Critical News
Analysis -- End of the Age
Democrat victory plans revolve around filing so many
lawsuits immediately after the election that Nancy Pelosi
can be President!
NEWS BRIEF: "Preparing
for election lawsuits, Biden hires hundreds of lawyers,
two former solicitors general",
BPR News, Sept 14, 2020
"Democratic presidential
nominee Joe Biden is building an enormous legal operation
in anticipation of November’s election which is
expected to shatter turnout records and will rely on
mail-in ballots more than ever before ..."
The first key to Democrat
success is to stretch out the ending, so that no one
is declared a winner on the night of the election. You
will hear much about "all votes need to be counted",
as fraudulent ballots continue to be mailed to voting
stations all across America.
Democrat lawyers will
also demand a recount.
Secondly, Joe Biden must
not concede, under any circumstances.
Next Democrat Shoe To Drop: ‘President
Pelosi’s’ Stiletto",
Canada Free Press, September 13, 2020
The key is to keep the process
going, until the calendar reaches the day after Inauguration
"They will make the
recount last until Inauguration Day when they will take
full advantage of a law that allows House Speakers to
serve as temporary presidents until vote recounts can
be released. January 20, 2021 will be the day when Pelosi’s
stiletto will come flying, full speed, at America’s
Even President Trump admitted
that this threat is very real.
"Said Trump: 'I really
don’t think that you are going to know anything
on the evening — anything meaningful or anything
real — on the evening of Nov. 3rd. You are not
going to know what happened. I don’t think you’ll
know two weeks later. I don’t think you’ll
know four weeks later. And I don’t know what is
going to happen. You know, there is a theory that if
you don’t have it by the end of the year, crazy
Nancy Pelosi would become president. You know that,
right?' ”
"Have democratic American
elections come down to Democrats like Pelosi knowing 'every
rule and TRICK in the book in order to steal the vote?!'
Since Leftist Democrats
are atheists, they do not recognize any Absolute Commandments
from an Almighty God. Therefore, they revert back to
godless lack of any standards, believing as do any Communist,
that the "Ends Justify the Means"!
This article then concludes,
" ‘President Pelosi’s’ stiletto
looks ready to come flying at American heads."
In other words, as President,
Pelosi could unravel much of President Trump's accomplishments,
especially in the economic realm. The stock market will
instantly crash and investors will sell their assets
for whatever they can get for them and then send that
money overseas where American authorities cannot touch
Israel's enemies would
probably attack in full force, realizing that they have
a president who is weak on the issue of protecting Israel.
They will attack while this weak president is giving
the orders from the Oval Office.
Pelosi will reverse such
Trump economic realities as personal and business income
taxes, thus throwing the economy into a retail spending
black hole.
In other words, as President,
Nancy Pelosi can inflict great damage upon America,
and can even order American military to arrest Trump
and his Cabinet as they attempt to regain the office
given them by clear majority of voters, casting valid
What can Donald Trump
do to prevent this political carnage?
Therefore, Trump's
strategy is clear: Establish a "Benevolent Dictatorship"
and "Temporarily" suspend the Constitution!
First, President Trump
must act to freeze the results of the election as of
the end of the day on November 3. He must declare victory
based upon the reported results of November 3. He cannot
even allow the possibility of extending the vote count
into a murky future.
the President will be forced by these dire circumstances
to carry out the plan first published nearly 200 years ago.
Plan of the Protocols
of the Learned Elders of Zion!
"... The gentiles are
a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know
what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock? .....
There is another reason also why they will close
their eyes: for we shall keep promising them to give back
all the liberties we have taken away as soon as we have
quelled the enemies of peace and tamed all parties .....
It is not worthwhile to say anything about how long a time
they will be kept waiting for this return of their liberties
....." [Protocol #11 -- The Totalitarian State; Emphasis
In other words, President
Trump needs to appear before TV cameras either late
on November 3 or early on November 4.
