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Must I Do To Be Saved?
Cutting Edge Ministries
click on this button
to guarantee that Cutting
Edge will not disappear for lack of funds. We have a
unique message and a worldview which has proven correct
for the past 23 years. Please help us!
This Be The Last Halloween That You Can Share Jesus
With Unsaved Loved Ones?
Unmasking Hell Night"
DVD by Bill Schnoebelen,
Sale $9.99
Do the gates of
Hell really open up on Halloween night? Did you know
that Satanists believe that, beginning October 1, the
veil separating this Earthly dimension from the Abyss
begins to thin? On Halloween, that veil disappears for
24 hours, allowing free access by the demonic realm
into Earth.
Ritual murders
are committed during the 24 hours of Halloween day /
night. Former Satanist, Bill Schnoebelen, helps us comprehend
the desperately wicked demonic celebration, Halloween.
In this teaching,
Bill shares compelling historical and Biblical evidence
about Halloween's origins and proves that this day is
a Biblically 'unclean thing' in which no Christian --
or their child -- should participate (1 Cor 6:17). Only
$9.99 https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2642
Occult Holidays"
by Former Satanist,
Doc Marquis
Regularly $39.99,
Only $19.99
Dynamic Trailer
Former Satanist,
Doc Marquis, delivers a knockout punch against the practice
of all our major holidays, providing details only a
former Witch would know.
Doc begins by
demonstrating how the Illuminati effected the change
in our calendar and how that change has affected a dramatic
change in our everyday lives. The Illuminati copied
heathen holidays from Satanism and then just gave them
Christian names. You will be shocked to realize how
very pagan our annual celebrations are! You will be
amazed to realize how most of the symbols used in our
holidays originated within Satanism.
Too many Christians
are enthusiastically celebrating Luciferian holidays,
thinking they are Christian. Once you understand how
very pagan America and the rest of the Western world
has become, you can see how God's judgment cannot be
far behind. Save $20.
Plan of Salvation at the end.
Is For REAL "
Soul-Winning DVD
by Renowned Bible/Prophecy Teacher Gary Frazier
Regularly $24.99,
Only $19.99
Dynamic Trailer
Since the danger
to peoples souls is so great and is ETERNAL, Frazier
speaks boldly and compassionately as he teaches the
full Biblical teaching about what Hell is and why it
is so terrible. Most of Fraziers warnings come directly
from the lips of Jesus, since He taught more about Hell
than about any other subject, and more than any other
inspired Bible teacher.
Gary Frazier also
weaves into this subject the most common misconceptions
people have about Hell: For example:
1) I will party with my friends in Hell for eternity.
2) Eventually all people go to Heaven.
3) A loving God will never send anyone to Hell.
4) I am a good person and all good persons go to Heaven.
5) Frazier carefully explains the ETERNITY of Hell,
a concept most unsaved just do not seem to comprehend.
is so real and so terrible, Frazier urges people to
make the decision NOW to repent and ask forgiveness
of sin through the blood sacrifice of Jesus, before
God closes the Age of Grace.
Frazier ends with
the Plan of Salvation,
so this video becomes a valuable Soul-Winning Tool.
Speakers other
than Gary Frazier are David Reagan, Ed Hindson and Kerby
Anderson. Run time is 1 hour 15 minutes. https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2632
Roots, Withered Souls"
DVD by Bill Schnoebelen
Regularly $24.99,
Now Only $9.99
families have at least one member who is bound by a
'Root of Bitterness', powerfully binding them to the
dark spirits of the Abyss. This person seemingly cannot
find joy in any part of life, but is continually saturated
with a spirit of gall.
shares critically important spiritual warfare information
which can begin a spiritual healing that sets a person
America is a
nation whose soul has rejected God and is now bound
up in Satan's roots of bondage and unhappiness unto
death. Thank God, there is deliverance!
Over 2 hours long,
this DVD contains spiritual warfare and deliverance
information you will never get from your local pastor!
Important News Articles
1. Much
of America is on fire -- as "Re-wilding"
Footage of a Car Driving Through California Fire
NEWS BRIEF: "Sequoia
National Park's giant trees at risk as fires grow ",
Associated Press, 9/16/2021
(AP) — Firefighters wrapped the base of the world's
largest tree in a fire-resistant blanket as they tried
to save a famous grove of gigantic old-growth sequoias
from wildfires burning Thursday in California’s
rugged Sierra Nevada."
"The Colony Fire,
one of two burning in Sequoia National Park, was expected
to reach the Giant Forest, a grove of 2,000 sequoias,
at some point within days ... It comes after a wildfire
killed thousands of sequoias, some as tall as high-rises
and thousands of years old, in the region last year."
" 'Due to inaccessible
terrain, a preliminary assessment of the fire’s
effects on giant sequoia trees within the grove will
be difficult and may take days to complete', the statement
For the record, Climate
Change is not the reason for these uncontrollable fires.
For the past two decades, successive California legislative
and Executive decisions have been implemented which
have caused a catastrophic accumulation of dead debris,
i.e., dead trees, brush, and grasses; this buildup has
reached the point where they have literally become fuel
for the fire. Forest Management leaders have repeatedly
warned that fires will begin which will become uncontrollable.
President Trump had the
courage three years ago to call out Governor Brown as
the culprit in this entire mess. Listen:
"NEWS BRIEF: "California's
Gov. Brown Again Blames Fires On Global Warming —
He Couldn't Be More Wrong", Investor's
Business Daily, 11/12/2018
"California once
again is burning, with hundreds of thousands of tinder-dry
acres going up in flames. Gov. Jerry Brown says it's
global warming. President Trump blames forest mismanagement.
Who's right?"
