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experienced the painful 'birth pangs' of a world which
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We have always
believed that more souls will be won for Jesus Christ
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Please do not desert us
Thank you in advance,
David Bay, Director
Friday, but Sunday is a 'coming!"
When the Romans
were in the process of carrying out the crucifixion,
all wicked leaders felt very good while Jesus' followers
were in such utter despair. Jesus had been beaten and
Hell's fury seemly quelled.
However, neither
side realized that "Sunday is a'coming'! The
Omnipotent power of the Holy Spirit swept aside Jesus'
death, created His resurrection and actually conquered
the power of physical death!
Likewise, God's
infinite power will sweep aside all the pretensions
of Antichrist and his ruling cabal!
Will Antichrist
realize that, while it may be Friday prophetically when
his global forces are winning great victories over Jesus
and His followers, Sunday is a'coming?
Must I Do To Be Saved"?
Breakdown--Living in the Time
of The Paradigm Shift Into the New World Order"
March 21, 2022 President Joe Biden said 'Now is the
time when things are shifting, there’s going to
be a new world order out there, we’ve got to lead
it, and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free
world while doing it.'
The President
is talking about the 'Paradigm
Shift' to take us into the New World Order and stage
the Antichrist.
We are on the
verge of that New World order and our current system
is breaking down. Gas prices are up, inflation is the
worst in 40 years, interest rates are rising, and customer
confidence is collapsing. This video is the most relevant
and current on the market today and combines the best
in the progress of Bible prophecy in world news and
in the unique Cutting Edge viewpoint. This understanding
will affect -- should affect -- every other aspect of
the current collapse of this once free and mighty nation!
This DVD is a 2-DVD set running
about 2 1/2 hours
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Critical News
I. Queen Elizabeth
II was laid to rest in accordance with Illuminati
tradition for a Monarch of the
secret society "Order of the Garter".
the End of an Era, a Stoic Britain Says Farewell to
Queen with Greatest Show on Earth",
Breitbrt News, 19 Sept 2022
"The way the United
Kingdom has reacted to the death of the Queen suggests
a nation of people more calm and in control of themselves
than some would have you believe. It has been said of
the Queen frequently in recent days that she embodied
old-fashioned British values, a clear and implicit admission
that such virtues — selflessness, duty, reserve,
among others — are now well out of fashion. Yet
the United Kingdom’s reaction to the death of
the Queen and respect of the mourning period by nearly
all has been one that has shown the nation is clearly
in grief, but also in command of its emotions."
"... the Britain
of the past two weeks appears to be one more mature
and at ease with itself than in the 1990s ... The Queen’s
coronation in 1953 was the most watched television event
in history at that point and it is confidently predicted
her funeral will break new records: it is expected
it will be watched by billions."
What is the "Order
of the Garter" secret society and what role does
it play in producing Antichrist of "Biblical fame?
Listen as we go back to 2008 when Prince Charles received
this Garter?
"This "Order
of the Garter" is a serious Illuminati decoration.
If Prince Charles is to one day become Antichrist, as
"Antichrist and a Cup of Tea" demonstrates
he might, this honor is one of the prerequisite steps
he must take ... Prince Charles will join a 660-year-old
club which goes to the heart of the English national
identity and owes its origins to both King Arthur and
St George. In addition, he will acquire a set of initials
which will always take pride of place immediately after
his name: KG."
" 'Order
of the Garter' is designed to produce Antichrist.
Now, let us go to an occult
site to get specific information not readily available.
of the Garter", Haunted Curiosities
"The Garter Order
is an incredibly covert and elite secret society in
Europe as well as the highest honor in occult societies.
Membership in the society is limited to the Sovereign,
the Prince of Wales, and cannot include any more than
24 additional companions ... They hold a very high power
"They are very powerful
who have influenced the seed of the Throne, who have
stripped the world of most of its riches both monetary
and spiritual and have gained complete control of most
of the world."
