Tuesday, 9/19/2023
Apple CEO directs
a video clip in which he advocates the elimination of
all mankind!
See article #1 below
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Biblical Definition
- Origin of 'Right vs Left" Wing
wise man’s heart turns him toward the right [which
is the way of blessing], but a fool’s heart turns
him toward the left [which is the way of condemnation]."
(Ecclesiastes 10:2)
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5 New Dynamic
Book Titles
Dragons, and the Bible' will prepare your heart and
your home to believe every word of the historical account
of creation found in Genesis.
Filled with biblical, scientific, and historical facts,
the answers found within this faith-building book will
help you stand on the authority of God's Word to demolish
the evolutionary myths which cause people to doubt God.
Sharing your faith
will be much easier after reading this apologetic resource
on the fascinating topic of dinosaurs and dragons.
246 pages

Divine Dilemma
seasons of struggle, loss, trauma, and grief, people
often ask the desperate question, “Why would a
loving God allow such suffering?”
Divine Dilemma is a scriptural guide filled with personal
testimonies designed to help you and your family find
hope, peace, and answers you can trust.
Trusted apologetics
author, Ken Ham – the CEO of The Ark Encounter,
The Creation Museum, and Answers in Genesis, offers
his own relatable stories of struggle and a biblical
worldview of suffering to guide you through some of
the most difficult times of your life.

Is the Adam we
read about in Genesis a real man or a myth? Many contemporary
theologians, seminary professors, and even pastors now
teach that Adam is a mere myth, fable, or figurative
In 'Adam: First and the Last', scholar Simon Turpin
challenges this heresy, reveals its evolutionary roots,
and addresses the repercussions of such beliefs on the
Gospel message.
'Salvation in
Christ alone', requires faith in God’s creation
of the First Adam and redemption through the Last Adam,
Jesus Christ.
Find the tools
needed to counter these false teachings and remain grounded
in the authority of the Bible in Turpin’s Christian
apologetic resource: 'Adam: First and the Last'. 

You Spiritually Ready?
Important News Articles - Analysis
Apple CEO directs a video clip in which he advocates
the elimination of all mankind!
ad blasted for suggestion people be … eliminated!",
World Net Daily, September
15, 2023
"A new global
warming-inspired video from Apple that promotes the
company's green ideology is being blasted for its comment
that can be read as a suggestion that humans be eliminated.
"In fact, all 'carbon',
which includes living things.
"Humans, in fact,
are a carbon-based life form."
In other words, a call
to eliminate "all carbon" is a call to eliminate
"all known life on Earth".
In other words, Apple,
Inc., led by CEO Tim Cook, is calling for the extinction
of all mankind!
You have to see this video
before you can believe it. View
the video here.
How important
is Carbon to life on this planet?
"Carbon is the most
important element of life. About 18% mass composition
of the human body is composed of carbon. … Carbon
is a prominent structural element of the various important
molecules like carbohydrates, fats, nucleic acids, and
proteins in our body. Not only humans but Carbon is
also a primary component of all known life on Earth.
Carbon represents approximately 45–50% of all
dry biomass on earth."." (Only
video depicts an Apple board meeting when "Mother
Nature" pops in for a chat on company priorities.
creepy new climate change ad: Proposes
killing all of us to “save the planet'
…", Revolver
News, september 17, 2023
"The ad exudes a
dystopian and eerie atmosphere that gives off “tracksuit
& mothership” vibes. Even scarier, Apple declares
that their goal is to permanently remove all carbon
from the atmosphere.” That would destroy life
on the entire planet."
"That would quite
literally destroy the planet."
is a black award-winning actress - perfect for a pagan
goddess - her human name is Octavia Spencer!
Her role fulfills the
typical New Age mantra about the role of the mother
Earth goddess in maintaining everyday life on planet
earth. In fact, I have never seen such an accurate depiction
of pure radical nonsense.
