Wednesday 8/16/2017
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News Headlines
the weekend, in Democrat-controlled Charlottesville,
Virginia, a Neo-Nazi protest was set upon by many more
Leftists and much violence ensued. Mass Media twisted
the coverage so badly that they portrayed President
Trump as the greatest Nazi since Adolf Hitler!
the Elite Plan to overthrow our Constitutional Republic
and suspend its Constitution is through extreme public
violence and brutal police reaction, we have listed
seven pertinent playing cards from the Illuminati
Card Game, where each card depicts an action the
Illuminati is planning to carry out so they may overthrow
this existing World Order and implement the New World
In this newsletter, we shall report on the following
aspects of the violence at Charlottesville, Virginia,
this past weekend.
Neo-Nazi forces showed up to march, only to be met with
vastly greater numbers of Leftist extremists armed with
clubs and other weapons. Both sides fought and bled.
President Trump, Vice-President Pence, Melanie Trump,
and Ivanka Trump each condemned the violence by both
Mass Media accused the White House of "being silent"
on this violence.
Media also accused the President of being as much a
Nazi as was Adolf Hitler!
Celebrities led the attack on President Trump, using
language filled with filthy swear words, like, "F**k",
maxim is true: Leftists win the Propaganda war, but
then Democrats lose the election!
Christian leaders condemned the violence using strong,
bold language.
Obama's former "Head of Ethics" accused Fundamental
Christians of spreading hate and division!
North Korea seemed to "blink" in her confrontation
with the United States ----
her military continued to prepare for an attack on Guam
and Japanese islands!
As America prepares for a war with North Korea, scaremongers
are at it again, falsely raising the alarm that we might
be hit with an EMP attack, killing 90% of all Americans
and ruining this country for the next several hundred
examine prophecy to show that this destruction will
not happen!
between now and the final Battle of Armageddon will
occur the way GOD has foretold, not by accident nor
by deranged leaders who want to create disasters not
in keeping with His PROPHECIES!
President Trump finally defunded Planned Parenthood,
prompting anguished cries from Liberal Democrats like
Hillary Clinton and Senator Elizabeth Warren!
Martin Luther King Jr's niece lambasted abortion, calling
the bloody practice the "true racism", taking
away the Civil Rights of unborn babies!
the full text of these articles below our book store
New DVD's!
The Foundation of Our Faith - Volume 1, The War Against
Regularly $24.99,
Only $19.99
If you liked Mac Dominick's Revelation
Series you will love his Genesis Teaching, because Mac
also teaches a combination of Traditional Bible exegesis
plus unique Cutting Edge understandings.
'The War Against God'
God instantly claims this Earth
and the Universe as HIS, uniquely belonging to Him because
He created it by His Wisdom and Power. Evolution is
forever debunked as a false system of belief, coming
from Satan out of the Abyss.
Did you know that the sequence
of creation listed in Genesis 1 is precisely the order
scientists and mathematicians know that is essential
to creating the world? At the conclusion of each of
the SIX DAYS OF CREATION, God examined His work for
that day, and pronounced it 'good', or 'approved'. But,
on the sixth day, when all was created, God pronounced
His work 'very good'.
Mac teaches Genesis One in light
of essential faith and in End Times' prophecy, surprising
even the most hardened skeptic.
In This DVD we present the evidence
that much of the physics and evolution taught today
is made up, contradictory and unscientific theories
contrived by men who hate God!
2 hours run time, Mac plans 3
DVD's in this series
the Trailer - Have Started Shipping

Nephilim Roamed Ancient World
Holocaust of the Giants" DVD
Tom Horn, Steve Quayle, Timothy Alberino
Will these giants of ancient
days, including those from America, RISE from the DEAD?
An ancient conspiracy has been quietly burgeoning behind
the bustle of the modern world. From the mounds of America,
to the megalithic ruins on the island of Sardinia in
the Mediterranean Sea, the desiccated bones of dead
giants are being systematically disentombed and secreted
away to clandestine vaults for apocalyptic purposes.
While occultists are attempting to harness the arcane
necromancy of the Canaanites, genetic engineers are
working feverishly to reconstitute the genomes of the
giants, and resurrect the dreaded race of Rephaim in
the earth.
Join Timothy Alberino
as he explores the enigmatic island of Sardinia in the
Western Mediterranean Sea where the skeletal remains
of giants are still being extracted from the tens of
thousands of megalithic towers and tombs all over the
island, and hear the jaw dropping testimony of those
who were hired by the government to dig them out. Discover
why Sardinia was ground-zero for the man-eating Canaanite
giants that ravished the Promised Land before their
expulsion by Joshua
the Robber.
Shipping July 27 -- http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2781
Headline News
Dynamic New Headline
News Article: "Might
President Trump Be Forced To Implement Martial Law During
The North Korean War?"
A Pale Horse" Book
the weekend, in Democrat-controlled Charlottesville,
Virginia, a Neo-Nazi protest was set upon by many more
Leftists and much violence ensued. Mass Media twisted
the coverage so badly that they portrayed President
Trump as the greatest Nazi since Adolf Hitler!
the Elite Plan to overthrow our Constitutional Republic
and suspend its Constitution is through extreme public
violence and brutal police reaction, we have shown seven
pertinent playing cards (Above) from the Illuminati
Card Game, where each card depicts an action the
Illuminati is planning to carry out so they may overthrow
this existing World Order and implement the New World
In this newsletter, we shall report on the following
aspects of the violence at Charlottesville, Virginia,
Friday night through Saturday (August 12-13)
NEWS BRIEF: "Charlottesville
violence tests Trump's presidential mettle",
Yahoo News, 12 August 2017
"The violent clashes
in Charlottesville, Virginia, between white nationalists
and counter-protesters confronted Trump with perhaps
the first true domestic crisis of his young administration.
And to some, even within his own Republican Party, he
came up short."
Yes, sadly, R.I.N.O. Republicans,
led by the Bush Family, Paul Ryan, Romney, and Marco
Rubio, cooperated with Liberal Democrats in falsely
attacking President Trump, as they sought to fuse this
violent rally's White Supremacists to the President.
The 2018 Mid-Term Elections will have to drain these
monsters from the "Swamp"!
"As images of rising
tensions and a deadly car rampage in Charlottesville
filled TV screens nationwide, the president was criticized
first for waiting too long to address the violence and
then, when he did so, failing to explicitly condemn
the white-supremacist marchers who ignited the melee."
President Trump hesitated
a few hours to make a statement on the violence, so
that he would have all the facts on hand before speaking
to the American People. In other words, he wanted to
avoid the embarrassment of sounding like Maxine Waters,
who has made the most unbelievable statements imaginable,
and sounding like a political fool!
NEWS BRIEF: "Alt-Right
Activists Condemn Violence, Dispute Mainstream Account",
Breitbart News, 13 August 2017
VA – Conflicts with mainstream media and politicians’,
including Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe’s,
characterization of events surrounding the white nationalist
Unite the Right rally emerged quickly over the weekend
... The governor repeatedly emphasized the violence
of 'nazis' but made no reference to violence by any
left-wing group, despite being asked repeatedly about
what role such groups may have played in Saturday’s
melee. The implication was clear that the violence was
an unavoidable result of far-right white identity political
groups being allowed to hold a rally."
"But a report on
police conduct during and after the rally by ProPublica,
a left-leaning investigative journalism non-profit,
as well as eyewitness accounts by those who participated
in the rally itself, have called the simplicity of this
characterization into question. Both suggest mismanagement
of police resources by political leadership may have
exacerbated, rather than controlled, the violence surrounding
the rally and the counter-protests, which included mainstream
liberals and local faith-based “anti-racism”
groups as well as radical leftist 'Black Lives Matter'
(BLM) and 'Anti-Fascist Action' (Antifa) outfits."
(Emphasis added)
A courageous journalist
posted his observations while at the riot.
Reporter Just Leaked Who’s Behind Charlottesville
Riots And It’s HORRIFYING",
Liberty Writers, 13 August 2017
"The FOX News reporter
Doug McKelway attended the protests this Saturday in
Charlottesville, Virginia. McKelway told FOX News that
interviewers pulled out of Lee Park after the violence
started. The police told them, 'We’re
leaving. It’s too dangerous' They had a chance
to nip this thing in the bud and they chose not to”
... This was after violent Antifa terrorist attacked
a group of white supremacists in the park." (Emphasis
"According to ProPublica
reporter A.C. Thompson and his colleagues, 'authorities
took a largely laissez faire approach, allowing white
supremacists and counter-protesters to physically battle'.”
Who controls the police?
The mayor and the governor, both of whom are Liberal
Hillary Democrats and both of whom have a powerful vested
interest in casting President Trump into a fatal political
situation. If the police are leaving Lee Park it is
because one of these Democrat politicians ordered them
to so. Both politicians should be impeached and removed
from office!
