Hot News
Russian air force has intervened in the Syrian civil war,
on behalf of President Assad!
continues to oppose the Turkey / US plan for a "no
fly zone" in Syria.
has begun intervention in Syria",
B92 News, September 1, 2015
"Russia 'has begun
its military intervention in Syria, deploying an aerial
contingent to a permanent Syrian base to attack ISIS and
Islamist rebels ... Russian fighter pilots are expected
to begin arriving in Syria in the coming days'."
"The report quoted
Western diplomats to say that 'a Russian expeditionary force
has already arrived in Syria and set up camp in an Assad-controlled
air base', and added: 'The base is said to be in
area surrounding Damascus, and will serve, for all intents
and purposes, as a Russian forward operating base."
"The Israeli website added that 'the
Russians do not harbor offensive intentions towards Israel
or other sovereign states in the area, and their main stated
goal is battling ISIS and preserving Assad's rule', but
that 'their presence will represent a challenge to the Israeli
Air Force's freedom of operation in the skies above the
Middle East'."
This next segment contains information critically
important to understand what is really going on in Syria
and the Middle East.
"Western diplomatic sources have emphasized
that the Obama administration is fully aware of the Russian
intent to intervene directly in Syria, but has yet to issue
any reaction. According to the article, 'the absence of
a vocal opposition from the Obama administration is compounded
by its cessation of calls for the dissolution of Assad's
murderous regime'."
This revelation is key. Just before Russia
sent her armed forces in to "protect" Syria's
Assad, American President Obama quietly stopped calling
for Assad's ouster! In other words, the American president
"acted in harmony" with Russian President Putin.
But, we Christians who know prophecy should not be surprised,
since cooperation between the final 10 leaders of the world
is foretold.
"And the ten horns which thou
sawest are ten kings ... For God hath put in their hearts
to fulfil his will, and to agree (act in harmony), and give
their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall
be fulfilled." (Revelation 17:12, 17)
The REAL story since the attacks of 9/11/2001
has been the hidden cooperation between the United States
and Russia over the entire Middle East region. Consider
just a few examples:
* NEWS1327
-- "Russian President Laments Historic Fact
That Communism Was Forced Upon Russia By Powerful Outside
Forces! Confirmation of the Fact That Communism was Created
and Instituted By the Illuminati"
* NEWS1548
- "Major Nations Are Cooperating With President
Bush On His War On Terrorism -- Including Old Enemy Russia
- Revelation 17:17 is stunningly fulfilled!
* NEWS1557
-- "President Bush and Russian Premier Putin Have
Reportedly Agreed To Mutual Use of Tactical Nuclear Weapons
In Afghanistan and Chechnya
* NEWS2124
-- "When USA's President Bush Met With Russian
President Putin 11 Days After The 9/11 Attacks To Agree
That The US Could Use Nuclear Weapons in Afghanistan, Did
Both Men Know That The Nukes Which Were Going To Be Used
Were Actually 'Depleted Uranium"?
* NEWS2373
-- "Constant Israeli Threats To
Bomb Iran Is Setting The Stage For Fulfillment of the Russian-led
Invasion of Israel (Ezekiel 38-39) - Driving Iran Into The
Arms of the Russian Bear"
As you can see, the Russian President Putin
has been secretly cooperating with the American Presidents
Bush and Obama since the attacks of 9/11/2001! Just as Revelation
17:12,17 foretold nearly 2,000 years ago!
In this case, the stated aim is to end the
influence of the entrenched dictator, President Assad, replacing
him with a government or more than one government who will
not object to surrendering their national sovereignty to
Supernation #7, of the 10-Nation Reorganization Plan.
Literally, the West and the East have cooperated
in these past four years of civil war in tearing Syria from
limb to limb. Now that President Assad has shown remarkable
staying power, Russia has had to step in to limit how far
Syria will be allowed to go to retain her nation. Under
the guise of protecting Assad, the Russians will, in the
end, cooperate to ensure that the Syria of tomorrow will
not oppose a national sovereignty surrender.
