News Analysis

1. Liberal
Democrat Media and politicians have elevated
bald-faced lying to unprecedented levels since
Trump's inauguration.
Liars of the FBI Continue Lying About Hillary's
Emails," Independent
Sentinel, August 31, 2018
"An FBI spokesperson
said they have no information that China received
all of Hillary Clinton's emails in real
time. "The FBI has not found any evidence
the servers were compromised,“ the FBI
stated. It seemed like a categorical denial.
The only problem is the Intelligence Community
Inspector General [ICIG] says otherwise and
the FBI is refusing to confirm if they did or
didn't meet with the staff of the ICIG."
"The Daily
Caller has come back at these liars."
the Great Divider when in office, lacks the
credibility to lecture America",
The Washington Examiner, Sept 11, 2018
"Obama governed
as an uncompromising ideologue and a hard partisan
for eight years. And his desire to antagonize
political enemies, above and beyond the meeting
of his policy goals, was a critical factor in
the election of President Trump ... This is
by no means an exhaustive list of ways Obama
tore this nation apart as president. But he
tested the limits of his power again and again
and tried to impose social norms that divided
the country more than ever before, and he created
divisions that keep getting deeper and resentments
that still fester."
Yet, their
blatant, bold lying simply follows the pronouncements
of the 200-year-old Illuminati planning document,
"The Protocols of the Learned Elders of
Tactic from the "Protocols of the Learned
Elders of Zion"
1, "Only
one trained from childhood for independent rule
can have understanding of the words that can
be made up of the political alphabet."
[Protocol #1] Notice that, in their minds, a
completely different alphabet, language, exists
other than the normal language spoken by the
people. Liberal Politicians on both sides of
the aisle are exactly trained in this way, which
is why they are so effective in deception.
2. "...
the word should not agree with the deeds of
the diplomat." [Protocol #7] Not only is
lying permitted, it is required! How can we
ever believe anything Clinton, or any other
leader involved in the coming New World Order,
3, "Moreover,
the art of directing masses and individuals
by means of cleverly manipulated theory and
verbiage, by regulations of life in common,
and all sorts of other quirks, in which the
[common people] understand nothing, belongs
likewise to the specialists of our administrative
brain." [Protocol #4]
As I stated
in paragraph #1, above, these leaders are deliberately
schooled in how to speak deceptively. After
they have spoken this way long enough, they
are simply able to do it without thinking specifically,
even on the spur of the moment. Thus, they can
appear to be so natural, so full of empathy,
when lying.
4. "The
principal object of our directorate consists
in this: to debilitate
the public mind
by criticism; to lead it away from serious reflections
calculated to arouse resistance; to distract
the forces of the mind towards a sham fight
of empty eloquence.
In all
ages the peoples of the world, equally with
individuals, have accepted words for deeds,
for they are content with a show and rarely
pause to note, in the public arena, whether
promises are followed by performance. Therefore,
we shall establish show institutions ..."
[Protocols #5; reiterated in Protocol #10]
5. They
deliberately intend "debilitate" our
minds and to "distract" us through
"sham" speeches of "empty eloquence".
We certainly have seen and heard enough of this
type of speaking to last us a lifetime! You
can just put the name of any number of politicians
on both sides of the aisle that fit this description.
Talk, talk, and talk some more, is the motto
of the consummate politician.
All this
planned deception carried out daily is planned
to mentally and emotionally wear the average
citizen out!
6. "...
we shall give that physiognomy a voice in orators
who will speak so much that they will exhaust
the patience of their hearers and produce an
abhorrence of oratory." [Protocol #5]
means, "the practice of judging human character
by facial features". In other words, the
Protocols envisions putting forth some very
good looking leaders who will attract the voters
simply and only by means of their good looks.
My, how the authors of the Protocols understood
human society generally and our present era
I submit
to you that the Liberals are, indeed, wearing
out the patience of American citizens!
"In order to put public opinion into our
hands we must bring it into a state of bewilderment
by giving expression from all sides to so many
contradictory opinions and for such length of
time as will suffice to make the [average person]
lose their heads in the labyrinth and come to
see that the best thing is to have no opinion
of any kind, in matters political." [Protocol
And, finally,
the Illuminati boasts -- 200 years ago -- that
they owned the Press.
"We must compel the governments of the
goyim to take action in the direction favoured
by our widely conceived plan ... by what we
shall represent as public opinion, secretly
prompted by us through the means of that so-called
'Great Power' -- the Press, which, with a few
exceptions, is already entirely in our hands."
[Protocol #7]
And Again!
"In the hands of the States to-day there
is a great force that creates the movement of
thought in the people, and that is the Press.
