Hot News
Now that homosexuality has been declared valid and normal
in America today, what is the next sexual deviancy that
will be "mainstreamed" by Mass Media?
-- sex with children -- is the next darling of Media.
NEWS BRIEF: "Pedophilia
Next Stop on 'Rights' Agenda", News Talk
Florida, September 22, 2015
" published an op/ed from Todd
Nickerson titled: 'I'm a Pedophile, But Not a Monster'.
Nickerson attempts to explain how he can't help being wired
to be sexually attracted to children. He claims he'd never
act on his attraction and suffers silently as a result.
This sympathy play marks the next frontier of "sexual
rights" and expression issues predicted by many Conservative
commentators after the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage."
Indeed, many Conservative voices raised this
warning immediately after the Supreme Court ruling legalizing
gay marriage and placing the homosexual lifestyle on the
same basis as heterosexual marriage. These pundits informed
us that the gay marriage issue was fundamentally an agenda
for acceptance of deviant sexuality that will destroy God's
heterosexual creation and will place the Christian Church
in great peril of persecution.
That day has now arrived, as exemplified by
the beginning of a Mass Media campaign to declare pedophilia
as being perfectly legitimate. The very Liberal magazine,
Salon, leads the charge.
"The psychiatric community, media and
advocates all worked to mainstream homosexuality as something
normal and 'being born this way' during its path to majority
public acceptance. Pedophiles and their advocates will now
attempt to take the same route."
To fully understand the direction into which
this attempt to legitimize Pedophilia, let us examine the
life of a Pedophilia activist, David Alway/Lindsay Ashford.
is the real Lindsay Ashford?"
"He then left the Czech Republic, leaving
in May 2003 for Milan, Italy and at some point returning
to America which he refers to as the "Evil Empire"
before scurrying south to Central and South America where
he heard little girls were easier picking."
"David Alway AKA Lindsay Ashford is a
pedophile, and an activist for pedophiles. He believes that
children as young as 6 months old can consent to sexual
activity. Further he believes that children who are exploited
by adults don't suffer any ill effects from such a thing.
He has a website called Sugar and Spice that's just for
little girls. Check it out.... his attempts to rip little
girls away from their parents, his attempt to destroy any
trust they may have in another, his attempt to send them
into battle to carry out his own personal pervert war. Read
his memorial page 'Taken from our Midst' about little girls
missing, raped or murdered by pedophiles. Watch him as he
mocks society, and flaunts his perversions."
"Who is the real Lindsay Ashford? he's
stalking your children and his name is David Alway."
America is descending further into the Abyss
with this latest sexual perversion being touted as normal.
God is watching and taking notes. His physical annihilation
of America is speeding toward us like a runaway freight
"It is a fearful thing to fall into the
hands of the living God." (Hebrews 10:31)
NOTE: News Alert continues after
the advertisement, below
global economic collapse, nor global war, nor global catastrophe
of any kind will occur in September, this year!
A great deal of unnecessary
fear and angst have been created by prophecy teachers falsely
warning that the world is going to be swept up in global
panic and upheaval in September.
Cutting Edge addresses
this false teaching in our new DVD title, "World
War III: History's Greatest Lynchpin Event". We
report the truth: While the Elite have 12 different global
crises lined up and ready to launch at any moment, they
also have planned that none of these multiple crises will
occur until the World War III begins that will produce Antichrist
on the world scene.
And, the Bible foretells
that the last birth pang to produce Antichrist can occur
until the world is reorganized into the Prophetic
10 Toes (Supernations) of Daniel!
You will feel liberated
once you understand these prophetic Biblical facts.
Video Trailer of "World War III"
Pope Francis I arrives in America, is met by the President,
and is declared to be the "global religious leader"!
have known since August 18, 1991, that the Pope -- whomever
he is at the time -- is slated to be the False Prophet of
Revelation 13:11-18 (Read full details in NEWS1052)
Francis’ Popularity Bridges Great Divides: Seen as
a world religious leader", The New York
Times, Sept 23, 2015
"He may be the world’s foremost
Catholic, but to his fans, Pope Francis is more Martin Luther
King Jr. than Pope Benedict XVI. He speaks, and millions
listen — whether they are Muslim or Baptist, Hindu
or atheist.
" 'I believe he’s a world leader
more than a religious leader', said Sasha Datta, a practicing
Hindu who is planning to try to see Francis in Washington.
'His openness, his ability to not shy away from real issues
— I see a lot of hope when I see people like Pope
The global False Religious Prophet is introduced
to us in Revelation 13:11-18.
"And I beheld another beast coming up
out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and
he spake as a dragon." (Revelation 13:11)
Note that this prophesied global religious
leader will present himself as a Christian before the world
and will be accepted as such. This is the meaning of the
words, "he had two horns like a lamb". However,
we are warned that this global "christian" leader
is a fake and a fraud, because he has the heart and the
mouth of a dragon (Satan).
The Illuminati chose the Roman Catholic Pontiff,
whomever he will be at the time Antichrist arises, to be
the top religious leader of the global New World Order religion
(Read full details in NEWS1052)
The time is getting close, as we can see by
this carefully scripted scenario plays out, building up
Pope Francis I before a global citizenry!
NOTE: News Alert continues after
the advertisement, below
will never read the Gospels The Same Way Again" DVD
Your understanding of the Gospel account
will change forever! Once you understand the truth that
Jewish leaders who conspired to put Jesus on the cross were
practicing Satanists of a Secret Society.
This incredible DVD reveals that the
Pharisees and Sadducees who hated Jesus with an unnatural
hatred and provoked the Lord into uncharacteristic animosity
toward them, were secretly Satanists practicing what later
became known as the Cabala (Kabbala, Qabbala).
Now you will know why the Pharisees
killed Jesus even though they knew with 100% certainty that
He was the Promised Messiah. Now you will know why these
Jewish leaders looked at Jesus' miracles and concluded that
He was drawing His power from Beelzebub, one of Satan's
chief demons. When the Pharisees told the people that Jesus
did not possess inherent power, but was merely accessing
the power of Beelzebub,they caused Jesus to proclaim a brand
new type of sin, the 'Unpardonable Sin'!
This type of Satanism which the Pharisees
practiced is the major power behind the drive to the 'New
World Order', which is the 'Kingdom of Antichrist', and
is the Corner Stone of every major type of Satanism in the
past 2,500 years! Even Adolf Hitler loved and revered the
Cabala, even as he was plotting to slaughter all Jews.
Soul-winning Segment at the very end
Trailer ---- Full
Order Details
Pope Francis I continues the tradition of the pagan god
of the Zoroastrian tradition!
Pope always wears white, while all the men around him wear
dark -- black or navy.
Francis Arrives In United States Wearing Signature Black
Leather Loafers", Foot Wear News, Sept
23, 2015
"In a historic visit, Pope Francis set
foot in the US for the first time today — wearing
a pair of simple black leather shoes ... Pope Francis prefers
to keep things simple. Instead, he’s chosen the simple
black shoes associated with those of a priest, shunning
the practice of wearing red, the color commemorating the
blood of martyrdom."
The key portion of this picture is not the
Pope's black loafers, but the fact that the Pope continues
to wear white, while all men around him are wearing dark,
either black or dark navy blue. What does this mean, you
"... in February, 1997, Netanyahu and
his wife, Sarah, traveled to the Vatican, where, dressed
in black, they met with the Pope, who was, of course, dressed
in white (another Zoroastrian contrast)." Tim Cohen,
"Antichrist and A Cup of Tea",
Prophecy House, Inc., 1998, p. 411.
In Black Magick Witchcraft, the color white
is considered the preeminent color. Since the color, white,
is comprised of all colors, and black is a lack of color,
white is considered most powerful; black must give way to
white. Further, white is considered to be inherently based
in the spiritual, since white is the color worn by Zarathustra,
the founder of the pagan religion of Zoroaster, and quite
possibly, the precursor to Antichrist. In late 1996, I received
an email from a person who identified himself as a Black
Magick Satanist; he stated that, while I understood much
about Black Magick, I needed to be aware that the book,
"Thus Saith Zarathustra", by
Nietzche, would be the 'Bible of Antichrist'."