He will elaborate the
threat a prolonged vote counting can present to this
country and the specific part played by the Leftist,
Communist Democrats. He may even claim that both Russia
and China have interfered with the election and can
actually deliver control of the White House. Therefore,
he is said to be forced to act to prevent such a foreign
power overthrow.
He will say -- according to
the Protocols, above -- that he is so very sorry he has
to overthrow the Constitution, temporarily, and he might
even shed a tear or two on camera.
Will the American people
accept this blatant elimination of our Republic?
Voters who cast their
ballot for Trump will probably accept this action, although
But, Leftist voters will not
accept the President's action and will rush into the streets
with their rioting equipment and will try to burn something
Listen to George Soros:
NEWS BRIEF: "Soros-Backed
Coalition Preparing for Post-Election Day Chaos —
Going to Fight Like Hell’, Breitbart
News, 17 Sept 2020
"Under the guise of seeking
to 'prevent a constitutional crisis', a massive network
of well funded left-wing activists and progressive groups
are training, organizing, and planning to mobilize millions
of Americans should President Trump 'contest the election
results', refuse to concede, or claim an early victory."
"America’s 2020
election nightmare: Trump refusing to concede after losing
re-election ... If Trump wants to ignore the will of the
people and fight over election results, it’s a fight
he’ll get,” said Nelini Stamp, Director of Strategy
and Partnerships at the Working Families Party. "
"FBT and leaders from
Protect the Results reportedly discussed their plans in
secret during a Zoom virtual meeting last week, with the
Daily Beast reporting how they discussed standing up to
a multi-state communications arm as well as training for
civil disobedience and mass public disorder."
Mass disorder will equal mass
marches in cities, mass burning, and could very possibly
create the picture painted by the Protocols
of the Learned Elders of Zion, quoted above.
Therefore, as the President
is beginning his TV announcement, military troops must suddenly
appear at key roads, bridges, utilities, etc. Martial
Law will be temporarily imposed and a new lockdown
The Protocols
of the Learned Elders of Zion, tells us that
the citizen will not be able to trust in anything the leaders
are telling them! Listen: "The principal factor of
success in the political is the secrecy of its undertakings:
the word should not agree with the deeds of the diplomat."
President Trump would
then be advised to arrest all Democrat and Republican
leaders who had illegally plotted his overthrow, and
send them to Guantanamo Prison, applying the powers
of the Patriot Act!
"When we come into
our kingdom, our orators will expound great problems
which have turned humanity upside down in order to bring
it, at the end, under our beneficent rule. Who will
ever suspect, then, that all these peoples were stage-managed
by us according to a political plan which no one has
so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?"
[End of Protocol No. 13 ]
Remember, all
this turmoil will not interfere with the prophecy of
Revelation 18:7, which predicts unprecedented economic
prosperity at the very end of our national existence.
(See "Prophetic Reminder" after this analysis)
As President Trump takes "temporary"
control as Absolute Dictator, he can preserve his accomplishments
of the First Term, and can give financial markets confidence
in the economic future of the United States.
Just because the top leadership
of a country passes to a Dictator does not mean the country's
economy crashes. History has seen instances where a dictator
builds the economy of his country. For example:
When Adolf Hitler came
to power in 1934, the country was mired in economic
distress. Not only were Germans suffering from the aftermath
of their defeat in World War I, but the Treaty of Versailles,
inflicted enormous suffering upon the German people.
After gaining power in 1934, Hitler reached enormous
agreements with Western Powers which infused great amounts
of cash into the economy and sent people back to work.
From 1934 to September
1, 1939, Germans enjoyed both, great confidence in their
future, and in the promises of Adolf Hitler. Germans
enjoyed excellent material prosperity even though their
government was now an Absolute Dictatorship!
President Trump will accomplish
both an excellent prosperity and benevolence from Dictator
once the Constitution is dissolved, the issue of forming
a political government to rule Supernation #1 (USMCA/NAFTA)
will be much easier to accomplish.