Neo-Nazi forces showed up to march, only to be met with
vastly greater numbers of Leftist extremists armed with
clubs and other weapons. Both sides fought and bled.
Reporter Just Leaked Who’s Behind Charlottesville
Riots And It’s HORRIFYING",
By Paris Swade, Liberty Writers, 13 August 2017
"We are now beginning
to hear criticism bubble up on all sides of this event
about the initial slow response by the police. When
I got out of my car yesterday in Charlottesville about
10:30 in the morning you knew this was a bad scene and
bad things were going to be happening because people
were congregating at Lee Park and Emancipation Park
wearing helmets, body armor, carrying big heavy sticks.
Nobody was intent on peace here from either side. People
were intent on causing havoc and causing damage. And
even as wounded were being brought out of the park police
were sitting idly by."
President Trump, Vice-President Pence, Melanie Trump,
and Ivanka Trump each condemned the violence by both
House: ‘Of Course’ President Trump Condemns
White Supremacists, KKK, and Neo-Nazis",
Breitbart News, 13 August 2017
"The White House
issued a statement on Sunday to clarify President Donald
Trump’s views on white supremacists, the KKK,
and Neo-Nazis. 'The President said very strongly in
his statement yesterday that he condemns all forms of
violence, bigotry, and hatred', a White House official
said. 'Of course that includes white supremacists, KKK,
Neo-Nazi, and all extremist groups'.”
Why did the White House
feel it necessary to issue this clarification?
"Media and political
figures were furious after the president failed to specifically
condemn the white nationalist forces that triggered
the violent uproar in Charlottesville, Virginia, between
demonstrators and counter-protesters."
What did President Trump
say, exactly?
condemns hatred 'on many sides in Charlottesville white
nationalist protest", CBS News, 12
August 2017
"President Trump
said he condemns hatred and bigotry on "many sides"
in Charlottesville, Virginia, in remarks from New Jersey,
his first since white nationalist group protests turned
violent and resulted in one death and 34 others injured
Saturday. 'We're closely following the terrible events
unfolding in Charlottesville, Virginia', Mr. Trump said.
'We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious
display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides'."
Now, that statement is
accurate. Violence did occur on both sides in Charlottesville,
Virginia, on Friday and Saturday. Listen again to the
journalist, Paris Swade, as he gives his eye-witness
" Nobody was intent
on peace here from either side. People were intent on
causing havoc and causing damage."
Liberal Democrats seized
on the fact that the President did not single out the
"In his remarks,
the president failed to mention the displays of white
nationalism or Nazi symbols present in Charlottesville
Therefore, on Monday,
Trump did single out these White Supremacists by name.
Is Evil": Trump Comes Out in Force Against Neo-Nazis,
KKK", Israel National News, 15 August
"President Donald
Trump, facing criticism over his initial statement on
Saturday’s violence in Charlottesville, Virginia,
directly condemned white supremacists and neo-Nazis
as “repugnant” to American values.
' Racism is evil —
and those who cause violence in its name are criminals
and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists,
and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we
hold dear as Americans,” Trump said in a statement
Monday from the White House."
Mass Media accused the White House of "being silent"
on this violence.
silent as aides look to explain his vague Charlottesville
statement", CNN, August 14, 2017
"A White House official,
who requested anonymity and ignored attempts to go on
the record, told reporters Sunday that it was obvious
the President condemned 'white supremacists, KKK, neo-Nazi
and all extremist groups' ..."
Media also accused the President of being as much a
Nazi as was Adolf Hitler!
Celebrities led the attack on President Trump, using
language filled with filthy swear words, like, "F**k",
BRIEF: "Rosie
O’Donnell: If You Work With ‘Adolf Trump,’
‘Yes U F*****g Are a Nazi’,"
Breitbart News, 15 August 2017
"Actress and longtime
Donald Trump nemesis Rosie O’Donnell lashed out
at the president once more on Tuesday, taking to her
Twitter account to say that anyone who 'stands' with
or 'works' with Trump in any capacity is a “Nazi'
... When asked whether that meant White House Chief
of Staff Gen. John Kelly was a “Nazi sympathizer”
as well, O’Donnell replied in the affirmative.
'[I]f u stand next 2 and work with adolf trump –
yes u f*cking are a nazi', she replied."
James calls out President Trump during foundation event",
WXYZ Detroit News, August 16, 2017
Ohio - Along with getting good grades and listening
to their parents, LeBron James has encouraged kids in
his foundation’s educational program to stand
up for their beliefs ... Concluding a day of fun and
games at an amusement park, James turned serious when
speaking about the recent violence and tragedy in Charlottesville.
