest-growing cottage industry
... With 2020 elections a little more than a year
away, a staggering 22 Republicans have already
left the arena, and 39 left before the 2018 election."
"How many more
to come? Folk shouldn't be too quick to
castigate Republicans leaving office by branding
them cowards, knowing that blackmail is hard on
their wives and children. Because we all need
our jobs, all need to protect families, such Democrat/media
tactics work like a charm."
7. The United
Nations is focusing on the lie of "Climate
Change" this week, and they selected a 15-year-old
girl to be their main spokesman.
NEWS BRIEF: "Sweden's
teen Greta Thunberg & Allies File Climate
Complaint Against 5 Countries",
Breitbart News, 23 Sept 2019
teen climate alarmist Greta Thunberg and 15 other
children filed a complaint with the United Nations
on Monday, accusing five countries of inaction
on combating so-called climate change.
The complaint, filed with the U.N. Committee on
the Rights of the Child, accuses Argentina, Brazil,
France, Germany, and Turkey of failing to fulfill
their obligations to act against climate change,
placing them in violation of the Convention on
the Rights of the Child, a three-decade-old human
rights treaty which
sets out the "civil, political, social,
and cultural rights of children."
"The 16 petitioning
children range from 8 to 17 years old and hail
from Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, India,
Marshall Islands, Nigeria, Palau, South Africa,
Sweden, Tunisia, and the United States. The complaint
was filed through the Third Optional Protocol,
a mechanism which allows children to formally
request the U.N. take action regarding the petitioner's
cause of choice."
Children are always
more easily manipulated than an older adult, so
it is not surprising that, having lost the argument
that the world is going through life-threatening
climate change because of man's Industrial Civilization,
promoters are now turning to children to make
this false claim.
God's judgment pronounced over a wicked Israel:
for my people, children are their oppressors,
and women rule over them. O my people, they which
lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way
of thy paths." (Isaiah 3:11, KJV)