No one can object to any
provision of the new Regional Government on Constitutional
grounds, because the Constitution has been "temporarily"
Once the Constitution
is dissolved, we have no more "Free Speech"
or "Right to Own and Carry Guns" and no right
to "Worship Freely", and many more. In fact,
eliminating the Constitution has been a long-term Illuminati
But, prophetically, eliminating
our Constitution will make possible for America to surrender
our national sovereignty to the new Regional Government,
Supernation #1, as shown above.
Once Supernation #1 is formed,
the rest of the Supernations can continue to form, and Daniel
7:7-8 can be realized.
"After this I saw
in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast ...
and it had ten horns. I considered the horns, and, behold,
there came up among them another little horn, before
whom there were three of the first horns plucked up
by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like
the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things."
(Daniel 7:7-8, KJV; NOTE: This man is Antichrist)
Therefore, once Trump
can form Supernaton #1, the way is open for the rest
of the world to follow suit and then antichrist can
follow quickly.
This week has been spectacular
as far as prophecy is concerned.
1) Nancy Pelosi used New
Age language in describing the wildfires which appears
vividly in New Age writings, but always in the context
of the coming New Age Christ (Antichrist) as he appears
and assumes the protector of Mother Gaia. (Read full
details in NEWS2562,
entitled, " 'Mother Earth / Gaia' Is Angry
With Us -- Nancy Pelosi")
2) The scenario by which
President Trump can thwart a Democrat Party takeover
can possibly lead to Supernation #1 being established,
which would greatly enhance the appearance
of Antichrist.
Christian, prepare your
hearts for the soon Rapture
of the Church!
(NOTE: This write-up
is a plausible scenario, not a prediction)
President Trump achieves historic peace accord between
Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Bahrain.
to host Israeli, Arab leaders for historic peace signing",
World Israel News, Sept 15, 2020
"UAE and Bahrain
to sign the Abraham Accords with Israel at the White
House Tuesday, as the two Arab nations establish full
relations with the Jewish State. More than 700 diplomats,
officials and invited dignitaries are expected to arrive
at the White House Tuesday for the historic signing
of peace accords between Israel and two Gulf Arab states,
the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain."
"Netanyahu and the
UAE and Bahraini foreign ministers will sign the documents,
named the “Abraham Accords” after the patriarch
of the world’s three major monotheistic religions,
Judaism, Christianity and Islam."
Now, we can understand
why Israel waited until she had two Islamic countries
ready to sign this accord; they wanted to signify the
type of accord this turned out to be.
"Along with the establishment
of Israel-UAE and Israel-Bahrain diplomatic ties, the
three countries will also ink a trilateral accord with
President Donald Trump signing as a witness. The
ceremony is the culmination of several breakthrough
announcements that started a month ago when President
Trump announced that the UAE and Israel would establish
diplomatic relations and that several other countries
were expected to follow suit. Secretary of State Mike
Pompeo then visited the region in a bid to find other
countries who had endorsed the Israel-UAE peace deal
including Sudan, Bahrain and Oman."
Most Islamic nations in
the Middle East are now on record that they want to
establish normal relations with the dynamic Israel,
instead of being stuck in the muck and the mire of economic
distress, as all Islamic nations have proven to be.
These nations want to
join America and Israel in giving their people economic
But, it seems that Israel
had to pay a price to get this agreement.
deal to be phased to block Israel from applying sovereignty
before 2024", Israel National News,
Sept 15, 2020
"The soon-to-be signed
peace treaty between Israel and the United Arab Emirates
will not be implemented immediately ... but will be
carried out in phases. With Israel set to sign a peace
treaty with the UAE and a “declaration of peace”
with Bahrain at the White House Tuesday, a report by
Bloomberg claims that the treaty between Israel and
the UAE will be implemented incrementally, over three
"The deal was constructed
in such a way at the request of the UAE, which sought
to ensure both that Israel does not apply sovereignty
over parts of Judea and Samaria in the near future ...
the Trump administration promised the UAE that it would
not recognize any move by Israel to apply sovereignty
in Judea and Samaria prior to 2024 – President
Trump’s last year in office if he is reelected
this November."
This move is smart because
it allows the Arab nations and Israel to immediately
reach an agreement and sidestep the issue of Israeli
Sovereignty being expanded for another four years.
