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that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith
unto the churches; To him that overcometh
will I give to eat of the tree
of life, which is in the midst of the paradise
of God." (Revelation 2:7, KJV)
Must I Do To Be Saved?
of God & The Nephilim Volume 2"
Supernatural View From the Word of God"
Volume 2 of 2,
Only $19.99
There are many mysteries in this world that historically have Christians running for cover. These are not mysteries that are easily solved, and the hard questions more often than not, go unanswered. Furthermore, these mysteries have found their way into our culture and demand an answer from those who are well-versed in Scripture, or we as Christians stand to lose an entire generation to a culture that is becoming more and more saturated with answers from the occult world. What are the questions that arise from these mysteries? Here is a list of a few critical queries:
• Are there spiritual forces that rule and influence the destiny and direction of the nations?
• Where and how did demons originate?
• Are there biblical answers to the strange events documented in the world of the paranormal?
• What are ghosts?
• Do vampires really exist?
• Are UFOs (UAPs is the latest designation) real or the figments of some over-active imagination?
•Are space aliens real? Do they come from other planets?
•Is there life elsewhere in our physical universe?
The fact of the matter is that most Christians
(pastors included) avoid these questions like the plague,
and the local church has lost many a young person over
these issues because the Bible “has
no answers” to the really difficult questions.
This is an absolute tragedy. The reality is that
the Bible does indeed have the answers,
but churches and pastors have avoided dealing with situations
that make them uncomfortable. This is the case even
when the Bible gives us the insight into the
supernatural world that has all of the answers.
The Sons of God & the Nephilim
DVD2 gives the viewer the answers not only to these
questions, but other answers for those who seek the
truth. DVD2 will close the loop on the biblical
concepts explored in DVD1 and furnish the answers an
entire generation seeks. Armed with this information,
the viewer will be well-equipped to reach those who
seek answers not only with the truths they seek; but
more importantly, you will be able to build a foundation
of truth to support the presentation of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ.
of God & The Nephilim"
Supernatural View From the Word of God"
Volume 1 of 2,
Only $19.99
This DVD will
cover the events of Scripture from Genesis 6 through
the Flood itself. While some current authors have gone
down paths of incredulity and blatant fantasy, there
have been many solid, biblical scholars who have taken
up the subject matter. In our new DVD, Cutting Edge
Ministries has drawn on our new research and has assembled
a wealth of knowledge from others who have remained
true to the Word of God and actual historical accounts
to compile this new documentary."!
We will additionally
discuss the myths of ancient Mesopotamia and ancient
Greece to gain insight into man’s interpretation
of the true events of the final 2 centuries before the
Flood. We will also explore extra-biblical information
from the Book of Enoch and its account of the Watchers
that came from the heavenly dimension to Mt. Hermon
in the days of Jared.
The first DVD
will resolve the important questions:
1. Who were the
Sons of God of Genesis 6?
2. Who were the giants?
3. What was their intention when arriving to our physical
4. What was their impact on mankind?
5. Can we identify these creatures in human history
and/or myth?
6. What happened to them?
DVD 2 is to be
released Summer of 2021.
There is a phenomenal
amount of information in this 2-DVD series. Please join
us to gain great insight into the supernatural nature
of the Word of God, and how we should think about these
events. We promise that this DVD set will change the
way you look at the Word of God in general and the Old
Testament in particular. As a result, we would hope
that all who view it will gain a new level of wisdom
from the Word of God in order to live our lives as more
acceptable ambassadors for Jesus Christ.
Run Time 1 hour 32 minutes -- Order
yours today

Important News -- Headlines
1. Did you know
that the Communist propaganda media deceived the peoples
of Russia, China and Cuba that they were being horribly
The reality is
that they were financially well off and had no reason
whatsoever to allow Communist tyrants to take them over.
Americans are
in the same boat today, and the Communist tyrants are
slathering in anticipation of the death toll they will
be able to execute!
2. Trump warns
that "radicals are taking power"!
All Leftists and
R.I.N.O.'s need to seize absolute power is a riveting
crisis - World War III beckons.
3. China Is Assembling
a Huge Fleet For War With Taiwan.
Thousands of ships
and millions of troops being assembled!
4. As the inmates
start running the Asylum, the 'Silent Majority' is becoming
very angry.
5. Suddenly, calls
are being heard for "mentally deficient" Joe
Biden to step down.
If the Global
Elite intend for the United States President to be someone
they can control, they had better act while Biden is
still President.
6. Suddenly, Bill
Gates and George Soros control the testing company which
measures COVID-19 infection levels.
Now, they can
dial up any level of infection they want us to believe
7. Suddenly, reported
levels of a "variant" virus are being touted
in the Press.
Permanent lockdowns
are now becoming a reality!
LTC Robert L. Maginnis
'Give Me Liberty,
Not Marxism' examines what current American leaders
like President Joe Biden and his globalist allies intend
for America and the world, an outcome that may well
usher in the prophetic end times.
The evidence
for this possible result comes from an objective review
of the histories of past Marxist- regimes. These accounts
are juxtaposed with the 778contemporary political proposals
by those who seek a global 'Great Reset' that could
produce a radically different America. A country which
becomes subordinate to a godless, totalitarian one-world
government ruled by the Chinese Communist Party.
488 Pages
-- Please
Click Here To Order
Will ship
Monday, 7/19,2021
NATION! Divided Culture, Church In Chaos"

New 162-Page Book
by Ken Ham, Only $15.99
America is starting
to collapse, morally and spiritually.
We live in a nation
divided across political, racial, cultural, and especially
religious lines. Can the church regain a position of
influence among young people.
This book provides
families and their churches biblical mandates to awaken
and arise as witnesses in today’s turbulent times.
As Christian persecution
increases, the Body of Christ needs to prepare to take
a bold stand. Ken Ham, CEO and founder of Answers in
Genesis-US, the highly acclaimed Creation Museum, and
the world-renowned Ark Encounter, sounds the clarion
call for Reformation, bringing God’s people back
to the authority of the Word of God.
Ham addresses
five specific critical issues:
* There is no
neutral position
* There is no
non-religious position
* There are ultimately
only two religions -- God or Satan!
* How to think
foundationally to develop a truly Christian worldview
Make a stand for
the soul of this generation. We are living at a "Watchman
on the Wall" moment in our history!
"But if the
watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet,
and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and
take any person from among them, he is taken away in
his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's
your copy today
Cutting Edge Ministries
click on this button
to guarantee that Cutting
Edge will not disappear for lack of funds. We have a
unique message and a worldview which has proven correct
for the past 23 years. Please help us
for the Days of Noah"
Join Pastor Carl Gallups
in the SkyWatch TV studio for this incredible 2-Part
sermon based off of his ground- breaking work 'The
From living without fear
in the midst of a Global Pandemic to the question surrounding
what Jesus is telling His people through the prophecy
of 'The Fig Tree' and the return of Israel, this companion
DVD will give you a head start to understanding all
you need to know about the coming Days of Noah (the
Is our world actually
reeling toward the foretold days of Noah those days
of unparalleled global turmoil as foretold by Jesus
in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke? Are we really on
the brink of a universal shaking, as
a number of today s prophecy watchers are warning?
Be thrust headlong into
the original days of Noah, and through the theater of
your mind you’ll actually be inside the ark at
the very moment the antediluvian world ripped apart
at the seams!
Walk the Jordan River
Valley with Jesus and His disciples as they made their
way up to Jerusalem one last time.
Be made privy to some
of the deepest meanings of the otherwise hard sayings
that Jesus proclaimed to various audiences, along His
way to Calvary.
Discover the profoundly
stunning truths concerning what Jesus really
meant when He proclaimed that the very last days would
be just like the days of Noah.
Gain a much richer understanding
of today s world, and how it connects to several earth-
shattering biblical prophecies that are coming to life
in our day.
Learn how to immediately
prepare yourself for the future, both logistically and
$24.95 in DVD
available in Book format at $19.95
'Making A Deal
With The Devil'
Book by Tom Horn's
Defender Publishing
The modern world has seen
unparalleled challenges, circumstances and outright
travesties. We have battled global pandemic, shutdowns,
riots, economic strains, unprecedented political turmoil,
and fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy
However, there are greater
forces at work beneath the surface, forces that are
Satanic and which will fulfill End Times prophecies
The faltering, apostate
Christian Church, will never identify this damnable
malevolence and warn the LOST, and preach the Gospel!
You will learn: 1) Change
in Mass Media prove that mankind is headed for unspeakable
travesty; 2) How Media Masters manipulate and shape
your mindset; 3) Society is being gradually groomed
for the enforcement of the Mark of the Beast; 4) How
Western Christianity has been redefined as a CULT; 5)
Many more prophetic events
367 pages and still only
$19.95 - Order
your copy today
Gods, and Dragons"
the Fallen Realm and the Plot to Ignite the Final War
of the Ages"
Giants are real.
