Hot News Analysis
1. Donald Trump called
a "Spade a Spade" the other day!
He called Hillary
Clinton "the Devil"! A very accurate observation.
on Clinton: ‘She’s
the Devil’," Breitbart
News, 1 August 2016
"Donald Trump criticized
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania
on Monday night, suggesting he made a deal with Hillary
Clinton, whom Trump called 'the devil'.”
Trump was criticizing Sanders
for caving in to Hillary so completely and so unexpectedly
during the Democrat Party Convention. Sanders' delegates
had expected he would fight her to the bitter end -- because
that is what he promised he would so.
However, Bernie's abrupt surrender
is typical when one considers the trail of over 50 bodies
floating in the Clinton wake! In early 1998, Cutting Edge
posted a somber article,
NEWS1221, entitled "Unique Trail
of Dead Bodies Is Something You Would Expect From Powerful
Witch Holding Office of President".
After the mysterious and violent
death of a DNC staff member and a whisleblower, this issue
of all these dead bodies conveniently dying during the Bill
Clinton Administration. You need to read both our 1998 article
and the currently one, to get a true picture of this somber
NEWS BRIEF: "Unsolved
Murder of Democrat Whistle Blower Spawns Conspiracy Theories",
American Lookout, August 1, 2016
"As we and others reported
in July, a young Democratic Party pollster and outreach
worker named Seth Rich was found murdered in his Washington,
DC neighborhood. Police described it as a robbery gone bad
but Rich still had his cash, phone and watch. Now,
the unsolved murder is causing more questions."
"Washington DC’s
up-and-coming Bloomingdale neighborhood remains gripped
by fear three weeks after the murder there of Democratic
National Committee staffer Seth Rich — with still
no reported leads, suspects or arrests in the killing ...
Rich was beaten, shot and killed early on the morning of
July 8 while he was walking home and talking on the phone
to his girlfriend."
"while information from
authorities may be scarce, the Internet has certainly taken
Seth Rich’s story to some very dark places —
despite no evidence to back up any of the reigning conspiracy
theories. Shortly after the killing,
Redditors and social media users were pursuing a 'lead'
saying that Rich was en route to the FBI that fateful morning,
apparently intending to speak to special agents about an
'ongoing court case' possibly involving the Clinton family.
"There’s definitely
more to this story than the public knows.
It’s also very telling
that the media
is ignoring it."
This scenario was repeated
by the almost 60 murders of people who could hurt the Clintons
from 1988 - 1997. If a person could hut Bill and/or Hillary
Clinton politically or financially, they were in extreme
danger of being murdered -- and their case never solved.
Hillary revealed her true evil heart, and her words should
strike our hearts with steely resolve.
She said that Christians
will have to surrender our beliefs and our practices for
the good of women!
NEWS BRIEF: "Hillary
Clinton: Christians In America Must Deny Their Faith
In Christianity", Shoebat.com News, 24 April
"Hilary Clinton just
said that Christians must deny their Faith through the enforcement
of laws, by stating that the Christian belief in being pro-life,
and anti-abortion, must change, and that this should be
done through laws and 'political will'.”
The word "will"
is very common in New Age and Elite circles, and has been
for almost 100 years. Adolf Hitler loved to use this word
as he described the force which would compel Germans to
change their beliefs and their actions after he assumed
To the occultist, the word
"will" refers to the steely inner resolve that
a leader must possess when directing his people. Listen
to this "political will" from the lips of the
Illuminati discussing the transformation of an entire county.
"It is patently impossible
to discuss social engineering or the automation of a society,
i.e., the engineering of social automation systems (Silent
Weapons) on a National or Worldwide scale without implying
extensive objectives of social control and destruction of
human life, i.e., Slavery and Genocide ... The solution
of today's problems requires an approach which is ruthlessly
candid, with no agonizing over religious, moral, or cultural
values. You have qualified for this project because of your
ability to look at human society with cold objectivity,
and yet analyze and discuss your observations and conclusions
with others of similar intellectual capacity without a loss
of discretion or humility ... Do not deviate from them."
[William Cooper, "Behold
A Pale Horse", p. 36-7; shown above. author
is New Age).
Believe me, Hillary will have
no problem changing society through " social control
and destruction of human life, Slavery and Genocide. She
truly is " ruthlessly candid, with no agonizing over
religious, moral, or cultural values".
Doubt it not!
After stumbling a little upon how to respond to the scathing
words of the Muslim father at the DNC Convention, Trump
finally hit a "home run" on this dubious issue.
Was Just Joking’: Media Apoplectic as Khizr Khan
Attack on Donald Trump Goes Down in Flames",
Breitbart News, 1 August 2016
"Mainstream media figures
from the New York Times to the Huffington Post to CNN are
apoplectic Monday as their latest attack on Donald J. Trump,
the Republican nominee for president, has crumbled yet again
under the slightest bit of scrutiny. Specifically, the newest
line of attack to fall apart is the criticism of Trump over
Khizr Khan, the Muslim Gold Star father who spoke at the
Democratic National Convention last week."
