Wednesday 9/6/2017
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News Headlines
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon,
and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations,
with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring..."
(Luke 21:25, KJV)
1. Final hard
"Birth Pangs" events are shaking our world
right now, as waves roar and nations are in distress.
Who would have
thought that the beginning of the final Birth Pangs
which will bring Antichrist to the world scene would
* Two or three
hurricanes -- "sea
and the waves roaring"
* All-out war
with North Korea? "upon
the earth distress of nations, with perplexity"
2. If this war
with North Korea is fought conventionally, the entire
South Korean economy could be wiped out!
3. As American
forces are seriously committed to the Asian Pacific
region against North Korean forces, more troops are
being shipped to Afghanistan.
In a useful graphic,
we show how many American "boots are on the ground"
in locations throughout the globe.
4. Is the Russian
exercise due to start September 14 in Poland,
Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and elsewhere a
ruse to strike militarily while the West is completely
tied up in Asia?
If this occurs,
the Elite would have a global war.
5. Do you remember
how awful President Bill Clinton's first year in office
turned out to be?
6. President Trump
ordered the "extra-legal" DACA Amnesty program
to be phased out in 6 months.
The President
urged Congress to "do your job" and either
pass the program -- thereby making it legal -- or let
the deadline expire.
Did you notice
that billionaire business owners were the most vociferous
in urging Trump to keep DACA operating?
the full text of these articles below our book store
New DVD's!
The Foundation of Our Faith - Volume 1, The War Against
Regularly $24.99,
Only $19.99
If you liked Mac Dominick's Revelation
Series you will love his Genesis Teaching, because Mac
also teaches a combination of Traditional Bible exegesis
plus unique Cutting Edge understandings.
'The War Against God'
God instantly claims this Earth
and the Universe as HIS, uniquely belonging to Him because
He created it by His Wisdom and Power. Evolution is
forever debunked as a false system of belief, coming
from Satan out of the Abyss.
Did you know that the sequence
of creation listed in Genesis 1 is precisely the order
scientists and mathematicians know that is essential
to creating the world? At the conclusion of each of
the SIX DAYS OF CREATION, God examined His work for
that day, and pronounced it 'good', or 'approved'. But,
on the sixth day, when all was created, God pronounced
His work 'very good'.
Mac teaches Genesis One in light
of essential faith and in End Times' prophecy, surprising
even the most hardened skeptic.
In This DVD we present the evidence
that much of the physics and evolution taught today
is made up, contradictory and unscientific theories
contrived by men who hate God!
2 hours run time, Mac plans 3
DVD's in this series
the Trailer - Have Started Shipping

Nephilim Roamed Ancient World
Holocaust of the Giants" DVD
Tom Horn, Steve Quayle, Timothy Alberino
Will these giants of ancient
days, including those from America, RISE from the DEAD?
An ancient conspiracy has been quietly burgeoning behind
the bustle of the modern world. From the mounds of America,
to the megalithic ruins on the island of Sardinia in
the Mediterranean Sea, the desiccated bones of dead
giants are being systematically disentombed and secreted
away to clandestine vaults for apocalyptic purposes.
While occultists are attempting to harness the arcane
necromancy of the Canaanites, genetic engineers are
working feverishly to reconstitute the genomes of the
giants, and resurrect the dreaded race of Rephaim in
the earth.
Join Timothy Alberino
as he explores the enigmatic island of Sardinia in the
Western Mediterranean Sea where the skeletal remains
of giants are still being extracted from the tens of
thousands of megalithic towers and tombs all over the
island, and hear the jaw dropping testimony of those
who were hired by the government to dig them out. Discover
why Sardinia was ground-zero for the man-eating Canaanite
giants that ravished the Promised Land before their
expulsion by Joshua
the Robber.
Shipping July 27 -- http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2781
Headline News
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon,
and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations,
with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring..."
(Luke 21:25, KJV)
other words, "prophetic convergence"!
1. Final hard
"Birth Pangs" events are shaking our world
right now, as waves roar and nations are in extreme
Who would have
thought that the beginning of the final Birth Pangs
which will bring Antichrist to the world scene would
Two or three hurricanes -- "sea
and the waves roaring"
NEWS BRIEF: "Hurricane
Irma becomes most powerful storm ever recorded in Atlantic
Ocean", CBS News, 9/5/2017
"Hurricane Irma strengthened
to a Category 5 storm with winds up to 185 mph as it
approaches the Leeward Islands of the northeast Caribbean,
the U.S. National Hurricane Center announced Tuesday,
making it the most powerful storm ever recorded in the
Atlantic Ocean."