Goddess Gaia who, angry
over the earth having a fever, is threatening humanity
with a climate apocalypse. What in heaven's name is
this angry Goddess Gaia and how does she fit into this
global weather? If mankind did not take the actions
necessary to relieve the stresses on the earth's "fragile"
ecosystem, global natural disasters would occur.
A global Superstorm is
threatened, a storm that virtually annihilated the Industrial
Civilization of America and Europe.
What is the
Elite Plan?
"It is patently impossible
to discuss social engineering ... without implying extensive
objectives of social control and destruction of human
life, i.e., slavery and benevolent genocide ... . ["Behold
A Pale Horse", Cooper, p. 36, 40; Emphasis Added]
According to this pagan
thinking, Earth is really a living, breathing goddess,
named Gaia.
Gaia is overburdened by
our Industrial Civilization. She has too many heavy
man-made objects sitting on her land and in her sea;
she has too much industrial pollution being thrust into
the sky; and most grievously of all, Gaia is over-burdened
by people! She is currently over 8 billion, while the
ultimate goal is only 500 million, a reduction of 7.5
billion people!
But, we are not to worry,
since this entire de-population of the Earth is going
to be "benevolent genocide"!
Mother Gaia is warning
all mankind that this incredible pressure on her must
be reversed quickly, or all of Earth might be rendered
completely uninhabitable.
Therefore, Mother Gaia
graciously sends storms, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes,
earthquakes, to warn mankind to get rid of his industrial
civilization. When man refuses to heed the warning,
Gaia sends more storms, and more intense storms.
After years of ratcheting
up violent, deadly storms, the finale just might be
the greatest "Perfect Storm" in history. In
its aftermath, people would allow themselves to be ordered
off their land, out of their cities, into their "Reserves"
and "Buffer Zones" (Re-Wilding).
remember the words of former Soviet dictator, Mikhail
Gorbachev: "... the "threat of environmental
crisis will be the 'international disaster key' that
will unlock the New World Order." ["A Special
Report: The Wildlands Project Unleashes Its War On Mankind",
by Marilyn Brannan, Associate Editor, Monetary &
Economic Review, p. 5.]
This planned
"threat of environmental crisis" is upon us
full throttle!
Democrat Candidate, Robert F. Kennedy has been denied
Secret Service protection during his run to the White
Campaign Reiterates Demand for Secret Service Protection",
Breitbart News, 18 Sept 2023
is astonishing that under such circumstances, you would
deny Secret Service coverage to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,
who has polled more than 20% in the first five primary
states, and whose net favorability rating exceeds both
yours and Donald Trump’s."
an implied threat has been noted and denied.
Jr., Fearing Assassination, Demands Secret Service Cover
From Biden", Newsweek, 9/19/2023
F. Kennedy Jr.'s campaign manager has written to President
Joe Biden demanding Secret Service protection for the
presidential hopeful, after an armed man was arrested
on Friday night at an event where the Democratic candidate
was speaking."
was campaigning in California,a genuine hotspot for
chaos and upheaval!
detained the man in Los Angeles by the Wilshire Ebell
Theatre where Kennedy was giving an address to mark
Hispanic Heritage Month. The suspect was 'carrying a
U.S. Marshal badge' and falsely claimed to be part of
Kennedy's security team, according to a statement from
the candidate."
How can
the Biden White House deny the Democrat candidate for
President? The answer is simple:
They do
not consider him to be a "Major Candidate".
has struggled to build a credible challenge to Biden
who leads him by more than 50 points as Democratic voters'
preferred presidential candidate,"
an assassination possible, probable?
an open letter to Biden published on Monday, Dennis
Kucinich, a former Democratic congressman and Kennedy's
campaign manager, issued a call for Secret
Service protection."
stated RFK's case:
past Friday in Los Angeles, at a Hispanic Heritage event,
a gunman posing as a U.S. Marshall sought to gain entrance
to the venue where Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was about
to speak. The man was carrying a fully loaded weapon
and was accompanied by a second individual who carried
additional weapons and ammunition. He was intercepted
by a private security detail before he could harm anyone,
and arrested by the LAPD [Los Angeles Police Department]."
that this tragedy was avoided by intervention of a "private
security detail".