Israel is taking a long
view of this issue of National Sovereignty. She has
existed for about 4,000 years in that land and her prophetic
promises her that, eventually, she will inherit all
the land God promised Abraham: All of Israel, about
half of Lebanon and Syria, the Negev Desert, the eastern
portion of Iraq reaching to the Euphrates River.
She can wait a few more
years (2024) to take control.
Palestinians are isolated from their Arab brethren like
never before, and that means they will pursue either
war or peace.
to mark 'black day' to mourn Arab normalization",
Israel National News, 9/14/2020
"The signing of normalization
accords between Israel and two Gulf states in Washington
will amount to another "black day" for the
Arab world, the Palestinian Authority premier said Monday."
Both the mainstream Palestinian
Authority (PA) based in Judea and Samaria and Islamist
movement Hamas which rules Gaza have condemned the US-brokered
accords as a 'stab in the back' of their people."
FM slams 'non-Arab, nonstate players' for 'perpetual
resistance," DEBKAfile,
Sept 15, 2020
"UAE Foreign Minister
Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan wrote on Tuesday in a Wall
Street Journal op-ed that the signing of peace accords
(in which he is officiating at the White House) are
a reminder that “the Emiratis and Israelis and
all the peoples of the Middle East are tired of conflict.”
Indeed, on many occasions
during the past 50 years, the Palestinians were given
about 90% of what they were demanding, only to walk
away at the last moment. They told the world time and
time again that the only "peace" they would
accept is the "Peace of the Grave" for Israel.
To the Palestinian, ideological
goals were far more important than mere financial prosperity.
But, now, other Islamic
states have broken with this philosophy; they want the
financial prosperity promised by Israel and the United
States! That is their fundamental desire right now,
not the continual conflict with Israel.
The Foreign Minister of
the UAE said it best: "We want normal neighbors.”
3. Iran threatens
retaliation against Bahrain, for agreeing to peace with
Vows Revenge on Bahrain for Making Peace with Israel",
United With Israel, sept 14, 2020
"Iran’s Revolutionary
Guards said that 'the ruler of Bahrain must expect painful
Islamic revenge on the part of the fighters for the
liberation of Jerusalem'.”
"In a statement to
the Iranian news agency Tasnim, the Revolutionary Guards
said that “those responsible for the betrayal
will be targets of painful revenge on the part of the
people of Bahrain.”
"The population of
Bahrain is 60 percent Shiite while the royal house is
Sunni." Saudi Arabia is Sunni and Iran is Shi'ite,
so Bahrain is caught in the middle. Nevertheless, the
King of Bahrain has decided that economic prosperity
will be more important to his subjects than more of
the bitter brew of constant fighting and threatening.
"Hezbollah has also
issued threats against Bahrain, and in a statement on
Al-Manar TV, it promised that the response will come
from “the free peoples and Palestinian resistance
President Trump
reacts strongly to intelligence reports that Iran planned
to assassinate the U.S. ambassador to South Africa,
as retaliation for the American assassination of the
Iranian general Soleimani for his leadership role in
Issues Warning After Iranian Assassination Plot Reported",
Townhall, Sept 15, 2020
"President Trump
on Monday warned Iranian leaders that any assassination
attempt or other attack against the United States in
retaliation for the killing of terror leader Qassem
Soleimani would be met with a far worse response."
The President continued:
" 'According to press
reports, Iran may be planning an assassination, or other
attack, against the United States in retaliation for
the killing of terrorist leader Soleimani, which was
carried out for his planning a future attack, murdering
U.S. Troops, and the death & suffering caused over
so many years," the president tweeted. 'Any attack
by Iran, in any form, against the United States will
be met with an attack on Iran that will be 1,000 times
greater in magnitude!'."
Intelligence was reporting
to the President the most likely target for assassination.
