Hot News Analysis
Hillary Clinton cut a wide swath of news this past week,
revealing much about her, demonstrating why she cannot be
allowed to be President!
We shall review this
most damning news in short segment format.
courting Kissinger, does Clinton risk losing the left?",
Israel National News, 8/10/2016
"If Hillary Clinton is
indeed courting Henry Kissinger, what happens to her relationship
with Bernie Sanders?"
Sanders, along with most extreme
Leftists, blame Kissinger for many wars and many deaths.
Hillary may be alienating them by cozying up to Henry.
Communist Party Supports Hillary Clinton
", American Lookout
"In a development which
should surprise absolutely no one, the Communist Party USA
is supporting Hillary Clinton for president. Funny how no
one in the mainstream media is reporting this."
When you realize that there
is close cooperation on the International Level between
Communism and Capitalism, and realize that the Illuminati
created Communism (Read NEWS1327),
you will not be surprised that the Communist Party, USA,
supports Hillary in her attempt to win the White House.
reveal Hillary’s shocking pay-for-play scheme:
Her State Department was put up for sale",
NY Post, 8/9/2016
"Hillary Clinton put
the State Department up for sale, with top aides pulling
strings and doing favors for fat-cat donors to the Clinton
Foundation — including a shady billionaire, according
to smoking-gun emails released ... The stunning revelations
include how wealthy contributors seeking influence or prestigious
government gigs could fork over piles of cash to get access
to Clinton’s inner circle, including top aides Huma
Abedin and Cheryl Mills."
"The person had sent
an email to Band that had the subject line: “A favor."
”Important to take care
of [redacted],” Band wrote when he passed it
along. 'We all have had him on our
radar. Personnel has been sending him options',” Abedin
"It wasn’t the
first time Team Clinton used its clout to land a position
for a donor to the foundation ... The 44 previously unreleased
emails in the new documents will raise more questions about
conflicts of interest between the Clinton Foundation and
the secretary of state and her aides and whether donors
could 'pay to play' and profit from their donations."
The reaction from the Trump
camp was immediate and running hot.
“This is yet more evidence
that Hillary Clinton lacks the judgment, character, stability
and temperament to be within 1,000 miles of public power.
She views public office as nothing more than a means to
personal enrichment.”
In fact, the selling of political
power for payoff became so brazen that Huma Abedin left
her hotel room unlocked so the donor could get the information
he needed from the top of her bed! Listen:
" 'Hi Huma',” aide
Melissa Lan wrote Abedin. 'Would it be possible to get one
of the Secretary’s day book binders back for tomorrow’s
product?' Abedin replied, 'Yes its on the bed in my room.
U can take it. My door is open. I’m in lobby. Thx'.”
That is the bottom-line understanding:
"Yes its on the bed in my room. U can take it. My door
is open. "
But, the White House is a
much juicier target for the political scavengers to whom
a President Hillary will be selling patronage; and, no law
will stand in her way.
At this point, Wikileaks Founder,
Julian Assange, throws a bombshell into this discussion.
NEWS BRIEF: "Wikileaks'
Julian Assange: We Will Release
Proof that Hillary is Rigging the Election!", YouTube,
August 4, 2016
Is Assange feeding this type
of information to Donald Trump? Just a few days ago, Trump
stated that he was concerned that Hillary and the Democrats
would steal the election.
Assange Suggests Seth Rich – Who Was MURDERED in DC
– Was Wikileaks DNC Informant", The
Gateway Pundit, August 9, 2016
"On July 8, 2016, 27
year-old Democratic staffer Seth Conrad Rich was murdered
in Washington DC. The killer or killers took nothing from
their victim, leaving behind his wallet, watch and phone
... Seth Rich’s father Joel told reporters, 'If it
was a robbery — it failed because he still has his
watch, he still has his money — he still has his credit
cards, still had his phone so it was a wasted effort except
we lost a life'.”
Assange offered a substantial
award ($20,000) to anyone who had leads on this murder.
NEWS BRIEF: "WikiLeaks
offers reward for info leading to killer of Jewish DNC staffer:
Seth Rich", The Jerusalem Post, 8/10/2016
"Wikileaks has offered
a $20,000 reward for information leading to the conviction
of the killer of a Jewish Democratic Party staffer ... Rich,
27, from Nebraska, had worked at the Democratic National
Committee on a database to expand voter registration ...
