Tuesday, 7/23/2019
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the Truth and Direction of the Word of God" DVD
2 - Are We Building The Kingdom of God?
This DVD contains
the second installment of a study of the Kingdom of
God that traverses the entirety of Scripture. As the
study continues from Disc 1, we will be looking into
the Word of God to ascertain the role of todays Christians
in the construction of Gods Kingdom.
* We will discuss
the New Covenant that God will make with the House of
Israel as introduced by the prophet Jeremiah.
* We will then
conclude the study in the Old Testament with a summation
that lays the groundwork for and foretells of the coming
Messiah, King of Israel, that will rule over the entire
earth---both Jews and Gentiles.
* The Gospel of
Matthew presents Jesus as the King for whom the Jews
have long been awaiting
* We will learn
of Jesus' bona fide offer of the Kingdom to First Century
Israel, their rejection of the Kingdom, and their execution
of their King.
* We will traverse
a path that reveals the mysteries of the parables into
the book of Acts, and ultimately to the Book of Revelation---the
book that details the Kingdom of God on Earth.
* We study the
misapplication of Scripture, the perverting of Scripture,
and the outright redaction of the Inspired Word of God
that is leading to a general gross misunderstanding
of the Kingdom of God in the Church Age.
This message will
prove to be indispensable to your understanding of Jesus'
role in the foretold Millennial Reign. Run Time 1 hour
50 minutes.
Only $19.99, Will
be shipping July 25 --

We Building The Kingdom of God? Vol 1 DVD
Mac Dominick
* What is the Kingdom
of God?
* Who are the Watchers
and the sons of God
and how do they fit in with Building the Kingdom of
* Are we now living in the Kingdom of God?
* Is the Church the Kingdom of God?
This study begins before Genesis, in Eternity Past,
and continues through the Book of Revelation, and will
be absolutely critical in maturing your faith at this
End of the Age.
Isaiah 9:6-7 is the logical
starting point for this study. Jesus Christ is revealed
* The coming ruler of World Government.
* His government shall rule from Jerusalem from the
lineage of the Throne of David.
* His government shall rule FOREVER.
* He shall be Mighty God.
* He shall rule with eternal Justice and Peace.
* Christians today must
focus their gaze upon this final wonderful ruler and
His kingdom, because this world is going to have to
go through an unparalleled tyrannical kingdom of Antichrist
and of God's judgment upon all mankind. No matter how
awful events are going to get, remember, you are not
home yet!
In the ultimate analysis,
who builds God's Kingdom on Earth? Human Church leaders
or Jesus Christ?
Only $19.99, 2 hours long

Critical News
Headlines -- End of the Age
1. War News continues
to roll through the Middle East.
Will we look back
to July 4, 2019, when British commandos seized an Iranian
oil tanker, as the beginning of World War III?
2. Hezbollah and
Hamas are preparing for war against Israel.
The prophesied
"Time of Jacob's Trouble" is at hand.
3. The favorite
slanderous term which Leftists hurl at President Trump
is "racist".
We will show you
what "racist" really means and how much it
cost the country to create a society based upon foul,
putrid racism!
4. Great Britain
just elected an outspoken leader to become Prime Minister,
Boris Johnson of the Conservative Party.
Trump-style Conservatism
continues to be favored at the polls.
Liberal New World
Order globalists seem to be in full retreat.
5. When Robert
Muller testifies before Congress this week, might he
turn in a performance reminiscent of Lt. Colonel Oliver
North, in July, 1987 as he defended Reagan's Iran-Contra
If he does, then
American voters can finally see how utterly useless
the Democrat mantra of "Russia' Trump" collusion
really is.

Terror of the Lord: Understanding ALL of God's Attributes"
Regularly $16.99,
Now Only $14.99
The Christian Church has
neglected to balance the teaching of Gods love with
the equally important truth that He will judge each
person who has ever lived. However, the pendulum of
emphasis has swung to the side of His love and mercy
for a long time.
