1. Pope Francis I to validate gay sexual choice while at the White House!

Editor of a gay Catholic Internet Site is invited to the Obama White House to meet the President and Pope Francis I.

As many as 75% of all Catholic priests are gay, and countless millions have preyed upon young innocent victims, so we should not be surprised that Francis is bringing the world into Sodom.

2. Gun Owners of America endorses Sen. Cruz for President.

On the other hand, Mayor Bloomberg continues to blame the gun for shootings, and to advocate seizing guns from law-abiding citizens.

3. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange reveals that the US began planning the overthrow of Syria well before the attacks of 9/11.

We revealed this truth in March, 2003, just weeks before Coalition Forces invaded Iraq.




Friday, September 11, 2015

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1. Pope Francis I to validate gay sexual choice while at the White House!

Editor of a gay Catholic Internet Site is invited to the Obama White House to meet the President and Pope Francis I.

As many as 75% of all Catholic priests are gay, and countless millions have preyed upon young innocent victims, so we should not be surprised that Francis is bringing the world into Sodom.

NEWS BRIEF: "Gay Blogger Invited to White House to Meet President, Pope", CNS News, Sept 9, 2015

"A gay Catholic man has been invited to the White House to meet with President Obama and Pope Francis. Aaron Ledesma, 23, writes a blog called 'The Gay Catholic' ... Ledesma contacted the White House via an online form, discussing his experience as a Catholic who is also homosexual. On his blog Ledesma, a graduate of the Jesuit school Marquette University and the communications manager for Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, describes what happened next."

"On Thursday, August 13, a miracle happened. While I was working SigEp’s 54th Grand Chapter Conclave, I received a phone call from a blocked number. Thinking it was work related, I answered the phone saying, 'This is Aaron'. On the other end a gentlemen responded saying he was from the White House Office of Presidential Correspondence. He told me they received my message and were moved by it. Then, he said words that brought tears to my eyes… ' We would like to invite you and one guest to join us for Pope Francis’ visit to the White House'." (Emphasis was in the original)

Notice that Pope Francis I and this "Gay Catholic" were both members of the occult Jesuit order! This revelation is most important, because the Jesuit Order was founded originally along a Satanic foundation. Listen to the write-up of this author of the book, "The Secret Order of the Jesuits".

"The Jesuits, founded by Ignatius Loyola (himself a mystic given to visions of Mary, often flagellating and cutting himself), are, in the words of Catholic theologian J.Huber (a professor in Munich) in his publication Les Jesuites (1875): 'A mixture of piety and diplomacy, asceticism and worldly wisdom, mysticism and cold calculation: as was Loyola’s character, so is the trademark of this Order'. It is not my purpose to go into the history of the Jesuits, their moral depravity or their numerous crimes against humanity all done 'to the glory of God', but more so their teachings, of whom I was a student. ("Secret History of the Jesuits", Edmund Paris, 19).

The Jesuits are so fundamentally Satanic that, when Adolf Hitler created his infamous Black Magick society, the Nazi SS, he patterned it after the Jesuit Order! As Hermann Rauschning in 1939 wrote: 'Hitler has a deep respect for the Catholic church and the Jesuit order; not because of their Christian doctrine, but because of the ‘machinery’ they have elaborated and controlled, their hierarchical system, their extremely clever tactics, their knowledge of human nature and their wise use of human weaknesses in ruling over believers'."

Since many people believe that Pope Francis I might be the future False Prophet of Antichrist, this understanding is key. If this Pope is the future False Prophet, he will stand side-by-side with the Antichrist, both leading the peoples of the world into the Kingdom of Antichrist, A.K.A., the New World Order.

Therefore, I find it very logical that Pope Francis I is a Jesuit.

I further find it very logical that the gay blogger with whom he is meeting is also a Jesuit.

"When asked by a reporter what he would say to the Holy Father, Ledesma, who says he does not wade into the question of whether gay Catholics should be allowed to marry, replied, 'I would tell the Holy Father how much it means to someone to hear you are loved, you are supported'. He added that he doesn't feel any contradiction between his homosexuality and his faith - 'It is a misconception. You can be Catholic and be gay'."

