DVD Titles
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse"
4-DVD Set - by Dr. Chuck Missler
$79.95 if bought separately; Only
$49.95 for this Combo Offer
- YOU Save $30
They have become a popular idiom even in secular
literature, in connotative terms, of the "End Times".
However, Biblically, they speak specifically of real events
that will characterize an actual period of time that will
appear in the future.
Will that occur in our lifetime? How do we know?
Do we need to prepare in some way? Or are there specific
steps we should be taking?
This collection is approximately 8 hours and includes
all of these great studies:
1) Behold a White Horse: The Coming World Leader
2) Behold a Red Horse: Wars and Rumors of Wars
3) Behold a Black Horse: Economic Upheaval and Famine
4) Behold a Livid Horse: Emergent Diseases and Biochemical
Save $30 by buying this Combination Offer, 8 hours
on 4 disks
Can Be Bought Individually - $19.95 Each
a White Horse: The Coming World Leader " - Seal Judgment
A Red Horse (Of War)": Seal
Judgment #2
A Black Horse": Seal Judgment #3
a Livid (Deathly Pale) Horse": Seal Judgment
Hot News
Is Hillary going to the White House or to Prison?
may have broken the law with those Top Secret emails.
a criminal indictment would really shake up the Democrat
Party presidential race!
NEWS BRIEF: "Hillary
Clinton May Go to Prison", Breitbart News,
11 August 2015
"Hillary Clinton is going to prison–or
would be, if she were an ordinary person. The FBI has reportedly
taken possession of the emails on her home computer server
... According to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), at least two
of the emails contained 'Top Secret, Sensitive Compartmented
"An ordinary person–or even a well-known
leader like General David Petraeus–would be prosecuted
for moving classified information onto a private system.
And that is just the beginning of her legal problems."
"Clinton not only allegedly exchanged
classified information via private e-mail, but also destroyed
her emails before handing them over to the State Department
before the government could determine for itself which were
personal and which were job-related. That could constitute
a felony, with a three-year prison sentence attached. And
that is just the beginning of what is known."
Is it possible that an Obama Department of
Justice could actually indict Hillary Clinton?
Is it possible that, if Hillary is indicted,
that the entire legal process could last until the election?
Would President Obama pardon her?
Surely, an indictment would immediately force
her from the Presidential campaign -- or would it?
NOTE: News Alert continues after
the advertisement, below

Prophecies Churches Are Ignoring - DVD Combo by David
Bay - Volume 1 which contains 3 DVDs with our first
six programs.
Here are the six hot topics:
• The Prophetic Beast Arises: Ten Toes of Daniel
Are Forming
• Rapture Precedes Israels Final 'WEEK' of
• Eternal Security: God's Anchor In A Brutal
• End Times' Judgment On Iraq (Babylon) Worse
Than Believed Possible - Isaiah 13
• Israel's Prophesied Annihilation of the Palestinians
• America Identified In Prophecy: Economic
Babylon of Revelation 18
Regular Price:
$89.94 Sale
Price: $29.99
Our $9.99 Books / DVD's
72 Titles From Which
To Choose! |
Donald Trump says he is "open" to funding Planned
Sanger spoke at several Ku Klux Klan rallies.
Open To Idea of Continuing Taxpayer Funding of Planned Parenthood",
Breitbart News, 11 August 2015
"During an interview with CNN Tuesday
morning, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump
stated that he was open to the idea of continuing to fund
Planned Parenthood with federal tax dollars. 'The problem
that I have with Planned Parenthood is the abortion situation.
It is like an abortion factory, frankly', Trump said. 'And
you can’t have it. And you just shouldn’t be
funding it. That should not be funded by the government,
and I feel strongly about that'.”
So far, so good. Genuine Christian Conservatives
can relax about Trump's stand on Abortion and on Planned
Parenthood, right?
Not so fast. The Donald is more "flexible"
than this statement might suggest.
"Trump continued, 'I would look at the
good aspects of [Planned Parenthood], and I would also look,
because I’m sure they do some things properly and
good and that are good for women, and I would look at that,
and I would look at other aspects also. But we have to take
care of women'.”
At this point, Christian Conservative ears
will immediately pop up, because most of the outrageous
murders of babies within the womb have been legalized on
the dubious basis of "taking care of women"! Is
Donald Trump really going to fall for this nonsense? The
Bible clearly states that God expects a society to defend
the interests and the health of the defenseless.
