Hot News Analysis
Democrat Billionaire, George Soros, is attempting to buy
this election!
He has poured $650,000
into supporting "Black Lives Matter".
Remember that statement
from a Vietnam hippie war protestor -- "the Elite are
buying themselves a revolution"!
Nothing has changed.
Soros Memo: $650,000 to "Black
Lives Matter", Breitbart News, 16 August
"George Soros’s
Open Society Institute ... last year approved $650,000 to
“invest in technical assistance and support for the
groups at the core of the burgeoning #BlackLivesMatter movement.”
How is this even possible?
How can the wealthy support radical causes who are screaming
for their scalps? This tactic is not a new one, but has
been used countless times over the centuries.
The Rothschilds consistently
backed revolutionary movements in Europe all throughout
the 1800's. Lenin's revolution was financed by the wealthy,
and Adolf Hitler's movement to power was financed by the
Rothschild/ Skull & Bones interests (Read more in NEWS2224,
entitled, "America's Prescott Bush Financially
Supported Germany's Adolf Hitler Before And During World
War II - Recently Released National Archived Documents Prove")
author Epperson, in his book, "The
Unseen Hand", showed how this type of
wealthy backing for revolutionary causes exists in the United
States. Epperson quotes radical leader Jerry Rubin, in his
counterculture book, "Do It!", published in 1970
by Ballantine Books. Rubin candidly writes, "Revolution
is profitable. So the capitalists sell it... The hip capitalists
have some allies within the revolutionary community: longhairs
who work as intermediaries between the kids on the street
and the millionaire businessmen." Epperson then quotes
leaders of the Students For A Democratic Society as saying
that their goal was nothing less than the destruction of
America and her economic system, to be replaced by a classless
world, i.e., the New World Order. Then, Epperson drops the
bombshell, "Yet in spite of all this evidence about
the nature of the SDS, they continued to receive money from
the establishment they were supposedly out to overthrow...
an Illinois commission on that state's [campus] rioting
said that $192,000 in Federal money and $85,000 in Carnegie
Foundation funds were paid to the Students for a Democratic
Society... during the fall of 1969". Of course, this
was well after the violence perpetrated by these groups
from 1966-1968.
Then, Epperson showed how
additional funding for these type of causes came from the
United Nations, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation,
United Auto Workers... and from the Cuban Embassy."
Another former radical leader, James Kirk, is also quoted
in a book by G. Edward Griffin, entitled "The Capitalist
Conspiracy", published by Thousand Oaks of the American
Media, "Young people... have no idea that they are
playing into the hands of the Establishment they claim to
hate. The radicals think they're fighting the forces of
the super rich, like Rockefeller and Ford, and don't realize
that it is precisely such forces which are behind their
own revolution, financing it, and using it for their own
purposes." Black Panther leader Eldrige Cleaver even
realized at the end that the wealthy were buying
themselves a revolution.
Still another radical leader,
James Kunen, wrote a book entitled "The Strawberry
Incident", in which he described the industrialists
backing the Students for a Democratic Society as being the
"left-wing of the ruling class. They offered to finance
our demonstrations in Chicago... They want us to
make a lot of commotion so they can look more in the center..."
(Emphasis added)
last statement does, indeed, say it all about the almost
unbelievable reality that certain of the wealthy were creating
revolution so they could step in, pick up the pieces, and
establish their own worldwide dictatorial government, economy,
and occult religion. And, remember that some of these old
families of power have been into serious witchcraft for
many, many years. But, this is the subject of another program.
Now, we discover that the
Billionaire George Soros has heavily financed the exceedingly
radical "Black Lives Matter" group. These people
want to burn America down! But, then, so do the Establishment
Republicans and Democrats, because they want to step in,
pick up the broken pieces and establish their coveted New
World Order. This part of their Plan is called the "Dialectic
Struggle", which states simply that "Conflict
brings about change, and Controlled Conflict brings about
controlled change", a truth which we reveal in the
Four-Part Series "Secret
Mysteries of America's Beginnings", pictured
Both Republican and Democrat
leaders are equally committed to this New World Order, so
it makes no difference whether the President and Congress
are controlled by one party or another, because the bottom
line goal is the same.
You can also now understand
how contradictions like wealthy industrialists -- like Soros
--- could pay radical groups -- like Black Lives Matter
-- to violently attempt to overthrow the very economic system
which made Soros wealthy in the first place.
