President Trump yesterday in his U.N. speech,
threatened to "totally destroy" North
Korea if necessary.
Shocks UN Delegates: US May Have to 'Totally
Destroy' North Korea", NewsMax,
19 Sept 2017
Donald Trump said Tuesday that the United States
will be forced to "totally destroy"
North Korea unless Pyongyang backs down from its
nuclear challenge ... Loud murmurs filled the
green-marbled U.N. General Assembly hall when
Trump issued his sternest warning yet to North
Korea, whose ballistic missile launches and nuclear
tests have rattled the globe. Unless North Korea
backs down, he said, " 'We will have no choice
than to totally destroy North Korea'."
I do not believe
that any other President of the United States
has ever threatened to "totally destroy"
a country! During the build-up to World War II,
some American leaders uttered harsh words of warning
to Germany and Japan, but I do not recall any
specific threat to "totally destroy"
either country.
However, in October,
2001, just a few days following the attacks of
9/11, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz,
threatened to "end states" who are sponsoring
terrorism. Listen:
Set For Attack", by Susanne M. Schafer, Associated
Press, The Sun Chronicle, Friday, September 14,
-- "In the most explicit descriptions yet
of the Bush administration's intentions, Deputy
Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said Thursday
the retaliation would be continued until the roots
of terrorism are destroyed. 'These people try
to hide. They won't be able to hide forever ...
They think their harbors are safe, but they won't
be safe forever ... it's not simply a matter of
capturing people and holding them accountable,
but removing the sanctuaries, removing the support
systems, ending states who sponsor terrorism."
[Page 2]
"Ending states"
is a most somber and terrifying term, for it strongly
implies that the Bush Administration has every
intention of destroying entire nation states with
unconventional weapons. And, we have them in abundance,
despite the years of military draw down by the
Clinton Administration. We have nuclear, chemical,
biological, and kinetic (electromagnetic wave)
weapons that can easily destroy entire states
in an hour or two.
Indeed, if you examine
the nations in the Middle East and Northern Africa
which we have invaded since September, 2001, you
will discover that the Western nations have destroyed
Iraq, Syria, and Libya so thoroughly that they
are not functioning anymore as normal nations;
for all practical purposes, they are "ended".
North Korea remembers
this history lesson very well. In early October,
2001, President Bush named three nations which
he said constituted an "axis of evil"
-- Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. Saddam Hussein
of Iraq is the only nation invaded, and North
Korea believes that they only reason he was attacked
was that he was the only nation which did not
have nuclear weapons.
Therefore, North
Korea will continue to demand the right to build
its nuclear weapons program!
The President
also derided the dictator, calling him "rocket
man", another derogatory remark calculated
to goad him into attack.
mocks Kim Jong Un, calls him 'rocket man',
Fox News, 9/27/2017
Trump apparently has a new name for North Korean
President Kim Jung Un as the rouge leader pursues
a nuclear-missile program -- 'rocket man'.”
“ 'I spoke
with President Moon of South Korea last night',
Trump tweeted early Sunday morning. 'Asked him
how Rocket Man is doing. Long gas lines forming
in North Korea. Too bad!' ”
This is not the
first time an American leader has deliberately
caused Kim Jung Un to "lose face" which
no Oriental leader will tolerate. We are attempting
to force North Korea to attack first, because
China warned that she would support North Korea
if America fired the first shot.
At any day, we can
wake up to discover that all-out war has erupted
on the Korean Peninsula, fulfilling the wording
of the Elite Plan, first published in 1981:
script is now written ... A hair-raising nuclear
confrontation in Korea may ... threaten man's
very survival." (Peter Lemesurier, 'The Armageddon
Script", p. 223, 1981)
As it turns out,
President Trump was mightily encouraged by Japanese
Prime Minister Abe to deliver this incredily strong
message to North Korea.
fire and brimstone U.N. speech hands PM Abe a
win on North Korea: But will his victory be
pyrrhic?", The
Japan Times, Sept 20, 2017
"U.S. President
Donald Trump’s fiery threat at the United
Nations on Tuesday to “totally destroy”
North Korea if the United States is forced to
defend itself or its allies left much of East
Asia reeling, though one clear benefactor has
emerged: Shinzo Abe’s Japan ... 'The United
States has great strength and patience, but if
it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we
will have no choice but to totally destroy North
Korea', Trump said."