"On Saturday, Trump
tweeted: 'There is no reason for these massive, deadly
and costly forest fires in California except that forest
management is so poor. Billions of dollars are given
each year, with so many lives lost, all because of gross
mismanagement of the forests.
What fruit has this Liberal
policy produced?
" '(Before 1994)
mostly fuels were removed through logging, active management
— which they stopped — and grazing', Bob
Zybach, a reforestation consultant who has a Ph.D. in
environmental science told the Daily Caller Foundation
in an interview. 'You take away logging, grazing and
maintenance, and you get firebombs'."
And, now, California's
irreplaceable SEQUOIA NATIONAL PARK is burning.
What is occurring here?
Why do reasonably intelligent people deliberately take
such stupid actions? The answer is simple: the real
agenda is NOT what Liberals say it is, but something
so monumentally moronic and fatal!
The REAL plan is to "Re-Wild"
America from Sea to Shining Sea, giving the land back
to Mother Gaia, and allowing her land to go back to
the wild.

The "Re-Wilding"
plan continues.
As you study this
current map of the United States (click
here), you will be shocked to learn how much of
America is burning from uncontrollable fires.
NEWS BRIEF: "America's
Current Wildfires: Map",
Shockingly, about 40%
of America is burning! As of this moment, there are
about 666 "active fires" raging in America.
Since the objective is to sweep aside all evidences
of human activity from over 50% of this country, we
should expect that the time is coming when an "uncontrollable
fire" will sweep into a major city, like San Francisco
or Los Angeles.
America may then suffer
from a massive refugee flow as people flee the West
Coast for the heartland. For the first time ever in
the history of this fine country, politicians will stand
by idly while the "Modern Rome" burns.
These worthless politicians
will escape any punishment for their role in destroying
this country, just as Bill and Hillary Clinton have
escaped justice for their role in so many criminal plots
during the past three decades, beginning with the amazing
accumulation of wealth in the Clinton Foundation.
At some point, the insurance
companies are going to announce that they will no longer
rebuild homes and businesses in the areas where the
fires have ravaged. At this point, the map of America
will begin to resemble the "Re-Wilding
Map", pictured above.
Further, insurance companies
may one dy refuse to rebuild following devastating earthquakes,
hurricanes, and tornadoes.
Before we leave this subject,
we need to remind you that the final stage of forcing
people off their lands so that the land can go back
to its natural wild vegetation, this final action will
only occur after Antichrist is on the world scene. He
will be wildly popular in the first years he is here,
and could easily persuade the population to follow him
wherever he leads.
And, oh yes, one more
fact: this plan to force people off their land will
only work if America's population is reduced by 66%!
2. Republican
Senate Leader, Mitch McConnell, pledges GOP resistance
to raising the Debt Limit any longer.
NEWS BRIEF: "Senator
Mitch McConnell says the GOP will vote for the US to
default on its debt", Business
Insider, September 20, 2021
"As the White House
stressed the urgency of raising the debt ceiling to
avoid a government default, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on Monday
that the House would pass legislation to fund the government
that includes a debt-limit suspension through the end
of next year."
"It was a dare to
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who would need
to lend ten Republican votes for it to avert the filibuster
and clear the Senate. The Kentucky Republican was unfazed.
' We will not support legislation that raises the debt
limit'" McConnell said after Pelosi and Schumer's
announcement. 'Democrats do not need our help'."
America could
default on her debt!
" 'Addressing the
debt limit is about meeting obligations the government
has already made, like the bipartisan emergency COVID
relief legislation from December as well as vital payments
to Social Security recipients and our veterans',"
the lawmakers wrote. "Furthermore, as the Administration
warned last week, a reckless Republican-forced default
could plunge the country into a recession."
What is the bottom line?
"On the same day,
Yellen urged Congress to come together to raise the
limit, citing the 'economic catastrophe' that could
result with the failure to do so."
This kind of partisan
wrangling and threats of economic disaster occur every
couple of years, but the reality is that the time is
coming, probably sooner rather than later, that America's
debt will become unsustainable, causing a huge economic
Our Prosperity will be
at an end. Before this disaster can occur, God's prophecy
in Revelation 18 must occur first.
God's Revelation
18:7-8 "Judgment In Prosperity" is coming
very close, indeed!
We have repeatedly shown
how this nation has rejected our original foundation
of Judeo-Christian values and had replaced them with
actual Satanic values. This single act has resulted
in many other problems with which we are now struggling:
Divorce and the breakup of the traditional family, drugs,
alcohol, crime of every type, the acceptance of homosexuality,
and many others. For this dramatic denial of our original
Christian values, America richly deserves God's physical
Also from the beginning,
we have shown how America is leading the world into
the New World Order, which is the Biblical Great Tribulation,
the Kingdom of Antichrist. As we know, the Bible calls
the Great Tribulation the most severe outpouring of
God's judgment upon the entire world that mankind has
ever seen, coupled with the most murderous campaign
of extinction ever carried out by any leader anytime
or anywhere. Of course, this leader is the Anti-Christ,
the one whom the New Agers call Maitreya.
If we are truly at the
end of the Age as we believe we are, we know we are
headed for God's massive judgment.
When God delivers His
sword of judgment upon this Economic Babylon (America),
she is at, or near, the zenith of her prosperity. Furthermore,
the language of this prophecy seems to indicate that
the feeling of prosperity might NOT go all the way through
the economy; perhaps only the upper crust of the economy
will feel this high degree of prosperity. Perhaps the
Middle Class and the lower echelon might be left out
of this degree of prosperity; however, even they will
be spared the effects of a total economic collapse.
God is going to destroy
America when she is at the height of her national prosperity!
Therefore, watch to see when America is just beginning
her planned descent from the heights to which President
Trump took us. God will destroy us when our bragging
is still in our mouth.
Listen to the Word of
the Lord: