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"A thousand
shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right
hand; but it shall not come nigh thee." (Psalm
91:7, KJV)
Security: God's
Anchor In A Brutal Storm
world stands at the End of the Age, and every Christian
will discover that their belief on this subject may
be the most important topic in the world. As Christians
face the possibility of tortures at the hand of Antichristian
forces, what kind of confidence do we have as we turn
to face the enemy of our souls?
Did you know that Russian
Communist prison guards believed they could force a
person to lose their salvation? These guards delighted
into so torturing the body, mind and soul of Christians
that they would commit a sin at the very end of their
life that would plunge them into Hell. The future prison
guards we will face will believe the very same doctrine
and will specifically attempt to make you lose your
What does the Scripture
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and the Apostle Paul and others? The truth is
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Important News Articles - Analysis
Pope Francis
- False Prophet
“We are all sons
and daughters of God.” "All religions are
paths to reach God," said Pope Francis. "They
are—to make a comparison—like different
languages, different dialects, to get there. But God
is God for everyone." Quote
confirmed in Vatican News article
In light
of this latest quote we have reduced our 4 best DVDs
on Catholicism by $5.00 each all of this week.
Biden-Harris World Is Afire: By Victor Davis Hanson,
"Under Biden-Harris, the world has now lost free
and safe transit in the Red Sea, the Black Sea, the
South China Sea, the Strait of Hormuz, and the Eastern
Mediterranean", American
Greatness. Sept 9, 2024
News Brief: "Somehow
the United States ended up this summer with no engaged
president and an absent vice president ... The world
was already confused over how President Joe Biden was
apparently declared by unnamed Democratic insiders and
donors unfit and unable to continue as their presidential
But, greater and more
profound was the question: If President Biden is too
debilitated to serve another 4 years, is he too eviscerated
to serve another 5 months as Commander In Chief, facing
hardened and well-prepared enemies. Surely, China, Russia,
and Iran would love for the American Top Executive to
be suddenly unable to properly make life-and-death decisions
on the field of battle.
Nations can be annihilated
that way, especially by modern weapons.
"Vice President Kamala
Harris, until Biden’s forced abdication, was judged
by these same backroom fixers as too incompetent to
ever be commander-in-chief and thus for three years
a good reason why Biden apparently was not forced out
But, now all these set-in-stone
parameters are now totally uprooted!
world again wonders who is in charge, what they believe,
who is a friend, and who is an enemy. Harris is busy
trying to get elected on three premises: 1) disowning
her prior co-ownership of what was mostly a disastrous
Biden term and certainly no recommendation for reelection;
2) reinventing her affluent radical past and present
as moderate and working-class; and 3) keeping absolutely
silent about any detailed agenda or policy plan for
governance as president."
"As a result, a confused
but also encouraged world of enemies watches the listless
United States and wonders whether to try something stupid."
Today, as always, Nature
abhors a vacuum.
"... lots of foreign
opportunists, outright enemies, and nihilists are seizing
the day—on the assurance that Biden is not a lame
duck, but a lame, lame duck, and Harris is a near functionary
in search of an identity and an idea. "
For example:
* "The Houthis, a
ragtag cabal of terrorists ... now own the Red Sea ...
serves as their warning for commercial ships to keep
clear ... under Biden-Harris, the world has now lost
free and safe transit in the Red Sea, the Black Sea,
the South China Sea, the Strait of Hormuz, and the Eastern
* "Will the Caribbean
or mid-Atlantic be next? The military is short thousands
of troops, the merchant marines idling ships."
* "Our NATO enemy/“ally”
Turkey—when it is not threatening to send missiles
against fellow NATO member Greece -- bragging about
once again ethnic cleansing Armenians, leveling more
warnings to Cyprus, bombing the Kurds, colluding with
the Russians and Chinese, trying to veto Finnish and
Swedish NATO membership, or claiming US nuclear weapons
based in Turkey are virtually its own ..."
* "Hamas just murdered
more of its Israeli hostages, among them an American
"Not a peep follows
from the White House."
Too scared or too confused?
"Now non-candidate
Biden is apparently still more worried about 250,000
Muslim voters in Michigan (who profess more solidarity
with Hamas than lament the murder of a fellow citizen)
than US interests in the Middle East."