But the pendulum needs to swing back. Not all the way
to a judgmental and legalistic God, but to a balanced
expression of His personality. There needs to be a declaration
of His terror by those who know Him to those who know
Him not. We who know Him are neglecting to warn people
of the consequences of taking God too lightly.
Unbelievers have always
had a reckless attitude toward God. That is no surprise.
But Christians today are doing the same. We are living
in an era of self-serving motivations. Even in Christian
society, we don't want to lay ourselves down for the
good of others. The idea of self-denial has become virtually
obsolete. Anything that God would truly have us do we
see as an annoying inconvenience. We shun Gods ordained
opportunities to be included in His marvelous work of
saving lost people from an eternal hell.
Whole congregations attend
church Sunday after Sunday without ever hearing words
like sin, judgment, and hell. Ministers and leaders
teach year after year, never touching on phrases like
'the anger of the Lord' and 'the fear of the Lord'.
We teach too lightly, preach too lightly, pray too lightly,
and the result is the world takes God too lightly .
Even the secular world is noticing this lack of fervor
by the church.
The Tennessean newspaper
ran a troubling headline on an Easter Sunday morning,
way back in 1992. It read: 'Hells Not a Hot Topic Right
Now.' Rest assured, Hell is as hot as it has ever been.
Its the preaching that has cooled. If preachers wont
preach about Hell, who will? If the churches wont warn
sinners about Hell, who will?
One of the greatest sermons
ever preached was titled 'Sinners in the Hands of an
Angry God[', delivered by Jonathan Edwards. Edwards
began his sermon with the verse from Deut. 32:35: Their
foot shall slide in due time . . . (King James Version).
where are these sermons today? Where are these preachers
today? As Ravenhill so profoundly stated in his book,
Why Revival Tarries: 'We have too many dead men in the
pulpits giving out too many dead sermons to too many
dead people.'
171 pages,
Uses only King James Version
Critical News
Analysis -- End of the Age
1. War News continues
to roll through the Middle East.
NEWS BRIEF: "Mystery
drone attack on pro-Iran Iraqi militia was a gamechanger
in the US-Iran standoff", DEBKAfile,
July 20, 2019
"The edgy US-Iranian
conflict took a new turn on Friday, July 19, with the
anonymous drone attack on the pro-Iran Hashd Shaabi's
52nd Brigade camp outside Amerli, a town in the Iraqi
province of Salahudin northeast of Baghdad ... multiple
casualties were reported, including Hashd Shaabi officers
and fighters as well as Iranian and Lebanese Hizballah
officers and technicians."
What was the significance
of this Iranian base on Iraqi soil?
"Local Sunni tribesmen
attested to the camp serving as a transit station for
ballistic missiles smuggled from Iran and apparently
destined for the Iraqi Shiite militias fighting in Syria
and for Hizballah. "
No one on the scene could
miss the professionalism of this drone strike.
"The attack itself
on a military facility lying 110km northeast of Baghdad
bears professional military fingerprints provided with
good quality intelligence. This is indicated by the
operation being conducted in two stages. In the first,
an unidentified drone wrecked the buildings. Half an
hour later, another unmarked drone made sure the buildings
were razed to the ground while also liquidating the
first responders coming to the site of the attack."
Shortly thereafter, Iranian
military sources reported that fragments of this drone
had been recovered, allowing Iran to positively identify
this drone as a brand new "stealth" drone
from Israel!
Israeli Stealth Harop drone attacked pro-Iranian Iraqi
militia base NE of Baghdad:
Iran charges", DEBKAfile,
July 22, 2019
"Iranian and Iraq
intelligence sources claim an Israeli Harop UAV carried
out the attack on the 52nd Brigade of the Hashd Shaabi
militia on Friday, July 19 ... the fragments gathered
at the site as belonging to the IAF's Harop, a
loitering combat unmanned vehicle, itself a flying bomb,
developed by Israel's Aerospace Industries."
