President Biden uttered a goal
which sounds an awful lot like a 'Mark of the Beast'
See article #1 below
Tuesday, 8/29/2023
"And I saw when the Lamb
opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the
noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come
and see. And I saw, and behold
a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and
a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering,
and to conquer." (Revelation 6:1-2,
NOTE: This
prophetic figure is Antichrist!
His coming
is very close, indeed!!
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DVD Title
us from Evil - Rebellion 2- Birth of the Gods"
Part 2 --- "The
Birth of the gods"
In the Lord's Prayer,
Jesus specifically taught His disciples to pray, "...deliver
us from evil."
While we here in the United
States have enjoyed a relatively peaceful existence,
it seems that the Gates of Hell were opened in 2020,
and the citizens of this country (and all of humanity
for that matter) have been assaulted on every side by
the oppressive forces of evil from the spiritual realm.
It has gotten so bad that even secular individuals are
publicly proclaiming that we are under attack from evil
spiritual forces. Cutting Edge Ministries has produced
this teaching series to give all who are seeking the
truth answers as to where the attacks originate and
to provide a path for victory over Evil.
Part 1 of the series we began examining the first
of 3 rebellions found in Genesis 1-11 that unleashed
the forces of evil upon the world and mankind. In Part
2, we will study the rebellion of the "sons of
God" found in Genesis chapter 6. We will learn
the identity of these sons of God and the profound and
ominous effect this rebellion had on humanity. We will
discover how this rebellion was part of a diabolical
plan to annihilate the human race, and how the Flood
was actually the event that saved mankind. We will lay
the groundwork to understand how this series of events
actually "gave birth" to the spiritual entities
that would subsequently be worshipped as what we today
would call pagan gods.
As we continue into Part
3, we will be able to see how the entities birthed in
this segment initiated the plague of evil forces still
working in today's world. The good news is that we will
detail in subsequent installments the reversal of those
rebellions in the New Testament, and piece together
the puzzle that will reveal exactly what we are facing
Please stay with us for
the entire series, as there is much to be learned and
applied to give Bible-believing individuals the biblical
path to deliverance from the evil entities that are
attacking mankind today.
- Run Time: 1 hour 20 min
NOTE: This video presentation
is available on DVD or Flash Drive.
New Bookstore
the Lord's Prayer, Jesus specifically taught His disciples
to pray, "...deliver us from evil."
While we here
in the United States have enjoyed a relatively peaceful
existence, it seems that the Gates of Hell were opened
in 2020, and the citizens of this country (and all of
humanity for that matter) have been assaulted on every
side by the oppressive forces of evil from the spiritual
realm. It has gotten so bad that even secular
individuals are publicly proclaiming that we are under
attack from evil spiritual forces. Cutting Edge
Ministries has produced this teaching series to give
all who are seeking the truth answers as to where the
attacks originate and to provide a path for victory
over Evil.
This first installment
introduces the student to the issues and opens the Word
of God to educate as to the origins of the evil perpetrated
on mankind. In this first lesson, we will look at the
biblical accounts of primordial evil that picture Leviathan
and other dragon-like representations of evil forces
named in Scripture. We will then look at the first
rebellion outlined in the Bible with the Fall of Satan
and the Fall of Man.
Run Time 1 hour 54 minutes Watch
- Summary:
Enemies Within: The Church is an educational, historical,
and evidence-based movie experience that provokes a
passionate return to orthodox Christian faithfulness
across the western world. As is necessary for such a
wonderful turn toward Christ, the movie heralds a clarion
call for Christians to turn away from popular, yet errant
beliefs held in contradiction to carefully interpreted
Holy Scriptures. - Run Time 2 hours 20 minutes
About the Film Enemies Within: The Church
is much more than a mere movie. It is also an invitation
for believers of every denominational stripe to employ
a proven Biblical recipe capable of producing restored
strength and blessing for all who answer. Specifically,
the movie encourages the Church to cleanse itself from
contamination imposed by cultural Marxism and a heretical
teaching known as “The Social Justice Gospel.”
By hearing the exchanges between the movie's host and
experts interviewed around the world, viewers are provided
with a bright light shining upon truths formerly hidden
behind the shadows of shallow pop-culture.
In the end, the audience is pointed toward
a hope- filled and practical action plan that produces
solutions found only in and through the royal Law of
Christ. The movie elucidates the fact that every single
problem faced by western civilization is, ultimately,
a theological problem, and every solution to every problem
is a theological absolute. It answers the question:
“What happened to living, powerful, trans formative,
nation- shaking Christianity?”
Full Description
Two New 'To
The Point' Book Titles - Hell Draweth Nigh!!
World Order- Worlds in Collision and The Rebirth of
Liberty "
Leading the charge are
the political-left factions of progressives, liberals,
and globalists. They are obsessed with merging ancient
paganism into modern technology to excise God’s
created order via the Great Reset. Even the biological
order the Creator determined is under assault from the
human and demonic powers and principalities of Ephesians
Book, 285 Pages, Only
$19.95 -
We Stand" Book
$21.95, On Sale $19.95
The ideological left is
transforming America into something our founders never
In divided America, it
means identity consciousness reigns as we become polarized
by calls for diversity, equity, and inclusion; that
radical view is echoed by the intimidated business world,
most media, the corrupted education establishment, and
especially the deep-state big government.
Behind the veil of massive
corruption, polarization is tearing at our foundation
at the hands of the big egos of the rich and powerful?especially
their evil agent, Satan.
323 Pages -
You Spiritually Ready
Important News Articles - Analysis
1. President Biden
uttered a goal which sounds an awful lot like a 'Mark
of the Beast' pronouncement!
pushes Congress to fund NEW Covid vaccine",
BPR News, August 27, 2023
"President Joe Biden
admitted on Friday that he’s interested in producing
a new COVID vaccine and potentially forcing everybody
to receive it. He offered up the bombshell admission
after being asked during a press gaggle whether he could
say anything 'about the uptick of COVID cases and the
new variant'.”
His attitude tells
Bible-literate citizens that his government fully intends
to force everyone to take the vaccine/Mark!
Just as we stated repeatedly
during the COVIID-19 dry run, we were exposed to a test
for the ultimate 'Mark of the Beast'. The only element
not present in the COVID-19 was the willingness to see
the sovereign government FORCE people to allow the 'Mark'.
But, now we have the hint
of forced implementation.
Spreading the Scare:
president’s remarks nevertheless came amid a flurry
of reports about a mutated new COVID variant, BA.2.86,
that has begun spreading in the United States ... 'highly
mutated variant was spotted spreading in multiple countries
around the world and at least three different U.S. states',”
Another forced
Lockdown and anothr forced
Mask Mandate!
"His (Biden) remarks
likewise came amid a flurry of growing speculation that
lockdowns and mask mandates may soon be returning ..
Sources in DHS and Emergency Management (my field) are
already preparing for lockdowns and restrictions. It’s
a coordinated government & media campaign."
Now, we have the beginnings
of a new mandated campaign to bring back those awful
masks which did not stop the spread of disease, were
uncomfortable to wear and unhealthy as exhaled Carbon
Dioxide is not good for anyone's health.
"The WHO, CDC, Biden
Admin are fear mongering a new COVID variant BA.2.86
after highly mutated strain reported in Michigan."
is why People Obey Democrats: So More Fear is on
the Way", The New American, August
22, 2023
"Liberals and their
media are up to it again. They want to bring back covid
restrictions, and their only way is through fear. But
if just 30% show no fear, they lose."
These "Signs of the
Time" are multiplying mightily, and the "Mark
of the Beast" is one of them. For a fresh, Biblical
look at the "Mark" please take a few moments
to read,
"Fresh Unique Look At The "Mark of the Beast"
- From A Witchcraft Perspective",
Jesus' words are ringing
down through the centuries:
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look
up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth
nigh." (Luke 21:28, KJV)
2. 'Sleepy Joe'
robotly mails it in -- like a talking robot.
Joe Mails It In",
American Greatness. August 28, 2023
"During my visit,
I happened to catch Joe Biden’s speech about the
Maui wildfires. It was shockingly bad. His delivery
was lethargic and disinterested. His mumbling and inconsistent
dropping of syllables reminded me of a kid struggling
with third-grade phonics. He read off his notes, kept
his head down, and did not emphasize anything appropriately."
Someone is forcing
Joe to pretend he cares.
"Heroically giving
up a day of vacation, he gave the impression of someone
who was forced to pretend to care. This dreadful scene
highlighted his earlier, insulting offer of $700 to
displaced families, a pittance compared to their needs,
and a mere fraction of the billions we have sent to
And, Biden turned inward,
to nasty, revolting narcissism.