Soros and Clinton and leaders
of all the secret societies will then step in to pick up
the pieces and establish the system they so desperately
want (Kingdom of Antichrist, a.k.a., the New World Order.
NEWS BRIEF: "Globalists
Unite: Hillary Clinton Running Mate Kaine Dines with
George Soros’ Son as Donald Trump’s Rise Terrifies
World Elite", Breitbart News, 12 August
"Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA),
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton’s
running mate, dined exclusively with the son of progressive
billionaire George Soros on Thursday evening .. '“Love
this man!' Alex Soros wrote along with a photograph of him
with the vice presidential hopeful. “Was great to
have dinner with a man we need to call one day #vicepresident
@timkaine last night! He is definitely the real deal!”
"The fact that Alex Soros,
who was inspired in his own progressivism by his controversial
father, has unfettered access to Kaine—Hillary Clinton’s
running mate—is unsurprising. The Clinton apparatus
has long come under scrutiny for their closeness with high
dollar donor class figures..."
"Even more troubling
than the Clinton Cash narrative though is the fact that
Hillary Clinton’s tax returns—the 2015 returns
were released on Friday—show that she and Bill Clinton
have made a whopping $240 million since leaving the White
House when George W. Bush won the 2000 presidential election.
That’s a long way from “dead broke,” which
they said they were at the time, and it’s all from
their governmental connections and paid speeches."
Everyone should know by now
that Hillary Clinton is NOT an "advocate for the poor",
as she has had her greedy hand open wide for the past 20
years! No one speech is worth over $100,000 unless you are
buying influence with government leaders! And, this is exactly
what business and political leaders have been buying all
these years of catering to Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Milwaukee Sheriff Clarke -- who is black -- soundly criticizes
black protestors burning his city, lamenting that black
culture is in a state of "collapse".
Milwaukee County Sheriff Clarke blames riots on “black
cultural dysfunction”: "Collapse of the social
order", VOX News, August
15, 2016
"As riots erupted over
the weekend in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, after Sylville Smith,
a 23-year-old African-American man, was killed by police
Saturday night, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke blamed
the unrest on 'black cultural dysfunction'."
Sheriff David Clarke is also
"Clarke, a Milwaukee
native, has spent his career in law enforcement, beginning
as an officer in the Milwaukee Police Department in 1978,
and has served four terms as county sheriff since 2002.
But his pro-gun and tough-on-crime stances, as well as his
vilification of the movement for black lives, have garnered
Republican favor in recent years."
Listen to his tweet. "drive.google.com/file/d/0B4pXEesrjFYGTkhZeXY3RktZNnc/view?pref=2&pli=1
… This black cultural dysfunction should be shunned
and condemned by every law abiding person and no less black
people> "
Now, Sheriff Clarke turns
his attention to Hillary Clinton.
Clarke also identifies
Hillary Clinton as being "all in with the criminals"
NEWS BRIEF: "Milwaukee
Sheriff Clarke: Hillary Clinton Is 'All In With The
Criminals'," CNS News, By Michael W.
Chapman | August 9, 2016
"In reaction to Democratic
presidential candidate Hillary Clinton rejecting the possible
endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police, the largest
police union in the country, Milwaukee County Sheriff David
A. Clarke Jr. said Clinton expresses "nothing but utter
contempt for the American law enforcement officer,"
and added that "she's all in with the criminals"
in reference to her demonizing the police and supporting
the Black Lives Matter movement. "
"Sheriff Clarke said,
'Well, sure, she’s all in with the criminals. You
know, her compassion for criminals is not shared by mainstream
America. Most of the American public, a large segment of
the American public, stands on the side of the American
police officer. She knows she has
to have a heavy volume of black votes to even contend in
this election," said Sheriff Clarke. But she’s
not going to outdo Barack Obama who had a record number
in both 2008 and 2012. If Obama hadn’t outdone himself
in 2012 with a new record high for black voters, he would
have lost to Mitt Romney."
What kind of police officer
David Clarke? Is he someone whose opinions we can trust,
or is he a fringe crackpot?
"David A. Clarke Jr.,
a Democrat, was elected to a 4-year term as the sheriff
of Milwaukee County in 2002, and was re-elected in 2006,
2010 and 2014. In those elections he won, respectively,
with 74%, 78%, 74%, and 79% of the vote. In April 2016 he
was named Law Enforcement Leader of the Year by the Federal
Law Enforcement Officer Association Foundation."