The part played by the Press is to keep pointing
out requirements supposed to be indispensable
... and to create discontent ." [Protocol
No. 2]
This lying
campaign also fulfills key End of the Age prophecy,
from Jesus' lips!
Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed
that no man deceive you." (Matt 24:4)
many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive
many." (Matt 24:11)
there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets,
and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch
that, if it were possible, they shall deceive
the very elect." (Matt 24:24)
Deception is,
therefore, one of the key Hallmark characteristics
of the End of the Age, aka, New World Order.
And, we all are swimming in it every single
day of our lives.
"Come quickly,
Lord Jesus"!
2. President
Trump is pulling the United States out of yet
one more Globalist Institution, the International
Criminal Court (ICC).
ICC Is Already Dead to Us':
John Bolton Announces Withdrawal over War on
Terror Probe",
Breitbart News, 10 Sept 2018
DC – National Security Advisor John Bolton
announced on Monday that the United States is
formally rejecting the 'fundamentally illegitimate'
International Criminal Court (ICC)."
"Bolton made
the announcement during a speech at a gathering
of the Federalist Society in Washington, DC,
on the eve of the September 11, 2001, terror
attacks ... The reason for the timing now is
that, even in the past few weeks and months,
we have been hearing that a decision on a possible
formal investigation could be in the works',
Bolton said. 'So we thought it important to
give notice that the U.S. and the Trump administration
has a very different view of the ICC, certainly
[than] how it was viewed by the Obama administration'.“
This action
will infuriate the Globalist Swamp crowd even
For two decades
now, I have been worried that, one day, American
Legal Sovereignty would be surrender to a Regional
or to a Global Court. That court could then
issue decrees which would align America with
the values of the Global Community.
America's Christian
history, values and practices could then be
swept aside in an instant by some foreign judge
in a foreign capital, and he would not be accountable
to the American voter!
Therefore, a Global
Court is a key cornerstone of the Global New
World Order.
If opposition
to President Trump's "America First"
policy were not already raging, his withdrawal
from the global ICC would spring it into a raging

3. Should
President Trump dissolve the FBI completely
and start all over?
NEWS BRIEF: "Strzok-Page
texts reveal 'coordinated' FBI leak strategy
to harm Trump ", Fox News,
Sept 10, 2018
"New documents
provided to Congress raise 'grave concerns'
about an 'apparent systemic culture of media
leaking' among high-level FBI and Justice Department
officials to release information damaging to
President Trump ... had literally just gone
to find this phone to tell you I want to talk
to you about media leak strategy
with DOJ before you go," Strzok texted
Page on April 10, 2017 ..."
clearly shows that key FBI leaders worked tirelessly
to protect Hillary, smear Trump and protect
Obama starting in early, 2016.
4. Should
the Republican Party make a huge issue out of
Sanctuary Cities prior to the election?
NEWS BRIEF: "Republicans
on Senate committee advance 'sanctuary cities'
bill to floor vote", Richmond
Times-Dispatch, Feb 27, 2018
"Like last
year, the Virginia Senate soon will get a chance
to vote on a bill to ban so-called 'sanctuary
cities'. Virginia doesn't have them ...
The Senate committee voted 7-6, by party-line,
Tuesday to advance the bill to the Senate floor."
abound in Sanctuary Cities, as illegal immigrants
are committing heinous crimes, knowing they
will be protected by the laws of Sanctuary Cities.
NEWS BRIEF: "Sanctuary
cities reward crime wave with voting rights
for illegals", Conservative
Review, July 19, 2018
"When Democrats
unveiled their 2018 campaign slogan, "For
the People,“ they weren't referring
to the American citizen. They want a government
of, by, and for illegal aliens. The job of a
government is to provide a sanctuary for its
citizens so that their life, liberty, and property
can be protected from internal and external
threats. On the state level, the main focus
is internal threats, and on the federal level,
the main focus is external threats."
"Here is
just a smattering of avoidable crimes that never
would have happened if the feds kept our external
border secure and if localities communicated
with ICE to protect their internal affairs..."
This list is so
long that we cannot list them here. Please take
the time to read them!
"The cases
of needless crime and violence by people who
should never be here are endless. Just in FY
2017 alone, ICE arrested criminal aliens responsible
for more than 80,000 DUI offenses, more than
76,000 dangerous drug offenses, more than 48,000
assault offenses, more than 12,800 burglaries,
more than 11,000 weapons offenses, more than
5,600 sexual offenses, more than 2,000 kidnapping
offenses, and more than 1,800 homicide offenses."
are getting fed up!