"As usual, Biden
made these events about him. This is a narcissist’s
way of mimicking empathy. “Oh something bad happened
to you, well something equally bad—worse actually—happened
to me!” He thought a minor house fire, in which
he almost lost his beloved Corvette, equaled the pain
of people who just lost their homes and kids."
His character is exposed
and besmirched:
"Biden’s most
notable quality is not his empathy but his low and venal
character. He has taken bribes on a grand scale. He
has lied about the bribes and the role of his self-destructive
son in securing them. He lied about his son’s
love-child. He has lied about his eldest son, Beau,
who died of cancer, suggesting he actually died in Iraq.
He lied about his resume and plagiarized a speech during
his 1987 presidential campaign, which lead to him dropping
out in disgrace."
3. Global Christianity
is a credible global force with whom the Global Elite
are being forced to deal.
NEWS BRIEF: "Christianity
and the Globalist Agenda",
American Greatness, August 28, 2023
"When God tells you
what to do you cannot hesitate.
– “Vampiro,” played by Bill Camp,
in the Movie “Sound of Freedom“
"The power of these
10 words threatens the most powerful individuals and
institutions on the planet, and what might otherwise
be their total control over governments. These words
express a principle that an authoritarian government
cannot tolerate. They proclaim “Government is
not the ultimate sovereign. God is the ultimate sovereign.
And if you challenge my God and make me choose, I will
obey God, and I will defy you.”
The original Apostles
were much bold :
"But ye denied the
Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be
granted unto you; And killed the Prince of life, whom
God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses
... " (Acts 3:14-15, KJV)
"And they called
them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach
in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and
said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of
God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye."
(Acts 4:19)
When Christians
believe something is wrong, they will take action to
change it.
And, they are
willing to be martyred defending their Lord's honor!
Sheer numbers
dictate that all this actions by the
Biden Administration are taken so that, after the Rapture,
events can start tumbling out on to the world.
4. The time has
arrived to destroy America!
for the Destruction of America",
Canada Free Press, August 28, 2023
"The multiple destructive
acts by the Progressive Left have accelerated rapidly.
The goal is to cause so much destruction, so much chaos,
that the country will soon be beyond recovery. They
know that they have a hard deadline of the 2024 elections,
but they don't intend to wait that long."
We have long maintained
that, when the time comes for the final destruction
of America comes, the Elite will act quickly and with
ruthless force. That scenario is now at hand!
"From its earliest
days, America has been both a Christian nation and a
Capitalist nation. The Progressive Left has long recognized
the need to destroy those two roots in order to accomplish
their goals of transformation and totalitarian control."
Since God created the
concept of ownership of Private Property, the Atheistic
Left wants very much to destroy this bedrock principle
"Like the
Wizard of Oz, the Progressives are not powerful enough
yet to survive if the curtain is pulled back too soon"
"The Progressive
Left puts forth its fantasies that they will create
a perfect society where everyone is equal and will share
equally in the nation's wealth ..."
Communism announced that
they intended to create the "New Man", whereas
current Leftism intends to create the "Perfect"
Man. The Gnostics exhibited the same arrogance which
Albert Pike exhibited in 'Morals and Dogma' when he
proclaimed that only men of the advanced degrees could
REALLY know the truth, and that all other members and
nonmembers were to be lied to! Likewise the Gnostics
believed that only they could know the inner, hidden
spiritual truths. Like all occultists, Gnostics limited
their "perfect" and "full" spiritual
knowledge only to the "initiated". ["Be
Complete", by Warren W. Wiersbe, Victor Books,
Wheaton, IL, 1981, ISBN 0-89693-726-7, p. 10-11]
Now, the ultimate
aim is for people to be a more Perfected Man!
But, as Russian and Chinese
Communists discovered, they had to murder about 300
million people in order to eradicate all imperfect people.
What do you think the current crop of New Age Communists
have in mind when they radically promote the land-clearing
agenda known as "Re-wilding"!
5. Illogically,
leftist radicals are demonstrating their lust for murdering
unborn infants within the womb.
Jr. drops vaccine truth bombs on Fox News, hitting Fauci
hard", World Net Daily, July 11, 2023
vaccines are exempt from pre-licensing placebo controlled
trials so "There’s no way that anybody can
tell the risk profile"