Critical News
Analysis -- End of the Age
1. Why did President
Franklin Roosevelt betray the American people so thoroughly
and so despicably by transferring to Russian Communist
leaders the secrets of producing the atomic bomb?
Quite possibly, President
Roosevelt could have dealt America a national death
blow by using the authority of his office to order the
secrets of producing the atom bomb to be transferred
to our deadly enemy and bloody dictator, Josef Stalin.
How could an American-born president do such a terrible
traitorous deed?
To understand
this complex mystery, we have to "get inside his
head" to see things as he saw them.
First, Masonic leader
Franklin, Communist Josef Stalin, and Rosicrucian British
Prime Minister Churchill did not consider themselves
to be normal men; rather, they saw themselves as "Perfected
Men" in the Global Elite of men and women striving
to produce a reorganization of all nations of the world
into their planned 10 Superstates.
While the entire world
saw Roosevelt and Stalin as bitter enemies, they saw
themselves as secret compatriots engaged in a plan which
would radically change the world into a Utopia worthy
of bitter, bloody sacrifice.
Secondly, these highly
placed Luciferians believed that a certain formula would
bring them success in their high and holy plan. What
was/is this Plan?
Thesis x Antithesis
= Synthesis
This formula was a tactical
Battle Plan that would clearly specify how the Global
Elite was to proceed overthrowing all the established
governments in the Western World. In 1823, a German
professor named Hegel provided that formula, that specific
battle plan. Hegel proposed that societies were governed
by the following formula:
* The existence of one
type of government or society, named Thesis,
would provoke the appearance of the opposite of that
type of government or society, which Hegel named Antithesis.
* Thesis and Antithesis would naturally
begin to battle one another, since they were exactly
opposite systems and, therefore, would see matters differently.
* If Thesis and Antithesis battled each other for a
long period of time, with neither side annihilating
the other, that battling would result in both sides
changing to a hybrid system of government and society,
which Hegel called Synthesis.
A constant battling,
or threat of battling, was the key. Hegel theorized
that "Conflict brings about change, and planned
conflict would bring about planned change." This
theory swept through Europe, on college campuses, sparking
many a debate! After awhile, college student's fascination
with this theory died down, but the Illuminati, i.e.,
Freemasonry, now had their formula to achieve their
Let us now define these
terms as they relate to Hegel's Plan:
Thesis --
is the original system dominating Europe in the late
1700's. This system was economically Private Enterprise,
politically either Monarchy or Democracy, and religiously
Anti-Thesis --
is the opposite system to Thesis, which, theoretically,
by battling Thesis for an extended period of time, would
produce a new system, called Synthesis. The major problem
is that no truly opposite system to Thesis existed in
1776, or in 1823, when Hegel first publicized his formula.
So, what can you do when
no truly opposite system has "spontaneously"
sprung up? If I were in charge of executing the New
World Order Plan, and I believed in Hegel's theory,
I suppose I would sit down to create an exactly
opposite system to Thesis.
Catholic editor and author,
Piers Compton, writes about the creation of Antithesis,
the exact opposite of the Western Thesis. In 1846, "there
was a feeling of change in the air. a change that would
extend beyond the boundaries of the Church and transform
many facets of existence.... Two years later a highly
select body of secret initiates who called themselves
the 'League of Twelve Just Men of the Illuminati', financed
Karl Marx to write the Communist Manifesto..."
("The Broken Cross: Hidden Hand In the Vatican",
Antithesis was theoretically
created when the Communist Manifesto was issued by Karl
Marx in 1848, and it was the exact opposite in every
way to the Western Thesis system. Communism was economically
State-owned and State-planned, and religiously Atheistic,
and politically a brutal dictatorship. A more complete
opposite to Thesis could not have been possible, even
if it were planned that way, which, of course, it was.
Therefore, as World War
II was drawing to its conclusion, the stage was set
for a major working out of this formula. Western
Thesis was to battle Eastern Anti-thesis
in such a manner as to neither side winning decisively
over the other, thus producing a hybrid system, Synthesis,
a.k.a., New World Order.
The Cold War was set to
begin a fake, staged, and thoroughly planned constant
battling between the major powers, led by America in
the West and Russia in the East. BUT, to convince people
worldwide that this battling was real and was really
dangerous, people had to believe that the backward Russia
was really as strong, or stronger than, America.
For this reason, Roosevelt
gave Russia all of Eastern Europe with all of its resources.
He had already given her hundreds of factories and vast
supplies of materiel, thus ensuring that Russia would
emerge from World War II a superpower, thought of as
being equal to the United States.
However, a huge problem
suddenly sprang up! American/German scientists had successfully
handed the United States a major new weapon which the
Soviets did not possess, nor could they possess, for
many years to come!
This atomic bomb threatened
to ruin the proper completion of the formula,
Thesis x Antithesis
= Synthesis .
How could Roosevelt overcome
the challenge that this new atomic weaponry presented?
How could he force this "genie back into the bottle"
so that the peoples of the world would be convinced
that the Soviet Union could possibly defeat America?
Slowly, but surely, the
plan begin to form within Roosevelt's mind that the
only way to restore validity and power to this coveted
formula was to give the atomic secrets to Josef Stalin!
Once peoples of the world
fully believed that an atomic attack could occur any
moment, over any disagreement, then the force of Professor
Hegel's formula could take hold and work toward producing
that hybrid system printed on the back on the American
One Dollar Bill:
Because Roosevelt, Stalin,
and Churchill were "Perfected Men" working
on a much higher spiritual plane than the average citizen,
Roosevelt felt no threat from Stalin once he gave him
the atomic secret. They were compatriots in a valiant
plan, and since they were such "buddies",
Stalin would not attack America.
this attitude -- which persists today in the minds of
key leaders all over the world -- fulfills End of the
Age prophecy.
"Also the ten horns
that you observed are ten rulers (kings) who have as
yet received no royal dominion, but together they are
to receive power and authority as rulers for a single
hour, along with the beast. These have one common
policy (opinion, purpose) and they deliver
their power and authority to the beast." [Revelation
This one world government
which Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill envisioned would
be comprised of 10 Superstates, pictured above. This
reorganization was their plan all along.
Notice the Biblical prophecy
that these 10 kings have "one common policy
(opinion, purpose )"! In other words,
these 10 kings are prophesied to be carrying out a conspiracy
to subvert the normal political authority of the governments
of the world in order to act together to carry out plan,
or policy, upon which they agreed! This verse is one
of the most powerful in all the Bible that proves a
human political conspiracy is prophesied to be in place
and operating at the End of the Age.
Remember what God said:
"Can two walk together, except they be agreed?"
[Amos 3:3]
Therefore, the prophecy
of Revelation 17:17 comes into play:
""For God has
put it into their hearts to carry out His own purpose
by acting in harmony
in surrendering their royal power and authority to the
beast, until the prophetic words (the intentions and
promises) of God shall be fulfilled."
Therefore, the Holy Spirit
was guiding Roosevelt and Stalin into acting in such
a way as to "act in harmony" in all ways during
the conduct of World War II. Stalin was not going to
launch atomic weaponry upon America because he was acting
in harmony with Roosevelt; they trusted each other explicitly.
Roosevelt had no qualms
about giving Stalin our nuclear secrets, as that act
was carried out to restore the effectiveness of the
Hegelian Formula, Thesis x Antithesis = Synthesis.
Roosevelt also did not
consider himself a traitor because the cause to which
he was really committed was a higher, and a more 'just',
Now you have the
rest of the story!
2. All the riots,
plus the attacks on police, are producing bitter fruits.
* Minneapolis
police advise citizens to just to give in to criminals!
NEWS BRIEF: "Minneapolis
Police Department Advises Residents to Give In to Criminals",
Breitbart News, 2 July 2020
"The Minneapolis
Police Department is advising residents of the city
to 'Be prepared to give up your cell phone and purse/wallet'
if approached by robbers, and 'Do not argue or fight
with the criminal. Do as they say'.”
If this surrender to criminals
is now being advocated by the police department, then
that department deserves to be defunded so a brand new
police department can be brought in. This outright nonsense
is what passes for wisdom in Democrat-controlled cities.
"The Democrat-dominated
Minneapolis City Council unanimously approved a resolution
in June to abolish the police department — much
to the chagrin of local leaders in the black community,
who spoke out against the plan in July. The local Minneapolis
Star-Tribune reported that local black leaders had called
the plan to abolish or defund the police 'Egregious,
grotesque, absurd, crazy, ridiculous'.”
I find it gratifying to
learn that local black leaders are now beginning to
speak out against this race-driving revolution!
* Violent crimes
of all kinds are now exploding in Democrat-controlled
and protests from Portland to Jerusalem",
Israel National News,
"Over the past several
years, public discourse in the United States has seen
a lot of new lows. It saw another one this month when
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi referred to federal officers
in Portland, Oregon as “stormtroopers,”
that is, Nazi Brownshirts ... The Israeli protesters
aren’t as violent as their American peers, but
their messages of hatred of Netanyahu are violent and
there have been some violent incidents, which seem to
be growing, over the past week or so."
"Just as Pelosi and
her colleagues demonize law enforcement officers trying
to restore order and safety in places like Portland,
Seattle and Chicago, the media and Netanyahu’s
opponents in Knesset condemn the police for any effort
to arrest demonstrators."
"And the Israeli
left has demonstrators who are willing to cause mayhem
to promote hatred of Netanyahu. Like their American
counterparts, the demonstrations in Jerusalem and Tel
Aviv are happening in the context of the pandemic. The
demonstrators have hitched a ride on the economic distress
the pandemic has induced. They also benefit from the
closure of the public sphere."
"There are many conservative
commentators on the right side of America’s unbridgeable
political divide that believe the U.S. public will respond
at the ballot box to the violence in their streets by
reelecting Trump. Author Victor Davis Hanson wrote this
week about the coming “counter-revolution.”
Voters see President
Trump as the "Law and Order" President.
Pollster: Majority See Trump as 'Law and Order President',
Newsmax, 1 August 2020
"A majority of likely
U.S. voters agree with President Donald Trump's assertion
he is the law and order candidate in this November's
election, according to the latest poll by Zogby Analytics
... While many have slammed the use of federal troops
in cities like Portland and Chicago by the DOJ, Trump's
message that he is the 'law and order' president coupled
with violence in cities and suburbs across the nation
could have the effect of helping Trump win back voters,
if he is seen as a stabilizing presence, and if the
violence and protests continue to spill out of control."
"There is some dissension
from Trump's staking claim to law and order as Democrat-run
cities are burned, vandalized, and in some cases destroyed
by George Floyd rioters as Democrats have managed to
blame Trump for it."
3. Riots in cities
seem designed to trigger Martial Law clampdown
NEWS BRIEF: "America
'staring down the barrel of martial law', Oregon senator
warns", The Guardian News, 7/25/2020
"America is 'staring
down the barrel of martial law' as it approaches the
presidential election, a US senator from Oregon has
warned as Donald Trump cracks down on protests in Portland,
the state’s biggest city ... Trump this week announced
a “surge” of federal law enforcement to
Chicago and Albuquerque, in addition to a contingent
already in Kansas City. The move fuelled critics’
suspicions that the president was stressing a “law
and order” campaign theme at the expense of civil
In the Illuminati
Card Game, we see a variety of "Martial
Law" cards, which tells us that, at some point
in the planned takedown of this free country, the President
is going to declare Martial Law.
Such a martial
law would be a precursor to the President suspending
the Constitution. Listen to the plan:
"Martial Law is planned
by the Global Elite as the final blow to elected governments
whose power is restrained by a document like America's
Constitution and Bill of Rights. Listen to this plan
as enunciated by the 200-year-old Protocols of the Learned
Elders of Zion (one of the most important planning documents
of all time relating to the overthrow of the Old World
Order so that the New can be set in its place).
Once the President declares
that the "enemies of peace" have become so
disruptive to the war effort that he is forced to impose
"temporary" martial law and "temporarily"
suspend the Constitution, the full plan of the Protocols
leaps into action. Listen:
"There is another
reason also why they will close their eyes: for we shall
keep promising them to give back all the liberties we
have taken away as soon as we have quelled the enemies
of peace and tamed all parties .... It is not worth
to say anything about how long a time they will be kept
waiting for this return of their liberties ..."
("The Protocols of Zion", Protocol Nr. 11,
"We Are Wolves")
This plan is to so panic
the American people that they will allow their Constitutional
government to be abolished and individual liberties
taken away, in order that our Illuminist leaders will
be able to "restore order" and "quell
the enemies the peace"; of course, no American
leader will tell their panicked citizens that the only
reason we are facing the crisis is that our Illuminist
leaders have deliberately caused the panic and the war
in the first place! Nor will our leaders tell us the
truth, that they shall never give us our Constitutional
form of Government back.
