Hot News Analysis
1. Hillary Clinton
officially claimed the Democrat Party nomination for President
of the United States.
NEWS BRIEF: "Hillary
Clinton secures nomination: "She
is a change maker", Bill claimed repeatedly",
News, July 26, 2016
"With a spectacular special
effects entry via video, Hillary Clinton briefly addressed
the delegates at the Democratic National Convention to close
out the second night. 'This is really your victory', Clinton
said. 'This is really your night. And if there are any little
girls who stayed up late to watch, let me say I may become
the first woman president but you can be next'."
"A parade of faces of
U.S. presidents flashed across the video screen, shattering
as if a window to reveal Clinton smiling at the camera.
' We just put the biggest crack in
that glass ceiling yet', she said."
Hillary is depending a lot
on Feminist Pride to win the White House, counting on tens
of millions of women who would cast their vote for her simply
to see a woman become President.
"Former President Bill
Clinton's speech ended just before 10 p.m. CST at the Democratic
National Convention. Throughout the speech, he repeated
that Hillary Clinton is a 'change maker'. The
speech essentially was an audio biography of their time
together and focused little on President Clinton's political
There is very good reason
for Bill to "focus little" on Hillary's political
achievements, because she has so little to show for her
participation in politics these last 16 years. Her most
significant job was that of Secretary of State under President
Obama, and that turned out to be a complete and unmitigated
Gun Control an Issue
-- "Nine mothers who lost children to gun deaths --
some at the hands of police -- stood before the Democratic
National Convention in a powerful statement on the need
for change and how Hillary Clinton is the best leader for
that change. Three of the mothers spoke as the nine women
stood shoulder to shoulder wearing red corsages."
" 'I lived in fear my
son would die like this', said Lucy McBath, whose son Jordan
Davis was shot for playing loud music at a gas station in
Florida. 'I even warmed him that because he was a young
black man, he would meet people who didn't value him or
his life'."
These mothers then issue a
plea for more stringent gun control, saying that Hillary
was the only one in America who could enact such strict
rules. Not one of these grieving mothers explained how I
am safer when a gunman is attacking me if I an unarmed!
America's Law Enforcement
issued a reply immediately -- "America's Law
Enforcement Officers have never been more educated, more
professional or more diverse. We are proud of our members!"
The time is coming when American
citizens are going to get so sick and tired of public shootings
that they will cast reason to the winds and succumb to the
false, but politically correct, rhetoric that gun violence
can be stopped only by confiscating weapons from law-abiding
private citizens.
Donald Trump must
be at the top of his campaigning skills or America is going
to have an unparalleled nightmare in the White House.
Leaked DNC emails prove that the REAL bigots are the Democrats!
Jews and Southern
Baptists are the most common target.
BRIEF: "Leaked
Emails Reveal the Real Bigots Are in the Democratic Party",
Breitbart News, 24 July 2016
"After being told for
weeks by very concerned liberals and media pundits that
Donald J. Trump represents the second coming of Adolf Hitler,
it is richly ironic to learn that Hillary Clinton’s
Democratic National Committee (DNC) planned to target Sen.
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for his faith."
"And it is Hilary Clinton’s
DNC ... Wikileaks revealed emails showing that the DNC and
the media conspired to stop Sanders’s insurgent candidacy."
I have been following politics
since I was a freshman in high school and thought I had
seen every possible crooked "dirty tricks" tactics,
but I was shocked to see visible proof that the Democrat
National Committee was blatantly working to defeat Bernie
Sanders so Hillary could win. This has got to be illegal,
at least illegal enough to invite a civil lawsuit.
"This is as close to
an honest-to-goodness 'dog whistle' as you are going to
get. The DNC actually contemplated appealing to the presumed
prejudices of their own bitter-clinger voters by planting
questions in a public forum."
In like manner, no politicians
in the Republican Party have proven to be as corrupt as
Bill and Hillary Clinton as they sold themselves and their
political influence to the highest bidder, through the Clinton
Foundation. If Hillary wins the White House, she is going
to hang the sign "For Sale To The Highest Bidder"
on the front portico.
America's moral collapse will
have then been completed.
You will not believe
the list of the most heinous -- and most insightful -- leaked
emails. Feminists, gays and blacks should instantly leave
the Party.
List Of The Most Egregious WikiLeaks DNC Emails",
The Sean Hannity Show, July 26, 2016
"This week's Democratic
National Convention is in complete disarray after hackers
released 20,000 emails from DNC officials, showing the committee’s
bias towards Hillary Clinton throughout the primary process.
Our friends at The
Gateway Pundit have produced a list of some of the most
egregious leaked emails which showed:
1) "Officials
wanted to use Bernie Sanders’ religion to scare off
Southern voters" - as we reported above
2) "DNC
officials had moles working within the Sanders campaign"
3) "The
DNC sent interns out to anti-Trump rallies when their 'allies'
couldn't 'deliver bodies in time' to the gatherings"
4) "Politico
reporter sends stories to DNC for approval before sending
them to his editor" - Ken
Vogel is the reporter's name
5) "High
ranking DNC staffers make fun of an African American woman's
6) "DNC
staffers complaining to Morning Joe producers that he mentioned
the 'rigged system' " - Used the "F*** word
in the email
7) "
DNC staffers using anti-gay slur" - Sounds like
the DNC male staffers are propositioning each other!