Now, has the time come
for the British Throne to spawn THE occult Christ, whom
the Bible calls Antichrist? Some voices are calling
the Queen's passing as the "End of an Age', and
they may very well be right!
The actual garter is a
"magical sword" with powers unequalled by
any king in British legend.
"The gems of the
Garter which holds powers that include extreme wealth,
power, and fame. They give you casted protection, which
acts as a shield around your body, which will keep you
safe from spells and curses. It will give you INCREDIBLE
magical ability. The Garter Witch is the oldest witch
in the book! Older than Egyptian witches and she predates
Atlantis, too! She knows her stuff and she has the powers
to manifest it in any form. She chose gems so that way
the Order of the Garter could adorn their powers constantly.
Now, King Charles possesses
this medieval magical sword and seems anxious to begin
wielding its power on a global level, addressing such
urgent issues such as Climate Change and Global Peace"!
There is a side to the
British monarchy that has been carefully and studiously
hidden from the public view. In this hidden, dark side,
the monarch wields unimaginable power and influence,
and is wealthy beyond all imagination. At the top of
this monarchy was the Queen Mother, but right below her
is now King Charles, wielding ever-increasing amounts
of power and influence throughout the whole world.
II. King Charles
III has decreed a change in succession to the throne
so that Prince Harry is permanently barred.
Charles Plans to Cut Prince Harry, Prince Andrew, and
Princess Beatrice as Official Stand-Ins",
AOL News, September 19, 2022
"Looks like King
Charles is about to make some changes when it comes
to the royal family. The Telegraph reports that Charles
wants to change a law regarding who can serve as an
official stand-in should he be 'indisposed'."
" 'Under the 1937
Regency Act, the monarch's spouse (the Queen Consort
Camilla, in this case) as well as the four adults next
in line to the throne (Prince William, Prince Harry,
Prince Andrew, and Princess Beatrice) can be—as
The Telegraph puts it—"deployed as counsellors
of state on official business."
"But Charles wants
to change the law so that this rule only applies to
working members of the royal family—meaning everyone
on this list other than Prince William would no longer
be in line to be counsellors of state."
Every authoritarian leaders
moves to consolidate power by eliminating his perceived
Let us review the genealogy
of Prince Charles:
"The odds against
his being born to this fate are incalculable .. His
ancestors include Charlemagne and Genghis Khan, El Cid
and George Washington (through John Smith), Shakespeare
and Count Dracula ... his breeding is the most important
in the world ... he is heir to the world's greatest
position that is determined solely by heredity ... In
Prince Charles' veins runs the blood of emperors and
kings, Russian boyars, Spanish grandees, noblemen of
every European nation, bishops and judges, knights and
squires, and tradesmen ... Prince Charles was in some
way descended from just about everybody who was anybody,
anytime, ever." [Pages 77-85; Emphasis was in the
If Tim Cohen is
correct in his assertion that Prince Charles is the
future Antichrist, then Charles must remain a Prince,
and not become a King! Listen to the prophecy again:
"And after the sixty-two
weeks of years, shall the Anointed One be cut off, killed,
and shall have nothing and no one belonging to and defending
Him. And the people of the other prince who will come
will destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall
come with a flood; and even to the end there shall be
war and desolations are decreed." [Daniel 9:26;
Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]
Let us repeat the prophetically
significant portion: "the people of the other prince
who will come".
Antichrist is going to
be a "Prince", not a King! If Charles is
to be named a King, he would no longer be a candidate
to become Antichrist.
Therefore, Prince William
may be the 'Man of Sin' after all. He is now a "PRINCE"!
The Queen's death, plus the ascension of Charles from
Prince to King, may bring William to the throne of Antichrist.
III. Pope Francis
I continued trumpeting the false story that mankind
is close to causing Mother Earth to actually die.
Francis Calls for Urgent Attention to Our ‘Gravely
Ill Planet’," Breitbart
News, 19 September 2022
"ROME — The
international community must make the “ecological
commitment” a top priority, Pope Francis said
in an interview published Sunday. 'We have not awakened
in the face of planetary wars and injustices, we have
not listened to the cry of the poor, and of our gravely
ill planet', the pontiff told the Italian daily Il Mattino.