Much of
American society has turned violently savage.
The Illuminati
has already savagely murdered John F. Kennedy and Robert
Kennedy and reportedly threatened Ted Kennedy. They
will not tolerate another Kennedy in the White House!
A large
question looms over this entire situation: Since this
fake marshal was arrested in Los Angeles, will he be
turned right back on the streets? He could resume planning
straight away!
Israeli police urged Temple Mount worshippers to carry
their concealed gun for personal protection!
call on civilians with gun licenses: Carry your
weapons to synagogue", Israel
National News, September 18, 2023
Police head of operations Major General Sigal Bar-Tzvi
on Monday morning updated the police force's senior
command staff regarding preparations for the remainder
of the holidays in the Jewish month of Tishrei, and
especially for Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement).
her statements, Bar-Tzvi noted that there has been a
rise in the number of warnings of potential terror attacks.
" Like every year ahead of the Tishrei holidays,
we have raised the level of alert in certain areas around
the country, especially for the cities of Jerusalem,
Tel Aviv, and centers of prayer and entertainment,'
she said."
" 'We call to the
public: Anyone who possesses a weapon and is skilled
in its use when necessary should carry his weapons during
these days', she concluded."
What was that old bumper
sticker so popular that it went on car bumpers?
"When guns
are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns"!
Donald Trump issued a terse statement asking: why are
Liberal and American Jews targeting America for destruction
though Democrat policies?
voted to destroy America': Donald Trump's Rosh Hashanah
greetings for liberal Jews", Israel
National News, Sept 18, 2023
US President and 2024 presidential candidate Donald
Trump published a different kind of Rosh Hashanah greeting
on Sunday night, the end of the Jewish New Year ...
'Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to
destroy America & Israel because you believed in
false narratives!" adding "Let’s hope
you learned from your mistake & make better choices
moving forward! Happy New Year!”
uttered these remarks in a Yom Kippur speech.
the 'greeting', the former President listed several
actions achieved during his presidency for Israel and
the Jewish people, claiming that a president who did
all that for Jews could not be an anti semite, “Wake
Up Sheep. What Nazi / Anti semite ever did this for
the Jewish people or Israel?”
entering politics, the Jewish world has been split regarding
their opinion of the billionaire-made President. While
many liberal and secular Jews vehemently oppose him,
calling him an anti semite, among other things, many
right-leaning Jews, especially those in the orthodox
community, champion him as a hero for Israel and the
Jewish people."
Prime Minister, Netanyahu, vigorously supports Donald
Trump, although he must keep such support quiet -- for
Very Revealing DVDs
Roman Pontiff, Pius XII, knew of the Nazi genocide in
December, 1942, did nothing about it.
Reveals Pope Pius XII Knew About Nazi Death Camps:
Remained Silent", Jewish Press, September
17, 2023
"An article published
earlier this month in Italian media quoting Vatican
archivist Giovanni Coco has documented a letter proving
irrefutably that World War II-era Pope Pius XII was
indeed aware of the genocide being perpetrated against
the Jews — and Poles — by the Nazis."
We have long maintained
that the pseudo-christian Roman Catholic Church was
so pagan as to have slipped into the same Black Magick
Satanism which Anti-christ will practice.
The Bible enlightens us.
"And I stood upon
the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of
the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon
his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of
blasphemy." (Revelation 13:1, KJV)
"And I saw one of
his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly
wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the
beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power
unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying,
Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war
with him?" (Revelation 13:3-4. KJV)
is Anti-christ, a political and economic leader. But,
he is accompanied by a Second Beast, a spiritual leader.
"And I beheld another
beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns
like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth
all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth
the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the
first beast, whose deadly wound was healed."
This is the False Religious
Prophet and he is equal to Anti-christ Beast!
We have been seeing this
pathetic scenario working out for the past 1,200., but
never more clearly than right now. Furthermore, the
Second Beast False Prophet must be as full of Satanic
hatred for Jews as the First Beast!
