"The Founding
Fathers decided to draw clearer, brighter lines around
federal lawmaking authority and jurisdiction by enacting
the Tenth Amendment. "
There you go. COS can
stop spending millions of dollars misleading Americans
into supporting a second constitutional convention.
They want to put limits on federal legislative power
and jurisdiction? Done. Mission accomplished, gentlemen."
"Only COS doesn’t
like the Tenth Amendment."
The Supreme Court is designated
to be the final arbiter to decide if a government has
exceeded its Constitutional authority. Listen:
"The Supreme Court
— not an individual state — has the final
say in whether or not the federal government has acted
outside the scope of its authority under the Constitution."
The main problem of a
real ConCon is that it is designed to rip apart our
beloved Constitutional emphasis on INDIVIDUAL rights
and privileges, and is very protective against an oppressive
Our Founding Fathers remembered
all too well the imprisonment, the torture, and the
severe repression that fellow Masons suffered at the
hands of either the Monarchy and the Papacy simply because
they held beliefs and political goals which were different
than the official party line.
Our Fathers were determined
to create a government which would be forbidden to oppress
anyone. Our Constitutional Republic limits government
in a way in which protects the individual while keeping
government at bay.
But, once the
simulated convention turns into a real one, ANY point
may be changed or eliminated altogether!
a Constitutional Convention",
The John Birch Society
"A Constitutional
Convention is an official meeting of representatives
of the people of a state or nation for the purpose of
writing or amending its constitution. Article V of the
U.S. Constitution provides two ways to propose amendments:
1) "Congress, whenever
two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall
propose amendments;\
2) "Congress, on
the application of the legislatures of two thirds of
the several States, shall call a convention for proposing
"The first method
has been used 27 times; the second method has never
been used. Any proposed amendments would have to be
ratified by three fourths of the states before being
added to the Constitution."
"An Article V Constitutional
Convention would threaten individual rights and our
nation’s very form of government. Individual rights
are secured by the Constitution, and a Con-Con would
have the inherent power to become a “runaway”
convention that could completely change the Constitution."
And, such a scenario has
already occurred.
"Instead of simply
revising or amending the Articles of Confederation,
delegates at the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 replaced
them with an entirely new Constitution. The newly proposed
Constitution established a more national form of government
as opposed to the strictly federal government that existed
under the Articles of Confederation ... the newly drafted
Constitution would be ratified in accordance to its
own mode of ratification found in Article VII."
"On September 13,
1788, with only 11 of the 13 states having ratified
the new Constitution, the Continental Congress passed
a resolution declaring that it “had been ratified.”
North Carolina and Rhode Island had not yet ratified
and would not do so until nearly a year and a half later.
On May 29, 1790, Rhode Island became the 13th state
to ratify the Constitution. "
What was originally a
“limited” convention for the “sole
and express purposes of revising the Articles of Confederation”
had transformed into a runaway convention producing
an entirely brand new Constitution. With such clear
precedent, who is to say it will not happen again?"
America got lucky with
this brand new Constitution in that our Founding Fathers
were still on the scene and while their actions were
unwarranted and unfounded, the Constitution they created
did not entirely overthrow the original purpose.
We will not get so lucky
with a second ConCon!
2. The Six Step
Attitudinal Change Plan is now advanced to Step 5 for
Climate Change, soon will be the law of the land.
A Green Party
official has proposed that lawmakers "criminalize"
behavior deemed "Climate Denial"!
is the "Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan"?
This plan is detailed
in the video to the left
Invisible Invincible Mind Control
The Six Step Attitudinal
Change Plan will be employed, which will rapidly, but
invisibly, change the attitudes and beliefs of most
Americans. Now that you know what is being done to you,
you can protect yourself and your loved ones!!
The Six Step
Attitudinal Change Plan works like this:
Step 1. Some practice
so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in public
is advocated by a RESPECTED expert in a RESPECTED forum.
Step 2. At first, the
public is shocked, then outraged.
Step 3. But, the VERY
FACT that such a thing could be publicly debated becomes
the SUBJECT of the debate.
Step 4. In the process,
sheer repetition of the shocking subject under discussion
(Climate Change) gradually dulls its effect.
