Newsletter - Tuesday, 8/6/2024

"To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him." (Jude 1:15, KJV)

Ungodly Politicians Today

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"Spiritual warfare has entensified this week."

See New Articles Below

#1 Iran seems ready to attack Israel

#2 Biden may actually be accidentally causing war with Iran!

#3 "With Harris and Walz, we have the most radical leftist ticket in the history of our country

#4 Rep. Raskin threatens war against America should Donald Trump win this election!

#5 Watch England's immigrant riots carefully!

#6 Are you ready for "Pandemic #2"?

"We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Where does this evil come from and how do we fight? Our continuing series "Deliver Us From Evil" is a study of the history of this evil and how in manifests today.


Deliver Us From Evil - 1-4 in the Series

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NEW DVD -- by Chris Pinto

"American Jesuits"

'I do not like the late resurrection of the Jesuits .... If ever any Congregation of men could merit eternal perdition on earth and in hell ... it is this company of Loyola' -- President John Adams

'It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country - the United States of America -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty.' -- Marquis de Lafayette

'This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits.' -- Abraham Lincoln

'[Dr. Anthony Fauci] takes great pride in his Jesuit education, as he proudly professes, it has formed his life and his career.' -- Jesuit Father Daniel Lahart

American Jesuits may be one of the most important documentaries ever produced concerning the social and political conflicts in the United States today. The influence of Rome in America is one that was written about extensively by authors throughout the 19th century and into the early 20th century, with many warnings about a hidden plan by foreign powers to enslave the country. Nevertheless, most modern history books have been carefully rewritten to remove critical information that would likely warn the people about what has been happening behind the scenes for more than 200 years. Is it just a coincidence that many key figures in power today (Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Dr. Anthony Fauci), to name a few are either directly or indirectly associa1ed with the Roman Catholic Jesuit Order? And what will be the ultimate influence of this notorious society, which has been expelled from at least 83 countries, city-states, and cities around the world?

Run Time 2 hours 50 minutes


The true church has the light of life this searching world desperately needs. Will we succumb to the one-world mind or stand out as a beacon of light in the darkness?
Thousands of years ago, the Bible prophesied the Antichrist’s global agenda for the end times. The prophesied one-world government, economy, and worship mindsets are taking root across the world. The stage is being set for the biblical end-times scenario.

Unmasking the agendas at work in our world seems intimidating. Fear threatens us into silent submission. Guilt trips trick our emotions to get on board with the global agenda. However, we do not need to be scared or intimidated. More than merely listing the problems with the one-world mind, this book seeks to offer solutions.

This is not the time to go into hiding; rather, this is the time to stand boldly upon God’s truth. Some of the solutions offered in this book include:

•Understand how the one-world mindset is rising.

Discover God’s blueprint for conquering this mindset in your personal life.

•Be ready for eternity.

•Be equipped for this battle.

•Stand strong as a faithful watchman on the wall.

•Focus on Jesus.

The true church has the light of life this searching world desperately needs. Will we succumb to the one-world mind or stand out as a beacon of light in the darkness?

Joshua R. Davis (M.Div., Southern Evangelical Seminary) serves as Staff Evangelist with Southwest Radio Ministries. He also serves on the pastoral staff of his home church in Bristol, Virginia.


Critically Important News Articles - Analysis

1. Intelligence warns: Iran seems ready to attack Israel. in a vicious assault far greater than the one of 10/7/2023!

NEWS BRIEF: "Blinken: Iran Will Attack Israel in 24 – 48 Hours", The Jewish Press, August 5, 2024

"Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday told his G7 counterparts that an attack on Israel by Iran and Hezbollah could start as early as Monday ... The Secretary of State initiated an urgent conference call with key US allies. The aim was to orchestrate a concerted diplomatic effort to persuade Iran and Hezbollah to exercise restraint in their retaliatory actions."

"Tehran Times declared on Monday morning that “The specter of an imminent Iranian retaliation hangs heavy over Israel as the regime scrambles to contain the fallout from the assassination of Hamas Political Chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran."

"With that, Western media has returned to its familiar playbook, spreading unfounded claims like wildfire to protect Israel from facing the consequences of its actions ... the Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami said the Zionists would regret assassinating Haniyeh.

Many ministries believe that God's protection will be so thrilling that Israel will NOT suffer disastrously, allowing the Jewish State to come out as a genuine Super Power!

What does the Bible say?

The Bible declares that the final Israeli war will plunge Israel into the depths of destruction so great that average Jews will be depending upon firewood for their daily cooking and heating needs! No one in the Western world has needed firewood for these basic necessity needs since the late 1800's!

Here is the relevant prophecy:

"And they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth, and shall set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows, and the handstaves, and the spears, and they shall burn them with fire (burn them as fuel) for seven years." (Ezekiel 39:9)

Modern Jews in Israel have not had to depend upon firewood for cooking and heating needs during the entire time Israel has been back in her land as a Sovereign Nation!

Therefore, as Russia and the nations allied to her, approach the borders of Israel, they encounter an Israel already desolated back to nearly the Stone Age. Israel emerged from some desperate battle(s) alive but with her modern civilization completey gone.