In our society, doctors have always been committed
to the health of both the mother and of the unborn baby.
The number of times when a doctor must make a decision about
whether to save the mother or her baby is very, very small.
Yet, America has committed the grievous sin of murdering
55 million babies within the womb, and of selling both baby
parts and entire bodies!
"In other words Trump is open to a status
quo many conservatives find unacceptable and immoral; also
a typical federal government shell game to skirt around
the law. If you give Planned Parenthood money for these
so-called “other things,” the abortion provider
can shift money from those “other things” to
"Any money given to Planned Parenthood
funds abortion. Period."
"Trump also made clear that he was in
favor of the rape, incest, and life of the mother exceptions
for abortion."
Now Christian Conservatives should know the
truth about Donald Trump. He would do nothing to close down
or defund Planned Parenthood should he be elected President.
There truly is no difference between Democrat and Republican
Parties at the foundation. Leaders of both parties are equally
committed to the New World Order, the "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM"
on the back of your One Dollar Bill!
It seems that the more we discover about Margaret
Sanger, Planned Parenthood founder, the more shocked we
become. We were scandalized to discover her admiration for
the genocidal campaign by Adolf Hitler, and we were taken
aback by the gravity of her prouncements on inferior races
and the need to "cull" their population, but this
discovery that she spoke at several Ku Klux Klan rallies
simply "takes the cake"!
NEWS BRIEF: "Margaret
Sanger, racist eugenicist extraordinaire", The
Washington Post, May 5, 2014
" A couple of years ago, Margaret Sanger
was named one of Time magazine’s '20 Most Influential
Americans of All Time' ... Sanger shaped the eugenics movement
in America and beyond in the 1930s and 1940s. Her views
and those of her peers in the movement contributed to compulsory
sterilization laws in 30 U.S. states that resulted in more
than 60,000 sterilizations of vulnerable people, including
people she considered 'feeble-minded', 'idiots' and 'morons'.”
Adolf Hitler used the same designations in
the early years of his genocide of 20 million people. Later,
as the program gained more acceptance -- or denial -- from
German citizenry, Hitler became more open to stating his
desire to kill all Jews in Europe.
"She even presented at a Ku Klux Klan
rally in 1926 in Silver Lake, N.J. ... A dozen invitations
to speak to similar groups were proffered” (Margaret
Sanger, “An Autobiography,” Page 366). That
she generated enthusiasm among some of America’s leading
racists says something about the content and tone of her
Sanger's next remark would cause race riots
in many American cities today were it to come from a current
"In a letter to Clarence Gable in 1939,
Sanger wrote: 'We do not want word to go out that we want
to exterminate the Negro population' ..."
From the beginning to today, Planned Parenthood
murders a far higher percentage of black babies than any
other race. Black leaders simply must not know how anti-black
Margaret Sanger truly was. I shudder to think what might
have happened to blacks in America were she to possess the
political power and military authority which allowed Adolf
Hitler to murder 20 million "undesirables", you
know, those people who were "living lives unworthy
of life".
"This line of thinking from its founder
has left lasting marks on the legacy of Planned Parenthood.
For example, 79 percent of Planned Parenthood’s surgical
abortion facilities are located within walking distance
of black or Hispanic communities."
"The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention’s Abortion Surveillance report revealed
that between 2007 and 2010, nearly 36 percent of all abortions
in the United States were performed on black children, even
though black Americans make up only 13 percent of our population.
A further 21 percent of abortions were performed on Hispanics,
and 7 percent more on other minority groups, for a total
of 64 percent of U.S. abortions tragically performed on
minority groups. Margaret Sanger would have been proud of
the effects of her legacy."
NOTE: News Alert continues after
the advertisement, below
Your understanding of the Gospel account
will change forever! Once you understand the truth that
Jewish leaders who conspired to put Jesus on the cross were
practicing Satanists of a Secret Society.
Order Details
Scientific evidence proves that the universe is slowly dying
informed us of this fact 2,600 years ago in the Bible!
NEWS BRIEF: "Project
shows universe experiencing a slow death",
First Post, 12 August 2015
"The Universe is experiencing a slow
death, like a person resting on the sofa awaiting eternal
sleep, according to astronomers from a project which measured
the energy generated by 200,000 galaxies. The international
team carried out the most precise measurements of energy
generation in a large portion of space ever completed and
found that it is only half of what it was two billion years
ago and fading."
