Critical News
Analysis -- End of the Age
1. Why have Leftist
politicians likened Trump to Hitler now for over 4 long
years, when they know such comparisons are totally false?
real reason Biden, Pelosi, Clyburn and other Dems continually
tie Trump to Hitler", World
Net Daily, August 25, 2020
"... Joe Biden, formally
accepting his party’s nomination for president
at the Democratic National Convention last Thursday
– and staking his moral claim to lead the free
world on the lie that President Donald Trump admires
Do you remember how often
prominent Leftist Democrats and Mass Media supporters
have repeated one of these mantras, so robotic that
a reasonable person would just shake their heads at
the insanity of it all.
* "We have elected
a racist"
* "Trump is racist"
* "Donald Trump is
like Adolf Hitler"
* "America today
is like Nazi Germany"
"Biden’s blatant
dishonesty is just part of a much larger pattern of
Democrats continuously tying President Trump to Hitler,
the single most detested genocidal monster in human
"Throughout Trump’s
presidency, outrageous Hitler/Nazi/concentration camp
comparisons have come hot and heavy from Democrats and
their media allies and continue into the present:
Even before he was elected, throughout
the election year of 2016, as this writer documented
at the time, no fewer than five different Washington
Post writers likened candidate Donald Trump to Hitler
– including essayist Shalom Auslander’s
"Don't compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. It
belittles Hitler" and a column by Richard Cohen,
a Post political writer for five decades, headlined
"Trump's Hitlerian disregard for the truth."
"On and on the demented
Hitler comparisons go."
"Such comparisons
are far worse and far more serious than merely being
insane. Yes of course they’re insane. Adolf Hitler
murdered 11 million people while Donald Trump has murdered
none; ergo Trump is not Hitler."
So, why has this propaganda
lie been so repeated by so many Trump-haters, over a
four year period? What are Trump's detractors trying
to achieve? Please consider the following facts:
* Hitler's propaganda
machine was based upon the reality that if a lie is
repeated often enough, people will eventually believe
* "the only truly
moral and courageous response to the real Adolf Hitler
during the real Third Reich was to try to kill him.
There were 16 known plots to assassinate Hitler, and
all of the participants ... are today universally regarded
as heroes and martyrs."
* "Therefore, comparing
Trump to Hitler constitutes an insidious invitation
to any of the countless violent leftwing crazies out
there to attempt to assassinate the president."
Consider this current
a bullet in Donald Trump':
Watch 2 minutes of Dem threats of violence against president",
World Net Daily, August
31, 2020
"A video circulating
on social media presents a montage of threats against
the United States and President Trump by Democrats and
media figures. 'They're still going to have to go out
and put a bullet in Donald Trump', says one."
* "Indeed, Scalise
made exactly this point Tuesday when he called out Nancy
Pelosi’s latest condemnation of Trump and his
congressional allies as 'domestic enemies' and “enemies
of the state” ... “that’s the hyper-charged
language that led a gunman trying to kill every Republican
on the ball field. Why don’t we talk about issues?
They don’t want to talk about issues.”
Once you understand,
you can make more sense of the current news, and understand
threats of violence being aimed at him!
There are even more reasons
this type of insinuation is being hurled at President
* "Casting Trump
as Hitler, and his supporters as deplorable white-supremacist
neo-Nazi types, comprises the entire moral core of the
Democratic Party’s claim to be the rightful inheritors
of permanent political power in America."
* "The left –
as recent events make clearer than ever – detests
law and order, individual rights, Judeo-Christian morality,
anything and everything that limits, confines, exposes
or restrains it."
Just as Adolf Hitler detested
law and order, individual right, Judeo-Christian morality,
so the Left is trying mightily to paint Trump with this
same brush.
* "... if you were
truly fighting a genocidal monster like Hitler, almost
nothing would be out of bounds for you. Essentially
there would be no rules – and that’s exactly
the way the left likes it. No rules."
* "In a civilizational
battle against an almost supernaturally evil psychopath
like Adolf Hitler, the normal rules of civil society
are suspended. If you had lived in Nazi Germany during
the Third Reich ... of you lived in Nazi Germany, you
would have been applauded if you:
** "... illegally
stuffed the ballot box (if hypothetically such an opportunity
presented itself) to remove Hitler?"
** "Would you have
lied, cheated and stolen if it would have defeated Hitler
and saved millions of lives? "
** "All the usual
rules would be suspended; after all, you’re at
war, behind enemy lines, and as Sun Tzu famously said,
'War is deception'.”
"Today’s Democratic
Party is at war, and deception is its thing. Although
Democrats, in their deranged fantasy world, imagine
they are at war with a new Hitler ... in reality they
are at war with sanity, reality, decency, liberty and
all the Judeo-Christian principles undergirding Western
Civilization and its most hard-won and precious institutions.
At core, the left is at war with God."