James also took a pointed swipe at President Donald
Trump, calling him the 'so-called president'.”
James has succumbed to the understanding of human nature
as recorded by the Protocols of Zion, written nearly
200 years ago.
all ages the people of the world have accepted words
for deeds, for THEY ARE CONTENT WITH A SHOW and rarely
pause to note, in the public arena, whether promises
are followed by performance." ("Protocols
of the Learned Elders of Zion")
Or, how
about this insight from the Protocols:
principal factor of success in the political is the
secrecy of its undertakings: the word should
not agree with the deeds of the diplomat." (Emphasis
Now, please
carefully examine these next quotes from "The
Protocols" to see if they line up well with
this current wave of violence sweeping our nation from
the Liberal Left.
we must create ferments, discords and hostility
... by our intrigues we shall tangle up all the threads
which we have stretched into the cabinets of all States
..." (Emphasis added)
we come into our kingdom, our orators will expound great
problems which have turned humanity upside down in order
to bring it, at the end, under our beneficent rule.
Who will ever suspect, then, that all these peoples
were stage-managed by us according to a political plan
which no one has so much as guessed at in the course
of many centuries?" [End of Protocol No. 13 ]
The majority of
Americans have no idea they have been "stage-managed"
according to a "political plan" which has
been ongoing now for over many centuries"!
the art of directing masses and individuals by means
of cleverly manipulated theory and verbiage, by regulations
of life in common, and all sorts of other quirks, in
which the [common people] understand nothing, belongs
likewise to the specialists of our administrative brain."
[Protocol #4; Emphasis added]
maxim is true: Leftists win the Propaganda war, but
then Democrats lose the election!
Democrats Will Keep Losing At The State And Local Levels",
The Federalist, November 17, 2015
"The Democratic Party
is in trouble. While they were well-positioned demographically
and operationally to make Barack Obama a two-term president,
their control of state legislatures and governorships
wilted. Republican strategist Rory Cooper summed it
up in a single tweet:
'Under President Obama,
Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12
governors, 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats. That's some
And, this prediction was
well proven two years later, as Republican Donald Trump
beat Democrat Hillary Clinton and carried Republicans
to power in the Congress! We encourage you to read this
article in its entirety, because the trend noted in
November, 2015, is being accelerated by the following
* Democrats seem to win
the propaganda war, with brilliant support from Mass
Media and their ability to put the President on the
defensive almost every day. And, yet, the President
stands 4 for 4 in special elections to fill the vacancies
his Cabinet appointments created
* Leaders of the Democrat
Party has strongly condemned Pro-Life issues and have
twice invited Pro-Life Democrats to leave the Party
-- all 12,000,000 of them! Republicans will win a lot
of elections by having 12 million additional voters
casting ballots for the Grand Old Party!
* Black women are buying
a lot of guns to protect themselves and their loved
ones, because events of the past 8 years of Barack Obama
leadership have proven that the only way they can be
safe from a madman / criminal with a gun is with a gun
of their own. These black women will be natural supporters
of President Trump in 2020, and of Republicans in 2018.
* President Trump received
a lot of votes from black Americans in 2016 by taking
groups of leaders into the blackened areas of Detroit
and other cities where industries have closed thousands
of factories. Trump simply asked, "This city has
been controlled by Democrats for 50 years, and today,
you can see the result. Are these job losses acceptable
to you?"
Now, the Trump White House
is working hard to persuade manufacturers to build new
plants in these blighted industrial areas. Most jobs
will come from minority ranks.
Leftist propaganda media
seem to be winning the indoctrination battle, but Democrats
continue to lose elections! Voters on Main Street are
neither mislead nor amused.
Christian leaders condemned the violence using strong,
bold language.
NEWS BRIEF: "Franklin
Graham: 'Shame on Politicians' for Blaming Trump",
NewsMax, 14 August 2017
"Franklin Graham,
president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association,
sharply criticized politicians who are blaming President
Donald Trump for the violence in Charlottesville, Va."
Speaking on his Facebook
Page: "Shame on the politicians who are trying
to push blame on President Trump for what happened in
#Charlottesville, VA. That’s absurd. What about
the politicians such as the city council who voted to
remove a memorial that had been in place since 1924,
regardless of the possible repercussions? How about
the city politicians who issued the permit for the lawful
demonstration to defend the statue? And why didn’t
the mayor or the governor see that a powder keg was
about to explode ..."