This "misconception" will doom tens of millions of people to Hell.

You see, people living today might believe that "You can be Catholic and be gay" right up to the point they die and their soul enters eternity. Jesus Christ controls everything and everyone in eternity. At this moment -- one second after you die -- every single person who believed that a person can be gay will realize, with abject horror, that they had been deceived!

Each person will realize that God does not allow any person who is gay to enter Heaven.

When the United States Supreme Court issued their ruling recently that legalized Sodomy, I shook my head in total disbelief and in a rightful fear of God. Immediately, I realized that these Justices had just opened a spiritual portal from this dimension into the spiritual, demonic realm. This spiritual portal will act as a "Jacob's Ladder", allowing demons to pour into this dimension [Read NEWS1050, "Satan's Divisions of Hell", to see how the demonic host come into and work in this dimension].

I shook because I am well aware of the burning anger of the Lord God once it is kindled. But, this lot are so ignorant of God they do not know enough to be scared stiff. Listen to God's Righteous Anger:

"In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord ..." [2 Thess 1:8-9]

"... whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a consuming fire." [Heb 12:28-29]

What are the words of that old favorite pop tune? "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread".

As you see this Pope standing with President Obama, receiving this gay Catholic, and thereby placing a stamp of approval upon this Sodom lifestyle, you must recognize that this development is a true "End of the Age Sign". Antichrist is coming and the entire world is spiritually being conditioned to accept him and his entire litany of values and attitudes.

NOTE: News Alert continues after the advertisement, below

"You will never read the Gospels The Same Way Again" DVD

Your understanding of the Gospel account will change forever! Once you understand the truth that Jewish leaders who conspired to put Jesus on the cross were practicing Satanists of a Secret Society.

This incredible DVD reveals that the Pharisees and Sadducees who hated Jesus with an unnatural hatred and provoked the Lord into uncharacteristic animosity toward them, were secretly Satanists practicing what later became known as the Cabala (Kabbala, Qabbala).

Now you will know why the Pharisees killed Jesus even though they knew with 100% certainty that He was the Promised Messiah. Now you will know why these Jewish leaders looked at Jesus' miracles and concluded that He was drawing His power from Beelzebub, one of Satan's chief demons. When the Pharisees told the people that Jesus did not possess inherent power, but was merely accessing the power of Beelzebub,they caused Jesus to proclaim a brand new type of sin, the 'Unpardonable Sin'!

This type of Satanism which the Pharisees practiced is the major power behind the drive to the 'New World Order', which is the 'Kingdom of Antichrist', and is the Corner Stone of every major type of Satanism in the past 2,500 years! Even Adolf Hitler loved and revered the Cabala, even as he was plotting to slaughter all Jews.

Soul-winning Segment at the very end

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2. Gun Owners of America endorses Sen. Cruz for President.

On the other hand, Mayor Bloomberg continues to blame the gun for shootings, and to advocate seizing guns from law-abiding citizens.

NEWS BRIEF: "Gun Owners of America Endorses Ted Cruz for President", 8 September 2015

"On September 8 Gun Owners of America (GOA) endorsed Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for President of the United States. In a press release issued with the endorsement, GOA chairman Tim Macy explained the reasons they chose Cruz:

" 'We need a stalwart defender of the Second Amendment in the White House, and Ted Cruz will help shoulder the burden of fighting against the gun grabbers dedicated to eviscerating the Second Amendment ... On April 9 Breitbart News spoke with Ted Cruz about gun rights and he told us the Second Amendment “is foundation to free men and free women being able to defend their homes, their families, their lives and liberty, and it also serves as a fundamental check on government tyranny.”

Senator Cruz is absolutely correct! History has demonstrated, time and time again, that no tyrannical government can be established as long as private citizens are allowed their own guns. Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany, Josef Stalin of Communist Russia and Mao Tse-tung of Communist China, only were able to brutalize and murder their own people and to wage war outside their borders, because their citizens were not allowed private gun ownership.

What is that dramatic statement about history? "Those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them"!

Senator Cruz also boldly points out the propaganda tactic of shifting the blame for a shooting from the criminal wielding the gun to the gun itself and then to the law-abiding citizenry who is the REAL target.

"Following the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook, President Obama could have sought bipartisan cooperation to target violent criminals and come down on them like a ton of bricks. Instead, unfortunately, he used that tragedy as an excuse to try to go after the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. "

Despite the sheer power of this correct thinking, Liberal former New York City Mayor -- and billionaire -- Michael Bloomberg, launched a fresh attack on the rights of law-abiding citizens to own guns.

NEWS BRIEF: "Bloomberg-Backed Anti-Gun Group Plans Capitol Hill Protest: Attacks NRA-Backed Politicians", Free Beacon News, 8 September 2015

"The Bloomberg-backed group Everytown for Gun Safety will hold a protest on Thursday in Washington, D.C., calling for stricter gun control and attacking the National Rifle Association (NRA) ... '[Congress has] been gone for the last month of a summer that has destroyed American lives—in churches, movie theaters, military recruitment centers, workplaces and homes', said Isaac Bloom, deputy national organizing director for Everytown, announced in an email last week. 'It’s left Americans like you and me fed up and ready to do whatever it takes to stop the violence'."

I agree with this objective of "doing whatever it takes to stop the violence".

However, the Bloomberg proposal is sheer idiocy. They propose stricter gun laws that will make it more difficult for the average law-abiding citizen to own and operate his own guns. Instead of proposing laws making it more difficult for criminals and for the mentally unstable to gain access to guns, Bloomberg aims their sights on the law-abiding citizen who is innocent of any crime!

This position is equivalent to a man murdering his dog because he is angry with his wife!

Lastly, as this card from the Illuminati Card Game illustrates, Gun Control is a very firm goal of New World Order advocates. They realize that they cannot seize power and establish their planned brutal Absolute Dictatorship until citizens have their arms stripped from them.

They are more than willing to shed your blood and mine to achieve this horrific goal.

NOTE: News Alert continues after the advertisement, below


Prophetically Understanding World War III

"World War III: History's Greatest Lynchpin Event"

New DVD by David Bay

In the minds of most people, two words carry so much emotional baggage that people cringe whenever they hear these Apocalyptic words. 1) Armageddon; 2) World War III.In the past 20 years, whenever a battle begins in the Middle East or whenever a verbal confrontation breaks out between major powers, 'gloom and doom' scare-mongers immediately begin to shout 'World War III',much like a person yells 'FIRE' in a crowded theater.

Bible prophecy reveals that Antichrist will be produced on the world scene by a number of signs, including 'wars and rumors of wars'. Demonic familiar spirits told the Elite in 1870 that three world wars will be needed to produce Antichrist. Make no mistake about it: Antichrist will be produced by World War III.

Therefore, the question of the hour is, 'when will this global war begin' and 'what are the signs it is about to commence'? Many major events are planned to occur just as World War III begins. Mankind will be systematically hit with unparalleled disasters of every kind as this planned global war unfolds. But, none of these events will occur until the lynchpin called 'World War III' is pulled.

When the Global Elite pulls this lynchpin event called World War III, events are going to be unleashed in such severity and in such great numbers the peoples of the world will not stand in awe, they will panic and run for the hills. Jesus said that 'men's hearts shall fail them for fear', and the Elite is creating just such climactic events which shall not occur until the lynchpin known as 'World War III' is pulled.

We will show you the 12 major disasters the Elite has created and is waiting only for the beginning of World War III to unleash them all, almost at once. No one need fear that any of these disasters will jump across the starting line ahead of time; each awaits the 'pulling of the lynchpin', World War III.

One Hour --

This DVD may be the most pertinent you will ever see on End Times events


3. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange reveals that the US began planning the overthrow of Syria well before the attacks of 9/11.

