Critical News
Analysis -- End of the Age

click map for enlarged
1. California
is now officially a Third World Country.
NEWS BRIEF: "California
Is Now a Third-World Country",
Breitbart News, 7 Sept 2020
"The mayor of Los
Angeles told residents to unplug their appliances, shut
off their air conditioners, and turn on a fan after
3 p.m. ... There is no better sign you live in a third
world country than rationed electricity."
California has been sliding
toward this Third World position ever since Arnold Schwarzenegger
and Jerry Brown. educated observers warned 10 almost
20 years ago that the radical ideas of the New Age Movement
was simply not workable and would destroy whichever
country implemented them.
you see, following World War II, New Age planners looked
upon America's wealth and prosperity as a curse upon
the whole world, a curse which needed to be expunged.
No global government or economy can effectively run
the world if one nation is a "King Kong".
Therefore, if the nation who was so much more powerful
than the rest of the nations gets knocked down a few
pegs, the new global system can function a lot more
smoothly. Therefore, any and all "King Kongs"
must be brought down before any concerted effort can
be made in bringing all military forces from all the
nations of the world into United Nations control.
Since World War II, America
has been that "King Kong" versus the rest
of the world. This hard plan is most definitely taking
America and her venerable institutions down a few pegs
so that her economy does not tower so much higher than
the rest of the world.
At the same time, the
rest of the Industrialized World is being built up higher.
When all is said and done, the American economy is likely
to be about the same level as the economies of the rest
of the Industrialized World. That is the Plan.
Now, you can see why RINO
President George W. Bush and Democrat President Clinton
created NAFTA which encouraged American businesses to
pick up and relocate to foreign countries. These New
World Order leaders were acting according to this "King
Kong" concept, not caring about the lives and the
finances of several million Americans.
And, this group is now
furious that President Trump has rejected the anti-American
parts of NAFTA and is restoring this country to "King
Kong" status. They hate Trump for daring to depart
from this Plan.
Returning to our featured
article, we can see that, under Democrat Party direction,
this plan to resettle and to 'thin out' the population
of California is well underway. California is now burning
down, because Governors Schwarzenegger and Brown signed
into laws revisions in the science of forest management
that produced vast reservoirs of dead brush, dead trees
and all manner of dead animals which were not removed;
this vast amount of dead material is now "fuel"
that is burning beyond control.
But, Californians are
now fleeing the state for other reasons, as well.
* High taxes
* High automobile taxes
* High and unbending rules
and regulations
* Small businesses simply
cannot operate under the tight control of the state
regulator, before the Pandemic hit. Now, small businesses
are failing by the many thousands.
Now that the worst fears
of Forest Management experts have come terrifyingly
true as these fires burn out of control, whom does Governor
Newsom blame? Climate Change, of course!
California is the template
upon which other states can rewild their land as well.
California is
also now officially a Sodom and Gomorrah!

NEWS BRIEF: "California
Legislature Passes Bill Reducing Penalties for Oral,
Anal Sex with Willing Children",
Breitbart News, 3 Sept 2020
"California lawmakers
passed a bill Monday that would reduce penalties for
adults who have oral or anal sex with a willing minor
child if the sex offender is within ten years of the
age of the victim. The bill now heads to the desk of
Gov. Gavin Newsom (D)."
This is an ever increasingly
depraved world we are living in. The sexual deviance
that used to take place behind closed doors is now in
the public spotlight being advertised as the 'new norm'
by every Leftist politician in America. Everywhere we
look the LGBT agenda is being shoved down our throats
and if we dare speak out against the perverseness of
this culture we risk character assassination, death
threats, and physical violence."
"When we started
legalizing sexual immorality it was only a matter of
time before the perverts came after the children. The
time is upon us ... All in the name of 'love', 'acceptance',
and 'inclusivity', and my personal favorite, 'tolerance'.
There is nothing loving about sexualizing education
and health services for children. No one in society
should be accepting or tolerating it." (Newsletter,
Legalizing homosexual
intercourse between an adult and a child is virtually
the last step in fully establishing California as a
new Sodom. In the saga of God's judgment upon Sodom
for her perverted sex, the Bible tells us that young
boys also participated in their solemnly sinful acts.
