Now Is The Time For God's People To Separate---
"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying,
Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers
of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."
(Rev 18: 4)
Common Core is a deficient education
designed to produce the "Common Herd" work
force for the New World Order.
1. Saudi
stocks enter into "Death Cross" territory!
Arabia has started a war she cannot win and cannot finish;
the planned emasculation of the Desert Kingdom as depicted
in the 2006
Pentagon Middle East Map is underway.
2. Reporter
Bob Woodward compares Hillary's email fiasco to the Nixon
Tape disaster!
can ill afford being linked to the Nixon deception in voter's
3. President
Obama continues to lead America into the New Sodom and Gomorrah.
He hires
the first Transgender White House official.
4. Other
signs America is moving toward total acceptance of homosexuality:
* Public
Schools are becoming more "gender-inclusive"
* Target
is removing all gender signs from its toy aisles, while toy
manufacturers are going "gender-neutral".
5. Is
Trump the strong, authoritative leader that Conservatives
have always wanted?
Dr. Kevin
Clarkson, of Prophecy In The News, and David Bay of
Cutting Edge Ministries, discuss in depth the process
of over throwing Saudi Arabia's brutal dictatorship
in the new Cutting Edge Films DVD - 'BRINGING
Saudi stocks enter into "Death Cross" territory!
Arabia has started a war she cannot win and cannot finish;
the planned emasculation of the Desert Kingdom as depicted
in the 2006
Pentagon Middle East Map is underway.
"Investors sold Saudi Arabian stocks
after an International Monetary Fund warning of slowing
growth in the Middle East’s biggest economy tipped
the equity index into a so-called death cross. Dubai’s
shares also slumped."
When you examine the 2006
Pentagon Middle East Mapwill
realize that the planned political, religious, and economic
system now operating within the Middle East is going to
tip away from the current dominant players and toward peoples
now shut out of the system.
For example:
Iraq - this map depicts Iraq being split into three distinct
a) "Free Kurdistan" in northern
b) Sunni Iraq in the south-western sector
c) Shia or Shi'ite Iraq in the south-eastern
sector, with Basra as the capital
2) Saudi Arabia
This nominal American ally suffers grievous
loss of territory according to President Bush's new map.
She gives up land on all parts of her current border.
* She gives up land on the Red Sea so Jordan
can be expanded
* She gives up land on the Persian Gulf so
Iraq's Shia State can be created
* She gives up land to the south so Yemen
can be expanded.
if this map is implemented, Saudi Arabia will
be stripped of almost all her access to the ocean -- both
on the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf! This reality must mean
that some other nation is going to control Saudi Arabia's
oil export terminals! Most shockingly, Saudi Arabia is going
to be stripped of all management and control over the Islamic
Sacred Sites! I cannot imagine any Saudi leader voluntarily
giving up control of the Islamic sacred sites!
And, who is planned to take control of the
Islamic Holy Sites? Iran. Hated Iran.
What this map depicts is a shift from Sunni
dominance to Shi'ite dominance. Saudi Arabia is the undisputed
leader of Sunni Islam while Iran is the leader of the Shi'ites.
Beginning nearly ten years ago, we noted that, for some
reason, President Bush was tilting toward Shi'ite and away
from Sunni. But, once this 2006 Middle East Map became public,
we could see that the Elite has planned to bring Sunni down
and elevate Shi'ite.
For the first time ever, we have seen the
word, "death cross" applied economically to Saudi
Arabia. This Desert Kingdom has started a war she cannot
win and cannot finish. Her enemies will complete her dismemberment,
according to this map
NOTE: News Alert continues after
the advertisement, below
Prophecies Churches Are Ignoring - DVD Combo by David
Bay - Volume 1 which contains 3 DVDs with our first
six programs.
Here are the six hot topics:
• The Prophetic Beast Arises: Ten Toes of Daniel
Are Forming
• Rapture Precedes Israels Final 'WEEK' of
• Eternal Security: God's Anchor In A Brutal
• End Times' Judgment On Iraq (Babylon) Worse
Than Believed Possible - Isaiah 13
• Israel's Prophesied Annihilation of the Palestinians
• America Identified In Prophecy: Economic
Babylon of Revelation 18
"Bob Woodward, The Washington Post journalist
who helped expose President Richard Nixon’s Watergate
scandal, told MSNBC’s 'Morning Joe' on Monday that
Hillary Clinton’s private emails being erased 'reminds
me of the Nixon tapes'.”
Bob Woodward has just delivered a huge blow
against the credibility of Hillary Clinton. No politician
ever wants to be associated in any way to smiling "Tricky
Dick Nixon". The more President Nixon refused to turn
over the recorded Oval Office tapes to investigators, the
more people believed that these tapes were damning. And,
they were right. These tape recordings proved that Nixon
was leading the cover-up and that he knew about it from
the beginning of the Watergate break-in.