"According to reports,
Iran is eying Lana Marks, the U.S. ambassador to South
Africa ... The intelligence community isn’t exactly
sure why Iranians would target Marks, who has few, if
any, known links to Iran. It’s possible the Iranians
took her long friendship with Trump into consideration
The Iranians must consider
that President Trump is NOT President Obama, nor is
Secretary of State Pompeo a Secretary of State Hillary
This scenario will not
become another Benghazi!
4. President Trump
checkmates Democrats on another issue: COVID-19, as
he announces that a vaccine might be only a few weeks
NEWS BRIEF: "President
Trump: 'We could have a vaccine in a matter of weeks',"
Israel National News, 9/15/2020
"President Trump
has announced in a Fox News interview that "there
could be a (coronavirus) vaccine available in a matter
of weeks."
If there is a vaccine
announced before the election, then the Democrat fearmongering
about the dangers of voting in person will implode immediately.
Let us examine
the TRUTH about COVID-19 while we can still have a rational
Truth About Our Pandemic Response", American
Greatness, Sept 15, 2020
"While Cuomo, Biden,
and Pelosi were all downplaying the virus, President
Trump and his administration were shifting into high
gear ... Armed with graphs, data, and knowledge, these
two professionals got the floor for long periods of
time during the pressers. The nation watched intently
as they spelled out what they believed was before us.
In other words, President
Trump "listened to the scientists"!
"People panicking
when uncertainty strikes is a given. Luckily our president
was busy deftly responding to the deadly pandemic while
carefully listening to the experts and keeping a positive
outlook regarding the future, choosing not to panic
us further but instead to give us all the facts while
taking care of business."
"On March 19, the
Washington Post reported that 2.2 million people in
the United States could die if we didn’t flatten
the curve and mitigate our chances of spreading COVID-19
unhampered. In fact, the same article noted that if
we did the mitigation, we would still see 1.1 million
people perish. Six months later, and the death toll
is 190,714—as of this writing, only a fraction
of what experts were expecting. "
Now, please consider the
timeline of COVID-19:
* "In the beginning,
China lied to us about the virus transmission and their
patsies in the World Health Organization parroted those
lies to the world on January 14, tweeting 'no clear
evidence of human-to-human transmission'.”
* "The first known
case that was contracted in the United States was on
January 30. "
* "President Trump
shut down the borders to China on January 31"
So, President Trump reacted
to this virus one day after the first day that an American
contracted the disease. What was Joe Biden's response
to Trump shutting down the borders to China on January
"Joe Biden’s
response was to call the president a xenophobe. Meanwhile,
Nancy Pelosi was in San Francisco’s Chinatown
in late February telling people there
was no reason to stay away."
* "In New York City
(in february) , Mayor Bill de Blasio allowed the Chinese
New Year celebration to continue with thousands of people
in the streets."
* "On March 25, New
York State Governor Andrew Cuomo made the deadly decision
to order nursing homes to take recovering COVID-19 patients
back into their facilities rather than leaving them
in hospitals until they tested negative or sending them
to the USS Comfort. At least 4,300 patients were put
back in their nursing homes resulting in thousands more
deaths in New York state. New York state has had by
far the most deaths of all the states and U.S. territories
from COVID.
Back to January:
"On January 20, Fauci
announced the National Institutes of Health were already
working on a vaccine."
* "On January 21,
the CDC activated its Emergency Operations Center. The
Coronavirus Task Force began meeting in the White House
on January 29."
And yet, the Mass
Media continues to parrot the lie that the President
reacted too slowly to this virus!
5. Democrat V.P.
candidate, Kamala Harris, speaks of her plans during
a "Harris Administration"!
Harris accidentally touts plans under a 'Harris administration'
during virtual roundtable", Fox News,
"Kamala Harris, Joe
Biden's running mate in the 2020 election, raised eyebrows
on Monday evening after she accidentally touted economic
plans under a 'Harris administration'."
"... the California
senator appeared to briefly suggest that she was at
the top of the Democratic ticket. A Harris administration,
together with Joe Biden as the president of the United
States," she said. She quickly clarified, "The
Biden-Harris administration will provide access to $100
billion in low-interest loans and investments from minority
business owners."