As we carefully examine
the Biblical account in Sodom as the Godly angels disguised
as men went into Lot's house, you will see that the
society of Sodom did not "protect" her children
from sexual activity as carefully as our written laws
now protect. Let us quickly review the pertinent Scripture
for this insight.
Genesis 19:2-11. God's
holy angels [who had taken the form of human men] sent
to rescue Lot and his family before God destroyed the
cities, spent the evening in Lot's house, where he fixed
them dinner. In verse 4, we see quite a spectacle develop.
The homosexual men of every part of the city, both young
and old, surrounded the house to demand that the male
guests in Lot's house come outside. Why did they want
these disguised angels to come outside? So they could
have sex with them. Now, wait a minute! The homosexual
men outside Lot's house intended to have group sex with
these 'men' in PUBLIC! In public! In America today,
we still have laws that make it illegal for anyone to
have sex outside, in public. Many, many public rest
stops along our highways have been closed because homosexual
men were meeting there and having sex there. We have
laws that would have made these men of Sodom fearful
of having sex IN PUBLIC.
Therefore, because these
men showed no fear of being arrested, we can only conclude
that, prior to this event, the laws of Sodom had to
have been changed, allowing public sex, laws which bestowed
a mantle of societal approval upon public sex!! However,
notice that the "young men" of Sodom were
among those surrounding Lot's house demanding public
sex with the Godly angels who had come in the form of
men. Incredibly, the young men were desiring sex with
the angels and of course, were expecting reciprocal
sex from the angels.
Today, with our society
still embracing Judeo-Christian morality, we call this
type of sexual activity with youngsters "pedophilia".
The "Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, Eighth
Edition", defines 'pedophilia' thusly: "A
fondness for children; unnatural desire for sexual relations
with children."
Who called sexual relations
with children "unnatural" and forbade it?
God, speaking through His Holy Bible, forbade it. Therefore,
this medical dictionary is reflecting the predominate
Judeo-Christian values by its definition. Once you step
outside Judeo-Christian values, this definition changes,
just as it did in Sodom. Further, as we pointed out
in NEWS1707 with the Irish Travelers, occultists do
not recognize any dogmatic spiritual dogma, especially
as it applies to sexual activity; they believe man is
just an animal with sexual needs to be fulfilled, needs
that can be fulfilled with anyone at any time, under
any conditions. The goal of NAMBLA is to force a change
in our laws regulating sexual activity to allow sex
with children as young as 8 years of age!
Their motto is:
"Sex before eight before it is too late".
God is keeping track of
all of America's sins and will render judgment according
to His prophecy in Revelation
2. Joe Biden is
now pushing for the "Mother Gaia", UN Biodiversity
Treaty plan to empty cities and tightly regulate the
Biden Touts Wall Street Support for His Plan to Abolish
American Suburbs", Breitbart
News, 6 Sept 2020
"Democrat presidential
candidate Joe Biden is touting Wall Street’s support
for his $640 billion housing plan that would force low-income,
multi-family housing developments into America’s
suburban communities ... Biden told supporters that
Wall Street supports his housing plan because it 'will
increase the GDP'.”
"Biden’s housing
plan, as Breitbart News has noted, would implement an
unprecedented expansion of Section 8 housing vouchers
while requiring that local communities abolish strict
zoning laws in order to become eligible for certain
federal grants."
This part of Biden's plan
is simply an offshoot of this "rewilding"
plan about which we discussed in Story #1, above. This
part of the "rewilding" plan is simply the
high regulation of the thinning of our major population
And, people are fleeing.
If they accept this part of Biden's nightmare scenario,
they will have nowhere to go to escape higher crime
and destruction of suburbia.
Biden's plan,
plus the government regulations made possible by the
pandemic, are the blooming of the New World Order Plan,
some of which date back to 1920!
New York higher
and middle class families are fleeing the City in droves.
Businesswoman: New Yorkers
Are Fleeing Because Of Bill De Blasio", One
America News, Sept 5, 2020
"The New York exodus
that began at the start of the pandemic has continued.