This drone is a very sophisticated
"This drone is a
stealth munition that can loiter for up to six hours
before homing in on a target. It has a range of 1,000km.
The Badr camp is about 900km from Israel ... If the
Iranian and Iraqi claim is confirmed, it would represent
three groundbreaking events:
1. The Israeli Air Force's
first known attack on an Iranian target using a Harop
2. The first Israeli attack
deep inside Iraq not far from its border with Iran.
3. Israel has repeatedly
put Tehran on notice that its plans to use Iraq as a
launching pad for attacks on Israel would not be tolerated."
may be moving weapons to Syria and Lebanon by sea",
World Israel News, July 22,
"Israeli defense
officials say that Iran may be transferring weaponry
to Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria by sea ... 'The Iranians
are trying to come up with new ways and routes to smuggle
weapons from Iran to its allies in the Middle East,
testing and defying the West's abilities to track them
down', one of the intelligence sources told Fox News
at the time."
"The sea would be
the latest route, if Israeli reports are correct."
Iran seized a British
oil tanker in the area of the Strait of Hormuz, brushing
aside a very weak British military warning!
BRIEF: "Iranian coastguard's radio
exchange with UK warship emerges",
The Guardian, 21 July 2019
"A recording has
emerged of Iranian coastguards telling a British Royal
Navy frigate they want to inspect the captured Stena
Impero for security reasons ... A spokesman for Iran's
supreme council also did little to hide the view from
Tehran that the seizure was justifiable retaliation
for the British capture of an Iranian-flagged ship,
Grace 1, off Gibraltar. The UK says Grace 1 was bound
for Syria to unload Iranian oil in breach of an EU embargo."
Perhaps the reason why
the British naval warship was so tepid is that she was
too far away.
"There are different
reports as how close HMS Montrose was to the Stena Impero
at the time of its capture on Friday, but the Ministry
of Defence confirmed that the ship was 60 minutes away,
underlining how thinly spread the British protection
force is through the Gulf, especially the Strait of
Hormuz, the busiest and narrowest waterway in the world
for the transport of oil and gas products."
The somber fact is plain:
nearly every single day since July 4, 2019, when Britain
seized the Iranian oil freighter, some military action
has occurred somewhere in the Middle East that continues
the advance into all-out regional warfare between Iran's
proxies and Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister
Netanyahu spoke words which should concern every discerning
want quiet but prepare for battle',
Virtual Jerusalem, 07-23-19
"President of the
State Reuven Rivlin and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu
participated in the annual memorial service for Operation
Protective Edge fallen soldiers held this afternoon
at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem ... We want quiet, but we're
preparing to go to battle. A large-scale military operation
that will lead to a military strike that the Islamic
Jihad and Hamas have not yet absorbed," added Netanyahu."
War is very near, and
this time, it will be both bloody and nasty -- the "Time
of Jacoib's Trouble"!
Will we look back
to July 4, 2019, when British commandos seized an Iranian
oil tanker, as the beginning of World War III?
2. Hezbollah and
Hamas are preparing for war against Israel, taking their
orders from Iran.
NEWS BRIEF: "Hezbollah
readying for war with Israel", Israel
National News, 7/19/2019
"Hezbollah's commanders,
hurting from sanctions on Iran, are preparing for war
with Israel ... Hezbollah's "Commander Samir"
(not his real name), who commands 800 terrorists on
the Israel-Lebanon border, said: 'The sanctions now
have us preparing for dealing with the Israeli front.
We will fire the first shot this time'."
"According to Samir,
the next war with Israel will be 'nothing like' the
previous wars, since Hezbollah's positions in the Syrian
Golan Heights allow it to open a second front against
Israel, and the terror group now has drone capabilities,
as well as anti-aircraft and anti-naval weapons."
How strong is Iran's control
over Hezbollah?
" 'Islamic Jihad
never shoots before calling the Iranians', he said,
claiming that the Gaza terror group's threat to fire
at Haifa was 'a message from us and Iran'."