"In Biden’s
world, our closest and only democratic ally in the Middle
East is at fault because it will not, this election
year, give constant concessions to the murderous Hamas
clique. Biden-Harris forget that Hamas started the current
war by butchering 1,200 Israelis at a time of peace,
scrambled back to its subterranean labyrinth with over
250 hostages, hid their terrorist killers under schools,
hospitals, and mosques, murdered any who were about
to be rescued by Israeli forces, and promised to kill
more if rescue attempts continue."
"The Biden-Harris
messaging seems simple: pro-Western, civilized, and
consensually governed nations are rational and so listen
to the U.S. and therefore should be leveraged and often
punished for rationality; anti-American, medieval, and
theocratic terrorist cabals do not and therefore should
be appeased and exempted from criticism or retaliation
given their lawlessness ... As a general rule, an animated
Biden is far more likely to threaten to beat up or go
after Trump than Hamas or Iran."
"Ukraine has now
been inside Mother Russia for weeks ... which is strategically
understandable but geo-strategically dangerous against
a nuclear hyperpower run by a ruthless dictator."
"Biden has no clue
what the U.S. is doing other than supplying enough arms
to Ukraine not to lose but more than enough to trigger
a wider theater war. "
"Iran is more afraid
of an Israeli response than U.S. threats."
"Or is it worse than
that? Does the theocracy now rely on Biden-Harris to
restrain any Israeli retaliation for the tens of thousands
of rockets launched by Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran against
the Jewish state.?"
"Biden-Harris cares
not a whit whether Iran goes nuclear and might even
in their warped Ben-Rhodes/Barack Obama-era imbecility
tacitly support such nuclearization to 'rein in' the
Jewish state."
Now, let us examine the
world outside the Middle East.
"Mexico’s outgoing
'president', Andrés Manuel López Obrador,
has now unabashedly also gone full communist ... In
retirement, he will brag that he was the first Mexican
president to destroy the U.S. border ... For the next
few months, he will cooperate with the US to slow down
the influx northward in order to allow Harris-Biden
to claim they are for pre-November 5 election-cycle
“border security.”
"In sum,
there really is no President Biden or Vice President
"So, we are in perilous
times. All of our enemies and even former neutrals are
coming out of the woodwork. They are convinced that
the next two months offer one-time advantages—unless
Harris is elected and thus can extend their opportunities
for four more years of what Americans see as a chaotic
decline, but the world abroad views as a rare and ripe
After 2nd Assassination Attempt:
‘Something Going on, Perhaps It’s God’
News Brief: "Trump
After 2nd Assassination Attempt",
News, 16 Sept 2024
"Former President
Donald Trump said, “There’s something going
on, perhaps it’s God,” one day after surviving
a second assassination attempt within the span of two
months. There’s something going on, perhaps it’s
God wanting me to be president to save this country,”
Trump quipped in a Monday night X Space. 'Nobody knows'.”
The former president then
recounted the many ways in which Divine Intervention
provided the only answer as to why the assassin did
not succeed. we agree. Donald J. Trump seemed to have
a "Hedge of Protection" surrounding him at
all times.
We need to continue this
Divine Protection against all enemies of the State of
3. America has
collapsed into a "Culture of Death" - "...
But he who misses me or sins against me wrongs and injures
himself; all who hate me love
and court death"
News Brief: "
"The debate as to
whether this country has slipped firmly into the orbit
of Satanism is a debate no longer! The vast majority
of our citizens embrace Satanic values every day of
their lives, even though most do not realize it. Most
people equate Satanism with crazies dressed in white
or black robes meeting in covens during the dead of
night, and they certainly are not one of these! However,
these same people daily pursue the values of Satanism,
and that is the definition that makes this country a
nation living in Satanism. What are the values of Satanism?
Satanism teaches indulgence in the following areas
of life:
1. Greed
2. Pride
3. Envy
4. Anger
5. Gluttony
6. Lust
7. Sloth (Laziness)
8. Man is not created by an Omnipotent God, but is just
another animal.
9. No objective, standard is accepted in the conduct
of one's life. No moral binding creed is recognized.
("The Satanic Bible", by Anton La Vey, p.
The Bible provides another characteristic
of Satanism:
10. Love of, and Obsession with, Death--
"all who hate me love and court death" - [Proverbs
8:36b; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]
When you read
these ten points of Satanic values and attitudes, you
will immediately recognize that the vast majority of
Americans live according to at least several of these
points. You will further recognize that Public School
curricula fully teaches Points 8 (Evolution) and 9 (Situational
Ethics). Further, Public Schools are encouraging Point
6, Lust, through our "Sex Education" classes;
students going through these classes are taught the
fine points of sexual technique and find their youthful
lusts inflamed.
Our Mass Media
and our entertainment combine with Public School curricula
to inculcate all ten points firmly within the minds
of our citizens. By all reasonable measurements, America
has become a nation following after -- no, rushing after
-- Satanic values!
Now, can you see how our
sins are increasing before God? Since we believe America
is the Economic Babylon of Revelation 18 (Read CE1038),
you can better appreciate God's description of us, especially
in light of the revelations of this article.
"Mighty Babylon is
fallen! She has become a resort and dwelling place for
demons, a dungeon haunted by every loathsome spirit,
an abode for every filthy and detestable bird ... her
iniquities (her crimes and transgressions) are piled
up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her wickedness
and [her] crimes [and calls them up for settlement]."
[Revelation 18:2, 5; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible
Surely, time is short
and getting shorter.
Harsh, Satanic-level hatred
toward anything Conservative / Republican continues
to ratchet upwards.
News Brief: "MSNBC’s
Reid: ‘Both’ Would-Be Trump Assassins
‘Are White, American, Trump-Supporting Men’,",
Breitbart News,
16 Sept 2024
‘Both’ Would-Be
Trump Assassins ‘Are White, American, Trump-Supporting
Men’ ... Reid said, “What better way to
replace the embarrassing memes about JD’s cat
lady fixation and his weird possible amorous relationship
with couches than to get Americans to instead post memes
about Haitians eating the dogs and cats?”
Later, she concluded,
“All of this as Trump faces his second brush with
death, via a gunman shooting at him in Palm Beach, Florida,
just as happened in Pennsylvania, neither of whom were
Haitian or any kind of immigrant. Both of whom are white,
American, Trump-supporting men with guns.”
Totally interesting and
totally meaningless!
Trump Can Turn the Tables on the Haters:
Pray for a hedge of protection
News Brief: "How
Trump Can Turn the Tables on the Haters",
Canada Free Press, September 16, 1024
"We should all pray
for a hedge of protection around President Trump and
his family, and an historic turnout for the November
election large enough to overcome the cheating ... I
am sickened by the fact that a presidential candidate
in the United States of America has now had two assassination
attempts within two months - this time at his private
golf course, with no public disclosure of his plans.
If Donald Trump had said hateful things about Joe or
Kamala that led to attempts on their lives, the Left
would have locked him up for inciting murder."
The only genuine answer
to this hatred battle is simple but effective.
"We should all pray
for a hedge of protection around President Trump and
his family..."
"But I say unto you,
love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good
to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully
use you and persecute you," (Matthew 5:44, KJV)
More Liberal hatred.
4. Democrat
House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries
After Second Trump Assassination Attempt:
News Brief: "
‘We Must Stop’ MAGA Republicans",
Irish Star, "
"House Minority Leader
Hakeem Jeffries has landed himself in the middle of
a MAGA controversy after making a social media post
shortly after an assassination attempt against Donald
Trump. Jeffries took to X just 30 minutes after the
news broke about the former President’s second
brush with death. As the rest of social media was discussing
the incident, Jeffries wrote: “Extreme MAGA Republicans
are the party of a national abortion ban and Trump’s
Project 2025. We must stop them."
Not only is Jeffries exceedingly
rude and crude and without genuine feeling, he also
regurgitated a couple of standard Democrat lies. such
as the 'Project 2025" hoax and the phantom "National
Abortion Ban'.
The time has come that
we need to start assuming that the best way to tell
if a politician is lying is to see if his lips are moving!
This next story captures the essence of this truth.
News Brief: "Democrats
are lying about everything:
It's All A Ruse", Canada Free Press, Sept
16, 2024
"The Democrats are
lying about everything, and Kamala needs another opportunity
to lie to a mass audience. It's all a ruse. The Democrat
Party is conducting another ruse on America. In modern
politics, this trend began with Obama, although some
would argue that it began with Clinton. They tried hard
with Hillary. They succeeded with Biden with the help
of a late night pause in counting to make 'adjustments'."
"They talk, usually
scream, democracy, democracy, but that is a distraction."
"Now, they have united
to promote Kamala Harris as the savior of democracy
... It is total deception, another trick on the good
people of this country. They are trying once again to
fill the executive mansion with operatives instead of
public servants. And they are lying every step of the
way. They go through the motions of God and country,
but they will have none of it."
That is a distraction,
a way to draw your attention away from what is really
going on. And what is going on is a concerted, coordinated,
effort to do away with this country as founded."
"Democrats want a
secular, socialist state in which God has no place,
and equity and technocracy are the rules
There is no doubt; the Left is in charge. As a group,
they are neither moral nor religious people. They don't
believe in democracy, equality, natural rights, or the
God the majority in this nation worships. The very idea
of natural rights grates upon the Left. To them, only
rights granted at their discretion will be allowed.
And the laws of men change as the weather. God will
have nothing to do with it."
It is said, "You
cannot legislate morality," but it is done all
the time. The morality of those who make the laws will
be reflected in them. That's why Harris wants another
debate. They are lying about everything, and Kamala
needs another opportunity to lie to a mass audience."
Have you heard the latest
ruse spoken by Hillary Clinton? This one attacks one
of our God-given rights.
News Brief: "Hillary
Clinton Calls for Americans to Be ‘Criminally
Charged’ for Free Speech that Sounds Like ‘Russian
Propaganda’," Breitbart News,
Breitbart News, 17 September 2024
"Former Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton on Monday called for Americans
to be 'criminally charged' if they engage in speech
... Clinton’s call for Americans to be criminally
charged for “ 'parrot[ing] Russian talking points'
would apply to anyone who voiced opinions baselessly
deemed to be Russian propaganda.'
Our Constitutional guarantee
to Free Speech extends to speech that is outright wrong!
call for Americans to be criminally charged for 'parrot[ing]
Russian talking points' would apply to anyone who voiced
opinions baselessly deemed to be Russian propaganda.
I think we need to uncover all of the connections and
make it very clear that you could vote however you want,
but we are not going to let adversaries, whether it
is Russia, China, Iran, or anybody else, basically try
to influence Americans as to how we should vote in picking
our leaders', she said."
you remembered who Hillary Clinton is?
When Bill Clinton made
his statement that Hillary was going to be "Co-President",
this is exactly the scenario he had in mind, exactly
the scenario Hillary had in mind, and exactly what each
trained occultist in America had in mind. Each occultist
would know that, finally, the American Presidency was
to be ruled with a Pagan god and goddess, ruling in
"balance", or "duality". The average
American just did not know it yet.
Hillary was referred to
as 'Mrs. President', a co-president."
in early 1992 [p. 87-88].When Hillary Clinton wore that
full length white pantsuit on the night she accepted
the Democrat Party nomination for President, she was
reaching back into time nearly 4,000 years to symbolically
declare that she was the Sun Goddess in the Zoroastrian
Tradition, exactly the symbolism the Roman Catholic
Pope uses nearly every day to declare that he is the
Sun God! She was declaring that she was transcending
politics in this present time, because she was spiritually
transformed into a goddess!
We explore this white outfit phenomenon from the occult
world, and by looking back at other facts in her life
and career, we prove that Hillary is a high level Illuminati
Witch and that she is poised to complete the 'Co-Presidency'
that Bill Clinton promised in 1993.
If 'elected',
Hillary was spiritually and politically prepared to
surrender American sovereignty in the North American
Union, establish tight Gun Control and implement the
final changes needed to move this country, and the entire
world, into the global government and economy into the
Kingdom of Antichrist, a.k.a. New World Order.
Her white outfit
tells the full, disastrous story, one that true Christians
must understand.