"If it stays on the
forecast track and reaches the Florida Straits, the
water there is warm enough that the already "intense"
storm could become much worse with wind speeds potentially
reaching 225 mph, warned Kerry Emanuel, an MIT meteorology
professor. 'People who are living there (the Florida
Keys) or have property there are very scared, and they
should be', Emanuel said."
NEWS BRIEF: "Hurricane
Harvey wreaks historic devastation: By the numbers",
ABC News, 9/1/2017
"The remnants of
Hurricane Harvey continued to dump rain on several southern
states nearly a week after making landfall in Texas
as the most powerful storm to hit the mainland in over
a decade. Harvey's torrential rain, devastating winds
and widespread flooding have so far cost at least 39
lives, driven over one million people to evacuate their
homes in Texas and caused extensive destruction that
will likely make it one of the costliest storms in U.S.
The damage of this hurricane
was said to be from the torrential rains; how much water
did fall from Hurricane Harvey?
"More than 20 trillion
gallons: That's the total amount of rain that fell across
Texas and Louisiana, a staggering deluge that represents
enough water to supply New York City's needs for over
five decades."
State and Federal Governments
must step in quickly, as 80% of Texans do not have flood
NEWS BRIEF: "Tropical
Storm Jose nearing hurricane strength behind Irma",
UPI News. 9/6/2017
"Forecasters said
Tropical Storm Jose is nearing hurricane strength in
the Atlantic Ocean and is expected to become a hurricane
later Wednesday -- earlier than previously thought.
Jose formed Tuesday in the central Atlantic, more than
1,000 miles east of Hurricane Irma, and so far is following
Irma's path westward toward the Caribbean."
As America is staggering
under the impact of three unprecedented hurricanes,
we cannot forget that a huge typhoon has just devastated
Southern Asia!
NEWS BRIEF: "Millions
homeless, 1,200 dead due to South Asia floods in India,
Bangladesh and Nepal". Jerusalem
Online News, 8/30/2017
"The death toll from
the monsoon rain in India, Bangladesh and Nepal in the
past few weeks has reached 1,200. In addition, millions
of people have been evacuated from their homes as the
floodwaters continue to rise. "
As Hurricanes Irma and
Jose approach, creating chaos and havoc in their wake,
the Governor of the Virgin Islands is trying to take
advantage. You may have trouble believing this:
NEWS BRIEF: "Governor
in U.S. Virgin Islands Orders Gun & Ammo Confiscation",
Liberty News Headlines, 9/5/2017
"A hurricane is on
the way, and preparations always include boarding up
windows, stocking up on food, water and batteries, and
sometimes fleeing inland. A governor in one U.S. territory,
however, has another plan: Grab all the guns."
This ploy occurred in
New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, but
the outrage seemed sufficient to stop another such gun
seizure simply because chaos was reigning supreme.
But, here was have another
instance of implementing the old Illumined Freemason
Motto, "Out of Chaos, Order". This governor
is hoping that he can create a new order of things in
the Virgin Islands by seizing guns and ammunition during
the chaos of Hurricane Irma.

* All-out war
with North Korea? "Upon
the earth distress of nations, with perplexity"
Korea claims successful H-bomb test for ICBM",
The Korea Times, 9/7/2017
"North Korea detonated
a hydrogen bomb that can be mounted on an intercontinental
ballistic missile (ICBM) in its sixth nuclear test conducted
Sunday, according to claims from its state media. The
(North) Korean Central News Television (KCTV) said the
test of the missile-capable H-bomb was a 'complete success'."
"Several military
experts agreed, saying the explosive force of Sunday's
test was twice that of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki,
Japan, during World War II. 'This
test has completely changed the rules of the game regarding
security on the Korean Peninsula', said Bareun Party
lawmaker Kim Young-woo, who chairs the National Assembly
National Defense Committee. 'Pyongyang crossed the red
line by carrying out missiles tests with various ranges
and then conducting its sixth nuclear test'."
North Korea waited only
hours after this hydrogen bomb test to aggravate the
situation ever more.
Korea Crisis: Ballistic missile moved to her west
coast, moving only at night to avoid surveillance",
Yahoo News, 9/5/2017
"North Korea has
reportedly moved an intercontinental ballistic missile
(ICBM) towards its west coast ... The rocket started
moving on Monday and was spotted moving only at night
to avoid surveillance, the report said."
