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This DVD will expose the TRUE HISTORY
of America, important Founding Fathers, and the Great
Seal of the United States as the pieces are put into place
for the arrival of ANTICHRIST!
You will finally understand that the
REAL purpose of Americas Government was to establishment
of the government dictatorship serving the Masonic Christ
-- Biblical Antichrist.
Builds on our
'Riddles In Stone' and 'Eye
of the Phoenix DVD' but takes you into uncharted waters.
2 hours 8 minutes
America's Founding
1 - "New
Atlantis" - demonstrates that the Secret Society
plan to create a New Atlantis nation on the North American
Continent began in the 1580's between Queen Elizabeth
I and Sir Francis Bacon. We also show that America's Founding
Fathers carefully carried out the Baconian Plan in establishing
the government of America. This DVD ends by showing that
this plan ends with Antichrist coming to the world scene,
a plan which is shown in the street layout of Washington,
D.C. Nearly 3 hours long
Video 2 - "Riddles
In Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.",
closely examines the pagan monuments, paintings, sculptures,
and street layout in Government Center and show how the
original Bacon Plan can be seen in these pagan depictions
demonstrate that America was founded according to the
Baconian Plan. Nearly 3 hours long
Video 3 - "Eye
of the Phoenix" examines the two Seals
on the back of the One Dollar Bill and demonstrates that
they are Global Illuminati Seals, not Seals of the U.S.
Government. Also demonstrates that the occult design of
these Seals represents the most powerful 'Magick"
of any other document in history. These two Seals hide
three (3) hexagrams, forming a '666', another example
of the hidden plan to produce Masonic Christ (Antichrist).
Nearly 3 hours long
Video 4 - "Hidden
Faith of the Founding Fathers" may be
the most important video in this series. Today, a great
deal of effort and money have been poured into convincing
Americans that their Founding Fathers were Christian men
intent upon founding a Christian nation. We debunk this
idea and refute David Barton in the process. 3 hours long
Entire Combination Offer
has almost 12 hours of video in History Channel quality.
You will be mesmerized and your view of American history
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Beautifully Done DVDs
from Patterns of Evidence

Critically Important
News -- Headlines
1. After 20-years,
American forces no longer are fighting in Afghanistan.
Was Mission Accomplished?
2. Russian and Chinese
military strategists are laughing in glee, as they watch
American forces staggering out of tiny Afghanistan.
They will be facing
the same generals and admirals in Taiwan, Korea, and Europe!
3. Conquering America
without firing a shot!?
It is possible --
and may be playing out in our Daily
4. Are COVID-Masks
really harming you?
Are they designed
to soothe Americans to the point of acquiescence, meekly
accepting our fate?
5. Texas may be
the first state to completely ban abortions!
MSNBC anchor says
that anyone who opposes abortion is a domestic terrorist!
of God & The Nephilim Volume 2"
Supernatural View From the Word of God"
Volume 2 of 2, Only
There are many mysteries in this world
that historically have Christians running for cover.
These are not mysteries that are easily solved, and the
hard questions more often than not, go unanswered.
Furthermore, these mysteries have found their way into
our culture and demand an answer from those who are well-versed
in Scripture, or we as Christians stand to lose an entire
generation to a culture that is becoming more and more
saturated with answers from the occult world.
What are the questions that arise from these mysteries?
Here is a list of a few critical queries:
• Are there spiritual forces that
rule and influence the destiny and direction of the nations?
• Where and how did demons originate?
• Are there biblical answers to the strange events
documented in the world of the paranormal?
• What are ghosts?
• Do vampires really exist?
• Are UFOs (UAPs is the latest designation) real
or the figments of some over-active imagination?
•Are space aliens real? Do they come from
other planets?