The African-American churches who refused to back the anti-Israel
rhetoric pouring from their headquarters!
These black pastors
have their priorities screwed on straight and their spiritual
hearts tuned in to Jesus.
NEWS BRIEF: "African-American
Churches Reject Black Lives Matter 'Apartheid Israel' Platform",
Breaking Israel News, August 16, 2016
"A group of predominantly
African-American churches in America’s south has strongly
condemned the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement’s
anti-Israel political platform and reaffirmed its strong
support for the Jewish State. Responding to BLM’s
platform, which accuses Israel of conducting “genocide”
against the Palestinian people and calls it an “apartheid
state”, the Ecumenical Leadership Council of Missouri
(ELCM) released its own statement firmly rejecting the anti-Israel
" 'The Ecumenical Leadership
Council of Missouri, representing hundreds of predominantly
African-American churches throughout the state, rejects
without hesitation any notion or assertion that Israel operates
as an apartheid country', read the statement."
"“Black Lives Matter
as an organization arose to confront the abuse of predominantly,
although not exclusively, African-American males by white
police officers,” wrote Bishop Lawrence M. Wooten,
president of ELCM, acknowledging that BLM “plays a
vital role in addressing racially driven police abuse in
"However, the Bishop
continued, the Council 'rejects without hesitation' any
suggestion that Israel is an apartheid state. We embrace
our Jewish brethren in America and respect Israel as a Jewish
state,” he wrote, adding a reminder that Jews were
among the few groups which have historically supported African
Americans in their struggle for civil rights.
“Jewish-Americans have
worked with African-Americans during the civil rights era
when others refused us service at the counter — and
worse,” he admonished.
“Anyone who studies
American history will no doubt find the names Michael Schwerner,
James Chaney and Andrew Goodman, two Jews and an African-American,
who lost their lives trying to provide civil rights for
blacks in the south.”
Do you remember 2015, when
white segregationist, Dylan Roof, shot and murdered nine
black church members during a Bible study, including the
prominent senior pastor Clementa C. Pinckney. Roof was a
segregationist, and proudly displayed the old Confederate
Battle Flag. He also stated that his goal in carrying out
these murders was to start a race war.
But, the Holy Spirit moved
in the survivors. They publicly -- captured on TV -- forgave
Dylan Roof in the Name and in the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
Stunned South Carolinians
were greatly moved by this display of Christian Love and
The government of South Carolina
moved quickly to arrest and incarcerate Dylan Roof, not
attempting to hide behind any excuses. No racial unrest
exploded from the blacks of South Carolina. This same type
of forgiveness and feeling of mutual opportunity must prevail,
not the crass money manipulation of blacks from wealthy
white men like George Soros!
4. Messianic fervor
is enveloping Israel right now!
Will their Messiah
/ Antichrist make his appearance before the end of this
year? Many observant Jews believe it might happen!
It Time to Reestablish the Davidic Kingdom in Israel?",
Breaking Israel News, 8/16/2016
"It might come as a shock
to many to learn that hundreds of descendants of King David
are alive today, with verifiable family trees dating back
90 generations, and that the royal Davidic dynasty could
potentially be established today in Israel ... many secular
researchers of genealogy have studied the line of David.
The research is facilitated by the fact that a number of
European monarchs throughout history have gone to great
lengths to prove family ties to the Davidic Dynasty, and
a solid ancestry has been established."
"Within the Jewish community,
genealogical studies have shown several families that can
claim descent ben akhar ben (father to son) in a direct
Now that the Third Temple
is ready to be built, now that "Cohen" rabbis
have been identified who could serve in such a Temple, the
huge question of the day is, who will "be found worthy"
to ascend to the Davidic Throne?
"Her registry currently
lists approximately 150 descendants who have verifiable
descent to King David. However, efforts to introduce this
reality into mainstream Judaism have met with surprising
resistance. When she first compiled her list, Roth contacted
Israel’s Chief Rabbinate to inform them of her registry
but, surprisingly, they expressed no interest. 'They were
shocked, but they never followed up'."
were the established religious authorities express no interest
in pursuing a leader who was literally from the House of
David and could ascend to the Throne"
As we explain in the DVD shown
"Secret Societies Killed Jesus Christ",
the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus' day were not traditional
Orthodox Jews; rather, they were secretly following an Oral
religious system that was unnamed and not written down,
but which "reinterpreted" the entire Torah in
a "mystical manner consistent with the Babylonian Mysteries
Religion, from which all Satanic Mysteries had sprung. In
approximately 1100AD, this system was named the "Kabbalah".
