Tuesday 8/14/2018
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We truly need your support
now to continue reaching the lost.
is usually the case during Summer months, donations
and Bookstore purchases are way off. But our expenses
do not lessen just because we are in the Summer.
We are also introducing
new DVD's and Books, whose purpose is to educate
you and inform you of current news in light of
End Times prophecy. We need your support in the
We're a small non-profit
with costs of a top website: servers, staff, studio
expenses and programs. We believe everyone should
have access to free knowledge, without restriction
or limitation. If Cutting Edge is useful to you,
please take one minute to keep us online and to
keep us reaching out to almost 50,000
people a year with the Plan
of Salvation.
If the Lord has blessed
you this year, and if you value the special prophetic
viewpoint which Cutting Edge provides, please
favor us now with a special gift. Just click on
the green button and follow the prompts.
We have tried to make supporting
Cutting Edge Ministry easy and convenient, with
our green 'Donation Button'. 
May Jesus Richly Bless You. David Bay,
Director |
8 New $1.95 Booklets
from Light House Trails
Day and a Total Transformation for a Post-Christian
World' - Booklet
Just as in old Pagan days, the earth
has become the focal point for worship. In Grecian times,
the supreme Earth deity was Gaia, also known as the
Universal Mother. In our contemporary era, Earth Day
has become the modern celebration of Gaia.
Not only is the earth a deity to be venerated, but the
earth itselfas the representative and embodiment of
the goddess has become a modern-day idol. Welcome to
the New World Order, a re-emergence of Ancient Mother
Earth worship, the Kingdom of the New Age Christ (Antichrist).
Many participants are
unaware, thinking it's a family-oriented way to engage
in environmental conservation . Listen to actor,James
Coburn - " Mother Earth is our Mother! She's the
Mother Goddess."
The cleansing of the Earth
during the time of Antichrist will be carried out under
the guise of lessening the 'burden' of mankind's civilization
burden on Mother Gaia'.
Booklet Tract is 16 pages

$1.95 Each - See
ALL 75 Booklets
News Headlines
We have noted that Hillary Clinton was
the major colluder with Russia during
her tenure as Secretary of State.
the wheel of Justice may finally be
swinging against her, just in time for
the Mid-Term Elections!
Shockingly, almost 40% of Democrats
are so politically unhappy that they
favor secession from the Union!
incessant, lying propaganda war from
the Liberal Media is truly threatening
to tear this country apart.
people fear that a new civil war is
about to explode.
Finally, the FBI has fired Peter Strzok,
the lynchpin FBI executive most responsible
for the "Deep State" campaign
against President Trump.
time has now come for Peter Mueller
to end his legal attack on the President.
Are you shocked that North Korea is
reportedly NOT living up to her promises
to de-nuclearize?
As Supernation #6 slowly comes together,
we should not be surprised that some
countries within that region are slipping
into Chaos, because "Order comes
out of Chaos"!
below the Bookstore Update)
the full analysis of these articles
below our book store update, below
OFFER -- Save $20!

'TimeBomb' + DVD 'Medical Murder'
Regularly $49.98
if you bought separately - Now
only $29.98
While TimeBomb
book alerts you to the many poisonous foods and supplements
we are taking that will kill us and/or make us really
sick, Medical Murder goes the next step of revealing
who is behind this mass murder and demonstrates how
the basis for this Attempted Murder is SPIRITUAL!
'TimeBomb' -
Timebomb is a revelation involving an avoidable national
health epidemic more pervasive that anyone could have
imagined and touching as many as 80% of all Americans
whether they know it YET or not! What you eat may
literally be killing you. Joe Horn and Allie Anderson,
authors of 'Time Bomb,' explain why our food may be
turning our bodies against us.
This DVD 'Medical
Murder' exposes how the official Establishment has
attempted to take control over the healing industry,
enslaving and murdering millions with psychiatric
methods. This DVD offers alternative treatments to
the healing of the mind and of the soul according
to Biblical standards.
Buy 'TimeBomb'
separately - http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2857
Buy 'Medical
Murder' separately - http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2404
These Bookstore
materials prove Jesus' End Times' prophecy -- 'And
except that the Lord had shortened those days, no
flesh should be saved: but for the elect's sake, whom
he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days.' (Mark
13:20, KJV)
'TimeBomb' DVD Is Now In-Stock
About 80% of
all Americans are carrying a 'Time Bomb' within their
body, a genuine medical emergency. BUT, very few people
realize this hidden disaster awaiting to be unleashed.