" 'Really, this boils
down to evil in people's hearts', Graham said. 'Satan
is behind it all. He wants division, he wants unrest,
he wants violence and hatred. He's the enemy of peace
and unity. I denounce bigotry and racism of every form,
be it black, white or any other' . Graham called on
the nation to come together and turn to God."
Obama's former "Head of Ethics" accused Fundamental
Christians of spreading hate and division!
NEWS BRIEF: "Obama’s
Spiritual Advisor Chides Christians for Silence, Cowering
to ‘Wave of Hate’, "
Truth Revolt, 8.15.2017
"Joshua DuBois, President
Barack Obama’s former head of the Office of Faith
Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, tore into Christians
for seemingly remaining silent on the post-election
'wave of hatred' that he fears is 'a seismic crash of
historic proportions'.”
This "wave of hatred"
was started by the Democrats in the 1990's Presidency
of Bill Clinton. Democrat strategists believed that
the old "divide and conquer" idea was the
way to rule America indefinitely. Therefore, Democrats
began to curry support of splinter groups -- like 'Black
Lives Matter' -- and then bring in votes from all these
splinter parties.
President Obama carried
out this strategy to a fine art. But, as we have noted,
enough Americans were not so deceived that they fell
into this trap. Since 2009, Democrats have lost over
1,000 political races and the carnage just continues.
At the point when World
War III breaks out in earnest, disasters will be planned
to unfold on a continuous basis, so that, just as soon
as people get used to one piece of bad news, they will
be hit with another, and then another, in a seemingly
never-ending stream. At some point, the citizenry will
panic, will ask authorities to do whatever it takes
to reestablish peace, harmony, and order. The very leaders
who started this entire scenario will oblige by announcing
that they must dissolve elected and constitutional government
-- temporarily -- in order to put down the "enemies"
who are attacking so ferociously.
As these elected, limited
governments are dissolved, Antichrist will be ready,
waiting in the wings, to become both the Jewish Messiah
and the world's "Man of Peace".
- Plus 17 minutes of new information on the Korean Crises
just added to this DVD
North Korea seemed to "blink" in her confrontation
with the United States ----
Korean leader Kim Jong Un holds off on Guam missile
plan", CBS News, KTLA
Morning News, August 15, 2017
"North Korea leader
Kim Jong Un has finished reviewing a plan to fire four
missiles off Guam, and has opted to wait to see what
the 'foolish Yankees' do next. The KCNA report Tuesday
said Kim had 'examined the (strike) plan for a long
time and discussed it with the commanding officers in
real earnest.'
"The statement then
appears put the onus to act on Trump, saying Kim would
“watch a little more the foolish and stupid conduct
of the Yankees.”
Many peoples of the world
sighed a huge moan of exhilaration, believing that the
crisis was over and that the North Korean dictator had
blinked. BUT ---
her military continued to prepare for an attack on Guam
and Japanese islands!
Korea military moves forward with launch plan despite
signals to negotiate", ASSOCIATED
PRESS, 8/15/2017
"SEOUL, South Korea
— North Korea’s military on Tuesday presented
leader Kim Jong Un with plans to launch missiles into
waters near Guam and “wring the windpipes of the
Yankees,” even as both Koreas and the United States
signaled their willingness to avert a deepening crisis,
with each suggesting a path toward negotiations."
"The North’s
latest report said Kim ordered his military to be prepared
to launch the missiles toward Guam at any time. Kim
said that if the 'planned fire of power demonstration'
is carried out because of U.S. recklessness, it will
be 'the most delightful historic moment when the Hwasong
artillerymen will wring the windpipes of the Yankees
and point daggers at their necks,” the North reported'."
And, furthermore, dictator
Kim Jong un has reportedly disappeared!
Jong Un's disappearance sparks concerns missile launch
could be imminent", Fox News, August
14, 2017
"North Korean dictator
Kim Jong Un has vanished from the public eye for two
weeks, South Korean media reported, prompting fears
that he may be preparing to mark Tuesday’s public
holiday by firing a new rocket."
It is quite common for
the top civilian and/or military leadership of a nation
preparing to launch an attack to disappear abruptly
out of sight so that they cannot be murdered in a "decapitation
strike". Believe me, American intelligence analysts
are taking this disappearance seriously as a probable
prelude to war.
