Tuesday, 8/20/2019
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Safely Passing
Through Tribulation Storms - DVD's

Headline News
1. Soberly consider
the insidiously sinful and murderous agenda of the Democrat
Party since Hillary lost the 2016 election.
This agenda will
become America once the Rapture of the Church occurs!
2. Suddenly, top
Israeli politicians are stridently trying to top the
other in their stated plans to hit Hamas in Gaza the
Meanwhile, Hamas
is weaponizing the Friday protests at the Gaza wall
3. "Truth
is not what is; truth is what people perceive it to
be"! (Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels, master
Leftist Democrats
are planning to turn our magnificent economy into a
powerful weapon against President Trump in the 2020

the Truth and Direction of the Word of God" DVD
2 - Are We Building The Kingdom of God?
This DVD contains
the second installment of a study of the Kingdom of
God that traverses the entirety of Scripture. As the
study continues from Disc 1, we will be looking into
the Word of God to ascertain the role of todays Christians
in the construction of Gods Kingdom.
* We will discuss
the New Covenant that God will make with the House of
Israel as introduced by the prophet Jeremiah.
* We will then
conclude the study in the Old Testament with a summation
that lays the groundwork for and foretells of the coming
Messiah, King of Israel, that will rule over the entire
earth---both Jews and Gentiles.
* The Gospel of
Matthew presents Jesus as the King for whom the Jews
have long been awaiting
* We will learn
of Jesus' bona fide offer of the Kingdom to First Century
Israel, their rejection of the Kingdom, and their execution
of their King.
* We will traverse
a path that reveals the mysteries of the parables into
the book of Acts, and ultimately to the Book of Revelation---the
book that details the Kingdom of God on Earth.
* We study the
misapplication of Scripture, the perverting of Scripture,
and the outright redaction of the Inspired Word of God
that is leading to a general gross misunderstanding
of the Kingdom of God in the Church Age.
This message will
prove to be indispensable to your understanding of Jesus'
role in the foretold Millennial Reign. Run Time 1 hour
50 minutes.
Only $19.99, Will
be shipping July 25 --

We Building The Kingdom of God? Vol 1 DVD
Mac Dominick
* What is the Kingdom
of God?
* Who are the Watchers
and the sons of God
and how do they fit in with Building the Kingdom of
* Are we now living in the Kingdom of God?
* Is the Church the Kingdom of God?
This study begins before Genesis, in Eternity Past,
and continues through the Book of Revelation, and will
be absolutely critical in maturing your faith at this
End of the Age.
Isaiah 9:6-7 is the logical
starting point for this study. Jesus Christ is revealed
* The coming ruler of World Government.
* His government shall rule from Jerusalem from the
lineage of the Throne of David.
* His government shall rule FOREVER.
* He shall be Mighty God.
* He shall rule with eternal Justice and Peace.
* Christians today must
focus their gaze upon this final wonderful ruler and
His kingdom, because this world is going to have to
go through an unparalleled tyrannical kingdom of Antichrist
and of God's judgment upon all mankind. No matter how
awful events are going to get, remember, you are not
home yet!
In the ultimate analysis,
who builds God's Kingdom on Earth? Human Church leaders
or Jesus Christ?
Only $19.99, 2 hours long

Critical News
Analysis -- End of the Age
1. Soberly consider
the insidiously sinful and murderous agenda of the Democrat
Party since Hillary lost the 2016 election.
* Party is powerfully
pro-Abortion, including the murder of normal babies
out of the womb (Infanticide).
The Party has
actually invited any pro-Life voter to leave the Party
* Party is turning
against Israel and toward the murderous Palestinians
in such a way that significant numbers of American Jews
are either not going to vote in 2020 or vote for Trump.
If Democrat Party's anti-Israel
policy becomes American Government policy, God's curse
will then fall upon this once-great nation.
"And I will bless
them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee."
(Genesis 12:3, KJV)
* Party is championing
ridiculous far-Leftist ideas:
** Green Deal
- This radical plan to destroy America cost the Democrats
a seat in Los Angelas, of all places:
"Voters Defeat ‘Green New Deal’ Advocate
in Los Angeles City Council Race",
Breitbart News, 15 August 2019
"Republican John
Lee defeated Democrat Loraine Lundquist on Tuesday in
a special election for a vacant northwest San Fernando
Valley seat on the Los Angeles City Council in which
the Democrat backed L.A.’s version of the “Green
New Deal.”
Listen to the radical
elements of this proposed " L.A. version of the
'Green New Deal'.”
* "... shutter three
natural gas power plants and replace them with wind
and solar power" - " officials said that would
be insufficient for the city’s needs."
* "... weaning the
city off of fossil fuels."
* "... doing away
with automobiles..."
* "... U.S. to move
to 100% renewable energy sources by 2030."
This district is usually
so far Left that it is considered a safe Democrat seat.
But, the times, they are a'changin'"!
** Climate Change
** Repealing Trump's
tax cuts and raising taxes as high as 75%
** Seizure of
all guns -- Never forget what Adolf Hitler said, "“To
conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.”
Reads", Adolf Hitler)
** Massive reparations
to African-Americans and to Native Americans
** Free Health
Care for all, including illegal immigrants
** Free college
** Dismantling
our proven, prosperous Capitalism and replacing it with
a combination Socialist / Communist system. In the guise
of "caring" for the downtrodden, these Leftists
will destroy America, from within!
** Throwing our
borders wide open to the point of stopping border controls
** Reimposing
global institutions which encourage businesses to ship
American jobs overseas.
Rips Wall Street Journal",
Breitbart News, 15 August 2019
" 'The Wall Street
Journal editorial board and some others continue to
publish foolish articles that demonstrate that they
understand nothing about trade or business', Trump said.
To be sure, Conventional
Wisdom has always taught that Trade Wars and Trade barriers
always backfire economically, producing recession and
economic doom every single time. Obviously, President
Trump is proving that this Wisdom is totally incorrect.
"He boasted that
he was the first modern American president to try to
fix the trade imbalances with foreign countries. 'The
fact is, the leaders in my position, they did not do
a damn thing, they didn’t talk', Trump said. 'Past
leaders followed the terrible advice of these editorial
boards that are frankly totally inexperienced in business
I guess, and our industries were utterly devastated'.”
My 35 years of research
into the planned New World Order h as revealed that
American leaders following World War II looked upon
the giant American "King Kong" and concluded
that no global government and global economy could be
established as long as one of the nations was a giant
Therefore, special plans
were laid to systemtically reduce King Kong to a nation
no more powerful than any other in the world. Therefore,
our leaders took the following actions:
* Embroiled America in
wars we never intended to win, Korean War, Vietnam War,
invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq are good examples.
Trillions of dollars and tens of thousands of American
lives were lost -- for no good reason.
* Signed global "Free
Trade" agreements which shipped entire factories
As President Trump
so succinctly stated, "I am president of the United
States of America and not the president of the world”.
Therein lies the
conflict between President Trump's Republican Party
and the Globalist Democrats!
to the original plan for overthrowing our existing system
and establishing the Global New world Order.
"The secret societies
were planning as far back as 1917 to invent an artificial
threat ... in order to bring humanity together in a
one-world government which they call the New World Order."
[William Cooper, "Behold A Pale Horse", p.
Notice the word,
All elements of this Democrat
plan are invented, pulled out of thin air!
"When we come into
our kingdom, our orators will expound great problems
which have turned humanity upside down in order to bring
it, at the end, under our beneficent rule. Who will
ever suspect, then, that all these peoples were stage-managed
by us according to a political plan which no one has
so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?"
[End of Protocol No. 13. printed by William Cooper,
"Behold A Pale Horse", p. 303]
The appearance of so many
orators expounding daily their tired diatribe of disasters
which are about to befall us if we vote Republican is
a sure sign that the time for bringing the world into
the New World Order -- the Kingdom of Antichrist --
is almost here.
To sum up, the Democrat
Party has become the Party of Death!
This agenda will
become America once the Rapture of the Church occurs!
2. Suddenly, top
Israeli politicians are stridently trying to top the
other in their stated plans to hit Hamas in Gaza the
NEWS BRIEF: "Netanyahu:
'If necessary, we will begin a war in Gaza',
" Israel National News, August 18, 2019
"Israeli Prime Minister
Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday afternoon promised to begin
a military operation in Gaza if the situation demanded
it ... I heard people saying that I'm avoiding a wide
scale operation in Gaza because of the elections,"
Netanyahu said. "That's not true. Anyone who knows
me knows that my considerations are practical and relevant."
" 'If the situation
demands it, we will begin a wide scale operation regardless
of the elections'."
" 'We are taking
every action necessary and the other side feels the
strength of our arms'."
Two days later, the Prime
Minister delivered a strong message against Hamas again.
Israel ready to deal Hamas massive military blow",
Israel Hayom, August 20, 2019
"“I am preparing
a massive campaign; it will be different than anything
we have seen before,” Netanyahu said. “I
cannot elaborate on the preparations but we are properly
positioned for such a scenario.”
Now, listen to PM Netanyahu's
chief opponent in the September 17 election:
NEWS BRIEF: "Israel’s
Gantz: Netanyahu weak on Gaza",
Middle East Monitor, August 17, 2019
"Benny Gantz, the
leader of the main Israeli opposition party Blue and
White (Kahol Lavan), yesterday slammed Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as 'weak' in the face of
Gaza resistance ... Deterrence has been replaced by
a stuttering that does not make use of Israel’s
offensive power,” he said.
"Gantz added: 'The
implications of the policies that the prime minister
is leading are also spreading to other regions and arenas,”
referring to Israel’s longstanding foe Iran'."
Finally, the mayor of
the town, Sderot weighs in, adding strong rhetoric to
this bond fire.
Mayor: 'Large military operation
needed to eliminate Hamas", Israel
National News, August 19, 2019
"Sderot Mayor Alon
Davidi on Sunday morning reiterated his call for a large-scale
military operation against the Hamas terrorist organization
which rules the Gaza Strip in response to the rocket
fire over the weekend. 'A wide-scale operation must
be launched now to eradicate Hamas. We cannot wait for
another time. Only force can stop them', Davidi said
in an interview..."
It sounds to me that the
military and political leaders of Israel have already
decided to go to massive war against the Palestinians
governed by the Hamas terrorist government, and are
now trying to sound the toughest in the political arena.
NEWS BRIEF: "Palestinian
rocket from Gaza lands in the yard of a Sderot home",
DEBKAfile News, August 17, 2019
"Palestinian terrorists
in Gaza aimed three rockets at the S. Israel town of
Sderot Saturday night. Two were intercepted by Iron
Dome; a third dropped into the yard of a home in Sderot,
causing damage to furniture in several homes on the
same street ... For the past two weeks, Palestinian
terrorist attacks on Israel have been escalating in
the south, in Jerusalem and at Gush Etzion."
Meanwhile, Hamas
is weaponizing the Friday protests at the Gaza wall
drafting Gazans for border protests",
Israel National News, 8/19/2019
"The Hamas terror
movement announced a general draft in preparation for
the weekly "March of Return" riots held each
Friday. The draft, which has been named, 'Responding
to the call of Al-Aqsa', aims to show Gazans' commitment
to 'protecting Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque'."
"... the organization
is looking to enlist people for all positions, from
lowest to most senior, and aims to present a strong
stance against the 'Zionist and American' plans "
In other words, both sides
are publicly making plans to wage all-out war.
