Newsletter - Tuesday, 8/13/2024

Blood floods this Land

"Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man." (Genesis 9:6, KJV)

"... blood ... defileth the land ..." (Numbers 35:33, KJV)

NOTE: The Democrat Party supports Abortion until the moment of birth! America is approaching 100,000,000 abortions since Roe vs Wade!!

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Deliver Us From Evil - 1-4 in the Series

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NEW DVD -- by Chris Pinto

"American Jesuits"

'I do not like the late resurrection of the Jesuits .... If ever any Congregation of men could merit eternal perdition on earth and in hell ... it is this company of Loyola' -- President John Adams

'It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country - the United States of America -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty.' -- Marquis de Lafayette

'This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits.' -- Abraham Lincoln

'[Dr. Anthony Fauci] takes great pride in his Jesuit education, as he proudly professes, it has formed his life and his career.' -- Jesuit Father Daniel Lahart

American Jesuits may be one of the most important documentaries ever produced concerning the social and political conflicts in the United States today. The influence of Rome in America is one that was written about extensively by authors throughout the 19th century and into the early 20th century, with many warnings about a hidden plan by foreign powers to enslave the country. Nevertheless, most modern history books have been carefully rewritten to remove critical information that would likely warn the people about what has been happening behind the scenes for more than 200 years. Is it just a coincidence that many key figures in power today (Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Dr. Anthony Fauci), to name a few are either directly or indirectly associa1ed with the Roman Catholic Jesuit Order? And what will be the ultimate influence of this notorious society, which has been expelled from at least 83 countries, city-states, and cities around the world?

Run Time 2 hours 50 minutes


Critically Important News Articles - Analysis

1. An Israeli MK sounds a civilization alarm:

The United States is 'disintegrating', so Israel needs to stop allowing her to influence Israeli decisions!

NEWS BRIEF: "MK Feiglin: 'US is disintegrating, we need to shed its constraints', Israel National News, Aug 12, 2024

"Former MK Moshe Feiglin claims that the USA is on the brink of civil war and that Israel must begin to disregard international pressure ... he says, reminding of what Shmuel the prophet did to Agag, king of Amalek, in I Samuel. "This is what should have been done with the Hamas terrorists..."

"Despite the bravery of the soldiers and police on the ground, the decision-makers take the solders' tactical victories and their bravery in the face of the enemy and turn the whole into a strategic defeat. The same people who brought us Oslo and the Disengagement are now peddling a new folly, a regional defense pact that would have us throw in our lot with the Americans and the common interest that induced them to bend the Jordanians and the Egyptians to their will."

And now comes Kamala Harris.

"All this is happening as Kamala Harris is poised to win the US election, and if she doesn't win there will be a civil war about which Biden is already hinting. America is disintegrating and the last thing that will interest it is what is happening in the Middle East."

"America is disintegrating"

Cutting Edge has been preaching and teaching and warning 22 years ago, that this end result was inevitable because God never changes; therefore, what drove Him to physical judgement 5,000 years ago angry today.

But, it is sobering, indeed, to hear this pronouncement today, tumbling from the lips of this Israeli Minister, "America is disintegrating"!

Are you ready to meet your God Jesus face to face!

2. Israeli PM Netanyahu sounds a prophetic alarm: 'These are fateful days'

NEWS BRIEF: "Netanyahu Tells Cabinet: 'These are fateful days, don't publicly discuss security matters'," Aug 12, 2024

"As Israel braces for attacks by Iran and Hezbollah, Prime Minister Netanyahu has instructed his cabinet ministers not to openly discuss matters of defense."

""These are fateful days," Netanyahu told the ministers and asked them to remain silent on matters of defense. Jerusalem is preparing for an Iranian attack that is more extensive than the previous one in April. Israeli officials now estimate that the Iranians are bent on attacking, despite recent reports that they have backed down from their threats due to diplomatic pressure."

Please take a moment to re-read a quote, already mentioned once, above.

"... disregard international pressure ... he says, reminding of what Shmuel the prophet did to Agag, king of Amalek, in I Samuel. (1 Samuel 15:9-33) 'This is what should have been done with the Hamas terrorists'..."