"... for the past few
days since Khan spoke alongside his wife Ghazala Khan about
their son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed
in Iraq in 2004, media-wide reporters, editors, producers,
and anchors have tried to lay criticism on Trump over the
matter. They thought they had a good one, a specific line
of attack that pitted Trump against the military—and
supposedly showed him as a big meanie racist in the process."
Perhaps the Leftist Liberal
Media should have checked out some facts on this Khan fellow!!!
"Khizr Khan has all sorts
of financial, legal, and political connections to the Clintons
through his old law firm, the mega-D.C. firm Hogan Lovells
LLP. That firm did Hillary Clinton’s taxes for years,
starting when Khan still worked there ... —back in
2004. It also has represented, for years, the government
of Saudi Arabia in the United States. Saudi Arabia, of course,
is a Clinton Foundation donor which—along with the
mega-bundlers of thousands upon thousands in political donations
to both of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns
in 2008 and 2016—plays right into the 'Clinton Cash'
Then, right in the middle
of this Liberal confusion of the facts, Trump put the final
nail in the coffin.
Trump said that, had
he been President in 2004, when Captain Kahn was killed,
he would not have been in Iraq in the first place, because
a President Trump in that time period would NOT have American
forces in that "stupid war"!
Khan’s Son Wouldn’t Have Died If I Was President
Because I Wouldn’t Have Been In Iraq: "Ridiculous
War", Breitbart News, 1 August 2016
"On Monday’s broadcast
of the Fox News Channel’s 'Hannity', Republican presidential
nominee Donald Trump argued that Humayun Khan wouldn’t
have died if he was president 'because I wouldn’t
have been in the war, if I was president back then'.”
"Trump said, “I
can say this. If I was president, because his son died 12
years ago, if I were president, his son wouldn’t have
died, because I wouldn’t have been in the war ...
There would have been no war for Iraq, I can tell you that,
because I think it’s ridiculous, the whole thing."
The father, Khizr Khan, should
have been blaming Hillary Clinton for the death of his son,
because she voted -- as New York Senator -- to authorize
President George W. Bush to invade Iraq so as to topple
that dictator, Saddam Hussein. The blame for the Iraq War
rests as squarely on Hillary's shoulders as on anyone else's,
and it does NOT rest on Donald Trump.
Khizr Khan turns out to be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood
and a member of a high-powered law firm with firm ties to
Hillary and to Saudi Arabia!
The Media Is Not Telling You About The Muslim Who Attacked
Donald Trump: He Is A Muslim Brotherhood Agent Who Wants
To Advance Sharia Law And Bring Muslims Into The United
States", Shoebat News,
"The Muslim who attacked
Donald Trump, Khizr Muazzam Khan, is a Muslim Brotherhood
agent, working to bring Muslims into the United States.
After reading what we discovered so far, it becomes obvious
that Khan wanted to ‘trump’ Trump’s Muslim
immigration policy of limiting Muslim immigration into the
And while he uttered his ridiculous
and emotional lies in front of tens of millions of Americans,
Hillary looked on, knowing that he was performing a propaganda
exercise for her.
" Khan is a promoter
of Islamic Sharia Law in the U.S. He was a co-founder of
the Journal of Contemporary Issues in Muslim Law (Islamic
Sharia). Khan’s fascination with Islamic Sharia stems
from his life in Saudi Arabia ... What is more worrisome
is that at the bottom of the intro, Khan shows his appreciation
and the source of his work and gives credit to an icon of
the Muslim Brotherhood..."
Hillary is literally
"sleeping with the enemy"!
4. Is a "Satan
Club" coming to your school soon?
After School Satan Club could be coming to your kid’s
elementary school", The Washington Post,
July 30, 2016
Mass. —It’s a hot summer night, and leaders
of the Satanic Temple have gathered in the crimson-walled
living room of a Victorian mansion in this city renowned
for its witch trials in the 17th century. They’re
watching a sepia-toned video, in which children dance around
a maypole, a spider crawls across a clown’s face and
eerie, ambient chanting gives way to a backward, demonic
voice-over. The group chuckles with approval."
Why are these Satanists trying
to accomplish during this meeting?
"They’re here plotting
to bring their wisdom to the nation’s public elementary
school children. They point out that Christian evangelical
groups already have infiltrated the lives of America’s
children through after-school religious programming in public
schools, and they appear determined to give young students
a choice: Jesus or Satan."
And, our godless, materialistic
Public School officials will embrace these "after school
Satan Clubs" with open arms and with as much money
as this program requires. After all, when people reject
Absolute Standards and Truth, they will fall for anything
and everything!
Our nation has rejected God
in the schools, along with Bible reading, Bible study, and
prayer within the confines of our schools, so the next logical
step is to invite other religions in (which has already
been done), and then, finally, invited Satan himself to
set up shop in our children's hearts and minds.
Well did Jesus warn of this
type of scenario.