Richard Nixon resigned soon after he was forced
to release the tapes.
Now, Bob Woodward has just linked Hillary's
classified email disaster to the Nixon tape recordings!
" So if things have been erased here,
there’s a way to go back to who originated these e-mails
or who received them from Hillary Clinton,” Woodward
responded. 'So you’ve got a massive amount of data.
It, in a way, reminds me of the Nixon tapes — thousands
of hours of secretly recorded conversations that Nixon thought
were exclusively hers… his ... Hillary Clinton initially
took that position. I’m not turning this over. There’s
going to be no cooperation', he added. 'Now they’re
cooperating. But, this is — this has to go on a long,
long time. And the answers are probably not going to be
Richard Nixon, meet Hillary Clinton -- your
soul mate?
NOTE: News Alert continues after
the advertisement, below
Your understanding of the Gospel account
will change forever! Once you understand the truth that
Jewish leaders who conspired to put Jesus on the cross were
practicing Satanists of a Secret Society.
This incredible DVD reveals that the
Pharisees and Sadducees who hated Jesus with an unnatural
hatred and provoked the Lord into uncharacteristic animosity
toward them, were secretly Satanists practicing what later
became known as the Cabala (Kabbala, Qabbala).
Now you will know why the Pharisees
killed Jesus even though they knew with 100% certainty that
He was the Promised Messiah. Now you will know why these
Jewish leaders looked at Jesus' miracles and concluded that
He was drawing His power from Beelzebub, one of Satan's
chief demons. When the Pharisees told the people that Jesus
did not possess inherent power, but was merely accessing
the power of Beelzebub,they caused Jesus to proclaim a brand
new type of sin, the 'Unpardonable Sin'!
This type of Satanism which the Pharisees
practiced is the major power behind the drive to the 'New
World Order', which is the 'Kingdom of Antichrist', and
is the Corner Stone of every major type of Satanism in the
past 2,500 years! Even Adolf Hitler loved and revered the
Cabala, even as he was plotting to slaughter all Jews.
"The first openly transgender White House
official started work Monday in the West Wing, a milestone
cheered by transgender rights activists and President Barack
Obama’s top aides. Raffi Freedman-Gurspan, who was
a policy adviser at the National Center for Transgender
Equality, was hired by Mr. Obama’s team as the director
of outreach and recruitment for the White House personnel
office. She started at the White House while Mr. Obama is
on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard ..."
Therefore, the President hired this transgender
staff official while voter's eyes and ears were focused
on personal vacations and on the President vacationing in
Martha's Vineyard. This timing is planned, so that the maximum
number of voters might never hear this news. But, LGTB activists
knew and were thrilled.
"The symbolic move is part of Mr. Obama’s
effort to advance sexual and gender-minority rights concerns
during his time in office. Mr. Obama has increasingly taken
action on the concerns of transgender Americans, which have
long been treated as peripheral to the broader gay rights
movement. He’s taken steps, including barring discrimination
against transgender government employees, and his administration
has advanced efforts to allow transgender military personnel
to serve openly."
Truly, President Obama is leading America
straight into the LGTB abyss that yawned before Sodom and
God's judgment awaits.
NOTE: News Alert continues after
the advertisement, below
Understanding World War III
War III: History's Greatest Lynchpin Event"
New DVD by David
In the minds of most people, two words
carry so much emotional baggage that people cringe
whenever they hear these Apocalyptic words. 1) Armageddon;
2) World War III.In the past 20 years, whenever a
battle begins in the Middle East or whenever a verbal
confrontation breaks out between major powers, 'gloom
and doom' scare-mongers immediately begin to shout
'World War III',much like a person yells 'FIRE' in
a crowded theater.
Bible prophecy reveals that Antichrist
will be produced on the world scene by a number of
signs, including 'wars and rumors of wars'. Demonic
familiar spirits told the Elite in 1870 that three
world wars will be needed to produce Antichrist. Make
no mistake about it: Antichrist will be produced by
World War III.
Therefore, the question of the hour
is, 'when will this global war begin' and 'what are
the signs it is about to commence'? Many major events
are planned to occur just as World War III begins.
Mankind will be systematically hit with unparalleled
disasters of every kind as this planned global war
unfolds. But, none of these events will occur until
the lynchpin called 'World War III' is pulled.
When the Global Elite pulls this lynchpin
event called World War III, events are going to be
unleashed in such severity and in such great numbers
the peoples of the world will not stand in awe, they
will panic and run for the hills. Jesus said that
'men's hearts shall fail them for fear', and the Elite
is creating just such climactic events which shall
not occur until the lynchpin known as 'World War III'
is pulled.