•Is there life elsewhere in our physical universe?
of God & The Nephilim"
Supernatural View From the Word of God"
Volume 1 of 2, Only
This DVD will cover
the events of Scripture from Genesis 6 through the Flood
itself. While some current authors have gone down paths
of incredulity and blatant fantasy, there have been many
solid, biblical scholars who have taken up the subject
matter. In our new DVD, Cutting Edge Ministries has drawn
on our new research and has assembled a wealth of knowledge
from others who have remained true to the Word of God
and actual historical accounts to compile this new documentary."!
info and trailer
Run Time 1 hour 32 minutes -- Order
yours today
this new BOOK 'Zeitgeist 2025'” you will learn!…
• Hidden secrets and forgotten prophecies
surrounding the year 2025!
• How the current U.S. government is tied
to America’s occult destiny!
• Lost prophecies from Qumran forecasting
2025 as the final age of man! NOTE We place no date setting
from any source.
• How America’s Capital city is laid
out to actuate arrival of Antichrist
• AND why historians and intelligence agencies
foresee a totalitarian world government by 2025!
Book is 365 Pages
LTC Robert L. Maginnis
'Give Me Liberty,
Not Marxism' examines what current American leaders like
President Joe Biden and his globalist allies intend for
America and the world, an outcome that may well usher
in the prophetic end times.
The evidence
for this possible result comes from an objective review
of the histories of past Marxist- regimes. These accounts
are juxtaposed with the 778contemporary political proposals
by those who seek a global 'Great Reset' that could produce
a radically different America. A country which becomes
subordinate to a godless, totalitarian one-world government
ruled by the Chinese Communist Party.
488 Pages
-- Order yours today
Critically Important
News -- Analysis
1. After 20-years,
American forces no longer are fighting in Afghanistan.
20 years, US ground troops leave Afghanistan, but Americans
left behind", Fox News, August 30, 2021
"When it came to announcing
that all U.S. troops had left Afghanistan, concluding
America's military ground presence there -- and after
20 years the end to America's longest war -- word came
not from President Joe Biden, who set the deadline, but
from the top general overseeing the rushed and dangerous
" 'I'm here to announce
the completion of our withdrawal from Afghanistan and
the end of the military mission to evacuate American citizens,
third-country nationals and vulnerable Afghans', he said,
appearing on a television screen in the Pentagon Briefing
In the immediate aftermath
of the attacks of 9/11, President Bush was clearly pushing
a storyline that Osama bin Laden was the terrorist in
And he was in Afghanistan!
Even though news reports
of the time indicated that Osama was operating out of
Pakistan, since President George W. Bush said he was in
Afghanistan, he was committed to invading that tiny country
to capture him!
This instance was the first
of many in which Americans were lied to in a major way
so that we would support this nonsensical attack!
Mission "Accomplished"?
Mass Media pundits have
told us from the beginning that our goal in Afghanistan
was to "build a nation" of an Islamic democracy.
Cutting Edge maintained
from the beginning that this stated goal was nonsense,
that the real goal was to sweep the Taliban dictatorship
from power and replace him with a far weaker government,
one that could not withstand the pressures from the planned
Regional Government #7, a precursor to the Reorganization
of the World into the Planned TEN Supernations.
In early March, 2003, just
prior to the beginning of the invasion of Iraq by Coalition
Forces led by the United States, Cutting Edge posted a
most important article, NEWS1833,
entitled, "The World Is On Fire In The Non-Integrating
Gap". This article has proven to be one
of the most important we have ever written, because it
revealed that President Bush inaugurated all-out war in
the Non-Integrating Gap region by invading Afghanistan
(October, 2001) and Iraq (March 2003).
What is the 'Non-Integrating
Gap', you might ask?

Pentagon has divided the world into two segments, the
Functioning Core and the "Non-Integrating Gap"
(Pictured above)
Since the attacks of 9/11,
Wars, Rumors of Wars, Earthquakes in divers places, volcanoes,
and pestilence has ravaged countries in the 'Non-Integrating
Gap'! Events have shown both a pattern and a purpose,
not occurring by accident or by random. Millions are displaced
and are dying. Stability is to be replaced by massive
Once you understand this
reality: that some countries and regions are lagging behind
the rest of the world in being incorporated into the Global
Economy and Government, and need to be boot-kicked into
fully joining the world body, you will understand why
we are now at war, and why we will keep on going to war,
from the Middle East to the Korean Peninsula, to Indonesia,
to Pakistan, to Libya, to Syria, to Somalia and to East
This entire Pentagon strategic
thinking is outlined in a book entitled, "The Pentagon's
New Map", by Thomas P.M. Barnett.
We correctly stated that
the purpose of these wars in the 'Non-Integrating Gap'
was to remove all entrenched dictators -- whether religious
or secular and whether pro-American or Anti-American.
You see, any entrenched dictator is going to resist any
international pressure to surrender his national authority
to a regional government.
We can only wait to see
how the Taliban is going to respond when Regional Government
#7 is formed and begins to demand the national sovereignty
of Afghanistan. I suspect they have already committed
to surrender their national sovereignty and that is one
of the reasons that Biden is pulling out now.
2. Russian and Chinese
military strategists are laughing in glee, as they watch
American forces staggering out of tiny Afghanistan.
NEWS BRIEF: "Department
of the Indefensible: Who Decided to Close Bagram Air
Base and Why?", PJ Media, August
27, 2021
"Closing Bagram Air
Base in Afghanistan is clearly one of the most consequential
decisions the Biden administration has made in Afghanistan.
Bagram was the main base of operations in Afghanistan
for going on 20 years. How did the decision to close it
happen, and who made the call?"
This question is a most
valid one and deserves an honest and indepth answer.
"Bagram Air Base had
already been abandoned. That decision had been made weeks,
if not months, before Afghanistan’s fall. It formally
went dark in the dead of night, with no warning given
to our allies, on July 5, 2021. Abandoning Bagram meant
ending intelligence and air support for the Afghan military,
which proved to be consequential as the Taliban routed
the military that the United States had spent 20 years
building up."
So, who ordered this chaotic
"“If we were
to keep both Bagram and the embassy going, that would
be a significant number of military forces…that
may have exceeded what we had, or stayed the same as what
we had,” Milley continued ... "
"What the Biden White
House and the military have created is an Alamo-style
siege in a hostile country thousands of miles from home,
but worse: It’s surrounded by multiple enemies who
hate each other, who have no thought for civilian casualties,
who can and probably are using each other as proxies against
the United States, and who all know that images of dead
Americans will go straight back to U.S. computers, phones,
and TV where those images will impact Biden’s next
moves ... Biden himself is of questionable capacity, is
an extremely weak and indecisive man, and has a track
record going back decades for getting everything wrong."
Russian and Chinese
strategists will be facing the same generals and admirals
in Taiwan, Korea, and Europe!
3. Conquering America
without firing a shot!?
Are Just Some of the Capabilities Thrown Away By US Commanders
at Bagram Air Base", PJ Media,
August 29, 2021
"The decision to proactively
abandon Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan will go down as
one of the most consequential choices the United States
military has ever made. At this point, it looks to be
one of the most catastrophic. Gen. George Custer’s
decisions at Little Big Horn, and the U.S. military’s
decision to abandon all of the bases in the South as the
Civil War loomed near, are of similar quality."
"Bagram Air Base was
situated about 30 miles outside Kabul, Afghanistan. It
was within flight range of that entire country ... Bagram
was an extremely flexible and capable base."
Here are some of the aircraft
which effectively used Bagram:
* Apache attack helicopter
* F-15 Strike Eagle Fighter/Bomber
* F-16 Fighting Falcon
* C-130 transport aircraft
* A-10 Thunderbolt Warhog
at Bagram
* Armored Humvees and MRAP
(mine-resistant ambush-protected) vehicles
* Stealthy F-22 Raptor Fighter
What is the bottom-line
loss which closing Bagram Air Base will cost us?
"In the end, all the
capability in the world doesn’t matter if leadership
is worthless, stubborn, and makes self-defeating decisions.
Abandoning Bagram is likely to go down as one of the most
self-defeating decisions a president has ever made."
AND, in the end. hostile
generals and admirals can possibly shut down the vast
American war machine by simply forcing Joe Biden to order
American forces to "stand down"! Taiwan, South
Korea, the Ukraine and Israel would suddenly not be able
to depend on Biden's defense when the chips are down.
It is possible --
and may be playing out in our Daily
4. Are COVID-Masks
really harming you?
NEWS BRIEF: ""Soothing
symptoms of anxiety" with graphene oxide; it’s
in millions of masks -- This is not a joke; it’s
real", Canada Free
Press, August 30, 2021
“Graphene is the thinnest compound known to man
at one atom thick, the lightest material known…the
strongest compound [ever] discovered…the best conductor
of heat at room temperature…the best conductor of
electricity known…potentially an eco-friendly, sustainable
solution for an almost limitless number of applications.
Since the discovery…of graphene, applications within
different scientific disciplines have exploded, with huge
gains being made particularly in high-frequency electronics,
bio, chemical and magnetic sensors, ultra-wide bandwidth
photo detectors, and energy storage and generation.”
"On April 2, 2021,
Health Canada issued an advisory, warning people not to
“use face masks labeled to contain graphene or biomass
"Andrew Maynard covers
this issue in a medium[dot]com article, “Manufacturers
have been using nanotechnology-derived graphene in face
masks—-now there are safety concerns.”
Those concerns? Masks could
create lung problems.
"On April 2, 2021,
Health Canada issued an advisory, warning people not to
“use face masks labeled to contain graphene or biomass
Andrew Maynard covers this
issue in a medium[dot]com article, “Manufacturers
have been using nanotechnology-derived graphene in face
masks—-now there are safety concerns.”
"... graphene oxide
disables communication between the synapses that cause
this type of fear.”
Are they designed
to soothe Americans to the point of acquiescence, meekly
accepting our fate?
"What happens when
you walk around all day, day after day, breathing in graphene
through a mask? What happens to your lungs? To your brain?
To your feelings? To the quality of your thoughts?"
The vaccine may be history's
first global weapon by which you are being silently programmed
to obey the government without hesitation or fear.
"Then the whole world
was amazed and followed the beast." (Revelation 13;3)
5. Texas may be
the first state to completely ban abortions!
Will Become First State to Ban Abortions: Court Allows
Heartbeat Law to Go Into Effect Wednesday",, August 30, 2021
"Texas appears likely
to become the first state in America to be allowed to
enforce a law banning abortions once an unborn baby’s
heartbeat is detectable. In a huge victory for life, on
Sunday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals canceled a
Monday hearing on a lawsuit to block the law..."
"That means, at least
for now, the law will go into effect, as planned, on Wednesday
– and potentially save more than 100 babies from
abortion every single day ... The law has the potential
to save tens of thousands of lives. In 2019, more than
56,600 unborn babies were aborted in Texas, and about
85 percent happened after six weeks of pregnancy..."
However, this breakthrough
against legal abortion is causing Liberals to utter some
wild and unsubstantiated accusations, demonstrating the
complete lack of clarity on this issue.
MSNBC anchor says
that anyone who opposes abortion is a domestic terrorist!
Says Pro-Life Americans are Like Suicide Bombers Because
They Oppose Abortion",, August 30, 2021
"On Saturday’s
PoliticsNation show, MSNBC again showed its hostility
to pro-lifers when host Al Sharpton allowed a guest to
ridiculously liken opponents of abortion to “suicide
bombers.” Here’s the full quote: ” What
it reminds me of quite honestly is a suicide bomber, someone
who feels like they have the right and the moral duty
to mess up somebody else’s life for the greater
What does all this mean?
entitled, "America
Has Now Murdered 50 Million Babies Through Abortion!"