Masses of people
will soon be developing diseases such as Chronic Illness,
AutoImmune diseases, or even Cancer. Today's hidden
reality is that people are being poisoned every single
day without their knowledge and their consent.
A health epidemic
-- brought on by Industrialized Foods -- is destroying
our genetics and immune systems, through a combination
of GMO Foods, carcinogenic materials and life-threatening
materials commonly found in today's processed groceries.
This expose'
of the year includes incredible insights on how to
reverse chronic illness without following a strict
diet. 'TimeBomb' is your most important field guide
to avoid the greatest health disaster the world has
ever seen.
Run Time, 5
hours, 37 minutes - BUT still only $19.95
1 of 2
Mac Dominic, Cutting Edge Films
Regularly $24.99,
Now Only $19.99
Running Time
1 Hour 30 Minutes
Jesus Christ is going to return to earth
and set up His Kingdom. He will rule the entire world
from Jerusalem, and those who are His children from
all ages will rule and reign with Him for 1000 years.
The Word of God is very explicit that the vehicle
by which Jesus will establish His Kingdom is not the
Church; but rather, the Nation of Israel.
The theme behind all of Scripture is
the re-establishment of the global theocracy lost
in the Garden of Eden and rule of the theocratic administrator
the Messiah. It is this storyline that will be portrayed
in the 2-DVD presentation, Israel: Past, Present,
& Future.
This DVD 1 will begin in the Garden
of Eden and establish the baseline of the study. The
course will then progress through the Abrahamic Covenant,
Biblical Israel, the Fall of Jerusalem, and the Diaspora.
The study will concentrate on the time span with which
most Christians are least familiar: the period from
70AD and the Destruction of Jerusalem up to 1948 and
the establishment of the modern State of Israel.
The study will proclaim the miracle
that is the modern State of Israel and how by the
power of Almighty God a nation that disappeared from
the face of the earth was re-established. DVD 1 will
follow the storyline of the Bible that the large majority
Church of the first 1900 years after Christ failed
to recognize. The goal will be to establish these
truths in a manner that will change the viewers perspective
of the Jewish State and instill in the modern-day
believer a doctrine of support for Israel to the point
that we may be numbered among those that the Abrahamic
Covenant promises unconditionally to bless. http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2861
The Foundation of Our Faith' - Three Volumes
Genesis DVD -- 'Genesis 3: From
The Flood to Babel'
$24.99, Now Only $19.99
This DVD is Volume 3 of 3 in
this Genesis: Foundation of Our Faith series. Mac
covers Chapter 6 through Chapter 11.
As we discussed in Volumes
one and two of this series, Genesis 1- 11 is the foundation
of our faith and it is through these 11 chapters we
see the attacks of Satan against God and man and God's
response to these problems and His solutions to Satan's
. Mac correctly links the rise
of the wickedness of mankind to Nephilim prior to
the World Wide Flood. He then covers several current
theories about why the tower was built including a
way to escape another future flood, a stargate to
another dimension or a home for the gods.
Once you can understand this linkage, you will have
from Mac's study in the original languages and the
current works of Derrick Gilbert and Michael Heiser,
a new fresh understanding of these Old Testament scriptures.
As a result of the Satanic
attacks at Babel, God chose Abraham as the father
of a nation to be His inheritance upon the Earth and
a conduit for the coming of Messiah and God's ultimate
kingdom whereby he will rule and reign forever.
1 hour 28 minutes
long -- Order
Check Out
Genesis Volumes One and Two
News Analysis
1. We
have noted repeatedly since the 2016 election
that Hillary Clinton was the major colluder
with Russia during her tenure as Secretary of
Now, the
wheel of Justice may finally be swinging against
her, just in time for the Mid-Term Elections!
Little Rock Flight Log Should Have Hillary Clinton
Getting Nervous", Constitution
News, August 10, 2018
"For years,
the American people have been shouting 'lock
her up' in regard to former First Lady Hillary
Clinton, and, according to the FBI’s latest
intel gathering stunt, that day may actually
be right around the corner ... As a matter of
fact, it looks as though that may be a reality
sooner than we think."