Stone, in the same tweet, blamed Clinton for the death on
Aug. 1 of Victor Thorn, a writer who, like Stone, engaged
in conspiracy theories focused on the Clintons. Thorn also
peddled Holocaust denial. His death was ruled a suicide."
In 1998, we posted an article
exploring the "Pile of Dead Bodies" in the wake
of Bill and Hillary Clinton. We also reported that such
a great number of dead bodies of people who came in some
contact with the Clintons is a logical result of powerful
witches keeping their kingdom from danger.
Read NEWS1221,
entitled, "CLINTON'S
"When a powerful witch
is on his planned way up the ladder of political power,
he will almost inevitably leave behind him a trail of dead
bodies. Adolf Hitler clearly left behind him a trail of
dead bodies. The fact that the Clintons have such a trail
of dead bodies is another strong indication they are powerful,
and practicing, witches .... Trevor Ravenscroft, the White
Magic practitioner, who wrote about Adolf Hitler and his
obsession with the 'Spear of Destiny' captured
the essence of large group sacrifice perfectly. Speaking
of the Satanism of Adolf Hitler, his entire Nazi Party,
and his S.S. elite military units, Ravenscroft said ...
Hitler had substituted the Satanic Swastika for the Christian
Cross, and then began to plan how to both eliminate his
enemies and simultaneously offer up huge numbers of human
sacrifices to the pagan gods in order to gain the immense
Satanic power he felt he needed to receive in order to ensure
the success of his planned New World Order war."
Thus, when Hitler killed an
enemy, he was scoring a double victory: 1) An enemy who
could hurt him was destroyed; 2) This enemy became a "ritual
sacrifice" to Hitler. Adolf knew, as did all occultists,
that the New World Order required rivers and oceans of blood
sacrificed to lord Satan.
To achieve global success,
the occultist believes you must have global human sacrifice.
Thus, all the slaughters by Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, and the
Japanese during World War II can be seen in this light,
and quite properly so. Chinese Communism is reported to
have killed over 100 million of its own people. The many
genocides that have occurred since World War II can also
be understood in this reality. People recently have wondered
why U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan and President Clinton
did not act to stop the genocides occurring in Croatia;
maybe now you can understand why they did not act.
Thus, all the casualties in
all the wars fought to achieve the New World Order can be
considered to be human sacrifices. As ridiculous as this
may sound, the occultist believes it with all his heart,
and will act accordingly. We have repeatedly demonstrated
that the system of the New World Order as backed by Presidents
Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter,
Reagan, Bush, and Clinton, is identical in all aspects with
Hitler's Nazism [Read NEWS1004,
NEWS1005, NEWS1008,
in this order, for full understanding].
Therefore, we can understand
how the 20th Century has been the most bloody in world history,
because this was the century in which the New World Order
Plan was actually carried out.
And, now, the Elite plans
that Hillary Clinton will complete this bloody move into
the Kingdom of Antichrist, the New World Order. Read our
latest article which spells out the final steps.
entitled, "Hillary Clinton
Plans To Surrender American Sovereignty to the North American
Union Within Her First 100 Days in the White House".
Can you gain a sense of how
late the prophetic hour is? Remember, the Illuminati Plan
to reorganize the nations of the world into 10 supernations
fulfills Daniel 2:40-45, 7:7-8 and Revelation 17:12, 17.
Therefore God is going to allow this plan to occur.
Hillary is just the latest
2. We shall view Donald
Trump from a spiritual perspective, as most Conservative
voters have no idea what he believes.
Gospel According To Trump", by
Rebecca Cusey, The Federalist, August 10, 2016
"As Republican nominee
Donald Trump continues to court the evangelical vote, those
of use who care deeply about faith have been trying to read
the tea leaves of his posture toward Christianity. We’ve
discussed his disquieting relationship with the more bombastic
side of evangelicalism, analyzed those he has invited to
pray on his behalf, and discussed why it matters. All that
talk about Two Corinthians and not asking forgiveness matters,
As it turns out, Trump has
already answered our questions about his faith.
"Trump’s most theological
statement to date has been hiding in plain sight all along.
A passage in his 2004 book 'Think Like a Billionaire' ...
* "I’m sure some
wise guy in the media is going to accuse me of comparing
myself to God, so for the record, I do not think I am God.
I believe in God. If God ever wanted an apartment in Trump
Tower, I would immediately offer my best luxury suite at
a very special price."
* "I believe God is everywhere
and in all of us..."