In fact, both American and Russian government
are really cooperating with Iran in the Syrian-Iraqi war!
"... 'the Russians are not the only ones
coordinating their Middle East policy with the Iranians',
as 'the U.S. has also jumped aboard that train. American
government officials have been holding intensive consultations
with representatives of the Iranian regime concerning a
stronger joint effort against ISIS in Iraq. 'It seems that
the U.S. government currently views Iran as a central and
necessary force in the campaign against ISIS within Iraq',
said YNET.
Just as his predecessor, George W. Bush, Barack
Obama continues to tilt toward Shi'ite Iran and away from
Sunni forces, led by Saudi Arabia! This cooperation with
Iran has been occurring since 2005, when Bush silently supported
Iranian policy toward Iraq. (Read full details in NEWS2060,
entitled, "Iran Declared
The Winner of the Iraq War"!)
Saudi Arabia, meanwhile, ratchets up the tension
throughout the Middle East by sending her ground forces
across the border into Yemen. Crude oil prices temporarily
shot upward.
"Saudi ground forces enter
northern Yemen", Press-TV
News, August 27, 2015
"Saudi Arabia’s ground troops have
entered Yemen’s northern territories to counter growing
retaliatory attacks by Yemeni forces on Saudi soil, a military
official says. Brigadier General Ahmed Assiri, a Saudi military
spokesperson, said on Wednesday that the Saudi troops have
pushed their way into the northern Yemeni regions which
overlook the southwestern Saudi province of Jizan. Assiri
further noted that the Saudi soldiers have taken some areas
under their control in the invasion."
Iran has been sitting back since the Saudi
air force launched its attack on Yemen on March 26, hoping
that ground forces would eventually be committed. Why? Because
Iran considers that Yemen can prove to be a quagmire for
Saudi forces, just as Iraq proved to be a quagmire to American
Iran plans that Saudi Arabia will meet her
end on the sands of Yemen, so the Middle East 2006 Map can
be realized.
NOTE: News Alert continues after
the advertisement, below

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Bay - Volume 1 which contains 3 DVDs with our first
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Russian President Putin says the time has arrived to dump
the U.S. Dollar!
Supernation #5 -- the EEU -- can begin using its own
says EEU nations should dump dollar: Single financial
market - Supernation
#5 being created", Russia Today News,
1 September 2015
"Russian President Vladimir Putin has
drafted a bill that aims to eliminate the US dollar and
the euro from trade between CIS countries. This means the
creation of a single financial market between Russia, Armenia,
Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and other countries
of the former Soviet Union.
" 'This would help expand the use of
national currencies in foreign trade payments and financial
services and thus create preconditions for greater liquidity
of domestic currency markets', said a statement from Kremlin.
The bill would also help to facilitate trade in the region
and help to achieve macro-economic stability."
Therefore, this call to end the use of the
American Dollar has nothing to do with America's economic
difficulties, nor does it presage economic ruin in America;
rather, Putin's call to "dump the U.S. Dollar"
is nothing more than the next logical step in creating Supernation
#5 -- the EEU!
Do you remember our discovery, almost two
years ago, that Western sanctions against Russia over the
Ukraine crisis was designed to dramatically reduce the time
that the EEU currency would take to become operative and
viable? Let us review that news story again:
"NEWS BRIEF: "Russia,
Kazakhstan and Belarus to have new joint currency", News, 10 April 2014
"In May 2014, presidents of Russia, Kazakhstan
and Belarus will sign an agreement on the establishment
of the Eurasian Economic Union. Sections 9 and 11 ... "The
name of the new joint currency has been supposedly coordinated
- altyn. The new currency is likely to be introduced not
later than in 2025, although international economic sanctions
against Russia may cut the process to 3-5 years."