What this segment truly means to me is that at least some of Israeli ministers of the Knessett know their Bible's history and are to some degree are guided by what happened in Israel's history.

Prime Minister Netanyahu has also quoted Biblical history as he guided Israel through these perilous times.

The question of the hour, then, is simple but profound:

I discovered that Israeli schools teach the Book of Obadiah. Imagine that! The over-whelming majority of Christians could not even find Obadiah in their Bibles and are unaware what it teaches.

But, if a teaching curricula has been developed that teaches the facts, especially that God has decreed the activities against the Children of Edom for their 2,500 years of hatred against their "brother", Israel.

A military commander could even seen confirmation of what action he is tasked with carrying out.


Obadiah could be interpreted by Israeli leadership of today as God ordering them to annihilate all Palestinians, man, woman, and child. Obadiah 15-18 foretells the annihilation by fire of an entire nation, the House of Esau, which today are the Palestinians. Israel possesses the "Weapon of Fire" (Fuel Air Bomb) that could fulfill this prophecy precisely!

Understanding how Israel is planning to carry out this annihilation soon is critical to comprehending events in Israel today between the Palestinians and Israel.

Consider the somber prophecy of Obadiah 18: 'The house of Jacob shall be a fire and the house of Joseph a flame, but the house of Esau shall be stubble; they shall kindle them and burn them and consume them, and there shall be no more survivor of the house of Esau, for the Lord has spoken it.' [Verse 18]

This prophecy states that the nation of Israel [the combined houses of Jacob and Joseph] shall have some kind of a fire build up within them that will suddenly explode outward to consume the House of Esau in 100% annihilation. Since a weapon of fire does not travel outward from its source too far, we can assume that this House of Esau must be living in close proximity to Israel at the moment of this conflagration.

We answer all your questions in this DVD pictured above!

This DVD is literally the most poignant and intense and relevant ever!

Israeli Defense Minister warns his counterpart: "Iranian Preparations Indicate Iran Plans ‘Significant’ Attack"

NEWS BRIEF: "Gallant Warns Austin: Iranian Preparations Indicate Iran Plans ‘Significant’ Attack", The Jewish Press, August 12, 2024

"Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told his American counterpart, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin late Sunday night, that Iranian military activities suggest Iran is preparing for a large-scale attack on Israel..."

"Overnight, Gallant spoke with Austin to discuss operational and strategic coordination in light of recent developments ... Gallant detailed IDF readiness and capabilities in the face of threats posed by Iran and its regional proxies, and discussed interoperability with the wide range of US military capabilities deployed to the region. "

Israeli Blood Banks are 'preparing for the worst' as Iran threatens.

NEWS BRIEF: "Israeli blood banks prepare for the worst as Hezbollah threatens Israeli medical supplies," World Israel News, August 11, 2024

"With Israel on high-alert for possible retaliation from the pro-Iranian Hezbollah terror organization, Israeli blood banks face the double challenge of meeting wartime needs and preparing for attacks on the medical supply chain."

Israeli Air Force Commander orders all leaves cancelled.

NEWS BRIEF: "IAF commander's orders suspension of all leaves amid fear of Iranian attack," Israel National News, Aug 12, 2024

"Commander of the Israeli Air Force Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar decided on Monday to suspend all overseas vacations for career service members in the branch. Bar emphasized that trips abroad for meetings and training will need to be re-approved on an individual level."

Israeli Defense Forces closes off Southern areas as Iranian attack threatens.

NEWS BRIEF: "IDF closes off southern areas as Iran attack looms," The Jerusalem Post, August 12, 2024

"The IDF on Monday announced new closures starting from 12 noon in portions of the South relating to a Tisha B’Av prayer service, as an attack from Iran loomed ... The area impacted is between the Erez Crossing and Yad Mordechai, the Shaar Hanegev Junction, the Netivot Junction, and down to Nahal Oz."

Jordan announces she will allow Israeli warplanes to use her airspace in order to fight off Iranian fighters.

