Critical News
Analysis -- End of the Age
Did the Democrat National Nominating
Convention last night seal the victory for President
This Real? Why Some Are Calling
the DNC Outro Monday Night 'The Moment Trump Won Re-Election'",
Townhall Editorial, August 18, 2020
"Did two hours of
watching the Democratic National Convention cause me
to lose my mind? "
Consider some of the rhetorical
disasters which plagued this Democrat nominating convention.
* "President Trump
was blamed by one woman for causing her father's death
from COVID. Yeah, she used his dead body to score political
* "Bernie tried to
get the progressive base excited for Joe; it wasn't
* "And then we have
the loser brigade, some no-name Republicans who are
throwing their support behind Joe Biden. "
I want to stop here to
make a point. All "Never Trump" people are
not patriotic Americans; they are Globalists whose allegiance
is to the Global Dictatorship known as the New World
Order. This fact is the reason Democrat leadership is
willing to sacrifice their part's 2020 election if their
defeat means that Trump can be popular enough after
re-election to persuade Americans to surrender her National
Sovereignty to the Regional Government known as the
North American Union.
Everyone who watched
this horror show last night was filled to the brim with
fear, hatred and 'bigotry disguised as charity'!
NEWS BRIEF: "‘Socialist
Convention’: Rage, Hatred and Histrionics
On Full Display", Canada
Free Press, August 17, 2020
"Thanks to the Democrat
convention, which kicks off today, voters won’t
have to wait until after the 2020 election to see what
Socialism’s all about, they will be able to see
through it all—starting tonight ... the DNCC show
will be what President Donald Trump calls, 'a socialist
"Old party standbys
like former first lady Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton,
Bill Clinton, Al Gore and John Kerry will take to the
floor trying to whip up enthusiasm to flog the dead
horse called the Democrat Party ... Democrats and their
partners in the liberal media will pretend their party
is enthusiastically unified behind their ticket. They
are not. Young Black voters, in particular, are not
on board with Joe Biden."
Early indications are
that President Trump will garner as much as triple the
votes from the black voters and double the votes he
received from Hispanics in 2016. If that shift becomes
reality at the voting booth, Trump will be resoundingly
At least, that is what
I believe is the very secret plan by the Elite for Donald
One final matter
that Democrats act as though they do not realize is
occurring: "Millions see Dozy Dems’ 'HATE
TRUMP' mantra as despicable and after four years running
as downright B-O-R-I-N-G"

2. Why has the
Mass Media ignored the blatant murder / execution of
5-year-old boy in front of his home?
Hinnant’s Parents to Seek Death Penalty for His
Alleged Murderer", Breitbart
News, August 17, 2020
"The parents of the
5-year-old boy shot to death while riding his bike in
Wilson, North Carolina, want the death penalty for his
alleged killer."
" 'I want the death
penalty, and I’m going to seek it,” Cannon
Hinnant’s mother, Bonny Waddell, said recently
Notice that, in the bare
bones account given above, neither race of the 5-year-old
victim nor his murderer was given.
Could it be that
this murder does not fit the storyline being touted
by Leftists today?
Cannon Hinnant is white.
His alleged murderer is
Can you imagine the nationwide
furor which would have occurred had the victim been
black and the murderer white? Throw in the fact that
the shooting was completely unprovoked and rioters would
be burning down Federal buildings and police headquarters
had the races been switched.
This sad reality demonstrates
that the current riots are driven by Marxist revolution
tactics rather than a genuine desire to seek truth and
And, the American Way
is slipping away!
3. The ground
is shifting!
The NYPD (New
York Police Department Union) voted to support President
NEWS BRIEF: "President
Trump touts NYPD police union endorsement",
The New York Post, August 15, 2020
"President Trump
took a victory lap Saturday after he received the effusive
endorsement of the New York City Police Benevolent Association.
In a tweet, Trump also offered a shout out to union
boss Pat Lynch .... In his remarks
Friday, Lynch said ... I cannot remember when we have
ever endorsed for the office of President of the United
States until now,” he said to cheers. “That’s
how important this is, Mr. President, we’re fighting
for our lives out there. We don’t want this to
spread to the rest of the country. We need your strong
voice across the country.”
President Trump
will win, in part, because he is the only voice for
"Law and Order"! "Tricky Dick" Nixon
won in 1968 because he ran on the premise that he would
be a "Law and Order" president, and would
deter the lawless Vietnam War protest crowd.
This tactic worked
then, and will work again in 2020.
4. Is President
Trump planning to select former Governor, Nikki Haley,
as his Vice-Presidential candidate?
NEWS BRIEF: "Ex-Israeli
Ambassador to the UN Danon:
Trump is considering running with Nikki Haley",
Israel National News, 8/17/2020
"Israel’s former
Ambassador to the United Nations (Danon ) backed up
rumors Monday that President Donald Trump is considering
replacing Vice President Mike Pence with Nikki Haley
... There are rumors that former ambassador Nikki Haley
will run as vice president along Donald Trump. I know
it’s being considered, but I don't know if it
will happen. Vice President Pence is also a good friend
of Israel ..."