Even though Japan
has been Constitutionally prohibited from building
a massive military machine and even though most
Japanese have been pacifist since World War II,
this longstanding threat from North Korea has
resulted in a dramatic shift toward militancy.
And, with PM Abe
facing a snap election in October, he has encouraged
Trump to be more aggressive and assertive. Japan
is desperately depended upon the United States
to protect her.
Now you know why
Trump selected General Mattis, whose nickname
is "Mad Dog"!
News stories are
appearing all around the world, noting the dangerous
nature of North Korea, thus building the belief
in most people how perilous the situation has
Korea now threatens the entire world: US Sec/State
Tillerson", Yahoo
News, Sept 20, 2017
"US Secretary
of State Rex Tillerson has claimed North Korea
now threatens “the entire world,”
after Pyongyang mounted its second missile launch
over Japan in less than a month. North Korea sent
a mid-range missile over Japan on Thursday, after
threatening to sink the country “into the
sea”. The launch marked the isolated country's
longest missile flight to date, and yet another
sign of its advancing military capabilities."
Since the wording
of the Elite Plan concerning the nuclear confrontation
is global, with people all over the world feeling
threatened by nuclear destruction, I would say
that the stage has been successfully set.
Even the South Korean
Defense Ministry jumped into the rhetorical ruckus.
Korea nearing final development stage of ICBM:
S/Korean Defense Ministry",
The Korea Herald, Sept 18, 2017
"North Korea
is nearing the final stage of developing an intercontinental
ballistic missile and is likely to continue test-launches
and nuclear experiments to perfect the technology,
Seoul’s Defense Ministry said Monday ...
'We have tentatively concluded that the latest
missile fired was the Hwasong-12, an IRBM, and
that the North has IRBM capacities. We see the
communist regime is at its final stage of developing
an ICBM', Maj. Gen. Jang Kyung-soo, acting deputy
minister for policy, told lawmakers."
The time has arrived
for citizens of Europe to start worrying, and
Russia and China!
An popular
American Jewish rabbi and noted author really
liked the President's United Nations speech, and
noted its significant to the security of Israel.
American rabbi and author, Boteach: Trump's
speech one of 'most forceful' at UN", Israel
National News, 9/20/2017
" 'President
Trump's was one of the most forceful delivered
at the UN podium', Boteach said. 'It focused on
good and evil and was morally unambiguous. It
stated clearly that Iran, North Korea, Venezuela
- these are rogue regimes, terrorist-sponsoring
regimes, regimes who brutalize their people'."
"Trump, Boteach
added, said clearly what the nuclear agreement
" 'The whole
problem with the UN and its relationship with
Israel is the UN has no morality. There's no moral
standards. It's become a moral farce...because
it just focuses on condemning Israel while it
overlooks the most egregious human rights violations
all over the world," he explained.
"The president
is saying that the United States is going to demand
that the UN be a moral body. That's what Israel
needs... the more the UN stands up for morality
and righteousness..."
"We're basically in World War III" -
Israeli Author
basically in World War Three':
Ken Abramowitz", Israel National
News, 9/20/2017
"In an interview
with Arutz Sheva, philanthropist Kenneth Abramowitz
spoke about Iran, terror organizations, and US
President Donald Trump's first speech at the United
Nations General Assembly."
Trump is the clearest it's been in a long time,"
Abramowitz said, noting that the US President
could still be "a little more clear."
" 'In the Middle
East, we are fighting four terror organizations',
he explained. 'People think we're fighting ISIS,
Al-Qaeda. They also know we're fighting Iran,
which is the number one terror organization today.
But we're also fighting the Muslim Brotherhood,
financed by Turkey and Qatar, who are half friends,
half enemies... And we're also fighting the Wahhabis
financed by Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, who are
half friends half enemies'."
to Abramowitz, war is inevitable. 'We're basically
in World War Three', he said. 'Iran has promised
to kill everyone in America: Death to America,
genocide against America, [and] now genocide against
Israel, too. But as President of the United States,
he has a responsibility to protect us'."