Now, let us learn from Roth
the bottom line thinking of current Rabbis.
" 'They don’t want
King David’s dynasty and they don’t want Moshiach
(Messiah)', Roth told Breaking Israel News."
This type of resistance from
the Pharisees and the Sadducees toward Jesus is exactly
what this sentence above tells us. The Pharisees did not
want a true Biblical Messiah Who validated His Messiahship
through fulfilled miracles. Such a man, foretold Scripture,
would be a "Suffering Servant" Messiah, whose
desire and plan was to establish a spiritual kingdom.
The Pharisees wanted the Kingly
Messiah which we see in Revelation. They wanted a Messiah
who would overthrow the hideous Roman Empire and rule the
world forever from Jerusalem. These Pharisees decided to
kill Jesus -- the Suffering Servant and then, bring in their
own Messiah who would be in their own image. They planned
to produce him, not expecting any miracles from Heaven.
The Orthodox Rabbis of today
are fervent followers of the Kabbalah and they are almost
ready to stage their man on the world scene. "Rabbi
Dayan explained, 'There is a basic error in understanding
the Kingdom of David. The Moshiach is already here. Moshiach
in Hebrew means ‘anointed’. It is not a miracle.
The family of David exists and is waiting for Israel to
choose one and anoint him. By claiming incorrectly that
there are no living descendants of King David, the Moshiach
becomes dependent upon a miracle from heaven, thereby absolving
the rabbis from any responsibility for taking action to
bringing the Messiah'.”
Did you see that sentence
from the Rabbi? "Thereby absolving the rabbis from
any responsibility for taking action to bringing the Messiah'.”
Same old Pharisaic / Kabbalistic
thinking which led the Pharisees to hatch a plan to force
Rome to murder Him on the Old Rugged Cross! They are going
to produce him, not expecting -- or wanting -- any miracles
from Heaven. However, they do expect that their messiah
will produce many supernatural signs and wonders.
Listen to their plan, written
by a current Illuminatus author, (Peter Lemesurier"The
Armageddon Script: Prophecy In Action", 1981)
""When Lord Maitreya
appears, he will appear as different beings
to different people.
* He will appear as a man
to a man and as a woman to a woman.
* He will appear as a white
to a white, as a black to a black, as an Indian to an Indian,
"It makes no difference
whether you are viewing him in person or on Television.
Thus, 'he will show that he is all things to all people'."
Another author has also indicated
that his image will appear over all nations of the earth
simultaneously, and that he will speak to each ethnic group
in their own language. We know this is technologically possible
with computer images being sent from ground to satellite
and back down to earth. There will evidently be a mixing
of super-natural phenomena and advanced technology when
the staging of the Anti-Christ occurs. Of course, if Satan
has deliberately revealed scientific secrets to man, as
New Agers claim, we can say that both the super-natural
phenomena and scientific technology are the work of Satan.
* "Finally, a sound will
be heard world-wide which will herald the coming of Maitreya
the Christ. Prompted by this sound, people will be aware
of his coming on three distinct levels: Spiritual, physical,
and emotional." ("The Armageddon Script: Prophecy
In Action", author Peter Lemesurier, 1981)
Now, the final human blasphemy:
"For we, too, can prophesy. We, too, can create visions.
[But] rather than attempt to create a new vision, therefore,
the task which presses most urgently upon us at the present
time would seem to be to investigate those ancient prophecies
... to research their origins and implications ... In this
way, we may hope ... to exercise a conscious control over
those events by co-operating with, rather than opposing,
prophecies. Only then ... shall we be in a position to create
new visions of our own, and thus go on to create a 'new
heaven and a new earth' of our own devising." (Pages
"If the Messiah is to
appear, then he must be produced. And producing the Messiah
is, as it was before, inevitably just as much a function
of humanity as of Divinity." (Page 231).
Israel is trembling from the
agitation propaganda they have been fed for years. They
are expecting their Jewish Messiah soon, and are looking
to the Kabbalists for direction and guidance.
Who knows? We Christians
have been "looking up" for quite a while now,
because we can ascertain through world events that our "Redemption
draweth nigh"!