You can ignore that estimate of "2 billion
years". Since no scientists took measurement that long
ago, this new estimate is invented. But, still, the fact
is that scientists now know that the universe is getting
old and is slowly dying."The Universe is fated to decline
from here on in ... Researchers used seven of the world's
most powerful telescopes to observe galaxies at 21 different
wavelengths, from ultraviolet to the far infrared, as part
of the Galaxy and Mass Assembly Survey (GAMA)."
"Observations collected over eight years
from the Anglo-Australian Telescope in rural New South Wales
state were used in conjunction with those from orbiting
space telescopes operated by NASA and the European Space
"Andrew Hopkins, from the Australian
Astronomical Observatory, said while it had been known for
some time that the rate at which the Universe was forming
stars was declining, the new data showed that the rate of
energy production was reducing the same way across all different
As exciting as this news may be to most, Christians
who know their Bible will realize that God stated, 2,600
years ago, that the universe is slowly dying and will one
day be dissolved altogether.
"At the beginning You existed and laid
the foundations of the earth; the heavens are the work of
Your hands. They shall perish, but You shall remain and
endure; yes, all of them shall wear out and become old like
a garment. Like clothing You shall change them, and they
shall be changed and pass away." (Psalm 102:25-26)
"But by the same word the present heavens
and earth have been stored up (reserved) for fire, being
kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly
people." (2 Peter 3:7)
God also tells us how and when He shall dissolve
this current temporary earth, replacing it with His planned
eternal one.
"But the day of the Lord will
come like a thief, and then the heavens will vanish (pass
away) with a thunderous crash, and the material] elements
of the universe will be dissolved with fire, and the earth
and the works that are upon it will be burned up."
(2 Peter 3:10)
Once again, science finally catches up to
what God revealed to His believers about 2,600 years ago!
NOTE: News Alert continues after
the advertisement, below
Understanding World War III
War III: History's Greatest Lynchpin Event
New DVD by David
In the minds of most people, two words
carry so much emotional baggage that people cringe
whenever they hear these Apocalyptic words. 1) Armageddon;
2) World War III.In the past 20 years, whenever a
battle begins in the Middle East or whenever a verbal
confrontation breaks out between major powers, 'gloom
and doom' scare-mongers immediately begin to shout
'World War III',much like a person yells 'FIRE' in
a crowded theater.
Bible prophecy reveals that Antichrist
will be produced on the world scene by a number of
signs, including 'wars and rumors of wars'. Demonic
familiar spirits told the Elite in 1870 that three
world wars will be needed to produce Antichrist. Make
no mistake about it: Antichrist will be produced by
World War III.
Therefore, the question of the hour
is, 'when will this global war begin' and 'what are
the signs it is about to commence'? Many major events
are planned to occur just as World War III begins.
Mankind will be systematically hit with unparalleled
disasters of every kind as this planned global war
unfolds. But, none of these events will occur until
the lynchpin called 'World War III' is pulled.
When the Global Elite pulls this lynchpin
event called World War III, events are going to be
unleashed in such severity and in such great numbers
the peoples of the world will not stand in awe, they
will panic and run for the hills. Jesus said that
'men's hearts shall fail them for fear', and the Elite
is creating just such climactic events which shall
not occur until the lynchpin known as 'World War III'
is pulled.
We will show you the 12 major disasters
the Elite has created and is waiting only for the
beginning of World War III to unleash them all, almost
at once. No one need fear that any of these disasters
will jump across the starting line ahead of time;
each awaits the 'pulling of the lynchpin', World War
One Hour --
DVD may be the most pertinent you will ever see on
End Times events
"It's Time to Legalize All Illegal Immigrants"
Step One of Mass Media Mind Control.
time to legalize all undocumented immigrants - Opinion",
by Tanya Golash-Boza is an associate professor
of sociology at the University of California at Merced,
Aljazeera News, August 7, 2015
"On July 27, Republican presidential
candidate Jeb Bush vowed to make comprehensive immigration
reform a top priority if he’s elected. President Barack
Obama has made similar pledges in the past. However, immigration
reform has remained at a standstill during his administration
... There are 11 million undocumented immigrants in the
United States who continue to live in a state of fear and
vulnerability. Many of these individuals have lived as second-class
members of our society for decades ..."
"Legalization for all will go a long
way in meeting the United States’ domestic and international
obligations in protecting immigrants and refugees ... Obama
still has a chance to do right by undocumented immigrants.
For example, he could use his executive authority to grant
“parole in place” to all undocumented immigrants.