The annihilating
war between Israel and the Palestinians (Obadiah
and Isaiah 34) is poised to erupt.
3. A new
poll reveals that average Democrat voters are
abandoning the Party in droves!
the Red Pill: Democrats Are Losing Support
Fast As Average Democrat Voters Are Abandoning
the Party In Droves", Conservative
Zone, Sept 2017
"Eight years
of job-killing economic policies, failure to close
out the War on Terror and Hillary Clinton’s
41 excuses why she lost the November election
add up to one thing . . . would-be Democrats are
taking “The Red Pill” and moving right
... After eight years of Obama’s “Hope”
nonsense, many left-of-center voters have decided
that liberal elites are not living in the same
reality as hard-working everyday Americans."
"The fact that
deep blue “Rust Belt” voters flocked
to Donald Trump is no accident, either."
Mainstream Media
cannot pile on against President Trump more than
it currently is, but every time they criticize
either him or his wife, Liberal Democrats lose
more voters.
The flood
of rhetoric against Trump since his Inauguration
is causing an historic shift against the Democrats.

4. "Climate
Realists" are striking back against "Climate
Change" radicals
Harvey, and Irma and Maria and Jose are NOT the
result of Climate Change!
NEWS BRIEF: "Climate
Realists Strike Back: No Blaming Harvey and Irma
on ‘Climate Change’,
Breitbart News, 19 Sept 2017
"A sober, fact-based
analysis from researchers has debunked hysterical
reactions to recent devastating hurricanes that
sought to attribute these phenomena to man-made
global warming.
' Man-made warming did not cause Harvey and Irma,'
writes economist and environmental expert Nicolas
Loris. 'As carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gas emissions have increased, there have been
no trends in global tropical cycle landfalls."
"In fact, prior
to Harvey and Irma, the United States 'was in
a 12-year hurricane drought', he wrote. 'More
importantly, the average number of hurricanes
per decade reaching landfall in the U.S. has fallen
over the past 160 years'.”
analysis, unlike much of the media panic surrounding
recent storms, is based on mainstream science,
available to anyone willing to look for it."
But, as soon as
President Trump pulled America out of the ill-advised
Paris Climate Accord, the number of devastating
storms hit quickly and hard. Immediately, Climate
Change advocates, led by ill-informed Hollywood
celebrities, claimed that "man's activities"
are responsible.
Scientific evidence
has never supported Climate Change and never will.
But, that will not
stop the Climate Change people, because their
cause is rooted in blind belief and not science!
(Please read NEWS2193,
entitled, "Five
Major Created Global Disasters Are Being Constantly
Preached To The World As Reasons To Form The Global
New World Order!")
Climate Change is
one of these five major created "Global Disasters"
for which the only solution is a Global Dictatorship!
5. Mexico
suffered a strong 7.1 earthquake on Tuesday.
magnitude quake kills 2, collapses buildings in
Mexico on Tuesday, 9/19" -- MAP
of Quakes, Yahoo News, Sept
20, 2017
(AP) — A powerful (7.1) earthquake shook
central Mexico on Tuesday, collapsing buildings
in plumes of dust and killing at least 226 people.
Thousands fled into the streets in panic, and
many stayed to help rescue those trapped. Dozens
of buildings tumbled into mounds of rubble or
were severely damaged in densely populated parts
of Mexico City and nearby states. Mayor Miguel
Angel Mancera said buildings fell at 44 places
in the capital alone as high-rises across the
city swayed sickeningly."
"Much of Mexico
City is built on a former lake bed, and the soil
can amplify the effects of earthquakes centered
hundreds of miles away."
"Initial calculations
showed that more than 30 million people would
have felt moderate shaking from Tuesday's quake."
Do you know
how many significant quakes Mexico has suffered
in the past 365 days? 1,705!
Jesus was
truly correct when He predicted 2,000 years ago
that one of the signs of the End of the Age was
"earthquakes in divers (many) places"
(Matthew 24:7)!