"Fear thou
not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy
God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee;
yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
(Isaiah 41:10, KJV)
Must I Do To Be Saved"?
Breakdown--Living in the Time
of The Paradigm Shift Into the New World Order"
March 21, 2022 President Joe Biden said 'Now is the
time when things are shifting, there’s going to
be a new world order out there, we’ve got to lead
it, and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free
world while doing it.'
The President
is talking about the 'Paradigm
Shift' to take us into the New World Order and stage
the Antichrist.
We are on the
verge of that New World order and our current system
is breaking down. Gas prices are up, inflation is the
worst in 40 years, interest rates are rising, and customer
confidence is collapsing. This video is the most relevant
and current on the market today and combines the best
in the progress of Bible prophecy in world news and
in the unique Cutting Edge viewpoint. This understanding
will affect -- should affect -- every other aspect of
the current collapse of this once free and mighty nation!
This DVD will
be available in mid-July, and will be a 2-DVD set running
about 2 1/2 hours
"Ancient Cities And The
Pagan Gods Who Built Them"
Now available as DVD,
or Save $5.00 on the Combo

Who were the Nephilim? What really
happened at the Tower of Babel? Where is Atlantis? Who
are the Shining Ones? Are these questions relevant to
our walk with God today and our understanding of His
Jesus said that as it was in the
days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son
of Man. Jesus also said to be ready for His return,
that it comes like a thief in the night. This DVD takes
an uncomfortable look at the days of Noah and many other
topics so that we can be ready for our Savior’s
return. Topics that God chose to include in His Word
are worth taking the time to study.
Ancient Cities looks at the Antediluvian
world from a solid biblical foundation. Why are the
stories of giants scattered throughout Scripture as
well as our world today? Why did Joshua kill not only
the men, but also the women, children, and livestock
of the Anakim-Rephaim? What parallels do we find between
the Bible and ancient Greek mythology? Ancient Cities
studies Mount Olympus and the Greek gods whose tales
shape our culture today. Why did the Romas at Lystra
in the Bible think that Paul and Barnabas were the Roman
gods Hermes and Zues? Ancient Cities examines the city
of Rome’s important role in spreading Christianity.
Join Micah Van Huss as he teaches the topics that your
Sunday school teacher refused to talk about.
130 Minutes DVD or 203 page book
DVD, OR Order
Book or Save
$5.00 by ordering the Combo
Critical News
1. With Christian
morality rejected and destroyed, we are able to see
another morality oozing through: Cannibalism!
Taste for Cannibalism? New York Times Conditioning,
Israel365 News, July 26. 2022
"On Saturday, The
New York Times published an article by Alex Beggs titled
'A Taste for Cannibalism?' in its Style section. The
article claimed that cannibalism is growing in popularity
in mainstream culture. "
"But given the current
global situation, perhaps the most disturbing depiction
of cannibalism was the dystopian movie Soylent Green
released in 1973. Due to pollution, poverty, and overpopulation,
voluntary euthanasia is encouraged and carried out at
government-run facilities. A rogue cop discovers that
the bodies are recycled into a popular food called Soylent
Green. It is chilling to note that the film is supposedly
set in the year 2022."
Indeed, it is chilling
to further realize that at this point in time when our
food culture is undergoing severe corrections, many
huge food processing plants are now out of service.
But,their equipment stands silent, as if awaiting some
future redirection.
Depopulation is
now being planned by Cannibalism!
NEWS BRIEF: "Soylent
Green (1973) Movie Summary", moviesrankings.
April 19, 1973
"This is the year
2022. Overcrowding, pollution, and resource depletion
have reduced society's leaders to finding food for the
teeming masses. The answer is Soylent Green - an artificial
nourishment whose actual ingredients are not known by
the public. Thorn is the tough homicide detective who
stumbles onto the secret so terrifying no one would
dare believe him. "
The recitation of woes
given at the beginning of this movie writ-up sounds
a lot like the Climate Change propaganda spouted by
President Biden and his team just about every week.
Ancient Judaic scholars
recognized that God did not allow the consumption of
human flesh, and the only times it happened occurred
under periods of Divine Judgment; in other words, Jews
were forced to eat each other because they were under
extreme punishment
Cannibalism thus was a
feature of God's anger and judgment.
So it is today. Our world
is spinning along toward the "appearance o Antichrist.
In fact, when men and women are forced to eat other
humans, they will be suffering the extreme judgments
of the Great Tribulation
The New York Times
is leading the way toward acceptance
here to study the top Biblical passages regarding Cannibalism.