4. China has placed
compliant leaders in several key leadership areas, from
U.S. Senator to NBA owner.
Prefers 'a Biden Presidency'," Newsmax,
2 August 2020
"China has a lot
in common with Democrats, according to foreign affairs
expert Gordon Chang: They both are working to get Joe
Biden elected."
"While Trump has
been pressing China on trade, intellectual property
theft, and forced-technology transfer, the long-running
establishment has permitted China to become the world
economic superpower it is now, so a change back in policy
would be dangerous, Chang added ./.."
" 'We know that the
Democratic Party foreign policy establishment is very
pro-China', Chang concluded to Catsimatidis. 'So you
put all these reasons together, you have to be concerned
that a President Biden would not have a policy that
would defend the U.S. from Chinese malicious disinformation
campaigns, and the other things that it's doing to undermine
our society'."
Now you know why
Communist China spent all those billions of dollars
to fill Joe and Hunter Biden's bank accounts!
Caught In Biggest Scandal Of Their History —
Players Ordered Not To Comment -- China",
Sons of 1776, July 31, 2020
"While the connections
between the NBA and China have been obvious for a long
time, the basketball league has done a fairly effectively
job of side-stepping criticism. That’s largely
been possible because of a compliant media, which doesn’t
dare criticize an organization so committed to “social
justice.” Lebron James, for example, has been
allowed to continually not answer questions about China’s
abuses even as he proclaims himself a leader in the
“anti-racist” movement. But that may be
about to change. The biggest scandal in the league’s
history has just dropped and it’s directly connected
to human rights abuses in China."
"ESPN just dropped
an atomic bomb on the NBA’s China relationship.
Story alleges NBA turned blind eye to massive human
rights abuses & league’s own camps looked
like they were from Nazi Germany ... In search of the
next Yao Ming, the NBA opened a player development academy
in Xinjiang -- where most athletes were Uighurs."
"The Chinese government
ran the facilities and the coaches physically beat the
Someone needs to warn
people like Lebron James that, if Communism ever takes
over America, they will immediately seize all assets
of all rich people and then murder them. That happened
in both Russia and China, so everyone should expect
it to happen in America.
All that ill-gained money
would mean nothing if the former owner is in the grave.
5. "Big Pharma"
is reaping billions of dollars of profits from the pursuit
of a vaccine for COVID-19!
Pharma Rakes in Billions from U.S. Taxpayers for Coronavirus
Vaccine", Breitbart News, 2
August 2020
"Big pharmaceutical
corporations are raking in billions from American taxpayers
through the United States government deals that are
funding research for a vaccine to the Chinese coronavirus.
In May, President Donald Trump’s administration
created Operation Warp Speed (OWS) to partner with pharmaceutical
corporations in researching, developing, and administering
a vaccine for the coronavirus at a record pace."
"As a result, the
administration is cutting deals for pharmaceutical corporations
that deliver them billions in taxpayer dollars for vaccine
research and development."
As we stated in the beginning,
the whole purpose of this new virus is to create a vaccine
that will be in hot demand once it is delivered to the
marketplace. Profits are going to be enormous!
And, of course,
we should all be aware that the ultimate population
reduction is going to occur from a deliberately tainted
vaccine! As we demonstrate in the DVD Set pictured above,
Control: Increase the Death Rate", the Elite
plans to achieve a 100% kill rate in those areas of
every nation on earth so targeted through the poisoning
of a vaccine.
Meanwhile, an
Italian study reveals that Hydroxychloroquine is effective
in bringing a patient back to health.
NEWS BRIEF: "Hydroxychloroquine
Cut Death Risk 66 Percent: Italian Study",
Newsmax, 31 July 2020
"An Italian study
found that hospitalized coronavirus patients who took
anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine?combined with azithromycin
were 66% less likely to die. 'Science Direct' reports
that the study also indicates a 'larger effectiveness
of hydroxychloroquine in patients with less severe COVID-19
6. Billionaire
Bill Gates sounded a somber note as he said that the
"next one virus" would cause people to sit
up and take notice, pay attention!