Somehow, the truth
always seems to bubble to the surface.

6. Joe Biden's
speech on Climate Change was chock-full of lies, more
lies, and monstrous lies.
Science Founder: Biden Climate
Speech ‘One Falsehood After Another’,"
Breitbart News, 15 Sept 2020
"The founder of
reacted to Joe Biden’s speech on climate change
Monday by stating the address “was filled with
one falsehood after another.”
"California wildfires
are natural. What's unnatural is ignoring the need forest
management. @JoeBiden would burn California to a crisp."
"Steve Milloy said
in a statement moments after Biden’s environmental
speech that it was “filled with one falsehood
after another, falsehoods that guarantee wildfires will
burn much more of the American West.”
"Biden claimed the
wildfires were caused by climate change, air quality
was killing people, and air pollution and COVID was
killing even more people. Scientists know that California
is prone to extended periods of natural megadroughts.
Without forest management, California will burn until
there is nothing left to burn."
I wonder what kind of
negative blowback would occur if a major city, like
San Francisco or Portland, Oregon, would be allowed
to burn down? Since control over all states from California
to Washington are governed by Leftist politicians who
believe the "Mother Gaia is angry" nonsense,
I would not be surprised to learn that a major city
has been allowed to burn to the ground.
One factor that must be
stated very strongly is that California leadership has
followed the recommendations of very misinformed --
and politically motivated -- politicians. They passed
laws reversing standard Forest Management practices
and they forced compliance with the goals of moving
to "clean energy", and closed dozens of coal
fired energy plants.
What has been the result?
"California, which
has a goal of attaining 100% renewable energy by 2045,
has experienced rolling electricity blackouts, in part
because, during peak periods of demand, renewables such
as solar and wind power fail to compensate for the overage.
Fires all along
the West Coast were not started by Climate Change.
Turns Out a Number of Fires on the West Coast Aren't
Because of 'Climate Change'",
Townhall, Sept 15, 2020
"The left continually
tells us that "climate change" is the reason
behind wildfires. In fact, Washington State Gov. Jay
Inslee (D) even went so far as saying we should call
them 'climate fires'.Most of the West Coast –
Washington State, Oregon, California, and Idaho –
are on fire. While the left is pushing their climate
change theory, police are arresting arsonists for sparking
these dangerous fires."
"Even though arson
has played a major role in the fires on the West Coast,
the FBI in Portland has debunked the theory that Antifa
is setting them' ... Regardless of who started these
fires or why, these need to be part of the conversation.
Automatically attributing wildfires to climate change
is irresponsible. And it's a way for the left to push
their Green New Deal agenda. "
7. Homeowners
living in one of the most Liberal states -- Oregon --
are warning looters that they will be shot!
Homeowners Warn Looters Amid Wildfire: ‘You
Loot, We Shoot’," Breitbart
News, Sept 14, 2020
"Oregon homeowners
have issued warnings for those who seek to loot and
damage property amid wildfire evacuations, posting signs
that state they will shoot and kill those who do so.
“ 'You loot, we
shoot', read one handpainted sign outside of a home,
which was captured by KPTV journalist Devin Eskew as
he covered the destruction. 'We won’t call your
family. Your body will never be found!! Bang bang',
another sign stated."
"Some of the many
warnings residents have posted between Colton and Estacada".
Once again, the wisdom
of our Founding Fathers to create a Constitutional guarantee
that citizens could own guns for the protection of property
and life was so brilliant it must have come from the
Spirit of God!
Prophetic Reminder
Since June, 1998, we have
taught that America will see record prosperity just
before God's annihilating Judgment, as described in
Revelation 18:7-8.
This passage in Revelation
18 suggests strongly that this complacent attitude brought
on by material prosperity will, indeed, occur in America,
and probably under President Trump.
Nearly daily, prognosticators,
both religious and secular, are loudly proclaiming that
America is going to economically collapse under the
weight of so much danger and turmoil. Do not believe
Listen again to God's
prophecy that America would be so very rich at the time
of her end -- Revelation 18:7: