News Analysis

1. America
is now very close to becoming the new
prophetic "Sodom"! Fulfilling Jesus'
scholars have long taught that one of the major
features of the Kingdom of Antichrist is that
public acceptance of homosexuality will arise
again. Jesus prophesied: "And
as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be
also in the days of the Son of man ... Likewise
also as it was in the days of Lot; they did
eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they
planted, they builded; But the same day that
Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone
from heaven, and destroyed them all."
Since God annihilated
Sodom primarily for their grievous sin of homosexuality,
what Jesus is saying here is that, at the End
of the Age -- referred here as the "days
of the Son of Man" -- public acceptance
of homosexuality will again be widespread.
Therefore, we
find it very revealing that, today, the Western
world, led by the United States of America,
is forcing homosexuality upon people of all
ages and of all religions. This troubling trend
is Proof Positive that the world is, indeed,
living in the time of the coming "Son of
some tell-tale news stories:
NEWS BRIEF: "Creating
a New Version of Leviticus to Support Gay Sex",
The Stream, July 23,
"What do
you do when the biblical text is against your
position, explicitly so? What do you do when
not one single verse supports your viewpoint?
It’s simple. You create new verses out
of thin air. You rewrite the Bible to your liking."
Christians who
are sensitive to the issue of Modern Bible Translations
will be positively outraged and scandalized
by the most current misuse of Scripture (although
modern translators are not translating with
the objective of convincing people to sin).
What is this current
effort entail?
"In his New
York Times op-ed piece, Dr. Dershowitz ... claims
that 'Before Leviticus was composed, outright
prohibitions against homosexual sex —
whether between men or women — were practically
unheard-of in the ancient world'. And he believes
that Leviticus was 'created gradually over a
long period and includes the words of more than
one writer'.”
Now that this
false teacher has gone this far, he feels free
to blatantly write whatever Scripture he wants
to; and, since his desire is to legitimize homosexuality,
he boldly rewrites Sacred Text:
"He then
argues that “an earlier edition of Leviticus
… may have been silent on the matter of
sex between men.” (Note carefully: He
means a non-existent edition of Leviticus. A
Leviticus that is the figment of his own imagination.
A Leviticus without a shred of textual, manuscript
support in any ancient language at any period
of time.) Not only so, but Dr. Dershowitz even
claims that 'there is good evidence that an
earlier version of the laws in Leviticus 18
permitted sex between men'.”
But, of course,
this false teacher does not produce an 'earlier
edition of Leviticus' because there is none!
Listen now to this refutation of Dershowitz's
blatant heresy.
remember that:
1) There is not
one positive word in the Bible about homosexual
2) Every reference
to homosexual practice in the Bible is categorically
3) Every scriptural
example of marriage and family is heterosexual."
Here is the bottom
line in defending the original Biblical Leviticus:
"That means that for all those who hold
these texts to be God’s Word, the matter
has long been settled. Homosexual practice is
forbidden by God, but there is the possibility
of forgiveness, redemption, and new life for
all who put their trust in the Redeemer."
This book featured
"Love Unto Light", provides
the message that people caught up in homosexuality
need to hear! This message provides unique hope
and deliverance. Pastor Peter Hubbard reveals
that, at the end of the matter, homosexuals
are sinners and need to be saved by the same
wonderful Gospel of Jesus Christ that any other
kind of sinner needs.
Dealing with homosexuality as a sin liberates
the person caught up in this behavior, because
sin can be repented and forgiven just like the
sin of greed, murder, theft, etc. Gays are told
repeatedly that they cannot help their sexual
orientation, that they were born that way; understanding
that homosexuality is sin is totally liberating
because Jesus came to save sinners!
Liberal Baptist
chuch-goer, former President Jimmy Carter threw
gasoline on this fiery subject:
President Jimmy Carter:
Jesus Would ‘Approve’ of Gay Marriage",
Breitbart News, 9 July 2018
"Former U.S.
President Jimmy Carter said Sunday that Jesus
would approve of gay marriage and certain abortions
in an interview with HuffPost Live. Speaking
of his faith, Mr. Carter said in his career
as a politician he never ran across 'any really
serious conflicts between my political obligations
and my religious faith'.”
This false analogy
is similar to that expressed by Adolf Hitler
when he said that everything he did, he did
it with a "clear conscience"! Therefore,
his genocidal program which killed 6 million
Jews and 12 million other "devalued persons"
was carried out with a clear conscience.
whether he thinks Jesus would approve of gay
marriage, Carter replied 'I don’t have
any verse in Scripture', but added, 'I believe
that Jesus would approve of gay marriage. I
think Jesus would encourage any love affair
if it was honest and sincere and was not damaging
to anyone else and I don’t see that gay
marriage damages anyone else', he said."
This line of reasoning
is precisely that of the LGBT-Q argument. Since
no New Testament Scripture contains a specific
condemnation against homosexuality from Jesus'
lips, gay apologists then take a huge leap into
the Abyss by saying that this lack of specific
condemnation means that Jesus did not oppose
These LGBT-Q then
take specific aim at the Apostle Paul by stating
that he was expressing a personal belief that
Jesus would not support.
Southern Baptist
evangelist, Franklin Graham, disagrees with
Jimmy Carter and says so:
NEWS BRIEF: "Franklin
Graham Responds to Jimmy Carter’s Claim
That Jesus Would Approve of Gay ‘Marriage’
, The Stream, July
14 , 2018
"Graham addressed
Carter’s statement in a Facebook post
Tuesday. Graham said he would 'respectfully
disagree' with the former president. Graham
posted: 'He is absolutely wrong when he said
Jesus would approve of gay marriage. Jesus didn’t
come to promote sin, He came to save us from
sin. The Bible is very clear. God destroyed
the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of
Franklin then
quotes he warning against homosexuality found
in Romans 1:24-27, an argument which will be
automatically rejected by homosexuals because
LGBT-Q apologists have already thoroughly discredited
Paul's writings.
However, Jesus
did make a statement which should forever demolish
the idea that He did not oppose homosexuality.
Our Savior said:
"Think not
that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets:
I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For
verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth
pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise
pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."
(Matthew 17:17-18, KJV)
Jesus' statement
here means that He supports every single law
of the Old Testament.
And, this truth
brings us squarely back to Leviticus!
Can you see why
gay apologists so badly want to recreate the
Book of Leviticus?
News Snippets
NEWS BRIEF: "Acceptance
of Homosexuality Grows, Even Among ‘Conservatives’
or girl?' Parents raising 'theybies' let
kids decide
NEWS BRIEF: "Pedophiles
are Trying To Destigmatize Pedophilia By Using
The Term "Minor Attraction Persons"
Daniels Faces Divorce as She Tries to Take Her
7-Year Old on a Strip Club Tour
Gov Pardons Pedophiles, Rapists, Voodoo Rapist,
Cop Killer So They Can Vote
2. A new
study reveals that the 'Common Core' curricula
CREATES English language deficits!
finds reliance on Common Core creates English
Language deficits", The
Washington Examiner, July 23, 2018
of the English Language Arts — Common
Core State Standards among teachers has created
“real cause for concern,” according
to a new
by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute for Educational
Excellence, the study finds that use of the
Common Core State Standards, or CCSS, may be
having perverse manifestations in the classroom.
The study’s four main takeaways indicate
a lowering of the bar and an over-reliance on
skills and informational texts at the expense
of content and general knowledge."
Finally, we hear
Establishment Education admitting that Common
Core "lowers the bar" instead of raising
Furthermore, Common
Core "may be having perverse manifestations
in the classroom"!
These findings
are precisely what we warned about in our video
shown above, "Escaping
Common Core: Setting Our Children Free"!
We go even further
by proving that Common Core is the final title
of a program which has been evolving for decades
whose primary goal is to NOT educate students,
but to train them so they could be good factory
workers during the New World Order.
like John D. Rockefeller wanted the educational
system to produce workers whose education was
only brought to a level which would be conducive
to factories. Such industrialists called the
common man the "Common Herd"!
Common Core is
a deficient education designed to produce the
Common Herd work force for the New World Order.
We are at this point now! Homeschooling is exploding
right now because Christian parents are awakening
to the spiritual perils inherent in Public Schools.
Are you ready
to answer to Jesus on Judgment Day for why you
left your children in hostile, pagan public
The planned
"dumbing down" of the Western public
education based largely on Christian values
continues unabated.
The New
World Order cannot survive if its citizens have
been educated in a system based on a Biblical
3. Thanks
to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, America
is now dependent upon Putin's Russia for our
strategic uranium!
Treason: THANKS to the CLINTONS America
is now RELIANT on RUSSIA for our strategic uranium",
The National Sentinel, July 20, 2018
"In April
2015, The New York Times, of all papers, reported
a bombshell: Tens of millions of dollars flowed
to the Clinton Foundation during the time that
a suspicious deal to sell one-fifth of all strategic
reserves of U.S.-held uranium to a Russian firm."
"The headline
on the website Pravda trumpeted President Vladimir
V. Putin’s latest coup, its nationalistic
fervor recalling an era when its precursor served
as the official mouthpiece of the Kremlin: 'Russian
Nuclear Energy Conquers the World'.”
Putin certainly had Clinton and Obama "in
his back pocket"!
" 'The Times
went on to note that Russian-held mines in mines
in Kazakhstan that are among the most lucrative
in the world', but 'the sale gave the Russians
control of one-fifth of all uranium production
capacity in the United States ... Since uranium
is considered a strategic asset, with implications
for national security, the deal had to be approved
by a committee composed of representatives from
a number of United States government agencies.
Among the agencies that eventually signed off
was the State Department, then headed by Mr.
Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton."
President Barack
Hussein Obama also gave his tacit support to
this sell-out of uranium to the Russians, who
one day might send it back to us, atop a ballistic
missile! This is treason!! Not anything President
Trump did or said during their Helsinki news
But, when Liberal
Democrats cry "treason", they are
faithful to a key precept of political defense
in the Bill Clinton playbook,"when you
know that investigators are going to be directing
their attention to you, preemptively strike
by accusing an enemy of the very crime of which
you are guilty!
Therefore, the
preemptive strike against investigators concerning
Hillary's REAL treason would be to charge President
Trump of treason!
Can you see the
ghost of former President Bill Clinton behind
all this?
4. Satellite
images seem to indicate that North Korea is
beginning to dismantle the test site for its
main rocket engine.
Korea begins dismantling its main missile-engine
test site: Satellite images indicate",
Fox News, July 23, 2018
"An American
research group on Monday claimed that North
Korea has begun dismantling its main missile-engine
test site, a possible sign that Pyongyang is
fulfilling the promises North Korean leader
Kim Jong-un made to President Trump at the summit
in Singapore last month."
to an analysis of satellite imagery of the location
by the North Korea-focused 38 North website--
between July 20 and 22--the North Korean government
appeared to be dismantling the Sohae launch
If these negotiations
fall apart, at least President Trump can delay
any consequences until after the mid-term elections
this November!
5. Israeli
forces shot down one of the Syrian fighter planes
which flew into Israeli airspace, raising fears
of all-out regional war.
fires Patriot missiles at Syrian fighter jet
penetrating 1 mile into Israeli airspace",
World Israel News, July 24, 2018
"Two Patriot
missiles were launched at a Syrian Sukhoi fighter
jet that infiltrated about one mile into Israeli
airspace, an IDF spokesman said. The IDF monitored
the fighter jet, which was then intercepted
by the Patriot missiles ... the plane crashed
inside Syria, in the Yarmouk Basin. It was not
immediately clear if the pilot ejected before
the fighter jet was shot down."
"It was the
first time that Israel shot down a Syrian fighter
jet since 2014, when another Russian-made Sukhoi
fighter jet entered Israeli airspace and was
targeted with a Patriot missile. On Monday,
Israel for the first time used David’s
Sling, an anti-missile system for longer-range
rockets after alarms were activated in the north."
Tensions continue
rising on Israel's northern border!