The small-g gods of the pagans are real. Dragons are
'Giants, Gods,
and Dragons' is a fresh look at the end of days, drawing
on the worldview of the prophets and apostles, who understood
that the spirit realm is far more real than we’ve
been taught.
You will discover:
* The identities
of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
* The connections
between Babel, Babylon, and what’s in your wallet
* The dragons who will walk the earth in the last days
* The name of the first spirit to rebel against God
(hint: it wasn’t Satan)
* The connection between the reptilian figurines of
ancient Sumer and the practice of human sacrifices
* Fresh new understandings of the final End of the Age
Available in BOTH
Book and DVD:
265 page Book
, only $19.95, Order
the book
DVD - Order
the DVD
Important News -- Analysis
1. Did you know
that the Communist propaganda media deceived the peoples
of Russia, China and Cuba that they were being horribly
Before Castro", American Thinker,
December 22, 2014
"... the greatest
danger free minds face today is the calculated rewriting
of history. Tsarist Russia, whose economy was growing
much faster than any major nation’s through 1914
and whose cultural achievements amounted to a Golden
Age, is invariably presented as horrible. Republican
China, the most vital and overlooked ally in the Second
World War, which also had a thriving economy and remarkable
scientific and artistic achievements, is likewise presented
as corrupt and weak."
Now, here is the bottom
line truth:
"Marxists made it
their business to paint their predecessors as presiding
over despicable regimes whose deliverance by communists
was glorious and noble."
This line of reasoning
and of propaganda aimed primarily at Black African-Americans
which has been streamed constantly for the past 30years.
Even though Black ownership is at historic highs and
their unemployment is less than 10%, Communist/Mass
Media has convinced people that "white is really
black" and that up is really down.
Listen to another source
for this subject of propagandizing the people.
the Left Really Wants to Kill America",
American Thinker, February 4, 2020
"To overthrow a capitalist
society, The Communist Manifesto calls for fomenting
a titanic struggle by pitting an alleged victim class
against an alleged oppressor class. In the Russian Revolution
of 1917, the Bolsheviks rose to power by pitting the
proletariat against the bourgeoisie. The term refers
to politically subdividing the electorate into multiple
factions (voting blocks), whose members are told they
are singled out for persecution by a bigoted and unjust
society. To wit: People of color are persecuted by racists
& white supremacists, women by sexists & misogynists,
refugees & illegal immigrants by nativists &
xenophobes, Muslims by Islamophobes, gays & lesbians
by homophobes & religious bigots, the 99% by the
1%, and so on."
The goal of identity politics
is to turn a majority of the American electorate against
their country ... Identity politics is used as a political
bludgeon to deceive Americans into believing their country
is an incurably unjust place where things can be set
straight only by killing off its existing economic and
governing systems."
Over the last half-century,
the Democratic Party has taken the concept of Marxist/Leninist
dialectical struggle to new heights through its use
of identity politics.
The success of Black Lives
Matter is proof that this propaganda campaign is working
too well and is threatening the lives of tens of millions
of Americans.
The reality is
that people were financially well off prior to the imposition
of Marxist leaders and had no reason whatsoever to allow
Communist tyrants to take them over.
Lamentably, America
is headed in the same direction!
"... dictatorships
always confiscate the guns of their people, and then
subjugate and murder them terribly ... the death of
the Second Amendment will cause the rest of our Constitutional
protections to be quickly destroyed. If the Supreme
Court can nullify our rights under the heavily-defended
Second Amendment, they can nullify any other amendment
as well!"
After seizing power, Russia
murdered 20,000,000citizens, China murdered as many
as 35,000,000 (NEWS1877b)
and Cuba executed 15,000!
This level of slaughter
came after Communist leaders convinced their citizens
that they were being most terribly treated by their
governments, to the point where an armed insurrection
was the only way to correct the situation.
Here is the bottom line:
"Our main agenda
is to have ALL guns banned. We must use whatever means
possible. It doesn't matter if you have to distort facts
or even lie. Our task of creating a Socialist America
can only succeed when those who would resist us have
been totally disarmed." - Sarah Brady (President
of Handgun Control, Inc.) to Senator Howard Metzenbaum
-- The National Educator, January, 1994, Page 3.