2. Pope Francis
is teaching another 'doctrines of demons':
"But the Holy Spirit
distinctly and expressly declares that, in latter times,
some will turn away from the faith, giving attention
to deluding and seducing spirits and doctrines that
demons teach. Through the hypocrisy and pretensions
of liars whose consciences are seared (cauterized).
Who forbid people to marry and teach them to abstain
from certain kinds of foods ..." [1 Timothy 4:1-3;
Emphasis added."]
Francis urges
all to eat a lot less meat.
Francis: Eat Less Meat to Save the Planet",
Canada Free Press, July 20, 2022
"Since his elevation
to the pontificate in 2013, Pope Francis has consistently
echoed the globalist narrative that we make sacrifices
for the planet in 'reparation' for the 'sins' committed
against her. His whole demeanor has been ecological
as opposed to Catholic, though his latest stunt takes
the cake."
Yes, Francis truly stepped
in the proverbial cow pie this time!
"Francis is now urging
the youth to 'make noise' to be heard and to eat less
meat as a means of curbing global warming and saving
the planet ... He said that eating less meat would help
'transform the ‘old continent’ into a ‘new
continent.’ ” (New World Order)."
"Abstaining from
meat is a key part of our Christian (Roman Catholic)
observance and worship of Almighty God, but now Francis
is advocating that we do this for the planet, a dumb
piece of dirt that neither sees, hears, nor understands.
His meatless sacrifice is a mockery of the true sacrifice
that Christians render to God.
Francis an old idol worshipper!
” Are you saying
that Pope Francis is engaging in idol worship?”
To that we ask, “Did Francis not bow and offer
incense to the earth idol Pachamama at St. Peter’s
Basilica back in October 2019?” The answer is,
“yes,” Francis bows to the planetary idol
of “Mother Earth” symbolized by Pachamama,
and it’s being reported now that Francis is scheduled
to participate in a pagan “ritual of purification”
this month at Sacred Heart Church in Calgary, Canada.
The indigenous formula of appeasing pagan gods –
processing (into the Church) holding a bowl of smoldering
cedar, sage, sweetgrass, and tobacco – will be
employed as a means of “purifying” the Church
of “evil spirits.”
Roman Catholic Pontiff: the Biblical False Prophet!
Waiting in the wings.
A new "Axis of Evil" is now proclaimed!
China, Russia
& Iran armed to the teeth and ready to challenge
American hegemony in Central and South America.
of Evil’ – China, Russia & Iran
Preparing for War in America’s Backyard –
Latin America", American Defense News,
July 5, 2022
illegitimate radical socialist leader Nicolás
Maduro is planning to host the three new ‘Axis
of Evil’ regimes in war games known as the ‘Sniper
Frontier’ competition this August ... Not only
that but the terrible trio will be joined by ten other
nations who will “preposition forward-deployed
military assets in Latin America and the Caribbean.”
"Add to this the
ongoing leftist wave hitting Latin American countries
such as Mexico, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina.
Latin America appears to be becoming a major strategic
new battleground for the United States and democracy.
If the people of these countries hate us so much,why
are they trouping northward crossing our border and
seek a better life!
4. Are you ready
for the Democrat 2024 campaign bus?
Gavin Newsome!
Newsom wants to replace Biden on the ballot:
But can he explain California? "State is #1 in
both gun control and in active shooter cases in 2021,
"In addition to his hilarious Florida
ads, California Gov. Gavin Newsom is now taking out
advertisements in Texas. So it should seem obvious what
this guy is trying to do. Joe Biden is so massively
unpopular the Democrats are preparing to drop him like
a hot rock. So somebody needs to step up, and it probably
is not going to be Kamala Harris, because s she's even
more unpopular than Biden. "
"According to Census estimates, California
lost the net population equivalent of Cleveland to domestic
out-migration just last year. "
"One benefit of running for president
after a career as a mere senator is that you're not
responsible for anything. Governors, on the other hand,
produce results. California is in some serious deep
trouble. In any national campaign, Newsom's inability
to stem the flow of population out of his own state
is going to be laid at his feet."
6. China has learned
from Russia's struggles against Ukraine.
CIA Chief now
believes China will use overwhelming force against Taiwan
from the very first day.
Director Warns China Will Use ‘Overwhelming Force’
To Conquer Taiwan ", American
Defense News, July 22, 2022
"Beijing is “unsettled”
by Russia’s “strategic failure” in
Ukraine and now believes it requires “overwhelming
force” to conquer Taiwan, CIA Director William
Burns said during an interview at the Aspen Security
Forum. Since Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, more
than 10,000 have died as of June 24, many of whom have
been civilians ... “Our sense is that [the Ukraine
war] probably affects less the question of whether the
Chinese leadership might choose some years down the
road to use force to control Taiwan, but how and when
they would do it,” Burns said."