"A stealth
DOJ flight into Little Rock and then back to
Virginia has gone down TWICE this week, according
to flight intel and sources … or would
have been stealth if it were up to the mainstream
media. The DOJ/FBI 757 made additional flights
on Thursday as well as a previous flights this
week detailed below. The plane left Virginia
at 11:56 am and arrived in Little Rock at 1:31
p.m., according to FAA records. The flight returned
to Virginia on Thursday as well at approximately
5 p.m.
"It was reported
its first flight this week was Apparently loaded
with evidence."
We detail the
criminal evidence against Bill and Hillary Clinton
in the DVD shown above, "Hillary
Clinon: The Sun Goddess Revealed".
We demonstrate all throughout this video that
the basis of political power for the Clintons
is Black Magick Witchcraft!
While Bill is
a Third Level Illuminai Witch, Hillary outranks
him as a Fourth Level Witch!
Therefore, if
Bill and Hillary Clinton are finally indicted
and convicted, it will be only because the time
has come to sacrifice their freedom and their
reputation for the sake of the overall Plan.
If they are convicted
and imprisoned, the fate of the Democrat Party
is probabaly shattered, maybe beyond repair.
Shockingly, almost 40% of Democrats are so politically
unhappy that they favor secession from the Union!
39 percent back secession, strongest among Democrats,
blacks", The
Washington Examiner, August 12, 2018
"With growing
liberal opposition to President Trump around
the country, a new poll finds strong support
for secession among Democrats and blacks. According
to the John Zogby Strategies survey, 39 percent
of the country support states breaking away
from the national government and country.
The American Civil
War (1861-1865) was fought to establish the
permanent rule in this country that no state
has the legal right to secede from the Union.
Listen to Republican President, Abraham Lincoln,
espouse this fact succinctly:
"The States
have their status in the Union, and they have
no other legal status. If they break from this
they can only do so against law and by revolution."
to Congress in Special Session July 4, 1861)
"Now we are
engaged in a great civil war, testing whether
that nation, or any nation so conceived and
so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on
a great battlefield of that war. We have come
to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final
resting place for those who here gave their
lives that that nation might live. It is altogether
fitting and proper that we should do this. "
(Portion of the Gettysburg
Address, November 19, 1863)
Therefore, under
the leadership of Republican President Abraham
Lincoln, and backed by enormous blood sacrifice
on the part of Union soldiers, the United States
officially established the legal precedent that
no state may secede from the Union known as
the United States of America.
But, why would
any American want to secede from the United
States today, in August, 2018?
By almost every
measurable statistic, the United States of America
is better off now than it was when President
Obama ruled from the Oval Office:
* Employment is
coming back strong, providing tens of thousands
of new jobs
* Unemployment
among blacks and Hispanics are at historically
low levels
* Our financial
institutions are much healthier than under Presidents
Bush and Obama
* We are spending
far less on worthless foreign wars than at any
time since 9/11.
* The recent Republican
tax cuts have caused many more take-home dollars
to appear in pay checks all over this land.
Consumers have considerable more money to spend
than they did two years ago.
These facts are
but some of the many by which a country can
gauge its prosperity or lack thereof. Doubtless
you may think of other statistics by which you
can determine our national health and wealth.
However, since
President Trump is not pressing forth to advance
the Globalist agenda known as the New World
Order, Globalists across the entire political
spectrum have risen up against him with unreasoning
hatred. Globalist Liberals and R.I.N.O. (Republicans
In Name Only) leaders have launched a campaign
of hatred and lies and fearmongering designed
to remove the President from office. Some of
these Liberal Globalists started calling for
Trump's impeachment and removal from office
before he even started governing.
The incessant,
lying propaganda war from the Liberal Media
is truly threatening to tear this country apart.
Adolf Hitler stated
that "truth is not what is; truth is what
people perceive it to be".
He also opined
that, if you are going to tell a lie, tell it
big enough and often enough, and people will
eventually start to believe you!
Liberal, Leftist
Media has told the biggest lies since Trump
was inaugurated on January 20, 2017, and they
have repeated them nearly every single day,
so that, right now, almost 40% of Democrats
and blacks believe the lies so much that they
would be willing to pull the most successful
country in the world apart to fulfill the demands
of the Globalists who are not getting what they
I have never seen
so many people acting in accordance with a monumental
Many people
fear that a new civil war is about to explode.