Reiterate, how far back in German and European history
does a Mass Genocide against Jews go back?
March 21, 1349
Names Massacre Area of 3,000 Jews in Erfurt a World
Heritage Site: On March 21, 1349",
The Jewish Press, September 18, 2023
March 21, 1349, Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh Nissan, 5109,
some 3,000 Jews were murdered in Erfurt, Germany. There
were accounts of some Jews who set fire to their homes
and possessions and perished in the flames to deny the
German mob the satisfaction of lynching them. The survivors
were expelled from the city."
Was the
reigning Pope involved in this massacre? YES!!
pogrom was encouraged by the local bishop implementing
orders by Pope Clement VI, under whose rule the Black
Death began in Europe. Fewer Jews died in the plague,
and so, the common scientific belief of the time was
that they were responsible for spreading it."
The Pope
urged citizens suffering under the weight of the pestilence
to "follow the Scoence", and blame the Jews
for starting it.
the common scientific belief of the time was that they
were responsible for spreading it. "
is most often the handmaiden to the political whims
of the government. Today, we are often told to "follow
the science" and support government edicts blindly
regarding COVID-19!
You have
been forewarned.
As murderous as Hitler's
attitudes toward the Jews were, he could not have carried
out his plans, were it not for the fact that he had
at his disposal several million young Germans who were
willing to follow his orders to pull the trigger and/or
gas lever. This author asks the questions many have
asked since Hitler was defeated: how could so many "ordinary"
German young men could have so readily accepted Hitler's
values and carry out his orders to exterminate so many
people, men, women, and children. Historians who interviewed
German soldiers after the war were shocked beyond belief
to discover that these young soldiers shared Hitler's
vision and his values. These historians have concluded
that Hitler's rise to power coincided with a tremendous
change in German society, and that change produced a
more callous, more occultic, and more murderous generation
of Germans than ever in German history.
In other words, Hitler's
rise to power simply mirrored the changes that had already
occurred in German individuals specifically and German
society generally. Historians generally attribute this
awful change in attitudes and values to the spiritual
change, which began to occur approximately 50 years
before Hitler rose to power. In the last several decades
of the 19th Century, Germans rediscovered their Nordic
past. The Nordic legends with which Germans fell in
love are saturated with Satanic, occultic lore. Germans
very quickly were transformed from the Christian nation
of Martin Luther to the Satan worshippers they became
under Adolf Hitler. Hitler could not have arisen to
power, and certainly not have carried out his murderous
plans, had the German people not been changed beforehand
to the point where they shared his values and attitudes.
Antichrist cannot arise
until he can count on the majority of the citizens of
the world to have his attitudes and values. But, more
importantly, Antichrist cannot carry out his Plan of
slaughter of Christians, Arabs, Jews, Blacks, and other
"undesirables" unless he has several millions
of young men who will act as his shooters!
This is the REAL significance
of all these terrible acts we have witnessed
How far behind in history
did the murderous attitudes of German war youth go?
According to this article, Germanic/European anti-semitic
hatred burned all the way back to March
21, 1349!
A note about the 'Blood
Sacrifice' DVD's featured above.
This video is a unique
look at the coming Biblical Antichrist through the eyes
of Adolf Hitler. Embark on a journey that will likely
challenge the highest scholar to the one beginning his
quest for truth. This documentary will go where many
scholars and historians are not willing to go... To
the heart of Adolf Hitler.
Modern secular historians
totally fail to understand the unique Satanic phenomenon
that possessed and empowered Adolf Hitler, his Nazi
Religion and World War II. This video proves that Adolf
Hitler was a perfect type of the coming Biblical Antichrist.
Hitler envisioned that
he would usher in a thousand year reich for the nation
of Germany and believed that he was 'Selected by God
to be Germany's Messiah'. Hitler was determined to eliminate
any who resisted the evolution of the supermen, a purification
that would be accomplished through fire.
The coming Antichrist
will be a virtual clone of Adolf Hitler!!