Step 5. People then are
no longer shocked by the subject.
Step 6. No longer outraged,
people begin to argue for positions to moderate the
extreme; or, they accept the premise, challenging, instead,
the means to ACHIEVE it.
Steps #1 through #4 have
already been achieved. Steps 5-6 are now within sight.
NEWS BRIEF: "Greentopian
Gulag? Criminalize
Climate “Denial”, The New
American, July 22, 2023
"... now some climate-change
activists want to make sure they’ll be out of
opponents, too — by throwing them in prison. The
latest individual to suggest such is European politician
Angelo Bonelli, an MP who is co-leader of Italy’s
Green Europe party."
"... Bonelli
said Thursday that he would present
a bill to criminalize climate change denial, adding
that he considers the Italian government guilty of it."
European citizens have
been subjected to so many years of Climate Change propaganda
that they "are no longer shocked by the subject".
(Step #5)
A major crisis -- a multi-faceted
crisis -- is all that is required for parliaments all
over the globe to enact laws which will demand that
"climate deniers" be imprisoned and eventually
Such are the times in
which we live.
3. Satan has nearly
destroyed the Family.
of Family:
Half of Children Not Living With Both Parents by 14",
Breitbart News, 25 July 2023
"A study from the
Marriage Foundation suggested that nearly half of children
in Britain are no longer living with both of their biological
parents by the time they reach 14 years of age."
"Harry Benson, Research
Director of the Marriage Foundation, said that even
when 'considering a wide range of socio-demographic
controls – such as ethnicity, age, time lived
together, education and relationship happiness,' the
numbers still indicated a greater probability of never-married
parents to split up at 46 per cent, compared to 26 per
cent for those who married before the birth and 27 per
cent after."
"Mr Benson said per
The Times: “Marriage provides relationship clarity,
and encourages good things like sacrifice and forgiveness.
“This is why couples who have tied the knot tend
to be more stable and more likely to weather the challenges
that life throws at them… why marriage accounts
for lower levels of family breakdown than other less
stable forms of relationship."
"“If you want
to experience the rich rewards of fully enjoying your
children… marrying the other parent is a crucial
first step.”
The Holy Spirit
continues to withdraw His restraining evil ministry!
American Education has contributed its assigned duty
in achieving the New World Order:
The entire Public
School System has been deliberately failed
Fall of the Ivory Tower: American Education Is Failing
", The Washington Times, 23 July
"This past week,
Gallup released a poll showing public confidence in
American higher education is plummeting. A national
survey conducted in June found that only 36% of Americans
now say they have confidence in our colleges and universities.
That number was 57% in 2015. That’s a 21-point
drop in just eight years!"
Educators C.F. Potter
and John Dewey must be congratulating themselves from
the grave over this bit of news. Listen:
"Education is thus
a most powerful ally of Humanism, and every American
public school is a school of Humanism. What can the
theistic Sunday Schools, meeting for an hour once a
week, and teaching only a fraction of the children,
do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic
teaching?' " (C.F. Potter, author of `Humanism,
A New Religion' (1930)
Potter correctly identified
the problem facing the proponents of the New World Order:
The American school system in the 1930's was producing
students who could properly read, comprehend what they
had read, and reach the correct conclusions. In other
words, they could not be lead like sheep. The answer
was to achieve the takeover of the American school system
as envisioned above, and to systematically dumb education
down. This goal has been brilliantly achieved. Students
today cannot properly read, write, or do simple arithmetic.
Today, most students are so totally immersed in daily
pursuit of pleasure that they can be lead like sheep
to the New
World Order slaughter.
The plan for American
public schools concerning individual morality and the
concept of individual responsibility has also been achieved.
Since the 1930's American students have been led to
reject all Christian ethics in any part of their lives.
The result has been disastrous: Sexual activity is now
so commonplace that the mere acceptance of a date carries
the assumption of sex. The result is the highest level
of disease ever, the highest level of teen pregnancy
and abortion ever, and the lowest level of individual
responsibility ever. Thus, our last two generations
of teens have been very well prepared to enter the New
World Order, where they will be nothing more than helpless
slaves to the Masters of the World.
Do not be deceived, Christian.
The Plan for the New World Order has been so brilliantly
conceived and so well executed since the late 1700's
that one can only conclude that the Bible was right.
At the end of the age, God was going to allow Satan
limited time to overthrow God's existing order and to
establish his own New World Order.
The rider of the White
Horse, Revelation 6:1, is about to ride forth. Look
up, your redemption draweth nigh.
5. Whole Foods
chain enters 'Mark of the Beast' territory.
Foods enters mark-of-the-beast territory with palm payment
readers", Washington Times, July 23,
"Whole Foods Market
is rolling out a new palm payment reader devised by
Amazon One, the contactless identification creation
of Amazon, with expectations that all 500-plus grocery
stores will offer the system before the end of this
"And so Americans
move a step closer toward taking the mark of the beast
— the Bible-based tell of end times, when all
must either take the “666” or lose the ability
to buy and sell with ease."
6. An FBI official
confirmed that Hunter Biden's "laptop from Hell"
was real.
told Twitter Hunter Biden laptop was real on day of
Post scoop", The New York Post, July
20, 2023
senior FBI official told Twitter that Hunter Biden’s
laptop was legitimate on the same day The Post published
the first article in a bombshell reporting series on
documents linking President Biden to his son’s
foreign business deals, according to deposition testimony
released Thursday by the House Judiciary Committee."
"That confirmation
was not shared with voters ahead of the 2020 election
as dozens of former intelligence officials and then-presidential
candidate Joe Biden falsely suggested that incriminating
documents were Russian disinformation."
But, journalists from
Twitter did not give up the story.
"Somebody from Twitter
essentially asked whether the laptop was real. And one
of the FBI folks who was on the call did confirm that,
'yes, it was', before another participant jumped in
and said, ‘no further comment,' ”
deposition was released during a hearing on social media
censorship featuring journalist Emma-Jo Morris, who
authored the initial laptop stories as a deputy politics
editor at The Post. Among them was the revelation that
Joe Biden — referred to as the 'big guy'—
was penciled in for a 10% cut of proceeds from son Hunter
and brother James Biden’s partnership with Chinese
government-linked CEFC China Energy."
But, then the
Bureau buried the information the proverbial 10-feet
"Twitter banned distribution
of The Post’s initial article for two days for
potentially violating its hacked materials policy —
despite no evidence the material was hacked and transparency
in The Post’s reporting about how the laptop was
acquired from a Delaware repairman after it was legally
abandoned by Hunter."
More People than ever
have lost faith in their government and all its institutions:
"No one denies that
the laptop is real, that the origin story is exactly
what I told you it was in the first place,” Morris
said at the hearing Thursday. “This elaborate
censorship conspiracy wasn’t because the information
being reported on was false. It was because it was true.
And it was a threat to the power centers in this country.”
7. Israel's most
solemn celebration of the year is the "Ninth of
Throughout history
terrible judgments have befallen Israel on the "9th
Day of Av".
This year, this
commemoration begins Wednesday and concludes Friday.
NEWS BRIEF: "Nations’
Ninth of Av: Changing sadness
to joy", Israel365 News, July 24,
"According to Jewish
tradition, Tisha B’av, the saddest day of the
Jewish calendar and a fast day commemorating the destruction
of the Temple in Jerusalem, will be transformed into
a joyous feast day in the Messianic era."
When might this "Messianic
Era" begin?
rabbis argue that the day for this transformation has
arrived, and the catalyst for this will be a powerful
act of contrition by Christians being held in just a
few days. The Nations’ Ninth of Av is a 27-hour
prayer event that will include a walk around the walls
of Jerusalem, a sunrise ascension to the Temple Mount
accompanied by Rabbi ... Glick, and praying in various
locations in Jerusalem."
"Coming at the end
of a three-week period of austerity, the day commemorating
the destruction of both Jewish temples is observed as
a day of fasting. The day is also identified with a
long list of tragedies that befell the Jewish people,
including the Biblical spies’ evil report about
the land of Israel, the tragic Bar Kochba revolt against
the Romans, and even the expulsion of Jews from England
in 1290 and Spain in 1492."