If President Trump replaces
Mike Pence, it will be because Trump needs to shore
up his support among women, especially since Democrat
Joe Biden has chosen Kamala Harris as his V.P. candidate.
5. What is Bill
Gates planning with his vaccine patent # 060606?
NEWS BRIEF: "Microsoft’s
New ‘Mark of the Beast’ Technology is Patent
#060606: Bill Gates",
"On March 26, 2020
patent WO/2020/060606 was published. It is a Microsoft
patent for cryptocurrency technology that is connected
to the movements of a person’s body..."
"... it certainly
appears some people are using the Bible as an end-times
playbook, and the 'mark of the beast' is quickly becoming
a reality."
"Seriously though,
this could definitely be a way to get people to willingly
be implanted with a Microsoft chip. It’s like
fitbit meets bitcoin – FitBitcoin!
"We know Bill Gates
has been planning for implantable chips for quite some
time with the nefarious ID2020, and it’s now 2020
... ID2020 is brought to you by people who want to inject
you with neurotoxins, control all of your data, and
monopolize your mind."
Remember, the
False Prophet, working on behalf of Antichrist, will
be forcing people to take the "Mark of the Beast"
as part of the planned "Planetary Initiative"
which officially places Antichrist on the Throne of
the World.
Further, people
will know that they are taking this implant as a symbol
of their worship of Antichrist. No secret here. Listen
to the plan of the Elite:
"All" the peoples
of the world will be simultaneously amazed and thrilled
by Antichrist. This admiration will lead 'all' the peoples
of the world to 'worship' the dragon [Satan] and his
man, the beast [Antichrist]. As I have read the volumes
of material on the New World Order Plan, I realized
that their #1 goal was to successfully stage their New
Age Christ -- Maitreya is his name. Their #1 goal after
Maitreya is successfully staged is to lead all the peoples
of the world into a worship of him, a worship of him
as God. New Age author, David Spangler, stated this
part of the Plan most succinctly.
" 'No one will enter
the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge
to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless
he will take a Luciferian Initiation', David Spangler,
Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations.
But, then, Spangler chills
the soul of any Born Again Christian who knows their
Bible generally and prophecy of Revelation specifically.
'The light that reveals to us the presence of the Christ
comes from Lucifer. He is the light-giver, he is aptly
named the Morning Star because it is his light that
heralds for man the dawn of a great consciousness. He
stands as the Great Initiator, the one who hands the
soul over to the Christ'." [Ibid]
Did you get that last
sentence? Lucifer is the 'one who hands the soul over
to the Christ' for worship. Wow! How much more bold
and Biblical can you get? The New Age Plan of the New
World Order Kingdom of Antichrist is to so prepare mankind
through the workings of Lucifer as the "Great Initiator"
so that he can hand each soul of each person over to
The final. and the most
symbolic, act of worshipping Antichrist is that each
person on Earth will accept the infamous "Mark
of the Beast"! These news articles tell us that
End Times prophecy is marching arm-in-arm, and will
climax at just the right time.
Bible prophecy has been fulfilled, in your Daily
The Palestinians
have become a people "despised" by their fellow
Arabs (Obadiah 2)
NEWS BRIEF: "Palestinian
Authority Suffering Severe Loss of Clout in Arab World",
The Jewish Press, August 17, 2020
"Palestinian Authority
officials are saying that Ramallah finds it difficult
to pool together a significant response against the
establishment of relations between Israel and the United
Arab Emirates."
"Palestinian Authority
Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh on Monday said the
PA leadership is expected to meet on Wednesday to discuss
the “UAE-Israel-US agreement,” which he
condemned as 'betrayal of the Palestinian cause'.”
"Palestinian Cause"?
What if the only Arab nation who is interested in this
"Palestinian Cause" is the Palestinian Authority,
but no other nation?
"The fact is, a scan
of Monday’s Arab press shows a general loss of
interest in the Israel-UAE peace, and certainly no mention
of the PA’s rage. At a time when the civilized
world’s two major concerns are the pandemic and
its economic consequences, Abbas, Erekat, Shtayyeh and
Rajoub are just not very important."
Bible prophecy has just
been fulfilled in the account in Obadiah and in Isaiah
12 that is exceedingly important. Listen to God's Word
of Prophecy concerning the "House of Edom"
"The vision of Obadiah.
Thus saith the Lord God concerning Edom; We have heard
a rumour from the Lord, and an ambassador is sent among
the heathen, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her
in battle. Behold, I have made thee small among the
heathen: thou art greatly despised." (Obadiah 1-2)
The prophetic picture
here is that, at the time of battle with Israel, the
House of Edom (Palestinians) will be facing Israel alone.
The fact that Israel is negotiating with the other Arab
nations to reach their own peace treaties, leaves the
Palestinians exactly where God foretold:
" thou art greatly
despised." (Obadiah 1-2)