We revealed this truth in March, 2003, just weeks before Coalition Forces invaded Iraq.

NEWS BRIEF: "Washington Planned To Overthrow Syrian Government Long Before 2011 'Arab Spring' Movement Began", Russia Today News, 9 September 2015

"WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has opened up about his new book, 'The WikiLeaks Files,' speaking about the 'US empire' ... that Washington had plans to overthrow Syria's government long before the 2011 uprising began. "

When did Julian Assange place the time when the American government had plans to overthrow President Assad?

" Assange referred to the chapter on Syria, which goes back to 2006. In that chapter is a cable from US Ambassador William Roebuck, who was stationed in Damascus, which apparently discusses a plan for the overthrow of the Assad government in Syria."

This revelation is correct: The American government -- indeed, all Western governments including Russia and China -- supported a plan known as the "Pentagon's New Map Strategy" began to unfold with the American-led invasion of Afghanistan in October, 2001. We explain this strategy of eventually conquering all the Middle East and Africa in NEWS1833, entitled, "The World Is On Fire In The 'Non-Integrating Gap'."

Quoting a segment of this strategy:

"Once you understand this reality: that some countries and regions are lagging behind the rest of the world in being incorporated into the Global Economy and Government, and need to be boot-kicked into fully joining the world body, you will understand why we are now at war, and why we will keep on going to war, from the Middle East to the Korean Peninsula, to Indonesia, to Pakistan, to Cuba, to Somalia and to East Timor.

"This entire Pentagon strategic thinking is outlined in a book entitled, 'The Pentagon's New Map', by Naval Commander Thomas P.M. Barnett.

"According to Illuminist thinking, there are only two types of nations in the world today:

1. Nations who are already functioning in the new Global System or who are clearly and firmly going in that direction -- the "Functioning Core"

2. Nations who are not now functioning in the Global System and are not likely to do so in the foreseeable future, unless they are kicked into it by U.S. or European troops, or by the threat of invasion. These nations are called the "Non-Integrating Gap".


This book boldly states which nation will be in charge of this new strategy of invading or threatening to invade, or threatening civil war, against all entrenched dictators within the "Non-Integrating Gap". Listen:

"Our next war in the Gulf will mark a historic tipping point -- the moment when Washington takes real ownership of strategic security in the age of globalization." ["The Pentagon's New Map", by Thomas P. M. Barnett, U.S. Naval War College, Esquire Magazine, March 2003, P. 174]

"Barnett identifies other, non-technical reasons why certain countries are still lagging terribly behind the rest of the world in integrating into the New World Order. These reasons are simple but profound and so deeply entrenched that an invasion or a threat of an invasion (a war of rumors of war) is necessary to change the regime so that compliant, responsive leaders may be implanted within these countries. What are these non-technical factors?

1. Repressive Dictatorship run by one man
2. Repressive Religions that hold on to "Tradition" with all means, thereby resisting the new paradigm
3. Abject poverty is mentioned as a reason a country is not "connected" to the Global System, but poverty is usually the result of a repressive dictatorship that either siphons huge resources out of the economy or is so repressive he won't allow the individual freedoms necessary to produce wealth in the economy.

Thus, America is "taking real ownership" of the "strategic security" of these types of countries. We initiated action against Syria through Civil War in late, 2011. While lying to us that this civil war was the result of the repressive policies of Syrian dictator, President Assad, we knew then that the internal war was being unleashed by Western powers in complete accordance with the Pentagon's New Map Strategy!

This wave of war and threatened war against entrenched dictatorships continues to sweep throughout the region. Right now, Saudi Arabia is under attack, but soon all dictatorships within the Middle East and Africa will be under assault. Remember, this entire effort is being undertaken so that these nations in the "Non-Integrating Gap" can integrate into Supernation #7 and #8 of the Club of Rome plan.

This plan will fulfill Daniel 7:7-8 when it is completed.

NOTE: News Alert continues after the advertisement, below



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May Jesus Richly Bless You,

David Bay, Director

Cutting Edge Ministries


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