But, there is another
angle of understanding here. Since the Democrats today
are pursuing the same methods and tactics of Adolf Hitler,
we should consider that, since Hitler believed he was
the Biblical Antichrist ("Blood
Sacrifice: Cleansing The Soil For The Aryan Antichrist"
DVD -- shown above), so the Democrats are pursuing the
ultimate aims of Antichrist.
Indeed, they are, and
their supernatural power is Satan, as we demonstrate
in our DVD covering the Black Magick power of Bill and
Hillary Clinton. This DVD is entitled, "Hillary
Clinton: The Sun Goddess Unleashed"
and its contents will enable you to comprehend the current
Democrat Party!
But, as Hitler rose to
power, believing that he was the Biblical Antichrist,
he knew he must have massive numbers of bloody sacrifices.
His sacrifices to his master, Satan, were many and varied:
* Hitler murdered approximately
6 million Jews
* HItler murdered several
million gypsies throughout Europe
* At the end of the war,
Nazi officials were beginning to murder Christians using
the same genocidal tactics and equipment he was using
against Jews
* War casualties count
as sacrifices to Satan. "World War II was the deadliest
military conflict in history. An estimated total of
70–85 million people perished, which was about
3% of the 1940 world population. Deaths directly caused
by the war are estimated at 50–56 million, with
an additional estimated 19 to 28 million deaths from
war-related disease and famine." (Wikipedia)
But, the Democrats and
Liberal Republicans have their bloody sacrifices which
they are daily offering to the same master, Satan, so
the global New World Order can be established: Abortions!
How do the numbers of
Abortion compare since the Supreme Court ruled it legal
in Roe vs Wade in 1973?
NEWS BRIEF: "Abortion
Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2019, Killing
42 Million People",
Life News, DEC 31, 2019
"A heartbreaking
reminder about the prevalence of abortion, statistics
compiled by Worldometers indicate that there were over
42.3 million abortions world-wide in 2019 ... An estimated
61 million unborn babies have been killed in abortions
in the U.S. since Roe v. Wade in 1973."
The picture worldwide
is truly shocking. Since 1973, abortion became the preferred
method of dealing with "unintended pregnancies".
"Of these unintended
pregnancies, 61% ended in abortion. This translates
to 73 million abortions per year." ("Unintended
Pregnancy and Abortion Worldwide")
When Democrats and pro-abortion
Republicans drone on and on and on about "preserving
a woman's right to choose", remember they are perpetuating
the most bloody human carnage man has ever seen!
Truly, God is within the
boundaries of truth when He thunders from Heaven:
"And he cried mightily
with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen,
is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and
the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean
and hateful bird ... For her sins have reached unto
heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities."
When God says " her
sins have reached unto heaven", I can see in my
mind the babies' bodies who had been aborted viciously
within her mother's womb!
Satan has hundreds of
millions of bloody deaths from various sources throughout
the past 100 years that will enable his "Man of
Sin" to arise. And, Leftist Democrats and Republicans
have had their place in causing those rivers and oceans
of human blood.
Therefore, all these people
will be "cast alive into a lake of fire burning
with brimstone." (Rev 19:20, KJV)
Given the Democrat position
of being pro-abortion that they have invited all who
are not so committed to leave the party, the entire
party is leading America directly into that "lake
of fire burning with brimstone"!
2. The CDC has
quietly admitted that the REAL numbers of people who
have died from COVID-19 is shockingly low.
the Shockingly Small Number
of People Who Died From Only the Coronavirus",
Townhall News, August 30, 2020
"The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website disclosed
the shockingly small number of people who died from
only the Wuhan coronavirus, with no other cause of death
Hang on to your hats,
because you may find this truth too startling to actually
be true!
"... out of the 161,392
deaths in the CDC data, just six percent, about
9,700 deaths, were attributed to the coronavirus
alone. According to the CDC, the other 94 percent had
an average of 2.6 additional conditions or causes of
deaths, such as heart disease, diabetes, and sepsis."
(Emphasis Added)
What? How can this be?
Dr. Fauci warned that as many as 2.2 million Americans
could die if extreme measures were not taken, up to
and including a complete shutdown of our magnificent
Truly, Russia's Communist
dictator, Josef Stalin, was correct when he uttered
this truth about voting. Stalin said that "he who
votes counts for nothing, but he who counts the votes
counts for everything"!
Statistics do not lie,
but liars figure!
A new study actually
reveals that lockdown and isolation are 10 times more
deadly than the disease itself.
Study Shows COVID-19 Lockdowns 10 Times More Deadly
Than Virus Itself", American
Greatness, August 31, 2020
"COVID-19 lockdowns
have shortened the lifespans of Americans much more
than the virus itself, an eye-opening new study has
found ... Coronavirus lockdowns are ten times more deadly
to American citizens than the actual COVID-19 virus,
and have devastated long term financial and social stability."
"Drawing on existing
economic studies on the health effects of unemployment,
the Revolver study sought to quantify the net damage
of the lockdowns in terms of a metric known as “life-years”
and compared that number to how many lives will have
been saved by the lockdowns."