8) "DNC
feeding CNN questions they'd like to be asked during an
9) "$200k
for a private dinner with Hillary" - Proof positive
that Hillary did sell herself to the highest bidder!! She
will do the same as President!
WikiLeaks promises even more
intercepted emails are going to be dumped soon! Now that
Hillary is the official Democrat nominee, the time might
be right to show that she did expose Top Secret Crypto intelligence
to hostile world powers.
Such a revelation coming at
a time when the Democrats are stuck with Hillary could sink
her campaign!
One columnist believes that Hillary did not need the DNC
leaked email scandal to lose.
She is so unlikable
that she is unelectable.
NEWS BRIEF: "Servergate
Doesn’t Matter: Hillary Was Never Going to Be
President Anyway",
by Lisa
Schiffren, Observer.com News,
"Hillary Clinton doesn’t
seem to care about getting caught cheating again ... Why
would she? Mere mortals who defy the letter and meaning
of laws requiring transparency for high government officials
have their careers ended, pay fines, and face jail terms.
But even if White House enforcer Valerie Jarrett leaked
the story, as the New York Post reported, and regardless
of what millions of Americans conclude from this lawless
behavior, it won’t affect the outcome of her campaign
for the presidency."
One of the most dangerous
beliefs that Bill and Hillary have about themselves is that
laws may apply to everyone else in the country, but not
to them. This belief has been shared by every bloody dictator
in the history of mankind! Hillary is so dangerous because
she believes she can do anything she wants to do, even if
laws on the books forbid it!
"Democratic voters are
set to overlook every bit of chicanery, corruption and criminal
behavior on the part of Miz Hilly ... Nevertheless, Hillary
Rodham Clinton will not be elected President of the United
States. Never. Not if Hell freezes over. In the binary gut
calculation as to whether a candidate is electable or not,
she is not."
"If Ms. Clinton were
electable, she would have been elected in 2008. That was
her year. She looked good. She was solid and energetic ...
She had not yet screwed up the long awaited Arab Spring
as secretary of state, or failed to design even one notable
policy, strategy or doctrine for the use of American power
in a world spinning out of control. She hadn’t yet
been caught bald-facedly covering up death, failure and
the backing of dubious potential allies in Libya. "
"But upon reflection,
it was Ms. Clinton, not 'women', whom Democratic primary
voters rejected. They rejected her because they didn’t
want to live with her as president. They chose a charismatic
stranger (Obama), rather than she whose machinations, lies,
and lack of discernible conviction were far too familiar."
I can only hope and pray that
Lisa Schiffren is
right, that Hillary is unelectable; yet,
there is a strange force behind Hillary that enables her
to seize victory from the jaws of defeat.
4. Our Old Glory American
Flag was not flying at the Democrat Convention!
But, the hateful Palestinian
Flag representing no country, was fully visible.
Palestinian Flag Flies At The DNC: No 'Old Glory' can
be seen", Breitbart News, 26 July 2016
"The flag of pan-Arab
nationalism, born out of violent rebellion and struggle
(or jihad), was flown today on the floor of the Democratic
National Convention. What it means that the flag of 'Palestine'
can be spotted in Philadelphia, with not an Old Glory in
sight, is that the Democratic Party of America is taking
a hard-left turn."
American Jewish voters had
better stop right now and digest all the ramifications of
allowing a Palestinian flag to fly on the convention floor.
The Palestinians are desperately radical in their genocidal
hatred of Jews and of Israel.
The Palestinians and their
predecessors, the Edomites and the House of Esau, have hated
Jews for 4,000 years, and have always hated them in their
inner heart. Palestinian terrorist president Yassir Arafat,
repeatedly rejected efforts by Israel and America to give
him 90% of the land he demanded, simply because he refused
to accept any agreement that left Israel alive.
Did you know that God warned
the "House of Esau" 2,700 years ago that He would
being Israel against them to annihilate them man, woman,
and child, executing upon them the very kind of genocide
they had harbored against the Jew?
You can find this warning
in the book of Obadiah, especially verses 15-18, as we demonstrate
in the DVD shown above, "Israel's
Prophesied Triumph Over The Palestinians".
Israel has made almost all the necessary military preparations
to carry out this attack, awaiting only God's day to arrive.
I find it repugnant that the
Democrat Party shows its powerful bias against Israel at
the National Presidential Convention. And, Hillary is now
their champion.
A shocking new poll just released shows that American citizens
no longer believe that President Obama can lead this country!
NEWS BRIEF: "Devastating
New Poll Shows Americans Believe Obama Can No Longer Lead
the Country", The Fiscal Times, June 18,
"With seemingly relentless
bad news from overseas washing over the president and his
administration, Obama’s approval rating just hit the
skids even more – with a new Wall Street Journal/NBC
News poll showing that only 41 percent of those interviewed
approve of Obama’s performance as president ... More
troubling than that, at a time of heightened alarm about
the chaotic and collapsing situations in the Middle East,
Obama’s approval rating on foreign policy plummeted
to a new all-time low of 37 percent."
"According to the new
Wall Street Journal-NBC poll, 54 percent of respondents
said they don’t believe Obama 'is able to lead the
country and get the job done'.”
This news must be
devastating to Hillary, as she was depending upon Obama's
popularity to aid her greatly in her Fall campaign.
We are now in the middle
of Summer, a time when sales, donations, and subscriptions
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