You can see pictures of Zarathustra by reading
our archived article, "Pope Always Wears White,
Visitors Wear Dark -- Illuminist Symbolism Dating Back 4,000
Years Ago! White/Black Dress Symbolism Shouts That The Pope
Is God! " NEWS1608.
Now, at the the End of the Age, as all the
signs point to the soon appearance of Antichrist, I was
told by a Satanist that Zarathustra is a type of Antichrist.
And Zarathustra wore white!
Let us examine one of the Zarathustra depictions
in NEWS1608
can see that Zarathustra is making a hand gesture with the
thumb extended to the right and slightly up, and the forefinger
pointing upward. This gesture is called a "mudra",
defined by the Dictionary of Mysticism as "a mystic
seal of Oriental occultism; a series of occult signs made
with the fingers, and considered to have magical effects
." [Quoted by Dr. Burns, Masonic
and Occult Symbols Illustrated, p. 231; Emphasis
But, then, Dr. Burns tells us that this "mudra"
is a method of telling us that a person is a supernatural
being, a god. "In addition to mantras and yantras,
the third way of representing deities is through gestures
(mudra)". [Ibid.]
Therefore, Zarathustra is telling his followers
that he is god!
Now -- notice the Sun behind his head, another
symbol of the Divine! The Sun behind him is also a symbol
of God, the Sun-God. The Master standing in front of the
Sun reflects the glory and the power of the Sun. But, Satan
the Hydra Serpent is also symbolized by the Rising Sun!
[Cisco Wheeler, Former Black Magick Satanist]
Thus, Zarathustra is saying in this picture
that he is Deity, he is God, the Lucifer Sun-God ! [Ibid.]
Finally, notice that Zarathustra is carrying
a Staff of Authority, or a Rod, in his left hand. This Rod
is also a symbol of the Lucifer Sun-God . There is tremendous
Satanic power behind a Staff -- Rod -- of Authority.
The Pope's staff on which the Crucifix is
suspended comes directly from this Zarathustra Staff of
Authority! The Staff of Authority is yet another symbol
of the Illuminati, a symbol dating back over 4,000 years!
What is the Staff of Authority carried by Pope Francis I?
Crucifix that Pope Francis I is holding up to the people,
at left. Study it closely, and you will realize that it
is not a Traditional Crucifix, as we show below. Rather,
this Crucifix is known as a "Bent Cross". But,
what does that mean? For the answer to that question, let
us turn to a Roman Catholic author, Piers Compton, writing
in his book, "The Broken Cross: Hidden Hand
In the Vatican", Channel Islands, Neville
Spearman, 1981.
This Bent Crucifix is "... a sinister
symbol, used by Satanists in the sixth century, that had
been revived at the time of Vatican Two. This was a bent
or broken cross, on which was displayed a repulsive and
distorted figure of Christ, which the black magicians and
sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent
the Biblical term 'Mark of the Beast'. Yet, not only Paul
VI, but his successors, the two John-Pauls, carried that
object and held it up to be revered by crowds, who had not
the slightest idea that it stood for anti-Christ."
(p. 72)
This Bent Crucifix was created by Satanists
to depict Antichrist and his Mark of the Beast! Very soon,
you will see the appearance of a global leader, calling
himself The Christ, who will claim to be Jesus Christ returned,
the Jewish Messiah, and the Avatar figure for which all
the major religions are awaiting, all in one man. This will
be Antichrist. Then, very quickly thereafter, a global religious
leader will step forward to aid the Antichrist; this religious
leader will possess the same miraculous power of Antichrist.
At this moment, the prophecy of Revelation 13:11-14 will
be fulfilled; this global religious leader will be the Biblical
False Prophet.
NOTE: News Alert continues after
the advertisement, below
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Now Is The Time For God's People To
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Common Core is a deficient education
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