NEWS BRIEF: "Jordan to Let Israel Use its Airspace to Repel Iranian Attacks," The Jewish Press, August 11, 2024

"Should Tehran attack, Jordan will allow Israel to use its airspace, a Jordanian official told Channel 12 on Saturday. 'We will allow Israel to repel the Iranian attack in our airspace,” the official said, adding that this “stems from a security interest and this is the policy, just as in April Jordan helped Israel stop the Iranian attack. It is ultimately an ally of the United States'.”

3. The next pandemic beckons:

WHO Declares Global MONKEYPOX Is An International Emergency

NEWS BRIEF: "Is It Happening? WHO Declares Global MONKEYPOX An International Emergency," WLT Report, August 9, 2024

"Is the new pandemic gang coming to town monkeypox? Was bird flu not scary enough? Time for a bigger, scarier animal ... Notice they ALL say 'Mpox' instead of monkeypox (except Hindustan Times. I guess they didn’t get the memo). I’ve never heard that term before ... The World Health Organization (WHO):

“….Monkeypox outbreak represents a public health emergency of international concern.”

Monkeypox is spreading:

"Africa’s public health agency is set to declare an mpox emergency as early as next week, saying the viral infection’s rate of spread is alarming, as a new variant moves across Democratic Republic of Congo’s borders."

And, of course, the CDC has a "new variant"!

"Kaseya added he would have calls with the heads of the African Union (AU) and the African Union Commission on Tuesday to “get their blessing” and guidance to declare a public health emergency – a new power for the continental body. He said that most likely he would make the declaration next week."

The Bible alerts us that, at the End of the Age, deadly pestilence will be one of the afflictions: "And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven." (Luke 21:11)


4. Kamala Harris declares her support of a global population reduction!

NEWS BRIEF: "Kamala Harris Promotes Population Control: We Need to “Reduce Population”, LifeNews, August 12, 2024

"Days after Vice President Kamala Harris was named the Democratic presidential nominee, a July 2023 video clip of her advocating “reducing population” made its rounds on social media. 'When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water', Harris clearly said in the clip."

"Meanwhile, the White House responded by issuing a correction of its official transcript of Harris’ remarks – suggesting that she meant to say “pollution” instead of “population.”

"Actress Patricia Heaton answered the account’s question, pointing out that Harris clearly said the words 'reduce population' ... This is not the first time the Biden-Harris administration has been accused of supporting a population-control agenda."

"In the thesis, Stone-Manning presented a photograph of a baby along with the question: “Can you find the environmental hazard in this photo?”

'That’s right, it’s the cute baby,” wrote Stone-Manning, adding that each new American child will “gobble up” more of the earth’s resources than children from other industrialized nations."

But, the final solution to de-population: "Three months later, the Democratic-controlled U.S. Senate confirmed Stone-Manning via a party-line vote.'

The Elite wants to begin slaughtering people by deliberately "increasing the death rate"!

"The monument was named the Georgia Guidestones. Written on the great granite stones are ten commands or guides that were intended to provide wisdom for mankind. But the first of them calls for a reduction of the world population to a mere 500 million. In order to achieve this, billions of people would have to die. Many have wondered: is the monument designed to inspire wisdom? Or to launch a global genocide? "

Be not deceived!

The Global Elite fully intends to selectively kill - murder - hundreds of millions of tiny children, from before birth up until age 12!

The Role of both Rosicrucian and Freemason secret societies in the building of the Georgia Guidestones is revealed. This film is a must see for those who wish to learn more about the globalist use of environmentalism in the cause of population control."

5. Former Representative (Independent) was quietly placed on the TSA 'Suspected Terror Watchlist!

NEWS BRIEF: "Why Tulsi Gabbard Was Put on TSA's Suspected Terror Watchlist Townhall, August 11, 2024

"Republican Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (R-HI) is speaking out after the Biden Administration quietly put her on the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) terrorist watchlist. Last month, Gabbard and her husband were at the airport waiting to board their flight when they found that their boarding passes were marked with “SSSS,” which stands for “Quad S.” This means that a passenger is viewed as a potential threat and subject to random searches. She also will unknowingly have two explosive detection canine teams, a transportation security specialist, an undercover TSA supervisor, and three federal air marshals on any flight she boards."