The current array of Israel facing a combined enemy of Russia, Iran (Persia), Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian Authority suggests to me that the time has arrived for the war to rage which would cause the severe destruction described in this passage.

* Israel will suffer nightmarish destruction, losing her modern civilization

* However. her vaunted IDF will finally prevail, destroying the enemy forces

* Israel will be alive as a nation, but "utterly cast down"!

* And, here comes that Russian-led invasion force! (Ezekiel 38-39)

Be Aware!

God acts in great fury to deliver Israel, as He promised:

"And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand. Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured. Thou shalt fall upon the open field: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord God." (Ezekiel 39:3-5, KJV)

This prophecy of such severe destruction seems ready to spring forth."

Back to current news:

NEWS BRIEF: "Iran plans to attack Israel on Tisha B’Av - the Jewish day of disasters: Western intelligence," The Jerusalem Post, August 2, 2024

"Western intelligence sources told Sky News Arabia that they had evidence Iran plans to attack Israel on Tisha B’Av in response to the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh ... "

Tisha B’Av, begins on August 12 and ends on August 13.

"Iran’s attack will reportedly be coordinated with Hezbollah, an Iran-backed terror group embedded in Lebanon. "

Iran's attack will be centered in her proxy nations -- Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Authority -- because it is essential that Iran herself must avoid severed destruction.

Why is that?

Iran is Ancient Persia. In Ezekiel 38, Persia is listed as one of the nations marching with Russia in her invasion of Israel (Ezekiel 38:5, KJV)

Therefore, her armed forces need to survive in significant quantity and quality in the present time.

"On Tisha B’Av, Jews lament the destruction of the first and second Temples. During the annual event, there is fasting, mourning and a practice of self-denial ... The report indicates that there is an emotional and psychological impact in targeting Israel on the holy day of mourning. "

Arab planners intend to plan for an attack inflicting greater damage than on October 7.

NEWS BRIEF: US Warns: Iranian attack on Israel could be worse than April assault," Israel365 News, August 2, 2024

"U.S. officials believe Iran’s anticipated assault on Israel could be “larger and more complicated” than Tehran’s April attack and could involve a coordinated effort by its proxies in the region ... the assault will involve Tehran’s entire “Axis of Resistance,” which includes Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Yemen’s Houthis and other regional terrorist groups."

"Israel’s Security Cabinet voted on Wednesday to retaliate “forcefully and, if possible, swiftly” against any country or terrorist organization that harms its civilian population."

Meanwhile, the President is said to have embarked on a diplomatic effort throughout the region.

What is the manner in whch God acts to defend Israel?

God acts in great fury to deliver Israel, as He promised:

"And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand. Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured. Thou shalt fall upon the open field: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord God." (Ezekiel 39:3-5, KJV)

This prophecy of such severe destruction seems ready to spring forth."


2. The Biden Administration is working overtime, supposedly to prevent regional war.

NEWS BRIEF: "US mounts furious diplomatic effort to head off wider war in Middle East," The Washington Examiner. August 6, 2025

"‘WE ARE ENGAGED IN INTENSE DIPLOMACY’: Another tense night passed in Israel without Iran’s threatened major attack materializing, but no one is breathing a sigh of relief."

But, no Israeli citizen or official. is relaxing: Secretary of State Blinken

"“It is a critical moment. We are engaged in intense diplomacy pretty much around the clock, with a very simple message: All parties must refrain from escalation. All parties must take steps to ease tensions. Escalation is not in anyone’s interest. It will only lead to more conflict, more violence, more insecurity,”

It’s also critical that we break this cycle by reaching a ceasefire in Gaza. That, in turn, will unlock possibilities for more enduring calm, not only in Gaza itself but in other areas where the conflict could spread.” **

But, what if American forces are secretly tasked with acting like a barrier to Israeli forces?


"Old Joe" may actually be accidentally causing a war with Iran!

NEWS BRIEF: "Is Joe Biden Sleepwalking His Way Into an War With Iran?", The Patriot Light, August 6, 2024

"There is war and rumors of war in the Middle East as the rhetoric from both Israel and Iran continues to ratchet up tensions. Israel’s assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran has temporarily blown up ceasefire talks between the terrorists and Israel."

People throughout the world are believing that Biden decisions in retaliation to events occurring in the battlefield will be delayed because of the President's cognitive decline or will result in the wrong decision altogether!


Russian air defense forces are being rushed into place

NEWS BRIEF: "Iran receiving Russian air defenses ahead of possible war with Israel", Israel365 News, August 6, 2024

"Two Iranian officials confirmed that Iran made the request and Russia has started delivering radars and air-defense equipment, according to the Times, citing Iranian media. The request came following a day-long visit to Tehran by head of the Russian Security Council and former Minister of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, on Monday.

"Iran wants the air-defense systems in preparation for its promised revenge strike against Israel over the killing of Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran last Wednesday."

"Shoigu also met with Iranian armed forces commander, Brig. Gen. Mohammad Bagheri, who is reportedly planning the military strikes on Israel ... Iran and Russia have grown closer since the start of the Ukraine war, with Moscow turning to Tehran to provide it with military drones. Russia has launched more than 4,000 Iranian-designed Shahed attack drones against Ukraine..."

3. Kamala Harris has announced her Vice Presidential pick, and it is Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

NEWS BRIEF: "BREAKING: Kamala Harris Running Mate Announced - Minnesota Governor Tim Walz," PJ Media, August 6, 2024

"After weeks of speculation, CNN announced on Tuesday morning that Vice President Kamala Harris had picked Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to be her running mate ... Walz, 60, was somewhat of a dark horse candidate. His stock rose quickly after it appeared that Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) was no longer in contention. Walz has been one of Harris's key attack dogs since she became the presumptive nominee and is dubiously credited with coming up with the insult "weird" to attack Donald Trump and J.D. Vance. "

Walz was the governor who allowed BLM rioters to run amok!

"With Harris and Walz, we have the most radical leftist ticket in the history of our country. If Democrats win in November, we’ll be looking at record inflation, a national debt the size of a mushroom cloud, wide-open borders, more violence nationwide, and increased radicalization of K-12 and higher education."

4. Rep. Raskin threatens war against America should Donald Trump win this election!

NEWS BRIEF: "Jamie Raskin Appears to Say Congress Will Disqualify Trump If He Wins the Election, Threatens Civil War," Red State News, August 6, 2024

"A video of Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) was unearthed on Monday that appeared to show him threatening civil war if Donald Trump won the election ... Raskin was speaking at a discussion on voter rights hosted by a left-wing professor when he made the controversial comments, which included a pledge to disqualify Trump on January 6th, 2025 based on the Fourteenth Amendment. That idea was first hinted at by Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) back in February.."

Is there any basis for this ridiculous idea?

"Ultimately, the Supreme Court ruled against the State of Colorado's attempt to use the Fourteenth Amendment to disqualify Trump from the ballot. "

Therefore, is the original idea buried once and for all? Not quite:

"That decision put the ball into Congress' court, with the stated process being that only legislation pursuant the Fourteenth Amendment could essentially "convict" (in a political sense) the former president of insurrection. That is the scenario that Raskin appeared to be referencing."

"RASKIN: What can be put into the constitution can slip away from you very quickly, and the greatest example going on right now before our very eyes is Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, which they're just disappearing with a magic wand as if it doesn't exist, even though it couldn't be clearer what it's stating. "

"... so it's going to be up to us on January 6th, 2025, to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he's disqualified."

Conservative Response: "Given that, what Raskin suggests is objectively insane, and the self-righteousness with which he proclaims it is even more so. He seems completely convinced that he would be the good guy in a scenario where he and other Democrats overturned an election based on their own political whims."

5. Watch England's immigrant riots carefully!

NEWS BRIEF: "UK on BRINK of CIVIL WAR! Rioting Spreads As Muslims Attack Whites With Abandon," WLT Report, August 3, 2024

"It’s an ALL OUT WAR scenario right now in cities across Great Britain! With the murder of those 3 littler girls being the final straw that caused the people to say they’ve had enough!"

Great Britain is having trouble with their illegal immigrants raping, murdering and assaulting law-abiding people! Did you know that, in the culture from which these illegals come from do not consider rape, murder and assault to be crimes?

"These are the three little girls who were murdered by a savage black in cold blood in England yesterday. This is what is sacrificed on the alter of diversity ... The 17-year-old has also been charged with 10 counts of attempted murder, and possession of a bladed article, per the news release ..."

"And so the Muslims, that have no qualm about being violent, have welcomed this as an opportunity to step up their attacks and target any White they see. Liverpool and Manchester are where the biggest clash is happening. "

"At this rate whites are going to war against muslims."

"Muslims hunting for whites, no police in sight. Only shitbags carry weapons..."

No police in sight -- and British people are disarmed!

America will be rioting just like this within months should Harris seize the 2024 election!

6. Are you ready for "Pandemic #2"?

NEWS BRIEF: "Pandemic 2.0 Ready To Go: FDA To Grant Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) To mRNA Bird Flu Shots, Just Like What Happened With COVID", WLT Report, August 4, 2024

"The medical establishment is teeing up for the launch of another 'pandemic', this one centering around H5N8 Influenza, also known as avian influenza or bird flu."

"You may recall that during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic,” the FDA granted EUA to the lineup of injections unleashed through Operation Warp Speed. Now, for the first time since COVID, the medical establishment is readying itself for what appears to be the next scamdemic: bird flu."

"To ensure that health care systems across the United States are up to date with the codes in their electronic systems, the AMA is updating its CPT system right away “in advance for the potential FDA authorization,” which appears imminent.

“The new CPT code is a vital preparatory step in response to the potential danger to humans from a highly infectious avian influenza disease,” commented AMA President Dr. Bruce A. Scott, M.D. "

"If Trump wins, a bird flu 'pandemic' is likely."

"I expect the next pandemic after Donald Trump gets back into office unless he finds a way to shut it down,” Renz wrote. “That said – can you imagine another plandemic with a Kamala Harris president? 'No way'.”

Progressing just like Covid-19!



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