Remember, the Illuminati
is practicing powerful Witchcraft, the highest level on
Earth. They firmly believe that Lord Satan requires huge
amounts of blood sacrifice. he Guiding Spirits of the
Illuminati have long stated that the Satanic Kingdom of
Antichrist and his False Prophet ( New World Order) can
be brought into existence only through the shedding of
rivers of blood sacrifice created by the wanton slaughter
of tens of millions of human lives.
What constitutes an acceptable
human sacrifice to Lord Satan?
* Wars certainly count --
The 20th Century was the most bloody in all of human history
because that was the century during which the Illuminati
launched their final drive to achieve the Kingdom of their
Masonic Christ. Masonic leader, Albert Pike, received
a demonic vision from his Guiding Spirit as to how Antichrist
would be brought to the world scene. We report this plan
NEWS1015, entitled, "The Incredible Satanic Vision".
Does abortion count as human
sacrifice in Satan's eyes? Does the blood of innocent
babies dying within the womb count as blood sacrifices
which will enhance the appearance of Antichrist?
Abortion plays a large role
in the Illuminati. I asked former Black Magick Satanist,
Doc Marquis, how Satanists view abortion. Satanists view
human sacrifice as the ultimate sacrifice to Lord Satan,
and the younger the victim, the more precious, and powerful,
the sacrifice. Thus it was, in 1986, the TV documentary
program, "20-20", aired a segment on Satanism
in America today. One of the last parts of this segment
showed women who were Satanists, and obviously pregnant.
They said they were giving birth to these babies for the
express purpose of sacrificing their infants to Satan.
I was not surprised because I had run into this practice
in my research into the occult.
So, I asked Marquis, "If
a sacrifice increases in power and preciousness the younger
the victim is, how does a Satanist view aborted babies."?
He looked at me deadpan, and said, "Satanists view
aborted babies as THE most powerful human sacrifice possible."
The monumental numbers of
tiny innocent babies bloodily slaughtered with the womb
of the mother may count higher than any other method of
blood sacrifice known to man!
Antichrist cannot arise
until bloody human sacrifice reaches a level sufficient
to bring him to the world.
Now, can you see why Leftist
/ Democrats are so adamant about continuing abortion?
BOOKLETS - Still Only $1.95
Qur'an or the Bible"
One Has the Authentic Account?
How important is
God's Bible to Him? Listen: 'If any man shall add unto
these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that
are written in this book: And if any man shall take away
from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall
take away his part out of the book of life, and out of
the holy city, and from the things which are written in
this book." (Revelation 22:18-19)
But, Muslims teach
that: 1) Muhammad is the last and greatest prophet; 2)
The Qur'an (Koran) is Allah's final revelation sent down
to Muhammad; It has never changed.
Islam is the final
religion, based on Muhammad life and teachings and it
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Did Jesus have Mohammed
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New Age Paganism has overwhelmed
the world right now, permeating religion, education, politics
and the Media. This type of paganism is a rewritten religion
of the coming Biblical Antichrist.
As world events spiral out
of control, and the entire population of the earth moves
closer and closer to the prophesied 'Man of Sin who will
demand that mankind worship him under the penalty of death
to everyone who refuses to worship him through the Mark
of the Beast.
Mother Gaia is the most
powerful goddess in the world today and people are lining
up to give her their most reverent homage.
Since the entire pagan New
Age Movement worships the goddess, the entire world is
rushing after the goddess: From Entertainment, to Politics,
and to Sports, the goddess is predominate.
And, that is the way the
Paganism of the New Age of Antichrist will be.
And, when the False Religious
Prophet -- Roman Catholic Pope -- arises, he shall worship
the goddess, Virgin Mary!

from all 91 titles of these magnificent Booklets