* " I want every decision
I make to reflect well on me when it’s time for me
to go to that big boardroom in the sky. When I get permanently
fired by the ultimate boss, I want the elevator to heaven
to go up, not down."
* "Trump Has a Biblical
Image of God" -- God as chairman of the board echoes
the Bible’s pre-modern description of God as King
of King and Lord of Lords. Trump may add Boss of Bosses."
"He is the ultimate authority,
the final word, the judge of all, and the ruler of the universe.
* "Trump Connects Faith
and Capitalism" -- "The pursuit of prosperity
is ingrained in our religious culture. The more you have,
the more you can give', he writes ... The Garden of Eden,
which is the picture of the world as it was intended before
humans broke it and ruined everything, has two elements
that are presumably good because everything was good: first
is sexuality linked to procreation, the second is vocation."
And, now. the big HERESY!!
* "Trump, like many people
sitting in church each Sunday, seems to believe that we
do some good things and we do some bad things and they’re
all kept track of. When we die, the good and the bad are
added up and those who are more good than bad go to heaven
while those who are more bad than good do not."
"At its core, the notion
is that we control our salvation and by good deeds can save
ourselves. Christianity teaches that everything has gone
so terribly off the rails that we can never save ourselves
and that God is required to do it, through the sacrifice
of Christ on the cross."
Donald Trump believes that
Good Works will save him when he stands facing Jesus at
the Judgment Seat, only to realize in horror how very wrong
he was. Too late will he realize that he really did need
forgiveness of sin.
let us review a most troubling spiritual connection which
figures mightily in this discussion.
Trump credits 'greatest guy' Norman Vincent Peale for boosting
his Christian faith and self-confidence
", Christian Today, 29 March 2016
"Many people have raised
doubts on the alleged Christian faith of Republican presidential
front-runner Donald Trump, including Pope Francis, but the
business magnate has always maintained his Presbyterian
Christian upbringing."
"Trump said he can still
clearly remember the sermons delivered by famed evangelist
Norman Vincent Peale, who wrote the book 'The Power of Positive
Thinking' back in 1952. Although Peale's ideas have not
been supported by mind experts and criticized heavily by
psychologists, many people have attested that they subscribe
to his beliefs."
I find it very troubling that
Trump's religious beliefs were influenced by Norman Vincent
"As for Trump, he also
has nothing but nice things to say for his former pastor.
'You could listen to him all day long', he said. 'And when
you left the church, you were disappointed it was over.
He was the greatest guy'."
Trump credits Peale's teachings—either
through his radio shows, newspaper columns, and articles—for
having greatly boosted in his self-confidence and Christian
Who was Norman Vincent Peale?
"Schuller's mentor was
the 33° Freemason, Norman Vincent Peale, and "teaches
there is no need for one to recognize his own personal sin,
no need for repentance, and no need for the crucifixion
of self .. he reinterprets what it means to be born again.
He writes, 'To be born again means that we must be changed
from a negative to a positive self-image -- from inferiority
to self-esteem, from fear to love, from doubt to trust'."
[Burns, op. cit., p. 113]
In the world of Peale and
Trump, forgiveness of sin is not an issue; rather, "To
be born again means that we must be changed from a negative
to a positive self-image -- from inferiority to self-esteem,
from fear to love, from doubt to trust'."
Now you know, Donald Trump
is a deceived Christian.
3. ISIS has just announced
a new terrorist target:
The 2007 Miss Universe
Pageant! Is the movie "Miss Congeniality" suddenly
about to become reality?
reportedly calls for attacks on Miss Universe pageant",
Breaking Israel News, August 10, 2016
"The Islamic State has
threatened to bomb the 2017 Miss Universe Pageant, scheduled
to take place next year in the Philippines. Tourism officials
are taking the threat seriously ... The threat appeared
in a video posted on a pro-ISIS social media channel which
is tracked by the SITE Intelligence Group. The video apparently
included instructions for creating bombs and explosive suicide
belts; jihadis suggested the bombs be used to specifically
target the Miss Universe Pageant."
Islamic leaders have made
no effort to hide their hatred for "corrupt" Western
Values and have vowed to destroy them and the people who
practice them. In the Muslim world, women cover their bodies
from head to toe, leaving only a slit for the eyes.
For this reason, Islamic terrorists
have sought out Western beaches, Western hotels and strip
clubs. I am not surprised that they are now targeting a
"fleshpot of western decadence", the beauty pageant
system would be a logical target.
In this war of cultures, Islam
would want to destroy this symbol.