'We thought we would always remain healthy in a sick
"The pope restated
his case for the Great Reset with a shift away from
financial speculation, fossil fuels, and a military
build-up toward a green economy based on inclusiveness.
' We can no longer blithely accept inequalities and
disruptions to the environment', he said. 'The path
to humanity’s salvation passes through the creation
of a new model of development, which unquestionably
focuses on coexistence among peoples in harmony with
“ 'If we don’t
roll up our sleeves and immediately take care of the
Earth, with radical personal and political choices,
with an economic ‘green’ turn by directing
technological developments in this direction, sooner
or later our common home will throw us out the window',
he declared."
Gorbachev was
absolutely correct 26 years ago: "The threat of
environmental crisis will be the 'international disaster
key' that will unlock the New World Order." [Mikhail
Gorbachev, quoted in "A Special Report: The Wildlands
Project Unleashes Its War On Mankind", by Marilyn
Brannan, Associate Editor, Monetary & Economic Review,
1996, p. 5.]
IV. President
Joe Biden declares "COVID pandemic is over"!
pandemic is over" says US President Joe Biden",
Taiwan Sun, 21 September 2022
"The COVID-19 pandemic
is over, US President Joe Biden announced during CBS'
'60 minutes' programme ... While replying to a query
over the COVID pandemic, Biden said, "The pandemic
is over. We still have a problem with COVID. We're still
doing a lotta work on it. It's-- but the pandemic is
Why, then, is
the NYC teachers union allowing any teacher to be fired
if they refuse the jab?
Jab, No Job: New York City
Fires Hundreds More Teachers for Not Getting COVID Shot",
Washington Free Beacon', 19 September 2022
"The New York City
Department of Education has axed another 850 teachers
and aides for not complying with its vaccine mandate,
bringing the total to nearly 2,000 ... The Education
Department ordered around 1,300 workers to show proof
of vaccination by Sept. 5 or be "deemed to have
voluntarily resigned." When 850 didn't comply,
the department fired them."
"New York City has
fired more than 2,600 municipal workers in total for
not getting the COVID shot."
How many COVID-19 laws
and regulations now have to be discarded since the Commander
in Chief has declared the COVID pandeic over ?
Perhaps Biden has signalled
"Washington, D.C., mayor that she can remove her
COVID rules.
"DC Mayor Bans Unvaccinated Children From Attending
School", Washington Free Beacon, 6August
"The District of
Columbia will not allow unvaccinated students to attend
school and will offer no alternative learning options,
Mayor Muriel Bowser (D.) announced on Thursday."
The mayor needs to study
the recent ruling by the US Supreme Court.
"Bowser's announcement
came on the same day that a D.C. Superior Court judge
struck down the mayor's vaccine mandate for all government
employees. The D.C. Police Union in February filed a
lawsuit against the mayor's mandate. Judge Maurice Ross
ruled that Bowser does not have the legal authority
to issue the order."
V. President Biden
leapt to rage when talking illegant immigrants which
Republican governors were bussing int Democrat-controlled
cities -- Sanctuary Cities!
Rages Against Republicans Transporting Migrants to Democrat
Cities: ‘It’s Un-American’,"
Breitbart News, 15 Sept
"President Joe Biden
on Thursday expressed his frustration with Republican
governors sending migrants from the Southern border
to Democrat-run cities, calling their actions 'Un-American'.”
" 'Republicans are
playing politics with human beings, using them as props',
Biden said. 'What they’re doing is simply wrong.
It’s un-American. It’s reckless'. The president
spoke at the Hispanic Caucus Institute Gala celebrating
the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month.
Saul Alinsky strongly
advocated turning the propaganda head upon the enemy.
Whatever you are doing, turn around and blame your opponent
for doing it! This concept is a derivative of the old
'Dialectic Struggle', without which
Communism can never win.
Every day's news progrms
are written according to this type of Dialectic Struggle!