Did you understand that last statement? Read
again, carefully, for this is the reason the West is reacting
so strongly to this situation within Russia's Sphere of
Influence. Let us read again:
"International economic sanctions against
Russia may speed up the process of developing the new currency
of the new Eurasian Economic Union to only 3 to 5 years,
not the 11 years originally thought!"
This is the real reason the West is levying
sanctions against Russia over the crisis in Ukraine! In
fact, is this entire conflict and threat of conflict over
the Ukraine joining the Eurasian Economic Union under Russian
hegemony simply a ruse to speed up the process of setting
the EES on its feet more quickly?
The sanctions from the West are simply putting
the economies of the Eurasian Economic Union into a type
of economic "pressure cooker" that will speed
up the process of the currency of Supernation #5 being created!
The Global Elite do not want to wait until 2025 to get Supernation
#5 up and running. So, presto! Create a problem which seemingly
can produce World War III and economic sanctions and the
time to create this new supernation is dramatically reduced!
This secret cooperation between leaders of
Supernations #1, 2, and 5 to create the chaos and the crisis
necessary to bring the single currency of the EEU to maturity
simply further fulfills Revelation 17:12, 17, as shown above!
NOTE: News Alert continues after the advertisement,
will never read the Gospels The Same Way Again" DVD
Your understanding of the Gospel account
will change forever! Once you understand the truth that
Jewish leaders who conspired to put Jesus on the cross were
practicing Satanists of a Secret Society.
This incredible DVD reveals that the
Pharisees and Sadducees who hated Jesus with an unnatural
hatred and provoked the Lord into uncharacteristic animosity
toward them, were secretly Satanists practicing what later
became known as the Cabala (Kabbala, Qabbala).
Now you will know why the Pharisees
killed Jesus even though they knew with 100% certainty that
He was the Promised Messiah. Now you will know why these
Jewish leaders looked at Jesus' miracles and concluded that
He was drawing His power from Beelzebub, one of Satan's
chief demons. When the Pharisees told the people that Jesus
did not possess inherent power, but was merely accessing
the power of Beelzebub,they caused Jesus to proclaim a brand
new type of sin, the 'Unpardonable Sin'!
This type of Satanism which the Pharisees
practiced is the major power behind the drive to the 'New
World Order', which is the 'Kingdom of Antichrist', and
is the Corner Stone of every major type of Satanism in the
past 2,500 years! Even Adolf Hitler loved and revered the
Cabala, even as he was plotting to slaughter all Jews.
Soul-winning Segment at the very end
Trailer ---- Full
Order Details
President Obama continues his radical "Climate Change"
We are not moving quickly enough!
The President will personally appear on an Alaska reality
show "Bear Grylls": Touting effects of Climate
are not moving fast enough' on climate change: Obama
tells Arctic leaders", KTUU-2, August 31,
"President Barack Obama today called
for the U.S. and other Arctic nations to launch more aggressive,
faster-paced efforts to combat climate change. 'We know
that human activity is changing the climate. That is beyond
dispute. Everything else is politics', Obama told the State
Department-sponsored GLACIER conference."
"The president drew a small cheer when
he said those who dispute climate change are on a 'shrinking
island' of their own. 'We are not moving fast enough. None
of the nations represented here are moving fast enough',
Obama said. 'And let's be honest. There’s always been
an argument against taking action. The notion is that this
will curb our economic growth'.”
The President then revealed his creative plans
to highlight his Climate Change agenda.
to appear on NBC survival show with Bear Grylls: Touting
effects of Climate Change", CNN News, August
31, 2015
"While on his three-day trip to Alaska
-- aimed at promoting climate change action -- President
Barack Obama will tape an episode of "Running Wild
with Bear Grylls," NBC and the White House announced
Monday. The President will 'trek through the wilderness'
with survival expert Grylls, in the special edition of the
show, set to air later this year according to a press release."