Can you feel the Illuminati's
"Hand of Madness" tightening around the collective
throat of all mankind? You are supposed to feel just
that way. This Illuminati Card is trying to tell you
that all horrific events they have scripted to stage
their Masonic Christ on the world scene is being controlled
by a most bloody "Hand of Madness"!
2. If this war
with North Korea is fought conventionally, the entire
South Korean economy could be wiped out!
what a war between North Korea and the US could do to
the global economy", Business Insider,
August 9, 2017
"Clearly, the biggest
and most important impact of any conflict between the
US and North Korea — either nuclear or conventional
— would be a catastrophic loss of life and huge
human suffering ... That impact would inevitably spread
to the wider global economy, which, given that South
Korea accounts for 2% of global GDP, could cause significant
"... South Korea
is the biggest producer of liquid crystal displays in
the world (40% of the global total) and the second biggest
of semiconductors (17% market share). It is also a key
automotive manufacturer and home to the world's three
biggest shipbuilders. 'If South Korean production was
badly damaged by a war there would be shortages across
the world. The disruption would last for some time —
it takes around two years to build a semi-conductor
factory from scratch."
As disasters begin to
multiply, we must confront again the reality that mankind
has moved into the "Hearts Failing Them
For Fear", prophecy uttered by Jesus Himself.
The Global Elite has prepared
a most heart-stopping set of disasters imaginable. Literally,
so many disasters are going to start occurring, one
after another, that people can scarcely absorb in their
mind and heart one disaster when they hear of another
and then another, and then another, etc.
This is the premise behind
our DVD "World War III: History's Greatest Lynchpin
Event", as we list the top 12 planned events which
are awaiting only the beginning of World War III. When
these disasters begin to unfold, you will know that
the "Lynchpin" has been pulled.
They will soon be unable
to accept any more disasters! At this point, they will
be open to the suggestion of any leader who will arise
to offer a solution! Prophecy tells us what this leader
will offer to a world weary of war and disaster.
"For when they shall
say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh
upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they
shall not escape." (1 Thessalonians 5:3, KJV)
This Earthly woman is
in great travail of childbirth, and is about to give
birth to Antichrist!
And we Christians who
know prophecy are going to have a front-row seat!

3. As American
forces are seriously committed to the Asian Pacific
region against North Korean forces, more troops are
being shipped to Afghanistan.
NEWS BRIEF: "Defense
Secretary Mattis: Additional U.S. Troops 'On the
Way' to Afghanistan", CNS News, 9/1/2017
"Defense Secretary
James Mattis told reporters on Thursday that he has
signed orders to send additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan,
but the process is "not complete," and he
won't say how many more troops will be going until he
briefs Congress next week."
"Mattis on Thursday
refused to confirm reports that he's sending an additional
4,000 U.S. troops to join the 11,000 who already are
In a useful graphic,
we show how many American "boots are on the ground"
in locations throughout the globe.
NEWS BRIEF: "Graphic
Shows Where U.S. Troops Are Stationed Around the World:
"Boots On The Ground", Time Magazine,
October 16, 2015
"U.S. military personnel
are stationed in over 150 countries across the world.
Here are some of the most important countries in which
"American boots are on the ground".
Total: 1,350,941 soldiers
are spread out in these 150 countries
Japan: 48,828
South Korea: 27,558
Germany: 37,704
Guam: 5,647
My research indicated
that, at the time of the final "birth pangs"
wars and disasters, the great majority of American troops
would be serving in foreign countries. Therefore, when
planned riots occur in cities, American law enforcement
would not be sufficient to restore and to keep order.
At that moment, Henry Kissinger's shocking statement
two decades ago will become our present reality. Listen
to Kissinger, speaking in the aftermath of the Rodney
King trial in Los Angeles.
"Today Americans
would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles
to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful ...
The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented
with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly
relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted
to them by their world government." (Henry
Kissinger in an address to the Bilderberger meeting
at Evian, France, May 21, 1992.)
4. Is the Russian
exercise due to start September 14 in Poland,
Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and elsewhere a
ruse to strike militarily while the West is completely
tied up in Asia?
NEWS BRIEF: "Putin's
weird war gets ever riskier: September 14, Russia
will unleash what may be its largest military exercise
since the Cold War", Japan Today, 9/3/2017
"LONDON -- September
will be a nervous month in Eastern Europe. On September
14, Russia will unleash what may be its largest military
exercise since the Cold War. In Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania,
Latvia, Estonia and elsewhere, officials are openly
concerned that the “Zapad (‘West’)
2017” drills near their borders will be used as
cover for a military attack."