Fortunately, End
Times' prophecy will prevent an explosion of
such violence as to tear states away from the
As we so dramatically
demonstrate in this DVD, "The
Tale of Two Babylons: Trump's Prophetic Appointment
With DESTINY", the United
States is the Economic Babylon of Revelation
Since this fact
is true, America must fulfill Revelation 18:7:
"How much she hath glorified
herself, and lived deliciously ... for she saith in her
heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no
In other words,
this Economic Babylon, whose economy dominates
all others in the world at this time, is prophesied
to become so wealthy that it literally "lives
deliciously" (abounding in wealth). Furthermore,
her citizens begin to brag about how wealthy
they have become and are gloating amongst each
other that this abundant wealth shall never
America cannot now slip into the kind of destructive
violence and political upheaval inherent in
any genuine civil war!
Finally, the FBI has fired Peter Strzok, the
lynchpin FBI executive most responsible for
the "Deep State" campaign against
President Trump.
Fires Agent Peter Strzok Over Anti-Trump Texts",
NewsMax, 13 August 2018
"The FBI
fired agent Peter Strzok on Friday over anti-Trump
text messages he exchanged with former agency
lawyer Lisa Page during the 2016 presidential
campaign, Strzok's lawyer, Aitan Goelman, confirmed
who led the FBI's investigation into Russian
meddling in the election, was ordered dismissed
by FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich ... Bowdich's
decision overruled a previous FBI finding that
Strzok should face a demotion and 60-day suspension."
Donald Trump has repeatedly cited the texts
between Page and Strzok, who were dating during
the 2016 campaign, as proof that the FBI's investigation
was tainted from the start."
Every discerning
citizen has known, from he beginning of the
Mueller probe, that Trump was not the one illegally
colluding with the Russians; rather, Hillary
Clinton was the one criminally colluding with
Russian officials, from President Putin downward.

The time
has now come for Peter Mueller to end his baseless
legal attack on the President.
how Trump can end the whole Mueller investigation
farce", Fox
News, August 14, 2018
Counsel Robert Mueller seems determined to press
forward with some version of the Spanish Inquisition
– an increasingly indefensible, apparently
groundless, objectively debilitating inquiry
into what was initially one question: Did the
Trump campaign knowingly coordinate with Russia
to win the 2016 presidential election?"
something that has remained hidden for more
than 20 months, Americans know the facts: Mueller’s
inquisition was triggered by several Obama-Clinton
partisans, including anti-Trump appointees at
the FBI and CIA."
Listed below are
some of the officials who have been spearheading
this Obama-Clinton probe:
* Fired FBI Director
James Comey
* Former CIA Director
John Brennan
* Former Director
of National Intelligence James Clapper
* Fired FBI Deputy
Director Andrew McCabe
* Disgraced FBI
Agent Peter Strzok (whose firing was announced
* Former FBI lawyer
Lisa Page (who was carrying on an extramarital
affair with Strzok)
Speaking of Lisa
Page, she recently dropped a bombshell during
her private testimony to Congress a few days
ago. Listen:
Page Confirms: The Chinese, Not The
Russians, Hacked Hillary’s Emails
", Big League Politics,
July 18, 2018
Rodham Clinton’s Blackberry was hacked
by the Chinese, according to FBI sources who
said that Peter Strzok’s mistress Lisa
Page gave up the information in behind-closed-doors
testimony about her role in Operation Crossfire
How about that?
The Chinese were the "foreign power"
who intercepted Hillary's 30,000+ insecure emails
during the time she was Obama's Secretary of
State! This entire Deep
State attack on the Russians has
been without foundation all along!
Time has long
passed for this entire Mueller special investigation
to end!
4. Are
you shocked that North Korea is reportedly NOT
living up to her promises to de-nuclearize?
NEWS FIRST: N. Korea threatens to halt denuclearization",
August 10, 2018
" North Korea
has threatened to stall the denuclearization
of its missile program if the U.S. continues
to abide by an 'outdated acting script' amid
Washington's calls to enforce sanctions against
the regime ... A statement from the nation's
Foreign Ministry said that following President
Trump's June summit with North Korean leader
Kim Jong Un, the North has worked to improve
relations between the two countries and 'make
active contributions to peace, security, and
prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and over
the world'. The foreign ministry said that despite
its efforts to work with the U.S. — by
stopping missile launches and nuclear tests
— America continues to insist on "denuclearization
first', and continues to encourage international
sanctions against the North."