" 'I had the audacity to tell the truth: that Kamala Harris would essentially be a mouthpiece and puppet of the Military Industrial Complex and National Security State. The next day, July 23, they retaliated,” Gabbard said. “Sadly, this is what we can expect from the ‘Harris’Administration.”

She thus becomes America's most famous "Domestic Terrorist"!

NEWS BRIEF: " 'Domestic Terrorist' may be codeword for arresting and persecuting patriots and Fundamental Christians", Cutting Edge, David Bay, 11/15/01

6. Virginia proves to the rest of the nation how to operate the most efficient and honest election:

Paper ballots!

NEWS BRIEF: "Virginia shows the way to stop voter fraud. paper ballots! Dems angry," WhatFingerVideo,

"We can argue about fake polls for the next 3 months, or we can address the root of the problem, election fraud. If every Governor adopted Youngkin’s Executive Order to secure elections, the steal will be impossible, and Trump will win."

Youngkin’s EO covers these key security measures, according to Grok:

1. Disconnect Tabulation Machines from the Internet:

2. 24/7 Monitoring of Drop Boxes

3. Share DMV Records with the Department of Elections

4. Strict Chain of Custody for Paper Ballots

5. Ballot Counting Machines

6. Testing of Equipment: All equipment used in the voting process must be thoroughly tested before use to ensure it is functioning correctly.

7. Procedures for Non-Citizens

8. Annual Certification

If Republicans cannot restore honesty and integrity to the ballot box, we will instantly revert back to the election fraud of Josef Stalin, Russian Communist Dictator!


7. A Butler, PA, police officer adamantly told authorities that he noticed the open roof and told a secret service agent to secure it.

NEWS BRIEF: "Local Police Officer Says he Told Secret Service to Secure Roof Used by Trump Shooter," American Greatness, Aug 9, 2024

"Newly-released bodycam footage reveals that a local police officer in Butler, Pennsylvania told the Secret Service to secure the roof of the facility from which a would-be assassin fired multiple rounds at former President Donald Trump during a rally."

"The rally took place on Saturday, July 13th, meaning that the officer warned the Secret Service five days in advance."

Let me get this straight; the local police officer told a secret service agent five days in advance that this particular roof must be secured!

" five days in advance"

The Secret Service was given five days advance notice and they still did not secure that roof!

This fact should by itself trigger an investigation as to whether this assassination attempt was preplanned by government agents!


8. Public Education is reaching the planned zenith under Biden/Vance/Walz:

NEWS BRIEF: "States are implementing new educational standards, signaling the end of Common Core", Aug 5 2021

"States are implementing new educational standards, signaling the end of Common Core ... Some states just basically took the Common Core label off and then slapped the new label on the package.”

"The end of Common Core might be arriving, but its impacts are here to stay. Watch the video above to learn more about why states are moving away from Common Core."

Now Is The Time For God's People To Separate From the Wicked World System - 'I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.' (Rev 18: 4)

God is calling Christian parents to separate their precious children from Public Schools to save them from a secular (Socialist) world view. Common Core is a new label for state -controlled public education standards in an ongoing attempt to dumb down the American educational system, a struggle that has raged for nearly 200 years. Common Core is a deficient education designed to produce the 'Common Herd' work force for the New World Order.

Students’ values, attitudes, and beliefs are to be transformed into the woke worldview, producing good world citizens.

We advocate that Christian parents remove their children from public schools to enroll them in the safe sanctuary of private Christian schools, home school or online. Many parents today refuse to address the spiritual forces endangering their childrens beloved eternal souls in public schools. Many are too in love with the worlds system - even if they have to send their children to a pagan, atheistic, hostile public school. Our approach is Biblical, following the express teaching of the Bible on how to raise and educate children, an essential part of our Christian walk of faith and obedience to Christ.

Are you ready to answer to Jesus on Judgment Day for why you left your children in hostile, pagan public schools?


"Common Core" (Reg. $19.99, Now Only $4.99) is the roadmap!

These three booklets from Lighthouse Trails go into other threats to our children in the public schools. Only $1.95 each.


See all 89 Booklets from Lighthouse Trails HERE



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May Jesus Richly Bless You,

David Bay, Director

Cutting Edge Ministries

What Must I Do To Be Saved