""In the 20th
Century, governments murdered four times as many civilians
as were killed in all the international and domestic
wars combined. Further, governments murdered millions
more people than were killed by common criminals."
("Death by Gun Control" by Aaron Zelman and
Richard W. Stevens.
Castro's Mass Murder by the Numbers",
American Thinker, PJ Media, November 28, 2016
"Fidel Castro shed
blood on a scale unimaginable in American terms. His
butchers executed perhaps 15,000 prisoners ... That
was in a country of 7 million. In per capita terms,
that’s the equivalent of about 680,000 executions
in the United States of America with our population
of 318 million. What’s 680,000? The entire population
of Denver or Seattle. Imagine taking every man, woman,
and child of a major American city and murdering them.
That’s the scale of Fidel Castro’s crimes."
Americans are
in the same boat today, and the Communist tyrants are
slathering in anticipation of the death toll they will
be able to execute!

2. Trump warns
that "radicals are taking power"!
NEWS BRIEF: "‘Radicals
Are Seizing Power’: Trump Warns of Communism
in the U.S.", Breitbart News, 27
July 2021
"Former President
Donald Trump warned of encroaching communism in the
U.S. during a speech on Saturday."
" 'What’s happening
to our country has sadly happened to many others. We
are at the beginning of a communist system', Trump said
while speaking in Arizona at Turning Point Action. 'Radicals
are seizing power and destroying everything we hold
dear as Americans, and it’s happening. And I said
it was going to happen.”
Adolf Hitler speaks to
the value of propaganda:
"By The Skillful
And Sustained Use Of Propaganda, One Can Make A People
See Even Heaven As Hell Or An Extremely Wretched Life
As Paradise.” ("77
Most Famous Adolf Hitler Quotes That Will Blow Your
Mind", Mob Quotes, July 23, 2021)
And, finally, Hitler told
us, "What Luck For Rulers That Men Do Not Think.”
All Leftists and
R.I.N.O.'s need to seize absolute power is a riveting
crisis - World War III beckons.
3. China Is Assembling
a Huge Fleet For War With Taiwan.
Thousands of ships
and millions of troops being assembled!
NEWS BRIEF: "Thousands
Of Ships, Millions Of Troops: China Is Assembling
a Huge Fleet For War With Taiwan",
Forbes, July 27, 2021
"To have any chance
of conquering Taiwan, China might need to transport
as many as two million troops across the rough 100 miles
of the Taiwan Strait and land them under fire at the
island’s 14 potential invasion beaches or 10 major
"To transport the
bulk of the invasion force, Beijing almost certainly
would take up into naval service thousands of civilian
ships. To that end, the Chinese Communist Party has
created a legal and bureaucratic framework for taking
over control of commercial shipping. Meanwhile, naval
engineers have begun modifying key vessels to make them
better assault ships."
" 'If the PLA invasion
force was a million or more men, then we might expect
an armada of thousands or even tens of thousands of
ships to deliver them, augmented by thousands of planes
and helicopters', Ian Easton, an analyst with the Project
2049 Institute in Virginia, wrote in a recent report.
" To transport the
balance of the invasion force, the Chinese navy can
take up around 2,000 large commercial vessels crewed
by around 650,000 mariners."
Taiwan is taking notice
and action!
"It’s not for
no reason Taiwan and its allies are stocking up on long-range
anti-ship missiles. The plan, if that giant Chinese
fleet ever sails toward Taiwan with a couple million
troops aboard, is to sink as many of them as possible
in the day or two it would take for Beijing to assemble
the fleet and send it across the Taiwan Strait."
During the time of this
invasion, Americans will be treated more roughly by
its government than at any other time in our history.
When Big Government undertakes to fight a major outside
threats, her leaders invariably seizes extra-ordinary
And, citizens either die
or are imprisoned as a result.
4. As the inmates
start running the Asylum, the 'Silent Majority' is becoming
very angry.
Inmates Are Running the Asylum",
American Thinker, July 26, 2021
" Americans are tired...of
skyrocketing gas prices, of unprotected borders, of
never-ending government mask mandates and business-killing
lockdowns, of this one virus being treated as if it
were the scariest threat humankind has faced, of being
told they're unconsciously racist or consciously "extreme."