We will show you the 12 major disasters
the Elite has created and is waiting only for the
beginning of World War III to unleash them all, almost
at once. No one need fear that any of these disasters
will jump across the starting line ahead of time;
each awaits the 'pulling of the lynchpin', World War
"... It’s easy to create a classroom
where students aren’t limited based on gender stereotypes
and where all students can reach their full potential this
1. Avoid Using Gender to Divide and Address
Students ... instead of addressing your class using 'boys'
and 'girls', try something new. Words like 'friends', 'students'
or 'scholars' allow all students to feel included, expand
student vocabulary and model inclusive language and behavior
for other students and teachers."
2. Prepare for Teachable Moments
“He looks gay!”
“She dresses like a boy.”
"Sometimes students catch us off-guard
and it’s difficult to formulate the perfect response
to difficult questions or statements."
3. Allow Students and Their Families to Identify
Their Gender (or not)
"On paperwork, avoid asking students
to identify as male or female unless it is absolutely necessary.
If it is necessary for students and their families to do
so, consider adding a third write-in option for those who
have non-binary gender identities or to allow students to
elaborate if neither 'male' nor 'female' fit."
4. Develop a Gender Expansive Environment
-- "We know that conforming to traditional ideas of
masculinity and femininity can be limiting, not only to
transgender students, but to all students. Be mindful of
the ways you might be gender stereotyping students. "
our new DVD, shown left, we demonstrate that the pagan agenda
of "Common Core" make it absolutely essential
for Christian and Conservative parents to pull their children
our of public school. Common Core "dumbs down"
all students so they can be good "global citizens".
Now, we see that public schools are dramatically
shifting even further toward the public schools of Sodom
and Gomorrah. These ancient schools taught that homosexuality
is just as valid a lifestyle as is heterosexuality.
Sodom and Gomorrah schools certainly pulled
out all the stops in changing their attitude toward a more
"gender-neutral" curricula and general atmosphere.
These are somber times and only Bible-believing
citizens can see God's "handwriting on the wall".
What did God write on the wall condemning
the doomed Belshazzar, King of Babylon to death?
" 'Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin' - This
is the interpretation of the thing: Mene;
God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it.
Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
Peres; Thy
kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians."
America, thou are weighed in the balances
and art found wanting! Therefore, God will soon say to you
-- "... her sins have reached unto heaven, and God
hath remembered her iniquities ... Therefore shall her plagues
come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she
shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord
God who judgeth her." (Revelation 18: 5, 8)
NOTE: News Alert continues after the advertisement,
From Ancient Israel To Today. Warning to all
haters of Israel and the Jews: You are fighting 'Mission
Impossible", fighting against Omnipotent God!
Many Christians either do not understand the
historical miracle of Israel's rebirth or they mistakenly
believe that the Jews are no longer God's Chosen People,
that the re-establishment of Israel in 1948 has no prophetic
Historical fact records that Israel was out
of her land for 1,900 years. Israel's land was controlled
by a succession of Gentile powers during that long period
of time. At this point, Israel should never have been expected
to gain her land back, because no people who had ever been
out their land for several hundred years had ever regained
The rebirth of Israel in 1948 was truly an
historically unprecedented miracle of God, accomplished
against all historic odds.
God foretold in many places in both the Old
and New Testaments that He would tear Israel out her land
if she refused to obey His commandments but then he repeatedly
turned around and promised national restoration. A really
powerful Faith-Building study!
"To the surprise of many, Donald Trump
has fully registered with the FEC and surfaced as the early
leader for the Republicans ... University of Virginia political
scientist Larry Sabato, who has a very good crystal ball
for predicting presidential contenders and races ... Donald
Trump has emerged as America’s leading authoritarian
political figure, representative of a type of leadership
for which many Americans yearn."
Why should it surprise anyone that Conservative
Americans are yearning for a strong leader? After 8 years
of Clinton, who could only bomb an aspirin factory, and
of 6 dreary years of Barack Obama, anyone speaking strongly
and boldly about the issues Conservatives truly care about
would run away with the Republican election.
"Trump is far more aggressive in his
authoritarianism than his predecessors."
We do not if the Elite will allow Trump to
win the GOP nomination, but his bold, "take no prisoners"
approach is definitely resounding with tens of millions
of American Conservatives!
DVD Titles
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse"
4-DVD Set - by Dr. Chuck Missler
$79.95 if bought separately;
Only $49.95 for this Combo Offer
- YOU Save $30
They have become a popular idiom even
in secular literature, in connotative terms, of the "End
Times". However, Biblically, they speak specifically
of real events that will characterize an actual period of
time that will appear in the future.
Will that occur in our lifetime? How
do we know?
Do we need to prepare in some way?
Or are there specific steps we should be taking?
This collection is approximately 8
hours and includes all of these great studies:
1) Behold a White Horse: The Coming World Leader
2) Behold a Red Horse: Wars and Rumors of Wars
3) Behold a Black Horse: Economic Upheaval and Famine
4) Behold a Livid Horse: Emergent Diseases and Biochemical
Save $30 by buying this Combination
Offer, 8 hours on 4 disks