In other words,
President Trump is insisting that North Korea
de-nuclearize first and then all other political
and economic matters would come later. After
seeming to agree to this scenario, Kim Jong
Un is now contending that the political and
economic benefits come first, and will be followed
by him surrendering his nukes.
As we review the
wording of the Globalist Elite plan -- below
-- we can see that this danger has not been
Korea Planned Nuclear Confrontation
hair-raising nuclear confrontation in Korea
may, towards the end of the period, threaten
man's very survival." [Peter
Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script",
p. 225]
5. As
Supernation #6 slowly comes together, we should
not be surprised that some countries within
that region are slipping into Chaos, because
"Order comes out of Chaos" (Ordo Ab
of South American Nations” - Supernation
This supernation
starts just south of Mexico and extends all
the way down to Brazil. Venezuela and Brazil
are leading the way in supernation negotiations.
On 8 December
2004, presidents or representatives from 12
South American nations signed the 'Cusco Declaration',
a two-page statement of intent announcing the
foundation of the South American Community.
The group announced their intention to model
the new community after the European Union,
including a common currency, parliament, and
passport. According to Allan Wagner Tizón,
former Secretary General of the Andean Community,
a complete union like that of the EU should
be possible by 2019.
The Union of South
American Nations’ Constitutive Treaty
was signed on 23 May 2008, at the Third Summit
of Heads of State, held in Brasília,
Brazil. The Union's headquarters will be located
in Quito, Ecuador. The South American Parliament
will be located in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The
headquarters of its bank, the Bank of the South
are located in Caracas, Venezuela.
On 4 May 2010,
at an extraordinary heads of state summit held
in Campana, 47 miles north of Buenos Aires,
former Argentine President Néstor Kirchner
was unanimously elected the first Secretary
General for a two-year term. This new office
was conceived as a first step towards the establishment
of a permanent bureaucratic body for the supranational
Now that preliminary
preparations have been laid, and the political
infrasructure is in place, the time has come
for the final push, and that begins with calculated
NEWS BRIEF: "Nicaragua
is on the verge of civil war",
CNBC News, 10 August 2018
once again, is on the verge of complete collapse,
as protests that began this spring over government
cuts to social security have steadily escalated
and are now turning deadly. Over 400 people
have been killed as a result of the on-going
conflicts between demonstrators and pro-government
security forces since the crisis began."
forces are focused on forcing the early removal
of husband and wife duo President Daniel Ortega
and Vice President Rosario Murillo, from office."
"Yes –
you did read that correctly. The vice president
is married to the president."
New "Order
out of Chaos" (Ordo Ab Chao) - the Illuminati
always creates a Chaotic scene, then steps in
with their "solution".
Therefore, as
Supernation #6 is in the process of being created,
we should expect chaos in Latin and South America
to pave the way toward this new supernation.
Of course,
Venezuela is already in deep crisis!
NEWS BRIEF: "Ecuador
declares state of emergency over Venezuelan
migrants at border", Reuter's
News, August 8, 2018
on Wednesday declared a state of emergency in
three provinces due to an unusually high volume
of Venezuelan migrants crossing over the northern
border with Colombia after fleeing the OPEC
nation’s economic crisis. Venezuela’s
hyperinflation and chronic product shortages
have fueled an exodus of citizens who typically
travel by land via Colombia, often continuing
south toward Andean nations including Ecuador,
Peru and Chile."
Many other nations
in Latin and South America can be expected to
slide into chaos so that the Supernation #6
can be given birth.
Chicago Pastor
— Let’s Do Like Eisenhower And Get
Some Federal Troops In Here"
, Wayne Dupree News, August
13, 2018
"I agree
with this pastor who wants Pres. Trump to send
the troops to Chicago to help straighten out
this mess. Pres. Trump is waiting for Rahm Emanuel
or the Governor to make the request formally
... The Rev. Gregory Livingston, of New Hope
Baptist Church, said Mayor Rahm Emanuel (D)
has “blood on his hands,” and is
allegedly “sitting on” millions
of dollars in Department of Housing and Urban
Development funds that could be helping the
affected neighborhoods."
Ah, ha! The Obama-era
Mayor is sitting on millions of dollars in Department
of Housing and Urban Development funds rather
than spending that money to actually help the
poor and disadvantaged in Chicago!
Now we see the
typical Clinton/Obama greed showing its ugly
Remember, Chicago
has some of the strictest Gun Control regulations
on Earth, and they cannot keep guns out of the
hands of the lawless gangs.
Also remember
that Chicago has been controlled by Democrats
for a very long time. As Donald Trump reminded
minority voters during the November, 2016, election,
look at the cities of Detroit and Chicago, as
examples of the results of Democrat Party rule!
Disaster! Absolute
is Worth NIS 17.6 trillion valuation",
World Israel News,
"The State
of Israel is officially worth more than 17 trillion
shekels or NIS 17,638,763,277,054 to be precise,
Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon revealed Tuesday
morning as he opened trading on the Tel Aviv
Stock Exchange (TASE). To mark Israel’s
70th anniversary of independence earlier this
year, the TASE conducted an initial estimate
of the valuation the State of Israel would achieve
if it were floated on the exchange."
God promised,
in Haggai, that when He brought Israel back
to her land, her glory will be greater than
her former glory -- under Kings David and Solomon.
"The glory
of this latter house shall be greater than of the former,
saith the Lord of hosts: and in this place will I give peace,
saith the Lord of hosts." (Haggai 2:9, KJV)
This major development
has occurred even though Israel has been under
a constant seige of terrorist interuption and
five wars since Mayh 14, 1948!
Clinton Headlines Pro-Abortion Rally Opposing
Brett Kavanaugh", Life
News, August 13, 2018
Clinton expressed deep gratitude Saturday for
the life-destroying work promoted by the radical
pro-abortion groups NARAL and Planned Parenthood.
Over the weekend, Clinton participated in a
'Rise Up for Roe' rally with Planned Parenthood,
NARAL and Demand Justice Initiative in New York
City to protest U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett
"Like her
mother and father, Chelsea Clinton has been
a strong advocate for abortion on demand. While
campaigning for her mother in 2016, she defended
the abortion giant Planned Parenthood, claiming,
'We need to do everything we can to protect
of all stripes feel such an urgent need to keep
the baby slaughter machine operating at full
capacity. After all, Black Magick Satanists
view Abortion as an essential 'human blood sacrifice'
required if the world was going to achieve the
New World Order of Antichrist! (Read full details
in NEWS1257,
Take special notice
of the bloody altar depicting all the forces
working together to bring about the appearance
of Antichrist and his kingdom, the New World
Order. The red flowing over the depiction of
the inverted alter is human blood, as human
sacrifice by the hundreds of millions of victims
is necessary to produce Antichrist.
Wars count toward
this huge total, as does assassinations and
Now you know why
Satan's spirit is driving Liberal women to demand
that their right to slaughter humans within
the womb be preserved at all costs.
Supreme Court
nominee Brett Kavanaugh is
going to face an enormous fight to win Senate
approval. We all need to pray that Kavanaugh
be approved, so we can have a chance to permanently
end Abortion Upon Demand!
Fulfilling Now' -- DVD Combo

$44.97 if bought separately
$29.97, saving you $15.00!
'nuclear confrontation in Korea'
will first break out, followed by
the Israeli attack
against the Palestinians, which
fulfills Obadiah and Isaiah 34.
Other wars will soon break out,
thus giving the Global Elite their
War III!
once Israel is triumphant over her
Arab foes once again, the Arabs
will turn to Russia, asking for
President Putin to invade Israel
with his more powerful Russian military,
since the Arabs can simply not defeat
the Jewish State by themselves.
Even though Putin was planning to
use the Russian military in a different
manner, the Holy Spirit forces the
Russian overlord 'Gog' to 'put a
hook in his jaws' to turn him around
to lead an attack against Israel
in fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39.
(Ancient Persia) will be destroyed
by God as her forces assemble with
Russian forces on the border of
Israel, just as this Ezekiel prophecy
foretold 2,600 years ago! (Amazing
detail given in 'Russian
Bear Poised To Attack Israel')
Rapture of the Church will occur
somewhere along this time frame!
tell this complete story in the
three titles of this Combination
look up, for your Redemption draweth
Our Entire Selection of DVD's Priced At $4.99 and $9.99!
If you wish to make a contribution,
you can use our electronic
Donation Form , or call us at 803-564-3341, or mail a
check or money order to:
Cutting Edge Ministries, PO Box 1067,
Wagener, SC 29164
Jesus Richly Bless You,
Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
803-564-3341 -- Customer Service or
Must I Do To Be Saved? |