As America prepares for a war with North Korea, scaremongers
are at it again, falsely raising the alarm that we might
be hit with an EMP attack, killing 90% of all Americans
and ruining this country for the next several hundred
After An EMP Attack: No Power, No Food, No Transportation,
No Banking And No Internet", The
American Dream, September 19, 2011
"Most Americans do
not know this, but a single EMP attack could potentially
wipe out most of the electronics in the United States
and instantly send this nation back to the 1800s. If
a nuclear bomb was exploded high enough in the atmosphere
over the middle part of the country, the electromagnetic
pulse would fry electronic devices from coast to coast.
The damage would be millions of times worse than 9/11.
Just imagine a world where nobody has power, most cars
will not start, the Internet has been fried, the financial
system is offline indefinitely, nobody can make any
phone calls and virtually all commerce across the entire
country is brought to a complete stop. A nation that
does not know how to live without technology would be
almost entirely stripped of it at that point. Yes, this
could really happen. An EMP attack is America’s
'Achilles heel', and everyone around the world knows
"... a single EMP
attack could result in the deaths of the vast majority
of the population of the United States…. Within
a year of that attack, nine out of 10 Americans would
be dead..."
examine prophecy to show that this destruction will
not happen!
We demonstrate that the
Economic Babylon of Revelation 18 is the United States!
Therefore, Revelation 18:7 holds true. Listen carefully.
"How much she has
glorified herself, and lived (luxuriously), so much
torment and sorrow give her; for she says in her heart,
`I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.'"
Many of my friends believe
that this good life will never end. Certainly, the very
rich believe it with all their heart. Americans still
lead the world in the wealth of her businessmen. This
prophecy will not occur any time soon, and most definitely
will occur AFTER this scripted conflict between North
Korea and the West.
between now and the final Battle of Armageddon will
occur the way GOD has foretold, not by accident nor
by deranged leaders who want to create disasters not
in keeping with His PROPHECIES!
President Trump finally defunded Planned Parenthood,
prompting anguished cries from Liberal Democrats like
Hillary Clinton and Senator Elizabeth Warren!
NEWS BRIEF: "Democrats
(The Real Racists) Blast President Donald Trump for
Defunding Planned Parenthood Sex-Ed Programs",
Life News, August 14, 2017
"The Trump administration
is scaling back funding for a sex education program
that started in 2010 under President Obama. The 81 Teen
Pregnancy Prevention grantees were supposed to receive
$200 million through 2020, but were informed by the
Department of Health and Human Services last month that
the money would dry up in June 2018 ... Yet, it’s
not hard to figure out why the White House is not interested
in continuing to support the program’s agenda.
As LifeNews notes, this particular program has donated
millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood."
"The grantees were
“perplexed” by the change, as were several
Democratic lawmakers.
“ 'This action is
short-sighted and puts at risk the health and well-being
of women and our most vulnerable youth who depend on
the evidenced-based work that TPP Program grantees are
doing across the nation', a group of Democratic senators
wrote in a letter to HHS Secretary Tom Price."
So, Liberals all across
America are screaming that Planned Parenthood is absolutely
needed, especially by minority women.
Martin Luther King Jr's niece lambasted abortion, calling
the bloody practice the "true racism", taking
away the Civil Rights of unborn babies!
Luther King Jr’s Niece Alveda King: Abortion is
Racism and Takes Away the Civil Rights of Unborn Babies",
Life News, August 14, 2017
"Alveda King the
niece of Dr. Martin Luther King jr is responding today
to the white supremacy protests in Charlottesville,
Virginia. King says the white supremacists definitely
need to be condemned and that racism is a sin and a
blight on society. But the niece of the slain civil
rights leader says she believes that abortion is also
racism because it denies civil rights to unborn children."
Alveda King elaborates:
"As we see from the
most recent racially motivated massacre in Virginia,
racism is still alive and raising hell. Think about
it. Racism is sin. Hatred is sin. Yet for whatever reason,
the pot of domestic terrorism continues to be stirred
under the guise of promoting 'racial supremacy'. "
Now, Ms King fingers the
exact problem.
"The big lie is that
we are separate races, when in fact the spiritual, scientific
and biological fact is that we are one blood; one human
race. Racism and hatred are deadly. This is why I so
often quote my Uncle MLK: 'We must learn to live together
as brothers [and sisters], or perish together as fools.
I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great
a burden to bear'.”
She continues by praising
President Trump and his insight into the racism of Charlottesville:
"We should be grateful
that President Trump is calling for a ceasefire on the
violence. My King Family Legacy foundations have taught
me that nonviolent conflict reconciliation is the key
to ending these 'race wars'.”
President Trump is right:
Racism and hatred and violence by both sides is condemned
and will not be tolerated!