New Yorkers are blaming Mayor Bill de Blasio and his
And whom will de Blasio
blame for this mess he has created?
President Donald Trump,
of course!
NEWS BRIEF: "Immigration
to New York City Drops 45 Percent in Last Four Years".
Brietbart News, 7 September 2020
"International immigration
to New York City, New York, was on the decline before
the Chinese coronavirus crisis, and plans implemented
by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) have helped shut the city
down ... immigration from around the world to New York
City has dropped 45 percent between 2016 and 2019."
"... the high price
of real estate in New York City has left middle-class
immigrants and Americans looking elsewhere."
"... more than 120,000
apartments became available in June and July. At the
same time , Manhattan rents have been cut by as much
as ten percent compared to 2019 rates."
New York City is a city
which is dying.
But, this decline is as
much planned as the "population thinning"
which we discussed in Story #1, above.
3. Private Property
rights are the ultimate target.
NEWS BRIEF: "Democrats
Admit Trump Message ‘Working’ in the Suburbs:
But, Biden Vows End to Local Control of Zoning",
Breitbart News, 7 Sept
"Democrat Party insiders
admit that President Trump’s message to America’s
middle class in the suburbs is “working,”
a new report reveals, as Democrat presidential candidate
Joe Biden has vowed an end to local community
control of zoning laws." (Emphasis added)
"The Human
Race Must Be Resettled". Here it comes, forcing
people out of the cities and into suburbs which are
planned to be controlled!
4. A Democrat
supporter threatened to shoot a Republican Representative
in the head.
Kelly (D-AZ) Supporter Allegedly Threatens to Shoot
Rep. Paul Gosar in the Head", Breitbart
News, 6 Sept 2020
"An activist for
Arizona Senate candidate Mark Kelly (D) allegedly threatened
on Monday to shoot Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) in the head.
The Arizona Daily Independent identified the Kelly supporter
as retired teacher Margaret Kathleen Spangenberg. She
allegedly made the threat during a phone call Monday."
Here is a partial report
of this phone call during which the threat was uttered.
"So, the way I see
it, since you supported a child rapist who has 65 years
of crimes and you are doing shit about Covid, and I’ve
had people die, I think it’s totally ok for me
to come with my gun and shoot you in the head."
Mass Media continues
to ratchet up the unprecedented crisis, even though
America has never had it so good.
5. We shall be
trapped in our own prosperity.
Trump Boom 2.0: Jobs for
American Strivers", American Greatness,
Sept 7, 2020
"This Labor Day,
as we celebrate the dignity of work across our land,
we can justly take solace that our economy recovers
quickly from the ravages of the China virus, and the
economic data points increasingly reveal a country roaring
back to life, especially in job creation. "
"On Friday, the Labor
Department issued another blockbuster payrolls report.
As our country renews our economic vigor, historic records
for job gains have been set in each of the last four
months, with over 10 million total jobs created. In
addition, the breakout report for August detailed a
staggering drop in the jobless rate, falling almost
two percentage points in a single month to 8.4 percent.
In addition, these 1.4 million new hires in August represent
quality jobs, as the pace of wage gains vaulted higher
to 4.7 percent, year over year. "
How does this economic
growth compare to the Obama-Biden years?
"... Now, President
Trump’s wage acceleration encore unfolds, defying
skeptics, and surprising economists. In fact, some of
the biggest gains detailed in this recent report also
flowed to the groups most in need of relief. For example,
just three sectors accounted for more than one-third
of all the jobs added in August, all of them industries
typically staffed by economic strivers: retail, hospitality,
and transportation. The hard economic numbers prove
that store clerks, waitresses, and truckers returned
back to work in record numbers."
Herein lies the magic
of the Trump economy. Both in terms of new jobs and
the pandemic stimulus money flowed to the hands of the
lower 50% of the economy -- "store clerks, waitresses,
and truckers", the people who would immediately
spend that money, thus creating a boom in exactly the
area of the economy which needed stimulating the most.
In other words, Trump's
economic magic lies in his understanding that the wealthy
do not need this stimulus money; the bottom half of
the economy most definitively needs it.