This would offer them work permits and protection from deportation
... Legalization for all will allow U.S. citizens to remain
with their families without the daily threat of removal.
That will go a long way in meeting the United States’
domestic and international obligations in protecting immigrants
and refugees. "
This proposal is bold and will likely provoke
a strong outcry against it. However, the manner in which
this proposal was made fulfills the requirements of the
Invincible Mind Control" technique taught in this
DVD, shown above. The first two steps in this insidious
mind control are:
Step 1. Some practice so offensive that it
can scarcely be discussed in public is advocated by a RESPECTED
expert in a RESPECTED forum.
Step 2. At first, the public is shocked, then
Steps one and two are outflowing immediately
from this bold announcement.
The author, Tanya Golash-Boza, is an associate
professor of sociology at the University of California at
Merced, and is, therefore, a "RESPECTED expert"
speaking from a "RESPECTED forum".
Conservatives will boldly attack this proposal,
thus sending this Mind Control plan to the third step.
Remember, illegal immigration is the key to
creating the North American Union of Canada, United States,
and Mexico. Making today's illegal immigrants into North
American citizens is a key element to allowing this planned
union to go forward. To refresh your memory, this is the
global map of the Elite Plan to reorganize the entire world
into precisely the Ten Supernations of Daniel 7:7-8, 2:40-45,
and Revelation 17:12, 17)
have created a DVD that thoroughly explains this exciting
development. Antichrist cannot arise until these 10 Supernations
are formed and fully functioning!
We examine each of the 10 Supernations being
created, and demonstrate how the news of the day is propelling
the fulfillment of this great prophecy. You will be amazed
and thrilled to learn how events that you had written off
as being of no lasting value are really working hard to
re-create the world into the 10 Toes (Supernations) of the
prophet Daniel!
NOTE: News Alert continues after the advertisement,
Loving Sovereignty of Israel"
by David Bay - Distinctive
Cutting Edge Teaching Series
God's 'Pattern'
In Dealing With Israel Revealed
From Ancient Israel To Today. Warning to all
haters of Israel and the Jews: You are fighting 'Mission
Impossible", fighting against Omnipotent God!
Many Christians either do not understand the
historical miracle of Israel's rebirth or they mistakenly
believe that the Jews are no longer God's Chosen People,
that the re-establishment of Israel in 1948 has no prophetic
Historical fact records that Israel was out
of her land for 1,900 years. Israel's land was controlled
by a succession of Gentile powers during that long period
of time. At this point, Israel should never have been expected
to gain her land back, because no people who had ever been
out their land for several hundred years had ever regained
The rebirth of Israel in 1948 was truly an
historically unprecedented miracle of God, accomplished
against all historic odds.
God foretold in many places in both the Old
and New Testaments that He would tear Israel out her land
if she refused to obey His commandments but then he repeatedly
turned around and promised national restoration. A really
powerful Faith-Building study!
One hour long --
Bernie Sanders is said to be about ready to deliver a "shocker"
to Hillary.
overtakes Clinton in New Hampshire.
Bernie Sanders Shocker Is Coming", Observer
Opinion, August 10, 2015
"In two appearances in recent days, in
Washington State and Oregon, Bernie Sanders drew massive
crowds of supporters that were larger—for these two
speeches alone—-than the combined crowds of every
Republican and Democrat running for president added together
over the entire weekend."
"For serious analysts of politics the
summer belongs to Sanders—and no other candidate can
come even close to the size of his crowds or the clarity,
passion and idealism of his message. Remember where you
heard it first: When the next quarterly campaign finance
reports are released in October the political world will
be shocked by the breathtaking increase in small donor money
to the Sanders campaign. "
"Everything happens for a reason, and
the reason for the Sanders crowds and small donor surge
is this: The coming political revolution that is caused
by the explosion of social media combined with the waves
of progressive grassroots enthusiasm and action that is
widely ignored and disrespected by old-style political pundits
opining on old-style broadcast media but is exploding throughout
the social media world that is powerfully underestimated
by those who meet the press and face the nation. "
So, the Democrats might just upend Hillary
and beat the Republican challenger because Sanders' campaign
managers understand the effect and the power of Social Media?
American society is truly undergoing a fundamental shift
as to how news and entertainment is flowing!
All Our $9.99 Books / DVD's
72 Titles From Which
To Choose!

All Our $4.99 Books DVD's
30 Titles From Which
To Choose!

Jesus Richly Bless You,
Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
Must I Do To Be Saved?
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