"Coronavirus lockdowns
are ten times more deadly to American citizens than
the actual COVID-19 virus, and have devastated long
term financial and social stability.
"Drawing on existing
economic studies on the health effects of unemployment,
the Revolver study sought to quantify the net damage
of the lockdowns in terms of a metric known as “life-years”
and compared that number to how many lives will have
been saved by the lockdowns."
But, how many life-years
were saved by the severe reaction to COVID-19"
"... we estimate
that the COVID-19 lockdowns in the U.S. saved between
a quarter to three quarters of a million life-years."
This is the conclusion
of this study:
"... the results
of the study confirm that “the COVID-19 lockdown
measures that Americans have had to endure for the greater
part of 2020 represent one of the most dramatic, consequential,
and damaging policy measures undertaken in this nation’s
Truly, our reaction to
the Coronavirus has proven to be a monumental "mountain
out of a molehill"!
3. Amidst burning
and rioting in Democrat controlled cities, six Democrat
city mayors abruptly announced their support for President
Minnesota Democrat Mayors Endorse Donald Trump:
Biden Did ‘Nothing’ for Working Class",
Breitbart News, 29 August 2020
"DULUTH, Minnesota
— Six Democrat Minnesota mayors endorsed President
Donald Trump over former Vice President Joe Biden on
Friday, asserting that Trump has improved the lives
of Minnesotans, while Biden has moved too far to the
"The Democrat mayors
charged that Minnesota had remained a Democrat stronghold
for decades; however, they noted that Biden had done
“nothing” for the working class as jobs
left the Iron Range ... In contrast, they wrote that
the Trump-Pence administration has cut taxes and pursued
other policies that have brought the Iron Range “roaring
back to life.”
“ 'Lifelong politicians
like Joe Biden are out of touch with the working class,
out of touch with what the country needs, and out of
touch with those of us here on the Iron Range and in
small towns like ours across our nation', they added."
I don't think these lifelong
politicians have drifted "out of touch" with
the hardworking people like the folk of Iron Range;
such people simply are not needed, nor wanted, the New
World Order scheme!
They are literally the
"deplorables" living in "Fly Over Country"!
4. Joe Biden continues
to be a shell of a man, surrounded by phalanxes of human
advisers and batteries of technological wizardry, all
designed to hide from YOU how truly impaired he really
has become.
misunderstands, mistakes identities, misrepresents all
in 1 quote", World Net Daily, August
28, 2020
"Democratic presidential
nominee Joe Biden misunderstood a question, confusing
two separate shootings in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and misrepresented
a statement from President Trump."
"All in one response
to CNN's Anderson Cooper."
Since Anderson Cooper
is one of the most Liberal yellow journalists on the
planet, you have to just know that the question he posed
to Joe Biden was a very soft ball.
What was Biden's response?
"Biden was asked
Thursday why he thinks Trump hasn't talked about the
police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha."
Biden stumbled and mumbled:
" '“Covid has taken this year, just
since the outbreak, has taken more than one hundred
year–look, here’s–the lives–it’s
just–it’s, when you think about it, more
lives this year than any other year for the past one
hundred years.”."
Completely off track and
off base and out of touch with reality.
The real question of the
hour is, "Is Biden under mind
Fortunately, evidence
of Biden's mental decline has leaked out.

5. Formerly prestigious
Harvard University promotes the claim that "2+2=5"!
NEWS BRIEF: "Harvard
Promotes Claim that ‘2+2=5’,"
Breitbart News, 31 August 2020
"On Sunday, the Harvard
T.H. Chan School of Public Health promoted research
on Twitter by one doctoral student that claims that
two plus two can equal five. The research was quickly
mocked by Twitter users, many of whom questioned the
value of a Harvard education."
"Harvard doctoral
student Kareem Carr explained why some theorists believe
that two plus two equals five. Carr claims that mathematical
equations, such as two plus two equals four, are abstractions."
No, mathematics is an
Absolute Science, not abstract in any way, shape or
form. All you have to do is to hold up two fingers in
each hand and then count the total fingers. Without
fail, you will count four fingers, 2+2=4.
But, why should
we be surprised, for the 'Common Core' curricula has
taught that 5+4=About 9" for a very long time.
As educators in fervent
support of the New World Order were rewriting all subjects
taught in school, they wrestled mightily in the areas
of mathematics which are Absolute instead of the Abstract
approach so favored by the Elite.
And, why might this be?
If a subject is Absolute
Truth, then God is in control; but, if teachers can
turn all subjects into Abstract Truth, then God can
be eliminated.
6. News stories
continue to abound, hinting of a strong recovery.
NEWS BRIEF: "Manufacturer:
Trump Economic Agenda ‘Very Successful’
for Working Class",
in Michigan: Joe Biden Would ‘Stifle Automotive
Reaches Pork and Beef Deal With U.S. ",
America will now
climb up to the unprecedented level of prosperity foretold
in Revelation 18:7.