Americans are just plain tired of what a mess this megalomaniacal
bunch of "Build Back Better" morons have made
of the greatest country on the planet. "
Truly, the inmates have
seized control of the asylum and are threatening the
entire population with their brand of insanity! What
is the answer, apart from a revival turning us back
to Jesus Christ?
"When enough Americans
finally realize that the political left has dragged
them to the edge of madness, then America will finally
understand that the inmates have been running the asylum
for quite some time."
the Silent Majority Is Turning Angry",
American Thinker, July 26, 2021
"Americans are an
easygoing lot. We let bygones be bygones ... We have
been known as "the silent majority." We vote
pretty often, but we don't donate to politicians or
volunteer on campaigns. And we certainly don't protest
at City Hall."
However, our normal easy-going
mannerisms are being severely tested as never before,
and it is, to a great degree, the result of the Leftists
running the modern Democrat Party turning against the
America which gave them tens of millions of dollars
and a lifestyle unprecedented in history.
Anger is building amongst
the electorate.
"... when we see
a systematic assault on our American rights that has
a major impact on our daily lives, we start to wake
up. And when it continues, we start to get angry ...
the silent majority is finally seeing the writing on
the wall. We are realizing that if we do nothing when
the government comes for our neighbor, then there will
be no one left to help when the government comes for
5. Suddenly, calls
are being heard for "mentally deficient" Joe
Biden to step down.
NEWS BRIEF: "Biden’s
Declining Mental Health ‘a National Security Issue’
says Former Presidential Doctor",
American Defense News, July 23, 2021
"The questions about
President Joe Biden’s mental acuity, or growing
lack thereof, only gained importance after his latest
CNN Town Hall where he fumbled, stumbled, made patently
false statements, and generally appeared bewildered
and lost. Earlier we reported how Biden had fumbled
with notes unable to coherently answer a simple question
about Russian hacking that Biden said he had just been
briefed on."
From the moment Biden
was officially tapped as the Democrat Party's best they
had to offer for the office of President of the United
States, we believed that he was selected to be tapped
BECAUSE he was so mentally lacking.
Mentally deficient people
are easily cowered and led.
Throw in the fact that
both Joe and Hunter are owned by The Ukraine and by
the Chinese Communist Party, and you have the recipe
of being tightly controlled at a most dangerous time
in current world events.
We noted that, perhaps,
the most effective manner in which the Chinese and the
Russians could win World War III would be to sideline
the American military by controlling its top leader:
the President of the United States, bumbling and blackmailed
Joe Biden.
I could easily believe
the scenario whereby the Chinese/Russian president would
call 'Old Joe' and tell him that, when their forces
are attacking, Biden must order American forces to stand
Or, Biden could be tied
up for days and weeks by a resurgent Congress controlled
by Marxist Democrats.
Such a delay could cause
Taiwan to be overrun and for The Ukraine to be conquered.
Imagine that! Defeating the mighty American military
machine without firing a shot. Just a phone call to
"Confused Joe" would carry the day.
If the Global
Elite intend for the United States President to be someone
they can control, they had better act while Biden is
still President.
6. Suddenly, Bill
Gates and George Soros control the testing company which
measures COVID-19 infection levels.
Gates- and George Soros-Backed Organization Buys Out
COVID-19 Testing Company",
The Epoch Times, July 20, 2021
"A consortium backed
by George Soros and Bill Gates has joined a buyout of
Mologic, a COVID-19 testing company ... The group has
financed the acquisition of Mologic Ltd, a world-leading
innovator in the development of lateral flow and rapid
diagnostic technologies including tests that can help
combat tropical diseases such as dengue, bilharzia,
and river blindness, as well as for COVID-19' ..."
Now, they can
dial up any level of infection they want us to believe
7. Suddenly, reported
levels of a "variant" virus are being touted
in the Press.
NEWS BRIEF: "Coronavirus
Surge Threatens Political Future of Joe Biden’s
Presidency", Breitbart News,
26 July 2021
"The growing number
of coronavirus infections in the United States threatens
the political success of President Joe Biden’s
This statement is chock
full of lies and propaganda. Biden's presidency is as
failed as any we could have imagined.
"The Washington Post
reported Saturday that Biden officials are “increasingly
anxious” about the pandemic in America “spiraling
out of control” and threatening his agenda, which
is why they are pushing their 'vaccinations for all'
Permanent lockdowns
are now becoming a reality!
"Biden buyer's remorse
sets in as inflation soars, millions remain jobless,
the border is in crisis, and crime is on the rise."