NEWS BRIEF: "Delegation
of senior Hamas officials arrives in Tehran",
The Times of Israel, 20 July 2019
"Hamas leader Ismail
Haniyeh said Saturday that a delegation of senior officials
from the terror group had arrived in Tehran for a visit
... The delegation was headed by the leader of the group's
military wing in the West Bank ... Iran is a backer
of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the Hamas terror
group's armed wing, and the al-Quds Brigades,
Islamic Jihad's military branch."
The message to Israel
and the United States is clear: Iran controls Hamas
She also has bragged recently
that the Palestinians now possess highly accurate missiles,
which can be hitting Israeli targets in seconds.
Tehran, Hamas deputy chief says on ‘same path'
as Iran in fighting Israel", 21
July 2019
"Hamas deputy chief
Saleh al-Arouri said in Tehran on Sunday that Hamas
and Iran stand on 'the same path' in fighting Israel
... 'We are on the same path as the Islamic Republic
— the path of battling the Zionist entity and
the arrogant ones', he said."
Iran escalates stand-off, Israel could soon face war",
Israel National News, July 21, 2019
"Iran is slowly taking
off its gloves and has dropped its mask in the widening
confrontation with Western countries and Israel."
* "After the United
Kingdom (UK) seized an Iranian tanker with oil bound
for Syria on July 4, the Iranians embarked on a piracy
campaign against British and other vessels in the Persian
* "Last week, the
Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) made good
on its promise to seize British ships sailing through
the Strait of Hormuz and on Thursday committed its first
act of piracy when it forced the small Panamanian-flagged
United Arab Emirates tanker Riah into Iranian territorial
* "That incident
followed an earlier attempt to seize the British tanker
Heritage on July 11 when a Royal Navy warship foiled
an attempt by IRGC speedboats to block the passage of
the ship through the Strait of Hormuz."
* "On Friday last
week, the IRGC again seized two ships in the Strait
of Hormuz and used a helicopter to take over control
of the UK-owned tanker Steno Impero, while speedboats
were used to board the Liberian-registered tanker Mesdar."
Iran then issued a dire
threat against Israel.
" 'If any missile
hits Iran, it will be treated like Israel did it', a
Hezbollah commander in southern Lebanon told The Daily
Beast in the US,"
The prophesied
"Time of Jacob's Trouble" is at hand.
What is this prophesied
time? Based upon Jeremiah 30:8, we read:
"Alas! for that day
is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time
of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it."
You can find a parallel
passage in Daniel 12:1, where things get so bad for
Israel that Michael, the national guardian angel for
Israel, has to come to her defense.
"And at that time
shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth
for the children of thy people: and there shall be a
time of trouble, such as never was since there was a
nation even to that same time: and at that time thy
people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found
written in the book." (Daniel 12:1, KJV)
In other words, Israel
will be under the greatest, and most severe, time of
trouble and destruction she has ever gone through. In
fact, in the Gog-Magog prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39, we
read a most sobering prophecy.
"And they that dwell
in the cities of Israel shall go forth, and shall set
on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and the
bucklers, the bows and the arrows, and the handstaves,
and the spears, and they shall burn them with fire seven
years: So that they shall take no wood out of the field,
neither cut down any out of the forests; for they shall
burn the weapons with fire..." (Ezkiel 39:9-10,
In other words, when the
Russian-led invaders attempt to cross Israel's borders,
Omnipotent God annihiates the entire invading army,
leaving behind their equipment for war. God is saying
that the Jewish people can plunder the left-over equipment
for their fuel needs, for cooking and heating.
Ponder this for a moment
-- "SELAH" (pause, and calmly
think of that)
At the time of the Russian-led
invasion of Israel, the country is ravaged, and is living
in a state of impoverishment. That kind of destruction
is what lays ahead for Israel, as she foolishly pays
the price for allowing Hezbollah to amass 200,000 missiles,
and Hamas 50,000 missiles.
But, those whom God chooses
to enter the 7-year Tribulation Period will survive.