NEWS BRIEF: "Bloomberg:
Blue-Collar Wages Are Going Up",
Breitbart News, 7 Sept 2020
"Employers are being
forced to pay unexpectedly higher wages to recruit during
the coronavirus crash, despite high unemployment numbers,
says a September 6 report by Bloomberg ... Before the
coronavirus hit, President Donald Trump’s policies
combined curbs on immigration with economic growth,
so boosting wages for blue-collar Americans. Those Americans
may not want to give up their hard-won expectation for
higher wages."
"Unless, of course,
Joe Biden gets elected and floods the labor market by
implementing his campaign promise to roll back border
enforcement and to also raise the inflow of foreign
refugees, visa workers, and legal immigrants."
Campaign Adviser Cortes: ‘Great American Economic
Renaissance’ Has ‘Momentum for Our Side’,"
Breitbart News, 7 Sept 2020
"Trump campaign senior
adviser Steve Cortes on Monday weighed in on President
Donald Trump’s recent surge in the polls ... Cortes,
during an interview with FNC’s “Fox &
Friends,” highlighted the “great American
economic renaissance” and recent “blockbuster
jobs numbers” as giving the Trump campaign momentum."
"Why is the momentum
for our side, for the president and our campaign? It’s
because of the economy ... “This economy, this
great American economic renaissance gains incredible
steam across this country, and, again, it’s not
my opinion. The statistics show this. The economic numbers
lately have been simply off the charts..."
"Cortes said, on
the other hand, Biden would “crush the renaissance”
with a $4 trillion tax hike. 'We’re not going
to go backwards to Joe Biden’s globalism and statism,”
he added. “We’re going to continue with
this great American renewal.”
Economic news
continues to defy the political morass which is enveloping
us all.
Falsely Claims U.S. Economy Is Worse Off than Europe
and Japan", Breitbart News, 7 Sept
"Joe Biden claimed
in a speech Friday that President Trump’s “mismanagement”
of the pandemic is holding back the U.S. economy ...
the president’s chaotic mismanagement of the pandemic
is still holding us back. Compared to other major industrial
countries in Europe and Asia, during the pandemic, our
unemployment rate is still more than double, while other
nations have only gone up by half. Why? Because the
president has botched the COVID response, botched it
badly,” Biden said in a speech about the economy
on Friday."
Of course, Biden is lying
through his teeth!
"The U.S. economy
shrank in the second quarter by less than most other
major industrial countries in Europe and was not much
worse than that of Japan.
The U.S. economy shrank
by 9.5 percent in the second quarter compared with the
first quarter.
The eurozone economy shrank 12.1 percent.
The broader European Union economy shrank by 11.9 percent.
The U.K.’s economy shrank 20.4 percent.
Spain’s economy shrank by 18.5 percent.
Portugal’s economy shrank 14.1 percent.
France’s economy shrank 13.8 percent.
Germany’s economy shrank 10.1 percent.
Japan’s economy shrank by 7.8 percent.
6. Another dumb
statement from Democrat Presidential candidate, Joe
claiming light bulb wasn’t invented by ‘white
guy named Edison’ one of several odd Wisconsin
moments", BPR News, 4 Sept
"Democratic presidential
nominee Joe Biden added to his growing list of gaffes
and eyebrow-raising comments by rewriting history in
Wisconsin. During a town hall event in Kenosha on Thursday,
the former vice president left many scratching their
heads when he decried the history being taught in schools
as he declared that a black man invented the light bulb,
'not a white guy named Edison'.”
Invented the Light Bulb? - Many inventors contributed
to the invention of the light bulb but success was limited-
"Where Edison succeeded and surpassed his competition
was in developing a practical and inexpensive light
bulb, according to the DOE. Edison and his team of researchers
in Edison's laboratory in Menlo Park, N.J., tested more
than 3,000 designs for bulbs between 1878 and 1880.
In November 1879, Edison filed a patent for an electric
lamp with a carbon filament. The patent listed several
materials that might be used for the filament, including
cotton, linen and wood. Edison spent the next year finding
the perfect filament for his new bulb, testing more
than 6,000 plants to determine which material would
burn the longest."
Do we really want
this dementia-driven man to have control over the nuclear
launch code?