As the coming of the Jewish
Messiah -- Antichrist-- is very close to appearing,
it seems logical that a commemoration of the 9th of
Av would be planned.
Just a word for all Christians:
The first messiah figure who steps to the world claiming
to be the long-awaited Jewish Messiah will be Antichrist.
Further, the Third Temple
being touted fervently will serve Antichrist during
the 7-Year Tribulation Period.
No Christian should support
this endeavor.
the most current Newsalert
Must I Do To Be Saved?
podcasts are now reaching 85 different countries.
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New Bookstore
the Lord's Prayer, Jesus specifically taught His disciples
to pray, "...deliver us from evil."
While we here
in the United States have enjoyed a relatively peaceful
existence, it seems that the Gates of Hell were opened
in 2020, and the citizens of this country (and all of
humanity for that matter) have been assaulted on every
side by the oppressive forces of evil from the spiritual
realm. It has gotten so bad that even secular
individuals are publicly proclaiming that we are under
attack from evil spiritual forces. Cutting Edge
Ministries has produced this teaching series to give
all who are seeking the truth answers as to where the
attacks originate and to provide a path for victory
over Evil.
This first installment
introduces the student to the issues and opens the Word
of God to educate as to the origins of the evil perpetrated
on mankind. In this first lesson, we will look at the
biblical accounts of primordial evil that picture Leviathan
and other dragon-like representations of evil forces
named in Scripture. We will then look at the first
rebellion outlined in the Bible with the Fall of Satan
and the Fall of Man.
Run Time 1 hour 54 minutes Watch
- Summary:
Enemies Within: The Church is an educational, historical,
and evidence-based movie experience that provokes a
passionate return to orthodox Christian faithfulness
across the western world. As is necessary for such a
wonderful turn toward Christ, the movie heralds a clarion
call for Christians to turn away from popular, yet errant
beliefs held in contradiction to carefully interpreted
Holy Scriptures. - Run Time 2 hours 20 minutes
About the Film Enemies Within: The Church
is much more than a mere movie. It is also an invitation
for believers of every denominational stripe to employ
a proven Biblical recipe capable of producing restored
strength and blessing for all who answer. Specifically,
the movie encourages the Church to cleanse itself from
contamination imposed by cultural Marxism and a heretical
teaching known as “The Social Justice Gospel.”
By hearing the exchanges between the movie's host and
experts interviewed around the world, viewers are provided
with a bright light shining upon truths formerly hidden
behind the shadows of shallow pop-culture.
In the end, the audience is pointed toward
a hope- filled and practical action plan that produces
solutions found only in and through the royal Law of
Christ. The movie elucidates the fact that every single
problem faced by western civilization is, ultimately,
a theological problem, and every solution to every problem
is a theological absolute. It answers the question:
“What happened to living, powerful, trans formative,
nation- shaking Christianity?”
Full Description
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The Satanic War on the Christian: The Protection
From Satan and Demons (DVD) Billy Crone
As a born-again Christian, the moment you got
saved you entered into a spiritual war against
a demonic host, whose sole purpose is to destroy
you and extinguish your effectiveness for Jesus
Christ. This is the Satanic war on the Christian,
and it’s been raging for the last 6,000
years. But the problem is many Christians, even
churches, refuse to talk about it, let alone equip
others who are in the midst of it.
This study, The Satanic War on the Christian,
not only reveals the shocking reality of the supernatural
battle we’re in as Christians, but it also
exposes the seductive weapons, traps, and attacks
the devil and his evil emissaries use against
us to keep us from becoming a mighty army for
Almighty God.
5 DVD set  |

Christ and His 12 Apostles made history –
and benefited mankind for centuries to come. It’s
just as possible that Satan, always a flawed imitator
of God, used the services of his own 12 Apostates,
in perpetrating his crimes on Earth.
Author Lubrett Hargrove has pinpointed 12 men
in Bible history, who “turned from the truth,”
and just may have qualified to be one of Satan’s
12 apostates.
Readers will better comprehend the complexity
and dangers of the modern world in light of the
cautionary tales of these men who turned from
the truth and joined Satan’s forces.
Now is the time to decide whose side we are on.
191 pages  |