Israel will come through this unparalleled destruction
and she will be duped into accepting the False Christ
and will allow him to rebuild the Temple and will enthusiastically
"confirm the Covenant" (Daniel 9:27).
This is the period directly
in front of us. Sober but exciting.
If the Rapture of the
Church delays, we Christians will have unparalleled
opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to
so many more people than ever before! Are you ready
to lead someone to the Lord -- you can use our Salvation
3. The favorite
slanderous term which Leftists hurl at President Trump
is "racist".
Gains with Hispanic and Black Voters: Democrats
scream racism", CDN
News, July 20, 2019
"The constant high
pitched wailing you hear in the background is the ongoing
Democratic smear campaign of calling Donald Trump a
racist. After his tweets about the Jew-hating, anti-American
'Squad' of freshman left-wing agitators in Congress
last week, CNN and MSNBC called Trump a racist over
2000 times in one 48 hour period."
In fact, the Mass Media
has been leading the charge to lambaste President Trump
a "racist" for the past 2 1/2 years, to the
point where Americans are increasingly tuning out this
irritating noise!
Like the proverbial classic
English tale, the little boy "cried wolf"
too many times, and was eaten because no one was listening
to him any more.
We will show you
what "racist" really means and how much it
cost the country to create a society based upon foul,
putrid racism!
Listen to the words of
the Vice President of the Confederate States, as he
publicly spoke to a crowd in Savannah, Georgia, in 1861.
Listen to his disgusting racism.
what's now known as the 'Cornerstone Speech',
Stephens told a Savannah, Ga., crowd in 1861 that 'our
new government is founded upon exactly the opposite
ideas [as those of the original Declaration of Independence];
its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon
the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white
man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race,
is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government,
is the first, in the history of the world, based upon
this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth."
'Cornerstone Speech' ", by Alexander H. Stephens,
Georgia, Confederate Vice President)
What does the Declaration
of Independence say on this matter?
"We hold
these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty
and the pursuit of Happiness." (The
Declaration of Independence)
Democrat Southern leaders
of the day chimed in as they described the black slaves
and their position within the Southern states.
"My own convictions
as to negro slavery are strong ...We recognize the negro
as ... our inferior, fitted expressly for servitude...You
cannot transform the negro into anything one-tenth as
useful or as good as what slavery enables them to be."
Top Jefferson Davis Quotes That Reflect His Mind")
Jefferson Davis was the
only President of the Southern Confederate States.
"We do not think
that whites should be slaves either by law or necessity.
Our slaves are black, of another and inferior race.
The status in which we have placed them is an elevation.
They are elevated from the condition in which God first
created them, by being made our slaves. None of that
race on the whole face of the globe can be compared
with the slaves of the South. They are happy, content,
unaspiring, and utterly incapable, from intellectual
weakness, ever to give us any trouble by their aspirations."
Is King" speech, James Henry Hammond )
This utterly disgusting
view of the African-American race was the key foundation
of the entire Southern Confederacy!
Further, black slaves
were NOT "happy, content, unaspiring, and utterly
incapable, from intellectual weakness, ever to give
us any trouble", as history records numerous slave
rebellions as blacks finally could not take being beaten
to death anymore, and seeing their families ripped apart
as their owner would sell off the black husband but
keep his wife and children!
The Democrat Party's black
slavery system was finally broken by a 4-year Civil
War in which 750,000 men spilled their blood. The entire
Southern Belle Culture was smashed, never to rise again
and the major cities and towns were razed to the ground.
As Republican
President Abraham Lincoln said:
"Whenever I hear
anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse
to see it tried on him personally." (President
Abraham Lincoln)
"... the judgments
of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."
(President Lincoln, quoting Psalm 19:9). Lincoln viewed
the Civil War as God's judgment upon America for her
massive national sin of slavery.
PS: Now that you know
the truth as to the racist foundation upon which the
Confederate States were established, you can now appreciate
how serious it is that Democrat Joe Biden associated
closely with known White Supremacists and members of
the 'KKK'!