"But Russia’s
escalating confrontation with the West goes well beyond
that. Moscow, Washington and other Western governments
understand that any direct conflict between Russia and
the West would prove disastrous. Instead, the face-off
is worsening in wider, often weirder ways. And while
many Americans would blame Moscow, many Russians see
it differently."
If the West is distracted
by the South Korean conflict, and many of her military
resources are being drained by that conflict, Russia
might be tempted to strike in order to solidify her
subject nations in Supernation
#5, "Russia and Eastern Europe"!
If this occurs,
the Elite would truly have a global war.
5. Do you remember
how awful President Bill Clinton's first year in office
turned out to be?
To 1993: Bill Clinton’s Chaotic,
Confused, Failing First Year As President",
The Daily Caller, 8/28/2017
presidency was such a disaster in only four months that
Time Magazine devoted a June 1993 cover story to his
long string of failures. The cover featured a tiny Bill
under the large print title, “The Incredible Shrinking
President.” Inside the magazine, the headline
asked: 'Is Clinton up to the job? Americans are starting
to wonder'.”
The chances are excellent
that Donald Trump will turn the same corner as Bill
Clinton turned as he headed into his second year and
If Trump comes through
this North Korean scenario as a "War Hero",
then the "Never-Trumpers" will rue the day
they tangled with him.
6. President Trump
ordered the "extra-legal" DACA Amnesty program
to be phased out in 6 months.
Ends DACA Program", NBC News, 9/5/2017
"The Justice Department
announced on Tuesday it is ending DACA, the Obama-era
program that allowed undocumented immigrants who came
to the U.S. as children to remain in the country, while
also giving Congress a six-month window to possibly
save the policy. Under the plan, announced by Attorney
General Jeff Sessions, the Trump administration will
stop considering new applications for legal status dated
after Tuesday, but will allow any DACA recipients with
a permit set to expire before March 5, 2018, the opportunity
to apply for a two-year renewal if they apply by October
During the 2016 Presidential
campaign, Hillary Clinton strongly championed the extra-legal
DACA program, while Donald Trump just as vigorously
attacked it. Donald Trump won.
The President
urged Congress to "do your job" and either
pass the program -- thereby making it legal -- or let
the deadline expire.
program to be phased out: Congress given 6-month
window to save it", ABC-7 Chicago News,
"Ending DACA would
impact more than just the 800,000 recipients; 16 percent
of them have a spouse who is a U.S. citizen, and 26
percent have a child that is a legal citizen. 'An attack
on DACA is also an attack to the larger communities
we are a part of, and those include children and families',
said Giselle Escobedo, DACA recipient."
"In a statement after
his agencies and attorney general announced the decision,
President Donald Trump blamed former President Barack
Obama for creating the program through executive authority
and urged Congress to come up with a solution. 'It is
now time for Congress to act!" he
One of the key problems
of this program is that President Obama sidestepped
a reluctant Congress and issued an Executive Decision
that created DACA. Further, because this program was
set up to bring children into the United States, Obama
knew that any attempt to end the program would be met
with anguished cries in the Media about how we are throwing
children overboard where hungry sharks are awaiting
to devour.
Remember, while President
Obama and Liberal Democrats were showing such compassion
to 800,000 foreign immigrants, they were setting up
a program which denied 700,000 Americans those jobs.
Therefore, Did
you notice that billionaire business owners were the
most vociferous in urging Trump to keep DACA operating?
NEWS BRIEF: "Billionaires
Petition for Cheaper Workers Through DACA Amnesty Program",
Breitbart News, 1 September 2017
"Mark Zuckerberg’s
FWD.us lobbying group is rallying billionaires and millionaires
to protest the federal government’s rising enforcement
of the workplace laws which help ordinary Americans
earn good wages. The CEOs’ digital strike against
laws barring the employment of cheap illegal-migrants
is being marketed as a campaign “about new developments
in immigration policy that threaten the future of young
undocumented immigrants brought to America as children,”
according to the August 31 statement from FWD.us."
Of course, billionaire
and millionaire company owners want to continue DACA
because they are making untold amounts of profit. They
certainly do not care that DACA is taking jobs directly
from Americans trying to get started in life.
When Trump promised
to follow an "American First" policy, he had
this unfair DACA program squarely in his sights.!

To Antichrist" DVD Set