NOTE: News Alert continues after
the advertisement, below
Understanding World War III
War III: History's Greatest Lynchpin Event"
New DVD by David
In the minds of most people,
two words carry so much emotional baggage that people
cringe whenever they hear these Apocalyptic words.
1) Armageddon; 2) World War III.In the past 20 years,
whenever a battle begins in the Middle East or whenever
a verbal confrontation breaks out between major powers,
'gloom and doom' scare-mongers immediately begin to
shout 'World War III',much like a person yells 'FIRE'
in a crowded theater.
Bible prophecy reveals that
Antichrist will be produced on the world scene by
a number of signs, including 'wars and rumors of wars'.
Demonic familiar spirits told the Elite in 1870 that
three world wars will be needed to produce Antichrist.
Make no mistake about it: Antichrist will be produced
by World War III.
Therefore, the question of the
hour is, 'when will this global war begin' and 'what
are the signs it is about to commence'? Many major
events are planned to occur just as World War III
begins. Mankind will be systematically hit with unparalleled
disasters of every kind as this planned global war
unfolds. But, none of these events will occur until
the lynchpin called 'World War III' is pulled.
When the Global Elite pulls
this lynchpin event called World War III, events are
going to be unleashed in such severity and in such
great numbers the peoples of the world will not stand
in awe, they will panic and run for the hills. Jesus
said that 'men's hearts shall fail them for fear',
and the Elite is creating just such climactic events
which shall not occur until the lynchpin known as
'World War III' is pulled.
We will show you the 12 major
disasters the Elite has created and is waiting only
for the beginning of World War III to unleash them
all, almost at once. No one need fear that any of
these disasters will jump across the starting line
ahead of time; each awaits the 'pulling of the lynchpin',
World War III.
One Hour --
DVD may be the most pertinent you will ever see on
End Times events
Why is Ben Carson surging in the polls?
answer may shock you and may topple the 2016 Election.
Ben Carson Is Surging", Christian Science
Monitor, August 31, 2015
"Ben Carson, in many ways, is the antithesis
of Donald Trump. Mr. Trump is loud and bombastic; Dr. Carson
is low-key and genial. When Trump speaks, he chops his hands
in the air as if to enhance his brashness. Carson has calm,
steady, surgeon’s hands – “Gifted Hands,”
as his memoir is titled. Trump comes across as the aggressively
self-confident businessman he is; Carson has the bedside
manner of the physician he is."
"And they’re both hot properties
in the GOP presidential nomination race, ranked one and
two nationally, and tied for the lead in the latest poll
out of Iowa ... The outsider appeal of the three nonpoliticians
in the GOP race – Trump, Carson, and Carly Fiorina,
former CEO of Hewlett Packard – is well-documented.
For Trump and Carson, another common denominator is authenticity.
Each is being himself, and in a field packed with career
politicians, that’s a plus."
"Carson is gaining support because “he’s
viewed as principled,” says Republican strategist
Ford O’Connell. “Second, he’s widely seen
as likeable. And third, he doesn’t talk like a politician.
Any time voters hear something that sounds like political
double talk, they tune out.”
Voters have grown to hate and to distrust
politicians, because they never keep their campaign promises
once they gain office. Therefore, the outsider candidate
is very attractive! Why should anyone be surprised?
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Now Is The Time For God's People To
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They have become a popular idiom even
in secular literature, in connotative terms, of the "End
Times". However, Biblically, they speak specifically
of real events that will characterize an actual period of
time that will appear in the future.
Will that occur in our lifetime? How
do we know?
Do we need to prepare in some way?
Or are there specific steps we should be taking?
This collection is approximately 8
hours and includes all of these great studies:
1) Behold a White Horse: The Coming World Leader
2) Behold a Red Horse: Wars and Rumors of Wars
3) Behold a Black Horse: Economic Upheaval and Famine
4) Behold a Livid Horse: Emergent Diseases and Biochemical
Save $30 by buying this Combination
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Jesus Richly Bless You,
Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
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