Just remember history
on this matter: The Democrat Party was founded in 1829
in order to provide political support for Slavery; in
contrast, the Republican Party was founded in 1854 with
a major plank condeming Slavery and advocating its demise.
Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party",
by African-American Professor Carol Swain, Prager United)
One other matter is worth
noting here. The KKK, the secret vicious pro-slavery
terrorist group which sprang up immediately after the
Civil War concluded was established by a Demcrat, Nathan
Bedford Forest and it was essentially "a military
force serving the interests of the Democrat Party"
(Swain, Ibid.)
Only when you know the
past of an issue can you know the truth about the present.
Given the past history of the Democrat Party, I find
it positively maddening to listen to this current generation
of Democrats call anyone a "racist" who disagrees
with them. This group of Democrats is a different viper
than the Democrats who started the Civil War, costing
America 750,000 men killed, wounded and missing!
But, while these Democrats
are not defending slavery any more, they are still a
mortal threat to America!
4. Great Britain
just elected an outspoken leader to become Prime Minister,
Boris Johnson of the Conservative Party.
Johnson Wins UK Leadership Race: Will be Prime Minister
Wednesday afternoon', Breitbart News,
23 July 2019
"Former Mayor of
London Boris Johnson has won the internal vote to become
the new leader of the governing Conservative Party,
meaning he is due to become the Prime Minister of the
United Kingdom Wednesday afternoon."
Johnson was typically
short and to the point as he delivered his remarks shortly
after the results of the election were announced.
" 'Deliver Brexit,
unite the country, and defeat Jeremy Corbyn. And that's
what we're going to do… I say to all the
doubters, dude! We're going to energise the country,
we're going to get Brexit done on October 31st
and take advantage of all the opportunities it will
bring in a new spirit of can-do."
If these goals seem to
be similar to those of President Trump, they truly are.
Trump-style Conservatism
continues to be favored at the polls.
Liberal New World
Order globalists seem to be in full retreat.
5. When Robert
Muller testifies before Congress this week, might he
turn in a performance reminiscent of Lt. Colonel Oliver
North, in July, 1987 as he defended Reagan's Iran-Contra
Leaders Reveal Clever Mueller Plan To End Dem's Reign
Of Terror", Explain
Life, July 22, 2019
"Democrats and their
anti-Trump allies are licking their chops in anticipation
of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's testimony
before Congress on Wednesday. The Democrats want Mueller
to bash President Donald Trump and give them just enough
to keep their impeachment dreams alive."
"But House Republicans
have their own plan, and it will likely end the Democrats
reign of terror. Top Republicans are planning to ask
fierce questions of their own when Mueller takes center
stage on July 24 — an offensive strategy of their
own aimed at exposing how corrupt and flat-out wrong
the Russian collusion theories really are."
If he does, then
American voters can finally see how utterly useless
the Democrat mantra of "Russia' Trump" collusion
really is.
Do you remember the Iran-Contra
Affair, and the role of Lt. Col. Oliver North as he
testified before Congress? The Democrats believed they
had discovered the way to destroy President Ronald Reagan
- force Oliver North to testify under oath. The Democrats
blissfully boasted that, finally, they were going to
have the evidence that would impeach President Reagan.
Iran-Contra was their
ammunition. And, Oliver North was the man who would
be forced, under oath, to give them that incriminating
But, we witnessed Oliver
North taking full responsibility for the Iran/Contra
Affair, thus sealing off President Reagan from any further
implication concerning this most unconstitutional plan!
North walked into Congress to testify, outfitted in
full Marine Corps Dress Uniform, wearing all his medals.
North's demeanor during the entire testimony was that
of a well-disciplined, knowledgeable Marine Corps officer.
His testimony sparkled so wonderfully that President
Reagan was spared any of the "political dirt"
kicked up by Iran/Contra. Prior to his testimony, Democrats
were completely positive they had the scandal which
would bring Reagan down.
Afterward, they could
only frown and skulk!