3. "Truth
is not what is; truth is what people perceive it to
be"! (Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels, master
Democrats are planning to twist our magnificent economy
into a powerful weapon against President Trump in the
2020 Election.
Of America’s Economic Demise Greatly Exaggerated:
Democrat 2020 Election Ploy", Liberty
Nation, August 16, 2019
"Leftists had that
thrill up their leg again, unseen since the election
of President Barack Obama ... many people who wish the
economy would collapse to own President Donald Trump
had stars in their eyes when learning of a recent and
historic market event. But, much like the results of
the 2016 election, the left will likely be disappointed
yet again when they find out that nothing will come
of the inverted yield curve this time. Well, there is
always Russia to fall back on if a recession doesn’t
"As the old adage
goes, though, the times they are a-changin’."
Ruhle: A Recession Would Be ‘Normal’ and
‘OK’, Breitbart News, 19 August
"Monday amid rumblings
of the United States facing a potential recession, 'MSNBC
Live' commentator Stephanie Ruhle defended recessions,
calling them 'a normal part of economic activity'.While
the White House is shooting down the notion of an upcoming
recession, Ruhle declared it “about time we get
a recession.”
Notice that Ruhle did
not even mention the effect of a recession upon wage
earners, nor did she even speak to the impact upon the
poor and the illegal immigrant. Of course, recessions
are "OK" to a person like Stephanie Ruhle,
who earns
$500,000 per year and whose net worth is $5,000,000
(Five Million Dollars!)
The idea that the Democrat
Party is the party whose interest is the well-being
of the poor and the disadvantaged citizen is once again
shown to be a total LIE!
NEWS BRIEF: "There's
no economic data to suggest a recession:
The only fear we have is fear
of RECESSION", Fox News, August
19, 2019
"The only fear we
have is the fear of recession." (Bank of America
"There is no economic
data out there which suggests that we are on the cusp
of a recession ... retail sales soar ... Earnings report
from Wal-Mart which is absolutely remarkable ... There
seems to be a deliberate attempt by many to make this
economy seem to be ready to slide into a recession."
Larry Kudlow, White House
economic adviser, stated strongly and energetically:
"Consumers are working
at much higher wages...."
"Consumers are spending..."
"Consumers are saving"
Rush Limbaugh had a very
interesting angle on this story of recession:
NEWS BRIEF: "Limbaugh:
Recent Market Turmoil a ‘Dry Run’ at a Recession
Scare Before 2020 Election",
Breitbart News, 15 August 2019
"According to Limbaugh,
there could be an effort shortly before the 2020 presidential
election to create a sense of fear about the economy
and the potential for a recession to prevent President
Donald Trump’s reelection."
Remember, this inverted
curve report lasted only for 24 hours and then returned
to normal!
Rush believed this inverted
curve lie was a "dry run" for the 2020 Presidential
"The recession was
all over the news yesterday. It was all anybody was
talking about. It was panic city ... It was get-out-of-America.
It was over. We had it. Finally, we’re going to
get rid of Trump."
"... this is what
pushback looks like. And Trump is not just pushing back
against the Washington establishment. Donald Trump is
pushing back against a globalist elite whose express
purpose is to eliminate the concept of national sovereignty."
"So I’ll tell
you what I think yesterday was. Are you ready? I think
yesterday was a dry run. I think yesterday was a dry
run for later on in the election season. I think they
wanted to see how they could succeed, if they could
succeed, in causing the bottom to fall out of Trump
public opinion by claiming that Trump’s policies
are destroying the United States economy."
Trump may be the only
leader who can fulfill these prophecies in America today.
President Trump does not realize it, but he has
'An Appointment With Destiny', a favorite
term uttered many times by 33rd Degree Masonic President,
Franklin Roosevelt, referring to the New Age / Masonic
Messiah, whom the Bible calls Antichrist.
Listen to this prophecy
and you will see how it truly applies to America today,
under President Donald Trump: